Fight against the disease starts at the moment you learn you have cancer. Choosing a treating physician and treatment center are among the most crucial decisions to make.

Most often, oncology is not a specialty of a doctor who has found cancer. However, treatment success depends mainly on the qualification of a treating doctor. A specialist appoints you specific medical tests and evaluates the results to define a type of cancer, its localization, and severity. An oncologist establishes a diagnosis, monitors cancer progression/regression, chooses medicines and type of therapy, follows up you and is able to detect cancer recurrence if any.

Keep in mind, timely and correctly established diagnosis defines the outcome of the treatment.

At the same time, you should choose someone you feel comfortable with. Cancer care is a time-consuming process, you need to trust and understand your oncologist completely.

Making a choice

It can take some time and efforts. Follow these tips to find the best cancer doctor in the world exactly for you:

  1. Choose a doctor specialized in your specific type of cancer.
    Only a doctor with related experience can provide you with the most effective therapy.
  2. Learn more about his experience, education, scientific activity, and certificates.
    These points make you sure that an oncologist has all the required skills and possesses technologies to manage your disease according to international treatment protocols.
  3. Find reviews of doctor’s former patients.
    You can contact a person as well if you have any doubts and can ask about your concerns.
  4. Watch at doctor’s interviews if any.
    If the gender, ethnicity, language, and attitude do matter to you, a video will help you to understand whether you get on well with a specialist.
  5. Find out more about the treatment center a doctor works at.
    It should be an advanced medical facility with modern equipment, comfortable wards, and good logistics.

To help with this unease issue, we’ve chosen some of the world’s greatest cancer specialists in each of specialty according to the expert opinions of Bookimed medical doctors and feedbacks of our patients.

TOP 9 cancer doctors in the world picked by Bookimed


Professor Serdar Turhal, MD

Anadolu Medical Center, Turkey

Medical Oncology Department

Experience: 20 years

Main treatments: chemotherapy, radiofrequency ablation, chemoembolization

Scientific research: over 85 peer-reviewed scientific articles

Languages: English, Turkish

Professor Serdar Turhal is a leading medical oncologist in Turkey specializing in the treatment of oncology and hematology. The doctor has a strong educational and training basis in American medical institutions.

Being acknowledged for his international experience including the position of President of the Oncology Department of European Medical Association (2015-2017), he was chosen to present Turkey in the Balkan Union of Oncology.

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Professor Zafer GĂŒlbaƟ, MD

Anadolu Medical Center, Turkey

Director of the Hematologic Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant Department

Experience: 29 years

Main treatments: medical therapy, bone marrow transplant

Scientific research: clinical applications of flow cytometry

Languages: English, Turkish

The Professor provides diagnosis and treatment of lymphoma, leukemia, myeloma with stem cell transplant and cellular therapy. The Professor found bone marrow transplant program at Anadolu after his work in the USA and Canada. Now it’s the largest program in Turkey providing over 250 bone marrow transplants every year.

Professor GĂŒlbaƟ and his team study new approaches to treat blood disorders. The last study was devoted to peripheral stem cell mobilization in patients with multiple myeloma and lymphoma of two age groups: late middle age (55-64 years) against old age (older than 65 years).

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Doctor Odelia Goor, MD

Sourasky Medical Center, Israel

Head of Hematologic Day Hospital

Experience: 15 years

Main treatments: chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant, stem cell therapy

Scientific research: over 20 scientific papers on hematology

Languages: English, Hebrew, Russian

Doctor Goor specializes in early diagnostics and treatment of the blood, lymphatic system, and bone marrow in children. She practices a combination of stem cell therapy and bone marrow transplant with chemo drugs of the last generation, radiation, and surgery.

This combinative approach allows reaching the efficient treatment rate up to 90%.

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Professor Antonio de Lacy Fortuny, MD

Teknon Medical Center, Spain

Head of the Gastrointestinal Service

Experience: 36 years

Main treatments: laparoscopic and robotic surgeries

Scientific research: over 170 scientific publications, participation in over 320 scientific meetings. A pioneer in application of new surgical techniques for GI diseases treatment

Languages: English, Spanish

Professor Antonio de Lacy Fortuny is a famous cancer doctor for his contribution to new surgical developments in the treatment of colon, rectal, esophageal and stomach cancer, and their metastasis.

Professor Lacy Fortuny is the first who used:

  • laparoscopic and thoracoscopy method for esophageal cancer management
  • simultaneous robotic transabdominal and transanal approach for rectal cancer management
  • rectal extraction surgery through the anus (TaTME technique) for colon and colorectal cancer management.

Today these surgeries have no better alternatives for gastrointestinal cancers treatment.

The Professor has provided over 26,000 surgeries. To share his experience, he launched AIS Channel, a platform for surgical education of advances in cutting-edge surgical expertise.

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Professor Byoung-Gie Kim, MD

Samsung Medical Center, South Korea

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Experience: 24 years

Main treatments: chemotherapy, surgical treatment, target therapy

Scientific research: over 50 publications and research in gynecologic malignant tumors

Languages: English, Korean

Professor Kim is an experienced oncologist and researcher of gynecological cancers. In 2007, the doctor received Korean Society of Gynecologic Oncology and Colposcopy Award for his achievements.

Due to American internships and vast experience, he is a key lecturer in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Samsung, which is the main hospital in the Ovarian Cancer Research Consortium in Korea. Currently, Professor Kim heads the Gynecologic Oncology Group in Korea.

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Professor Andreas Sesterhenn, MD

Solingen Academic Hospital of the University of Cologne, Germany

Head of the Ear, Nose & Throat Department

Experience: 16 years

Main treatments: endoscopic and robotic surgeries

Scientific research: over 70 scientific publications

Languages: English, German

The Professor is among top cancer doctors in the world who specializes in the treatment of malignant tumors of the head, neck, and upper respiratory tract. He performs sparing surgeries to minimize intervention to the patient’s body and thus, making the healing process much quicker.

For many surgeries, Professor Sesterhenn applies video-assisted endoscopic technique leaving almost no place for doctor’s mistake as ‘during the operation, everyone can see what the surgeon does.’

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Professor Walter Klepetko, MD

Vienna General Hospital (AKH), Austria

Head of the Department of Thoracic Surgery

Experience: 38 years

Main treatments: surgery, transplant

Scientific research: over 500 peer-reviewed articles, honorary memberships in the Romanian Societies of Thoracic Surgery and Transplantation, the Hungarian Societies of Surgery and Pulmonology, and the British Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons

Languages: English, German, French

The Professor provides diagnosis, staging, and therapy of lung cancer. He is among pioneers developed innovations in the management of advanced non-small cell lung cancer. In 2018, Professor Klepetko treated Niki Lauda, Formula 1 star.

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Professor Andreas Gross, MD

Asklepios Hospital Barmbek, Germany

Head of the Department of Urology

Experience: 30 years

Main treatments: chemotherapy, minimally invasive surgeries

Scientific research: editorial board member for various dedicated urological journals, chairman of the Endourological Committee of the German Society of Urology

Languages: English, German

Professor Gross is among top oncologists in the world providing treatment of cancers of the bladder, kidney, prostate, and testicles. The Professor believes, ‘not every patient has to undergo surgery’ and together with his team focuses on effective cancer therapies.

In case the surgery is required, he applies restorative operations, especially on the urinary and sexual organs, to preserves save sexual and reproductive functions both for men and women.

LeadingMedicineGuide, edition from Germany devoted to medical experts in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, named Professor Gross as the best doctor for cancer treatment in urology.

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Professor Robert Krempien, MD

Helios Berlin Buch, Germany

Head of the Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology

Experience: 26 years

Scientific research: over 100 scientific papers.

Languages: English, German

Professor Krempien provides radiation treatment for treatment of breast cancer, prostate cancer, sarcomas, pancreatic cancer, etc.

In 2013, the Professor was awarded for achievements and technical innovations in radiation oncology by the German Society for Radiation Oncology.

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Remember, only a face-to-face meeting is a determinant factor for making a decision what is an appropriate physician for you. Be sure you understand your doctor completely, you feel comfortable and trusty. Don’t afraid ask a doctor all the issues you are aware of.

Keep in mind, that you can always ask for a second medical opinion from another specialist and check your diagnosis.

In case you have any questions or doubts, submit a request and Bookimed coordinator will consult you on doctors, arrange you a consultation, get a second medical opinion, clarify appointment details.

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For those who want to choose a treatment center first, we made a list of top 10 cancer centers according to treatment success rates, quality/price ratio and reviews of our patients.