When can you go back to work after weight loss surgery?
A patient may back to work in 1-2 weeks after bariatric surgery. It may be necessary to work part-time because of weakness after the procedure. Nevertheless, your surgeon will give you detail recommendations for fastening recovery.
Is physical activity dangerous after bariatric surgery?
Many patients worry about physical activities after the bariatric operation. They are afraid of disruption and hernias formation in the area of postoperative wounds. But physical activity cannot lead to hernias formation after the bariatric procedure. The primary cause of hernias after the operation is surgical site infection.
When can you come back to physical activity?
You can do some physical exercises the next day after the surgery. For example, you may start strolling. Beginning physical training step by step is essential. A patient has to follow all recommendations of a specialist. Going in for sports is possible only in a month after the bariatric procedure. If you go in for swimming, you have to wait for wound healing.
Is laparoscopic weight loss surgery possible after the previous abdominal operation?
Yes. In such cases laparoscopic surgery is possible. You have to warn a surgeon about previous operations (if any). In some cases, your doctor may ask you to bring medical records of previous operations on the stomach, esophagus, and intestines.
May type 2 diabetes increase risks of weight loss surgery?
Yes. Type 2 diabetes can increase the risk of surgery. Your doctor will tell you how to monitor and have control over the sugar level before and after the operation. However, in most patients, there is a significant improvement or complete normalization of blood sugar after bariatric surgery. Some studies have also shown a positive effect of bariatric surgery on type I diabetes people.
Is laparoscopic weight loss surgery possible if you have heart disease?
Yes, it is. In this case, the consultation with your cardiologist is necessary. Bariatric surgery leads to improvement of almost all heart and blood vessels diseases, including:
- high blood pressure;
- normalization of cholesterol level;
- compositional disorder of lipid in blood;
- myocardial hypertrophy, heart failure;
- cardiovascular diseases, coronary artery disease (ischemic heart disease).
During the examination, you need to tell a doctor about the cardiovascular diseases and the treatment of such conditions as:
- atrial fibrillation;
- replacement of heart valves;
- stenting of the heart vessels;
- coronary artery bypass surgery.
If you take blood thinners (anticoagulants), a cardiologist will advise you for what period before the operation you need to stop taking them. It depends on the group of medications you take.
Inform your doctor about medications you take to treat heart and vascular diseases.
When can you get pregnant after bariatric surgery?
The probability of pregnancy significantly increases after bariatric surgery. Doctors recommend not to use oral hormonal contraceptives because such drugs are ineffective in the first few months after the operation. Therefore it is necessary to use other methods of contraception during the sexual intercourse (condoms, spermicides, intrauterine spiral). Menstruation can be irregular, and you can get pregnant when you donât expect it.
Most experts recommend planning a pregnancy in 12-18 months after the operation.
After bariatric surgery, there is a little risk of pregnancy problems such as gestational diabetes, eclampsia, fetal macrosomia, and complications during delivery. Also, bariatric surgery reduces the risk of miscarriage, premature birth and cesarean section in comparison with women who did not undergo weight loss operations.
Do you need plastic surgery after a bariatric procedure? Will your insurance cover plastic surgery?
Most patients have a problem with skin excess after bariatric surgery. The presence of cosmetic defects after the bariatrics is very individual and depends on the lost weight, age, genetic predisposition, and a personâs lifestyle. You can wear compression underwear to improve the aesthetics of the abdomen.
Some patients tend to perform plastic surgeries to eliminate excess skin. Most surgeons recommend waiting for up to 18 months before providing such operations. However, you should consult your doctor. In some cases, plastic surgery after bariatric surgery may be covered by insurance.
Can you lose your hair after weight loss surgery?
Hair loss is typical for the first 3-6 months after the operation. The specialists do not know the causes of hair loss after this procedure. The hair loss phenomenon after bariatric surgery is temporary. Doctors recommend taking enough amount of proteins, vitamins, and minerals to resume the hair growth.
Do you need to take vitamins and minerals after weight loss surgery?
You need to take multivitamins for the life term. Depending on your features, a doctor may recommend you to take higher doses of certain vitamins and minerals (iron, calcium, vitamin D). Every year a patient has to undergo a medical examination, including laboratory tests.
Do you need to exercise and keep to a diet after bariatric surgery?
After the operation, people face decreased appetite. Nevertheless, the specialists recommend keeping to a balanced diet which helps to achieve better results of the procedure. However, most patients prefer tasty food.
Many patients think that physical activity should be intense and painful. But light, regular physical exercise gives the best results over an extended period.
For most patients, as for people with healthy weight, exercise is necessary to control stress and appetite or burning calories. Lack of physical activity can lead to health problems. Normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the prevention of muscle mass loss also depends on physical activity, such as walking.
What should you do if your ability to move is limited?
Almost every person can find acceptable methods of physical activity, even in cases of paresis and paralysis, arthritis, osteoarthritis and conditions after the joint replacements.