Israel, Ra'anana

Rehabilitation with space suit TheraSuit in Loewenstein hospital Rehabilitation center


About the clinic

Year of foundation

Bookimed presents you a medical rehabilitation center "Loewenstein", which is located in Raanan near Tel-Aviv. It is the largest medical facility in Israel similar direction. Here adults and children are undergoing rehabilitation after various diseases and injuries.The Center also receives victims of road accidents and terrorist attacks. Due to its achievements in the field of medicine, the Center "Loewenstein" has international recognition. Operating personnel has a high level of qualification.

Language assistance

Treatments prices in the clinic

Last price update — 29.04.2024. Prices can be changed depending on the medical case and doctor's recommendations.
Rehabilitation with Exoskeleton Price on request
Rehabilitation with "Lokomat" Price on request
Rehabilitation on the treadmill Anti Gravity Price on request
Vojta Therapy Price on request
Rehabilitation with Exoskeleton Price on request
Rehabilitation with "Lokomat" Price on request
Rehabilitation on the treadmill Anti Gravity Price on request
Vojta Therapy Price on request

Loewenstein hospital Rehabilitation center: more details about the clinic

Israel, Ra'anana

History of Israel is a dramatic. For more than half a century, the Jews lead their war: first the foundation of their own state and then for its conservation. In this case, war is the constant fighting with their consequences: death, destruction, contusions and wounds. In 1958 Loewenstein center was founded for persons who have suffered during the military conflicts. It has the purpose of recovery and return to normal life of soldiers with amputees and other injuries of constant war. Much of that was designed for paramilitary purposes, soon the rehabilitation center began to take civil visitors. Today it is a multifield hospital which offers its care to all people who need to recover from serious accidents, injuries, illnesses, operations, including foreigners.


Loewenstein center is a large medical complex:

  • About 300 concurrent hospitalizations
  • 12 000 hospitalizations in hospital for a year.
  • 100 paramedics, 200 nurses and 47 doctors.

Doctors returned to relatively normal life 80% of patients with post-traumatic syndrome, 92% of stroke, 56% of the brain injury. Medical staff are treated with patients virtually as healthy people. So, a person stops to require constantly care to themselves from others and learn to take care of himself. This is probably affected the military factor and the military rigor. If the patient can do something himself, a nurse or a doctor will not help him and motivate to do by himself. Doctors are used medical and psychological methods to return a person to the conditions that preceded the accident, injury, illness, or injury. Someone can say that such techniques are too rigid, but they work and show good results.


Loewenstein Rehabilitation Center restores patients after:

  • strokes
  • damages of spinal cord, brain, limbs
  • post-traumatic stress syndrome
  • severe diseases.


Infrastructure of the center includes:

  • Two neurological departments
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Day hospital
  • Department of traumatic brain injury
  • Orthopedic department
  • Department of spinal cord injury

In addition, a russian translator is an available for the russian-speaking patients, so doctors are treated each patient individually and successively. Full rehabilitation of Loewenstein hospital is a reality and not a fantasy.

Patient reviews

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Loewenstein hospital Rehabilitation center overall rate includes
Language assistance

Мария • Neurology

Aug 8, 2019
Verified review.
Verified review.
Everything was great
Everything was great. They got a little confused with the time of admission (it was not possible to find out whether it was from the side of the clinic or Bookimed), and since the clinic is in another city, it was difficult to immediately adjust their plans. In the end, everything ended well. Thank) Read more less
About Bookimed service
Everything was great. We got a little confused about the appointment time (we couldn’t find out whether it was on the part of the clinic or Bookimed), and since the clinic is located in another city, it was difficult to immediately adjust our plans. In the end everything ended well. Thank you)

Мария • Neurology

Aug 8, 2019
Verified review.
Verified review.
About Bookimed service
Everything was great. They got a little confused with the time of admission (it was not possible to find out whether it was from the side of the clinic or Bookimed), and since the clinic is in another city, it was difficult to immediately adjust their plans. In the end, everything ended well. Thank)