Latvia, Sigulda

Sigulda Hospital

About the clinic

Sigulda Hospital is the leading medical center in the field of bariatric surgeries in Latvia. Specialists of the Clinic perform only planned operations. The Hospital does not accept emergent patients. Sigulda Clinic is one of the best hospitals in Europe due to high-quality standards of medical services that helps a patient to avoid infections when undergoing diagnostic and treatment procedures.

Language assistance

Treatments prices in the clinic

Last price update — 29.04.2024. Prices can be changed depending on the medical case and doctor's recommendations.
Dermatoscopy Price on request
Stomach cancer surgery Price on request
Colectomy (large bowel resection) Price on request
Weight Loss Surgery
Gastric sleeve surgery (Sleeve gastrectomy) Price on request
Gastric band Price on request
Gastric bypass $6250 - $6500
Consultation with a surgeon Price on request
Rectal resection Price on request
Hiatal hernia repair Price on request
Ultrasound Price on request
Gastroscopy Price on request
CT (computer tomography) Price on request
Consultation with a gastroenterologist Price on request
Abdominal CT Scan Price on request
Small intestine resection Price on request
Stomach resection Price on request
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Childbirth Price on request
Consultation with an orthopedist (traumatologist) Price on request
Arthroscopic meniscectomy Price on request
Knee arthroplastic Price on request
Knee Arthroscopy Price on request
Arthroplastic of Achilles tendons Price on request
Prostatectomy Price on request
Ergometry Price on request

Sigulda Hospital: more details about the clinic

Latvia, Sigulda

Bariatric surgeries ranking:

  • 100% is a success rate of surgeries
  • 98% of procedures without complications
  • 0% of infections during the operations.

Sigulda Hospital was founded in 1950. Since that term, the Clinic has become one of the most innovative medical institutions in Latvia. Bariatrics and gastroenterology are the leading specialties in the Hospital. Sigulda specialists provide treatment for patients from Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Ireland and other European countries.

Bariatrics and Gastroenterology at Sigulda Hospital

Gastric bypass surgery is one of the most effective methods for pathologic obesity treatment. Specialists apply the operation with the laparoscopic technique making small incisions in the abdomen. Surgeons perform the surgery under general anesthesia with the help of video navigation. The cutting-edge equipment and laparoscopic method help a surgeon to carry out the procedure without complications and side effects.

Bariatric surgery at Sigulda Hospital

Patients run off 77% of excess fat during 1 year after the procedure

For 10-14 years after the surgery, 60% of patients keep in fit

Gastric bypass is considered as one of the most long-term operations among the weight loss surgeries.

Stereotactic Radiosurgery Center

Sigulda specialists offer cancer treatment using CyberKnife procedure. Stereotactic CyberKnife technology is a minimally invasive treatment option. This method is useful for malignant and benign tumors treatment in different parts of the body. CyberKnife operation helps a patient to avoid pain during the procedure and shorten the rehabilitation period.

Stereotactic Cyberknife surgery at Sigulda Hospital

Therapy Department

Specialists of the Department provide patients with rehabilitation programs, which include:

  • rehabilitation after the stroke;
  • rehabilitation after the traumas;
  • rehabilitation after the spine and joints surgeries.