Find Your Perfect Wellness retreat in Italy

Find Your Perfect Wellness retreat in Italy
Reviewed by Nataliia Mykhailyk, Wellness Specialist and a dedicated yoga practitioner.
Nataliia is deeply passionate about the Wellness sector and personally checks each retreat provider on the platform.

Wellness retreats Overview in Italy

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3 Upcoming Wellness retreats in Italy by Trusted Hosts: Book your Spot!

Program details:To succeed, to be beautiful, active and vital... The constant pressure at work, in private life and leisure time often leads to chronic stress which accelerates ageing. OBJECTIVE: You will create a customised treatment program together with your treating physician to invigorate your body and enhance your regeneration and self-healing abilities. This program is designed for a minimum stay of 7 days and can be extended for 10 or 14 nights. It includes the following services: MEDICAL CHECK-UP AND DIAGNOSIS Initial medical examinationEpigenetic test and analytical evaluation of the quantitative and qualitative body compositionMeasurement and evaluation of the Body Mass Index (BMI - body composition: fat tissue, lean body mass and muscle and percentage of water)Intestinal microbiota testOxidative stress and antioxidant potential testNutritional adviceFinal medical examination to discuss goals, progress and results THERAPY3 therapies to purify from heavy metals3 healthy bowel therapies1 IV Therapy Detox1 IV Therapy Energy6 biothermal treatments to reactivate the organs (55 min.)2 NanoVi therapies3 sessions of Cellgym (40 min.): cellular training in hypoxia (Hyperoxia training) IHHT2 individual lessons of Personal Training12 hours* of individual treatments of your choice and on medical advice2 antioxidant food supplements of your choice and medical advice UPON DEPARTURE, YOU WILL BE GIVENDiagnostic resultsSummary of treatments and therapies performedPrescription of maintenance therapy and dietary advicePersonal trainer’s individualised schedule for physical follow-up at home *1 hour = 1 session = 50/55 minutes.
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Program details: In a world where stress and commitments dictate the rhythm of our lives, finding relaxation in our free time becomes increasingly challenging. Mental fatigue, nervousness, insomnia, restlessness, and difficulty concentrating are some of the consequences, often leading to headaches and chronic diseases. OBJECTIVE: Utilizing relaxation techniques, healthy eating, and exercise to restore physical and mental balance. This program is designed for a minimum stay of 7 days and can be extended for 10 or 14 nights. It includes the following services: MEDICAL CHECK-UP AND DIAGNOSISInitial medical examinationEpigenetic Test and analytical evaluation of quantitative and qualitative body compositionMeasurement and evaluation of the Body Mass Index (BMI) - assessing body composition including fat tissue, lean body mass, muscle, and percentage of waterNutritional adviceFinal medical examination to discuss goals, progress, and results THERAPY3 anti-stress massages (85 min. each)3 stimulation sessions targeting chakra points of the body with music therapy (55 min. each)3 Cellgym sessions (40 min. each): Intervall Hypoxie-Hyperoxie-Training (IHHT) with 3 mechanical lymphatic drainages3 reflexology treatments with chromotherapy (55 min. each)1 Touch for Health session (55 min.)1 anti-stress lesson with a personal trainer (60 min.)2 specific supplements of your choice recommended by medical advice UPON DEPARTURE, YOU WILL BE GIVENDiagnostic resultsSummary of treatments and therapies performedAdvice for follow-up at homePersonalized schedule for physical follow-up at home provided by the personal trainer
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Program details:More vitality, more fit, and with more energy - rid the body of excess toxins and restore the balance between body and mind. OBJECTIVE: Detoxify and regenerate the organism for health and beauty benefits. This program is designed for a stay of 3 or 4 nights, and includes the following services: MEDICAL CHECK UP AND DIAGNOSIS:Initial medical examinationEpigenetic test and analytical quantitative and qualitative evaluation of body compositionMeasurement and evaluation of the Body Mass Index (BMI-body composition: fat tissue, lean and muscular mass and percentage of water)Nutritional adviceFinal medical examination to discuss goals, progress and results THERAPY:6 hours* of individual treatments of your choice and medical advice for 3 days8 hours* of individual treatments of your choice and with medical advice for 4 days UPON DEPARTURE, YOU WILL BE GIVEN:Diagnostic resultsSummary of treatments and therapies performedPrescription of maintenance therapy and dietary advice * 1 hour = 1 session = 50/55 minutes.
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