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    Find Your Perfect in Turkey

    Find Your Perfect in Turkey
    Reviewed by Nataliia Mykhailyk, Wellness Specialist and a dedicated yoga practitioner.
    Nataliia is deeply passionate about the Wellness sector and personally checks each retreat provider on the platform.

    Energy Healing Overview in Turkey

    Bookimed fees - $0

    Your Medical Travel Guide: Essential Tips and Advice

    How much extra money do I need (additional to the procedure)?
    A night in a 5-star hotel on full board basis — $100. A night in a 4-star hotel breakfast included — $50. A night in a 3-star hotel breakfast included — $30. Lunch & dinner — $15.
    Some clinics include 4- or 5-star hotel stay in the procedure cost.
    Do I need a visa?
    For citizens of the UK: visa is not required. For citizens of the USA: online visa is available — $76.50.
    For citizens of other countries — please visit to find more details on entry requirements to Turkey.
    What payment options are available?
    PayPal, cash, credit cards (Visa, MasterCard).
    Flight tickets to Turkey: are not included in the price.
    Transfer: most of clinics provide a free airport-clinic-airport transfer for patients coming for the procedure.