Nail biting
People are chewing their nails because of fear, nervous tension or stress. This bad habit provides a lot of bacteria into the mouth. Moreover, biting of the nails worsens the appearance of the fingernails. And what can this practice lead to in 10 years? Gnawing fingernails can lead to dental caries! Are you ready to visit a dentist?
Eating in front of the TV
Persons who like to eat in front of the TV can face obesity in 10 years. When a person does not eat food at the table, s/he eats twice as much as usual. Besides, eating in front of the TV leads to the problems with the stomach, pancreas, and duodenum.
Sacrificing sleep
Do you sacrifice an hour of sleep to read a fascinating book, watch the soap opera, or finish the work? In 10 years your health will be in danger. Because of the sleep deficit for a long time, people may come up with hypertension, heart failure, type 2 diabetes and even a heart attack. And the only reason for this - a ten-year lack of sleep.
Knuckle cracking
The habit of cracking your knuckles damages the arm joints. In 10 years people with this bad habit start to feel pain in the arm. The knuckle cracking also leads to dislocations, sprains, the destruction of cartilaginous tissue, and the infringement of nerves.
Turning off the alarm
It seems like nothing criminal in this. However, when you turn off the alarm for five minutes, you put your body in a status of stress.The body does not have time to recover from sleep and relax. 10 years of turning off the alarm may lead to depression and reduced work ability.
Touching the face and rubbing the eyes
This bad habit may lead to wrinkles. In the early years, the skin is elastic and such mechanical movements do not have a significant adverse effect. However, after 35 years, it is worth to quit hand-to-face gestures.
Sleeping with face in pillow
In order not to be like a shar-pei in 35, you should not touch the face with your hands, but also try not to sleep your face down the pillow. The bad habit of sleeping with face in pillow provokes the wrinkles of sleep. And do you imagine how many of wrinkles can be formed in 10 years?