Корпоропластика (хирургическое лечение болезни Пейрони): 3 Before and After Photos. Explore patients' results
Check before and after Корпоропластика (хирургическое лечение болезни Пейрони) photos to pick the most relevant doctor and clinic. All Корпоропластика (хирургическое лечение болезни Пейрони) before and after pictures are provided by plastic surgery practice themselves.
Before and After Корпоропластика (хирургическое лечение болезни Пейрони) Pictures
Penile curvature correction (surgical treatment for Peyronie's disease)
About the procedure
78 satisfied
General anesthesia
1 day in hospital
5 days in country
3 hours duration
40 days rehab