Germany, Kreischa

Vojta Therapy in Bavaria in Kreischa

About the clinic

Year of foundation

Bavaria Kreischa Hospital is center of rehabilitation for patients with various conditions.

Language assistance

Treatments prices in the clinic

Last price update — 29.04.2024. Prices can be changed depending on the medical case and doctor's recommendations.

Bavaria in Kreischa: more details about the clinic

Germany, Kreischa

The Bookimed portal posted not only the best clinics offering medical treatment, but also advanced rehabilitation centers. In this direction, Germany has surpassed all other countries long ago. Even with a successful operation, German clinic can precisely make a person truly healthy.

Bookimed recommends  to choose the best European rehabilitation center Bavaria  Kreischa in the following areas:

  • Neurology - after a stroke, carried out surgery of spine and tumor removal surgery ;
  • Orthopedics - recovery of patients with paralysis after with lower limb prosthetics joints ;
  • Traumatology - after an accident, accidents, multiple injuries;
  • Oncology - with tumors of any localization (including hematology);
  • Cardiology - after myocardial infarction, cardiac surgery.

Bookimed appeals attention on the clinic which  is providing appropriate facilities for patients. In Bavaria Kreischa they combine integrity and personal programs of rehabilitation, advanced recovery techniques with traditional quality are accepted in Germany.

To recovery after serious treatment or difficult surgery patients need a cozy place for rehabilitation and returning to normal life. By booking Bavaria Kreischa hospital on Bookimed, they get careful staff and interdisciplinary approach of experienced professionals who know how to treat any patient successfully.