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Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo

Dra Zoila Fernández's Private Practice (Centro de Salud Bucal Dra Zoila Fernández)

About the clinic

Year of foundation

Dra Zoila Fernández's Private Practice is based in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic. It provides such procedures as dental implants, all-on-4/6, fixed bridges, resin or ceramic dental veneers, teeth whitening, gum treatments, endodontics, orthodontics, etc. The clinic serves patients from the United States and other countries. It provides a guality care guarantee. Patients can enjoy a variety of accommodation options and access to main tourist attractions such as the Colonial Zone and the Santo Domingo boardwalk. 

Dr. Zoila Fernández Oral Health Center, founded in 1991, has partnered with OdontolifeDR to expand their reach in the dental health tourism industry without sacrificing their brand identity. Clinic's specialists have over 20 years of professional experience and prioritize building trust and maintaining open communication with patients.

Language assistance

Treatments prices in the clinic

Last price update — 29.04.2022. Prices can be changed depending on the medical case and doctor's recommendations.
Dental Treatment
Aesthetic Composite Filling $54 - $109
Apicoectomy $370 - $570
Porcelain crown installation $506
Dental Crown Installation $455 - $700
Surgical extraction of tooth /root $54 - $436

Clinic Doctors

Dra Zoila Fernández's Private Practice (Centro de Salud Bucal Dra Zoila Fernández): more details about the clinic

Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo



Additional services
Airport to clinic
$45 - $55
Clinic to airport
$45 - $55
Language assistance
Hotel (apartments) near the clinic, billed daily
Requirements for admission