Last updated: 2/29/2024

Discover the Best Clinics and Costs for PRP Hair Loss Treatment in Guadalajara 2024

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How Much Does PRP Hair Loss Treatment Cost in Mexico? Find Out Now

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Anna Leonova
Head of Content Marketing Team
Updated: 8/31/2024
The content accuracy and quality have been checked by Bookimed Medical Advisory Board

FAQ about treatment in Mexico

What is the cost of each session for PRP Hair Loss Treatment in Mexico?

Each session for PRP Hair Loss Treatment costs $4,800 PESOS.

Is there any package for multiple sessions of PRP Hair Loss Treatment?

Yes, a package of 6 sessions is available at $12,500 PESOS.

Can the PRP Hair Loss Treatment be done at the clinic"s office?

Yes, the PRP Hair Loss Treatment can be done in the clinic"s office.

Is any lab work required for the PRP Hair Loss Treatment?

No, the clinic mentions that no lab work is required for this treatment.

What is the total cost for a full PRP Hair Loss Treatment procedure?

The total cost for the full PRP Hair Loss Treatment procedure is $60,000.00 M.N.

What does the full procedure of PRP Hair Loss Treatment include?

The full procedure includes the design of the area to be transplanted, preparation, handling and application of follicles, use of disposable materials and last generation instruments for the treatment, post-procedure control appointments at no cost, free follow-up for life, free aftercare washes and clinical valorations, and 1 kit of products.

What is the payment method for the PRP Hair Loss Treatment procedure?

The clinic accepts payments by debit card, credit, bank transfer, or cash.

Is there a reservation fee for the PRP Hair Loss Treatment?

Yes, you need to book your reservation with $5,000.00 M.N.

Can I complete the payment on the day of the procedure?

Yes, you can complete the payment on the day of your procedure.

What if I need to change the date of my PRP Hair Loss Treatment?

Any change in the date must be notified at least 10 days in advance, otherwise, you will lose your reservation amount.

Is the reservation amount refundable?

No, if there is a cancellation, the advance is not refundable.

When should I make the full payment for the PRP Hair Loss Treatment?

The full payment for the PRP Hair Loss Treatment must be made on the same day of the procedure.

What technology is used in the PRP Hair Loss Treatment?

The clinic uses the H1D Xtra Care technique and last generation instruments such as a sapphire tip for the PRP Hair Loss Treatment.

Does the clinic provide any aftercare for the PRP Hair Loss Treatment?

Yes, the clinic provides free aftercare washes and clinical valorations post the PRP Hair Loss Treatment procedure.

Does the PRP Hair Loss Treatment include any products?

Yes, the PRP Hair Loss Treatment includes 1 kit of products.