The #1 Medical Tourism Platform since 2014

Get international patients with the leading medical tourism platform

Register your clinic on and get profile in 6 languages
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Join the world's best hospitals network
Benefits of registering on
Online visibility
You‘ll get access to international patients flow from 210+ countries with your personal profile in 6 languages
Patient bookings
You’ll get only validated requests. The conversion rate from requests into bookings is 15-30%
Personal eco-system
You’ll get space to build your brand, manage your profile and inquiries
Step-by-step guidance
You’ll learn how to use our platform, get best practices, and exclusive member services
Reviews and trust widget
You’ll get patient reviews with Bookimed, build trust in your brand, and turn it into revenue
Mobile application
You’ll win the patients and save time with managing your requests on the go
How to start partnership
Create your partner account
Register your clinic on
Sign the agreement online
Create supportive and transparent partnership
Fill in the clinic’s profile
Create a powerful profile on our website
Get patients
Start welcoming first Bookimed international patients
The registration takes up to 15 minutes — get started today
Bookimed works on a commission-based model
This means that you only pay a set commission rate when a patient requested your clinic via Bookimed's gets medical services. No membership, marketing, leads fees, or no expenses on additional staff — no financial risks at all.
The commission rate varies per country.
The true price principle.
The Bookimed patients pay only the clinic bills, according to the official clinic’s price list with the same costs with no extra charges.
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Bookimed in numbers
Bookimed is an international medical tourism platform founded in 2014. We cooperate with simply the best doctors & clinics and work hard every day to make people healthier and happier.
patients served
requests per month
clinics listed
countries covered for treatment
conversion rate from a lead to a patient
Up to 40%
international patient flow rise for a partne

TOP healthcare brands

Partner with us

We work with over 800 medical centers globally to match people and facilities for a healthy future. Supercharge your clinic with more leads today!
Schedule a free consultation


How can I get started?
Getting started is easy! Create your free account, or request a demo to talk to our team.
What will happen after I sign up?
You will get access to your account and get the Agreement at your email to sign. You update your profile with details, photos, prices and confirm your profile is accurate, and the Agreement is signed. We verify your profile and open your clinic’s page to patients from 210+ countries.
How do I sign the Agreement correctly?
You will get the Agreement at the email address you used to register. Use signNow eSignature to sign the Agreement and send it back to us with only a few clicks.
Will I be able to update my registration details later?
Once you’ve registered with us, you can update details about your facility at any time. Some details like your registration email can’t be edited in the cabinet on your own. So if you need to update any of it, you may contact our team. We are always here for you.
How much should I pay to add my clinic to your list?
You don’t pay for being listed on No membership, marketing, and lead fees are required.
How does payment work between us? works with a commission-based model. It means that you pay us a set commission rate on each patient who gets medical care in your facility requested via our platform. Our partners provide Bookimed patients with the same costs in the official price lists with no extra charges. It means that a patient will receive the same invoice if they contact the clinic by themselves. You may check the rate for your region by request. The exact commission rate you pay is shown at the ‘Agreement’ stage of the registration process as well.
When will my clinic’s profile go online?
As soon as you fill in our profile in the cabinet and sign the Agreement, we verify your profile and open it to patients from 210+ countries.
What should I add to my profile?
All information to introduce your clinic in the best possible way to an international audience: photos, achievements, key information, prices, packages, specials, etc. We gather 8 years of industry experience to offer you the services, products, and support you to grow your business. Our team is here to provide you with advice to get your clinic’ profile running, as well as help you avoid common mistakes.
How can I get a Bookimed Certification Logo?
We list and certify only medical centers meeting strict selection criteria such as doctors' qualification, technical capabilities, services quality, certificates, etc. Once you join our family, the Logo will be available in your cabinet.
How do you protect my data?
Protecting our partners’ and patients’ data is extremely important to us. Bookimed is GDPR compliant.
What if I need help using Bookimed?
No worries, our team is here to help you. We’ll also send you a couple of emails and provide you with manuals and step-by-step guides to help you get started and make the most of Bookimed.

Show your excellence

Want to prove you are a trustworthy medical facility for patients and Google? Join our platform and get a Bookimed Certification Logo as a reliable facility.

Use it on your social media and the company website for a greater global presence in healthcare, wellness, and medical tourism industries.

What our partners tell about us

Win your next patients

Bookimed ranks No.1 in Europe & the CIS region and TOP 3 in the world by visitors. The Bookimed Partner Program aims to provide our partners the value and support needed to build amazing experiences. We promote your clinic on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Yandex so visitors from over 210 countries will see you online. We present your facility in 3 languages in a way that attracts the most patients. With us, you’ll get working tools to boost your international patient flow, develop your brand, and share great feedback.

Bookimed proudly serves the businesses driving medical tourism forward.

Ready to scale your business with us?

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