Marco Aurelio Rendon
- New
- 4 years of experience
- Mexico, Guadalajara, Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
At the moment:
- Graduate of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, General Hospital "Dr. Rubén Leñero"
Formative teaching background:
- Specialty: General Surgery, UNAM. Regional High Specialty Hospital of Ixtapaluca
- Professional ID: 8495674 and 12261362
- Bachelor's Degree: Medical Surgeon and Midwife, Autonomous University of Guadalajara.
- Undergraduate Internship: Ángeles del Pedregal Hospital
- Social Service: New Miguel Hidalgo, Jurisdiction VII Autlán, Jalisco.
Professional experience:
- First Place in the category: Nutrition in the VII Health Week with the presentation of the poster: “Your health depends on you” 2008
- Head of Undergraduate Internship : Ángeles del Pedregal Hospital 2011-2012.
- Honorable Mention: Appreciation for social service. Jurisdiction VII Autlán, Jalisco
Patents and Utility Models:
Continuing Education Bachelor's Degree:
- 2008: 3rd Pan-American Symposium on Neurovirology AIDS, Cancer and Neurodegeneration & Magisterial Biomedical Lectures for the 21st Century.
- 2010: Postgraduate Course I HERNIOPLASTY OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM during the XXXIV International Congress of General Surgery 2010.
- 2010: XVI Modular Medical Update Course 30 hrs.
- 2010: First International Congress on Autism and Fragile X Syndrome 16 hrs.
- 2012: Induction course to Social Service and Opportunities Program 32 hrs.
- 2012: Poster presentation “IVU's and their in Vitro resistance pattern of E. Coli and E. Coli ESBL to Quinolones, TMP/SMz and Nitrofurantoin”.
- 2013: Training Course on Health Component Opportunities; 8 hrs.
- 2013: Training Course: Vectors and Zoonoses; 8 hrs.
- 2013: XXCII Training Course for the national exam for candidates for Medical Residencies, ENARM UANL 2013, 230 hrs.
- Specialty in general surgery. General Hospital of Mexico “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga” 2014-2017 Regional High Specialty Hospital of Ixtapaluca 2017-2018.
- Specialty in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery General Hospital “Rubén Leñero” 2019-
Diplomas, Masters and Doctorates:
- Diploma in Theoretical Introduction to Clinical Research - 120 hours. From October 3 to November 30, 2018. UNAM.
Continuing Education Specialty:
American Society Of Plastic Surgeons ® Courses :
- 2015: CME Article: Craniofacial Syndromes and Surgery, 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM American Society Of Plastic Surgeons ®
- 2015: CME Article: Tendon Transfers Part I: Principle of transfer and transfers for Radial Nerve Palsy”, 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM American Society Of Plastic Surgeons ®
- 2015: CME Article: Tendon Transfers Part II: Principles of Transfer and Transfers for Radial Nerve Palsy” 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM American Society Of Plastic Surgeons ®
- 2015 : CME Article: The Best of Tendon and Nerve Transfers in the Upper Extremity” .0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM American Society Of Plastic Surgeons ®
- 2015: PS2013: Non-Microtia Ear Deformities- Understanding the Common Anatomic Deformities” 2.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM American Society Of Plastic Surgeons ®
- 2015: CME Article: Perforator Flaps: History, Controversies, Physiology, anatomy and Use in Reconstruction” 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM American Society Of Plastic Surgeons ®
- 2015: CME Article: Free Tissue Transfers and Replantation” 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM American Society Of Plastic Surgeons ®
- 2015 : CME Article: Evidence-Based Medicine- Rhinoplasty (MOC-PS®)” 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. American Society Of Plastic Surgeons ®
- 2015: ASSH PIP Repair & Reconstruction Webinar 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM American Society for Surgery of the Hand®
- 2015: ASSH PIP Repair & Reconstruction Webinar 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM American Society for Surgery of the Hand®
- 2016: 5th International Course on Minimally Invasive Oncologic Surgery. National Cancer Institute.
Free papers at Congresses:
- 2015: Open-label papers: ID 56 Massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to GIST (Leiomyosarcoma of the jejunum): Case report and review of the literature. Revista de Gastroenterología de México 2015;80 (Suppl 2): pg 40-41.
- 2015: Poster: Acute abdomen secondary to omental torsion, review of the literature and report of a case. XXXIX International Congress of Surgery, to be held from October 31 to November 5, 2015 in Monterrey, NL
- 2016: Poster: Case report: Celiac trunk thrombosis, gastric perforation and splenic abscess. 40th International Congress of General Surgery 2016.
- 2016: Free Oral Work: “Post-surgical hematoma in thyroidectomy with or without post-intervention drainage: comparative analysis, General Hospital of Mexico “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga”, 1995-2015”. 40th International Congress of General Surgery 2016.
- 2017: Free Oral Work: “Basic Principles of Plastic Surgery”. Santa Mara Chapalita Hospital SA Guadalajara Jalisco.
- 2017: Poster: “Planning of bilateral mandibular distraction in a patient with Arthrogryposis and Mandibular Hypoplasia using 3D printing”. XXXIV Conference of the Dr. Manuel Gea González General Hospital. October 2017.
- 2018: Speaker: “Applications of 3D printing in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery”. ASO-FOM Annual Symposium, Friday, January 26 and 27, 2018.
- 2018: Speaker: “Firearm Wounds, Prevalence of Therapeutic Laparotomies and the Utility of Diagnostic Laparoscopies in Stable Patients in HRAEI”. XLII International Congress of General Surgery held from October 7 to 12, 2018, Guadalajara, Jalisco.
- 2018: Speaker Academic Session: “3D Printing Applications in Surgery” National Homeopathic Hospital, November 28, 2018, duration 1 hour.
- 2019: Speaker, Refresher Course in Plastic Reconstructive and Hand Surgery, Rubén Leñero Hospital. August 16, 2019, duration 30 minutes.
Scientific Writing Courses:
- 2016: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Tell your research story with AudioSlides . .
- 2016: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; How to promote your article for maximum impact . .
- 2016: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; How to write a lay summary: Improving research impact . .
- 2016: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; How do Editors look at your paper? .
- 2016: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Step-by-step guide to reviewing . .
- 2016: Elsevier Publishing Campus, Certificate of Completion; How to respond to reviewers' comments . .
- 2017: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; How to become a Reviewer and What do Editors Expect? .
- 2017: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Why get involved in peer review?
- 2017: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Successful Grant Writing .
- 2017: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Structuring Your Article .
- 2017: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Using Proper Manuscript Language .
- 2017: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Preparing your manuscript .
- 2017: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Authorship Responsibilities.
- 2017: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Content ownership.
- 2017: Data Management for Clinical Research, Vamderbilt University.
- 2017: Introduction to Systematic Review and MetaAnalysis, Johns Hopkins University.
- 2017: Introduction to Mathematical Thinking, Stanford University.
- 2018: Elsevier Publishing Campus; Certificate of Completion; Social Media for Researchers.
Member of Editorial Committees and Peer Reviews:
- Reviewer Member, Austin Journal of Surgery, Austin Publishing Group. Jersey City, New Jersey.
- Reviewer Member, Editorial Board of Infectious & Non-Infectious Diseases, Herald Scholarly Open Access Journal.
- Reviewer Member. Annex Publishers, Journal of Case Reports and Studies, Peer Reviewer; Wilkie's Syndrome in an Adolescent: A Rare Cause of Upper Intestinal Obstruction.
- Reviewer Member: Hindawi Caser Reports in Surgery. Fitzroy Saquare, London England.
Certification Courses:
- 2015: ABLS Provided 7 category 1 credits Toward the AMA Physician's Recognition Award. American Burn Association®
- 2015: ACLS and ABLS ® . AVB Course for Healthcare Professionals AVCA Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Course.
- 2015: Advanced Trauma Life Support Course (ATLS ® ).
- 2016: 15th Course-workshop on Surgical Anatomy of the Hand. Human Anatomy of the Faculty of Medicine of the UNAM
Free Surgery Campaigns:
- 2018: Free Hand Surgery, Mexican Association of Hand Surgery AC May 26, 2018.
Microsurgery Courses:
- 2015: Course in Microvascular Surgical Techniques. Mayo Microvascular Training Center 40 hour. Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester Minnesota .
- 2015: Basic Microsurgery Workshop at the Karl Storz Surgical Research and Training Center of the ABC Medical Center. Total of 25 hours.
Published research: h -index = 4 calculated with Google Scholar.
- 2012: Original Article: Urinary tract infections. In Vitro resistance pattern of E. Coli and E. Coli ESBL to quinolones, trimethoprim-sulfomethoxazole and nitrofuroanthonia. Med Int Mex 28(05):434-439. With 25 citations.
- Cornejo-Dávila, V., Palmeros-Rodríguez, MA, de Meneses, IUT, Mayorga-Gómez, E., Garza-Sáinz, G., Osornio-Sánchez, V., … & Morales-Montor, JG (2015). Management of complicated urinary tract infections in a referral center in Mexico. International urology and nephrology, 47(2), 229-233.
- Nava, CA, & Alarcón, NC Phylogenetic group relationship with extended-spectrum β-lactamase production in uropathogenic E. coli isolates. Tlamati Sabiduria Volume 7 Special Issue 1. September 2016.
- Briones Garduño, JC, Viruez Soto, JA, Vallejo Narváez, CM, Vargas Arias, RE, Ortiz Bolaños, R., & Díaz de León Ponce, MA (2015). Microbiological isolations: experience in critical obstetrics. Journal of the Mexican Association of Critical Medicine and Intensive Care , 29 (4), 209-213.
- Gutierrez, LTC, Caycedo, MIT, Orduz, LMC, Lopez, DP, & Quiroga, CFPP (2016). Phenotypic characterization of GRAM-negative bacilli with extended-spectrum beta-lactamases and carbapenemases. Journal of Health Research of the University of Boyacá , 2 (2).
- Antibiotic sensitivity profile of bacteria in urinary tract infections. Acta Médica Costarricense ISSN 0001-6012, 58(4).
- Antibiotic sensitivity profile of bacteria in urinary tract infections. Acta Médica Costarricense , 58 (4), 146-154.
- da Silva, RO, Dantas, CG, Alves, MF, & Pinheiro, MS (2014). Resistance profile of enterobacteria in urine cultures of outpatients in the city of Aracaju/SE. Profile of resistant enterobacteria from urine cultures outpatients in the city of Aracaju/SE. Scientia Plena, 10(11).
- Velandia, DPL, Caycedo, MIT, Orduz, LMC, & Quiroga, CFP (2017). Determination of genes encoding extended spectrum beta-lactamase resistance in Gram-negative bacilli isolated from urine cultures. Journal of Health Research of the University of Boyacá , 3 (2).
- Zavala-Cerna MG, Macriz-Romero N, Santoscoy-Gutierrez JF, Naydich L, et all. High Microbiological Spectrum Resistance Rates in Urine Isolates from Jalisco, Mexico. A Retrospective Study and Literature Review. Int Arch of Med, Vol 8 No.148 Doi 10.3823/1747. 2015.
- Prats-Blanco et al. Incidence of urinary tract infections by coliform bacteria in the municipality of Yara, 2015. Multimed Revista Médica Granma 2016; 20(6): 69-77.
- Ortega Ortega MS. Determination of Extended Spectrum Beta-lactamases in Echerirchia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae through molecular testing in urine cultures from outpatients with urinary tract infections. USFQ Digital Repository. .
- Galindo-Méndez Mario. Molecular characterization and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in community-acquired urinary tract infection. Rev. chil. infectol. [Internet]. 2018 [cited 2018 Jul 29] ; 35( 1 ): 29-35. Available at: .
- González-Mesa, Leonora et al. Genetic relationship of clinical isolates of Escherichia coli producing Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamases (ESBL) in a hospital in Havana, Cuba. CENIC Journal. Biological Sciences, vol. 48, no. 3, September-December, 2017, pp. 107-112
- 2014: Lack of knowledge of the name of the medication as a relative risk factor for noncompliance with treatment in patients with systemic arterial hypertension in rural populations. Med Int Mex 2014; 30: 240-246.
- Galván Flores GM, et al. Adaptation and validation into Spanish of the SMP-T2D questionnaire to assess self-management of arterial hypertension plus type 2 diabetes: PAG-DT2+HTA. Hypertension Vascular Risk. 2017.
- 2016: Clinical case report: Neonatal dysmorphic syndromes and Ogilvie syndrome. Cirugía y Cirujanos 2017; 85 (2). doi:10.1016/j.circir.2015.11.004 .
- Guerra Macias I. Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction or Ogilvie syndrome in an elderly woman. MEDISAN [online journal]. 2018 [cited 2018 Apr 7];22(2):[aprox. 0 p.]. Available at:
- 2017: English version: Dysmorphic neonatal syndrome and Ogilvie syndrome. Received 3 February 2015; accepted 24 September 2015 Available online 6 March 2017. Cir Cir. 2017;85:148---153.
- 2016: Case report: Deep neck abscess and mediastinitis with exposed carotid sheath treated with vacuum assisted closure. International Journal of Surgery Open, Volume 5, 20 – 22.
- Mir A, Guys N, Arianpour K, et al. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in the Head and Neck: An Evidence-Based Approach. Laryngoscope. 2018:1-13. doi:10.1002/lary.27262.
- 2017: Marco Aurelio Rendón Medina, The “Achilles Heel” of the International Nonproprietary Names (INN) Programme. In Hypertensive Patients of Mexico's Rural Population, Public Health Research, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2017, pp. 1-2. Doi:10.5923/j.phr.20170701.01.
- 2017: Technical Description: Polypropylene Meshes In Wounds Inoculated With E. Coli; Pilot Study In New Zealand White Rabbit. Inter Jour de Dev Review. Vol. 07, Issue,05, pp.12684-12686, May, 2017. .
- 2017: Laparoscopic treatment in Type IV Giant Paraesopagic Hernia and Intestinal Occlusion a case report. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 2017. In press.
- 2017: Medina MAR (2017) Capsule Granulation Tissue Harvested From Abdominal Region Used as Dural Autologous Graft. Neurosurg. Vol. 1 No. 3:21.
- 2017: Exploring Furnas-McGregor Paradox. Describing Normal Distribution in Central Limb Stereometric Gain in 60 Degrees Z-Plasty. European Journal Of Plastic Surgery. EJPS-D-17-00146R1.
- 2018 : Rendón-Medina MA, Andrade-Delgado L, Telich-Tarriba JE, Fuente-del-Campo A, Altamirano-Arcos CA. Dimensional Error in Rapid Prototyping with Open Source Software and Low-cost 3D-printer. Plast Reconstr Surg - Glob Open. 2018:1. doi:10.1097/GOX.0000000000001646.
- 2020 : MA Rendón-Medina, MA Rendón-Pimentel, J Palacios-Juárez The accuracy of an automatic free flap temperature monitor: a proof-of-concept study European Journal of Plastic Surgery 43 (2), 185-188
- 2020: Applications of 3D printing in reconstructive plastic surgery JE Telich-Tarriba, LE Ramírez-Sosa, D Palafox, E Ortega-Hernández, ... Journal of the Faculty of Medicine 68 (4)
- 2020 : Repair of complex abdominal wall defect with flap: a good surgical alternative J Palacios-Juárez, J Morales-Maza, MA Rendón-Medina, ... Cir Cir 88 (2), 206-210
- 2020: Reconstruction of Head and Neck Mucormycosis: A Literature Review and Own Experience in Immediate Reconstruction JJ Palacios, EV Hanson, MAM Rendon, RSL Infante Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery Open 4 (02), e65-e72
- 2020: Pylephlebitis as a complication of late diagnosis of cholangitis: a case report and review of the literature D Ángeles-Gaspar, JE Telich-Tarriba, L Leyva-Sotelo, ... Cirujano General 41 (2), 115-119
- 2019: Application of low-cost fused deposition modeling additive manufacturing rapid anatomic models in patients with rhino-cerebral mucormycosis treated with maxillectomy MA Rendón-Medina, E Hanson-Viana, J Palacios-Juarez, ... European Journal of Plastic Surgery 42 (3), 299-304
- 2021: Hanson-Viana E, Rojas-Ortiz J, Rendón-Medina MA, Pacheco-López RC, Ríos-Lara López LR, Palacios-Juárez J. Influence of BMI, Age, and Gender on the Thickness of Most Common Thinned Flaps. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2021 Mar 30;9(3):e3409. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000003409. PMID: 33968546; PMCID: PMC8099397.
- 2021: Rendón-Medina, Marco Aurelio MD; Hanson-Viana, Erik MD; Montoya-García, Silvia Claudia MD; Vázquez-Morales, Hecly Lya MD; Pacheco-López, Ricardo César MD. Time Reduction by Prebending Osteosynthesis Plates Using 3D-Printed Anatomical Models, In Patients Treated With Open Reduction and Internal Fixation. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 32(4):p 1491-1493, June 2021. | DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000007451
- 2020: Rendón-Medina, MA, Rendón-Pimentel, MA & Palacios-Juárez, J. The accuracy of an automatic free flap temperature monitor: a proof-of-concept study. Eur J Plast Surg 43, 185–188 (2020).
- 2022: Marco Aurelio Rendón-Medina, Erik Hanson-Viana, Maria de los Angeles Mendoza-Velez, Rubén Hernandez-Ordoñez, Hecly Lya Vazquez-Morales, Ricardo C. Pacheco-López. Comparison of Nasal Analysis by Photographs (2D) against Low-cost Surface Laser Imaging (3D) and against Computed Axial Tomography Imaging. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Indian J Plast Surg
DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1759724
- Total Auricular Reconstruction with Radial Forearm Prelaminated Flap Assisted by 3D Surface Imaging and 3D Printing. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 10(10):p e4580, October 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000004580
- HANSON-VIANA, Erik et al. The medial sural perforator artery free flap: a systematic review of published cases and experience in three Latin American centers. Cir. pl. iberolatinoam. [online]. 2022, vol.48, n.2 [cited 2023-01-02], pp.181-192. Available at: <>. Epub 19-Sep-2022. ISSN 1989-2055. .
- Velez M de los AM, Medina MAR, Lopez RP, Morales HLV, Ordoñez RH. Stack Splinting Versus Kirschner Wire Treatment in Acute Closed Mallet Finger Doyle I. Plastic Surgery. 2022;30(2):117-121. doi:10.1177/22925503211003838.
- María de los Angeles Mendoza Vélez*, Marco Aurelio Rendon Medina, Erik Hanson Viana, Jorge Arturo Rojas Ortiz, Ricardo Pacheco Lopez. Osteoid osteoma in a metacarpal bone: literature review and case report. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences Vélez MDLAM et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2022 Mar;10(3):740-744 . DOI: .
- Paracetamol vs. Na(v) 1.8 selective blocker in the Duran-Houser protocol and flexor tendon repair. Plastic Surgery 2022; 32 (3): 117-121
- Comparison of wire versus Nylon in Bonny‑Mallet Finger treated with pull‑out surgery
MA Rendón-Medina, E Hanson-Viana… - Surgery and Surgeons, 2022
- Epidemiology of mammal bite injuries: 5 year review of a level II regional referral hospital in Mexico city MAM Vélez, HS Méndez, EH Viana, MAR Medina… - International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2021.
- Evaluation of Predictive Values of an Automatic Device Measuring Oximetry in Free Flaps
MA Rendón-Medina, A Galeana-Pavón… - Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open, 2021
- Refinements of the submental island flap donor site: a literature review and comparison among surgical specialties E Hanson-Viana, MA Rendón-Medina… - European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2021
- Initial histological evaluation of a novel dura mater graft based on capsule granulation harvested from subcutaneous tissue: Experimental model* MA Rendón-Medina, A Galeana-Pavón… - Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 2022.
- Use of Nanofat type fatty autograft for intra-articular regeneration in the hand with osteoarthritis.* SM Hirosi, PL Ricardo, VMH Lya, RMM Aurelio, HV Erik… - Trauma Magazine in Latin America; Jan-Jun, 2021.
- Repair of complex abdominal wall defect with flap: a good surgical alternative
J Palacios-Juárez, J Morales-Maza… - Surgery and surgeons, 2020
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