Dr Barbara Sobczak
- New
- 18 years of experience
- Poland, Warsaw, DR SOBCZAK KLINIKI
Barbara Sobczak
Author of Sobczak Concept®
- a fully digital implant treatment protocol for toothless patients.Dr Barbara Sobczak
- First author of recent scientific publications in medical journals with a combined Impact Factor of over 4.5:
- „An Integrated Fully Digital Prosthetic Workflow for the Immediate Full-Arch Restoration of Edentulous Patients – A Case Report”.
- „A Versatile Integrated Prosthetic Workflow for the Immediate Pink-Free Full-Arch Restoration – A Case Series”.
- Master of Science in Oral Implantology, graduated with honors from Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Founder of Dr. Sobczak Joy Clinic in Warsaw, Poland
- Founder of Dr. Sobczak Babice Clinic in Stare Babice, Poland
- Founder of Dr Sobczak Dental Clinic in Dubai Mall, Dubai
- Lecturer and opinion leader for Straumann in the field of implantology in Europe
- Lecturer and opinion leader in implantology in the Middle East
- Independent lecturer in the field of dental implantology worldwide
- Medical consultant for Straumann in Poland
- Medical consultant on behalf of Straumann Group in Switzerland
- Dr. Sobczak’s clinics hold the title of Center of Excellence for Education Straumann – providing courses for dentists in advanced implantology
- ITI Fellow, awarded by the Chapter in Switzerland for achievements in implantology
Author of consecutive publications in implantology with Jagiellonian University in Krakow and Basel, Switzerland - Member of scientific projects on dental materials in implantology for temporary reconstruction of full arches
- Member of the judging committee of the Smile Award 2022 edition
- Member of the International Team for Implantology (ITI), an organization that supports the educational and scientific development of young implantologists
- Founder of ITI Study Club Mazovia
- Founder of ITI Study Club Polonika
- Winner of the international Straumann Group Smile Award 2021 competition
- XII Polish Businesswoman Award in the categories „Discovery of the Year 2021” and „Leader among Medical Clinics”
- Women’s Brand of the Year 2020 and
- Women Star Award
- Women’s Brand of the Year 2019, Class & Style Award
- Dentist of the Year Award 2019
- Winner of the „Eagles of Medicine” award
- Dr. Sobczak also regularly appears on the morning show on Polish TV. Each episode is based on the life story of one patient and the spectacular transformation after the Sobczak Concept® procedure performed by Dr. Barbara Sobczak.
- First author of recent scientific publications in medical journals with a combined Impact Factor of over 4.5:
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Doctor's visit
Price on request