Dr. Baek is an 15 years experienced plastic surgeon, his carrier path started from Gachon University. Dr. Baek is specialized in eyes, nose and lifting, and serves as a regular member of Korean Society Of Nose Plastic Surgery, Korean Society Of Eyes Plastic Surgery, and Korean Society Of Cranium Lifting Plastic Surgery. Besides, Dr.Baek belongs to micro-surgery society, and we can find his researches about less invasive wound healing with rose placenta. Thus, Dr.Baek combined invasive and non-invasive techniques, that is beficial when developing plastic surgery plan. His works were published in different journals and contributed to studies on skin burns and treatments after disaster.
Doctor Park Jeon Bok is an experienced anesthesiologist of URBAN Plastic Surgery, performing anetshesia for different range of surgeries. Dr.Park graduated from Gachon University, where she obtained a solid foundation for future career. Being a member of the Korean Society Of Anesthesiology, Korean Society Of Arrhythmia, Korean Society Of Shochwave, memeber of Pain Society and Study of Pain, Dr. Park plays an instrumental role in our clinic. Her positive, bright and at the same time strong and confident character creates a necessary environment for surgeon and patient. Currently she is not only working as anesthesiologist, but also as a professor at the Severance Hospital , sharing her expertise and experience with future doctors.
Dr. Ji Hyun Moon is an expert anesthesiologist at Urban Plastic Surgery. She graduate from Ewha Womans University Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, and started her career as anesthesiologist. Dr. Ji Hyun aims to provide safe and comfortable environment to the patients, helping them to enhance thier beauty through a comfortable anesthesia. Being a full member of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, she brings her expertise to the clinic and high-quality serivce. Dr. Ji Hyun speaks English and she is able to keep communication with foreign patients.The doctor is our valuable team member, always bringing the confidence and kindness to the surgery environment.