Dr. Pavel Yakovlev is a specialist in IUIIVFICSIIVMPostponed MaternityDonation ProgramsSurrogacy with 9+ years of experience, international experience in China, and research in reproductive medicine. He graduated from St.PetersburgState University of Medicine and is a member of the European Society for Human Embryology and Reproduction (ESHRE).
Dr. Liya Kazaryan is a highly experienced doctor with over 20 years experience in IUIIVFICSIIVMPostponed MaternityDonation ProgramsSurrogacy. She graduated from St.Petersburg State University of Medicine in 2000 and is a member of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction (RAHR) and of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), with international experience in Belgium, Italy, France, and China.