Dr. Carmen Martinez Chamorro is an oncohematologist who treats leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. She specializes in adult bone marrow transplants.
Carmen Chamorro graduated in Medicine from the University of Valladolid, where she received the National Prize for Research in Surgery.
She trained as a hematologist at the La Princesa University Hospital in Madrid.
From 1997 to 2007 she worked in the Clinical Hematology Department of the Rubera Hospital in Madrid.
He is currently Deputy Head of the Hematology Department at the Quironsalud Madrid Hospital.
Dr. Carmen Martinez Chamorro is the author of 20 medical articles and a participant in 60 international and national conferences.
Dr. Jaime Pérez de Oteyza is a Spanish hematologist and heads the Hematology and Hematology Oncology Department at HM Hospitales Group. He is an expert in diagnostics and treatment of hematology conditions and hematopoietic stem cell transplant, and has taken part in the first bone marrow transplant in Spain. He holds a degree in general medicine from CEU San Pablo University, has trained in lymphomas pathology at Kiel University, and has a specialty in hematology and hemotherapy from the University of Alcalá. He has won numerous awards for his scientific research and has published over 40 papers on his studies. He is a member of the Spanish Hematology and Hemotherapy Society.
Dr. Francesc Cobo Valien graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona in 1990.
He received his specialization in oncohematology at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona in 1995. He combined medical practice and research activities in the period 1996-2002.
He received his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Barcelona in 2002.
Dr. Kobo continues his research and has been awarded grants:
•Interdepartmental Commission for Innovation of the Generalitat de Catalunya
•Scholarship Fund Universitaria Agustí Pedro i Pons
•Farreras Valentí & Schering Plough School of Hematology Scholarship
•Award for the best report at the Council of the Spanish Hematology Association
•Grant from the Catalan Society of Hematology
•Acute leukemia
•Chronic leukemia
•Autoimmune pancytopenia