Mehmet Onur Ozturk
- New
- 15 years of experience
- Turkey, İzmir, Bewell Health Assistance
He continued his education at Istanbul Kuleli Military High School in 1998. She studied medicine at Gülhane Military Medical Faculty between 2002-2008. Later, she completed her specialty training in Ankara Keçiören Training and Research Hospital Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery clinic.
He worked as a specialist physician at Yozgat City Hospital and Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital. During this period, he participated in congresses, conferences and presentations on Plastic Surgery. His articles have been published in national and international journals.
‣ Çorum State Hospital (Compulsory Service) – 1982 to 1984
‣ Ankara Numune Hospital Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic (Assistant) – 1984 to 1985
‣ Ege University Hospital Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic (Research Assistant) – 1985 to 1991
‣ Ege University Hospital Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist – 1991 to 1992
‣ Private Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic – 1992 to 2022
‣ EMOT Plus Hospital – 2022 to present
‣ İzmir Namık Kemal İlkokulu
‣ İzmir Hacı Şakir Eczacıbaşı Ortaokulu
‣ Ankara Fen Lisesi
‣ Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi – 1976 to 1982