Scientific Studies Presented at International and National Meetings
1. Optical Coherence Tomography Findings in Retinitis Pigmentosa Cases . Bayram GÜLPAMUK , Mehmet ÇITIRIK. TOD 51st National Ophthalmology Congress. (Oral Presentation)
2. Investigation of Factors Affecting Resolution in Accommodative Esotropia. Meltem Özgül Yılmazoğlu, Sibel Polat, Çiğdem Can, Mustafa Alpaslan Anayol, Selda Çelik, Bayram Gülpamuk , Pelin Yılmazbaş. (Oral Presentation)
3. Characteristics and Clinical Course of Multiple Sclerosis/Demyelinating Disease Associated Uveitis Cases Presenting with Ocular Findings First. Merve İnanç, Müge Pınar Çakar Özdal, Bayram Gülpamuk , Selim Selçuk Çomoğlu, Hayat Güven (Oral Presentation)
4. Evaluation of Lens Densitometry Measurements After Intravitreal Slow-Release Dexamethasone Implant Injection with Scheimpflug Imaging Method. Mehmet Ali Şekeroğlu, Mustafa Alpaslan Anayol, Bayram Gülpamuk , Pelin Yılmazbaş. 49th TOD National Ophthalmology Congress, SS-TR-40. (Oral Presentation)
5. Altıntaş AGK, Gulpamuk B , Cıtırık M. Isolated ectopic fovea 16 th Euretina Congress 8-11 September 2016 Copenhagen pp 109
6. Altıntaş AGK , Gulpamuk B. Comparison of phaco parameters in diabetic eyes and normal cataract eyes. XXXIV Congress of ESCRS 10-14 September 2016 Copenhagen pp 107
7. Altıntaş AGK, Gulpamuk B. Evaluation of correlation between axial length and phacoparameters XXXIV Congress of ESCRS 10-14 September 2016 Copenhagen pp 107
8. Bayram Gulpamuk, Pinar Cakar Özdal. Clinical course of Vogt-Koyanagi Harada disease in Turkey.9th International Symposium on Uveitis August 2016, P11.
9. M.Teke, B.Gulpamuk. Three congenital retinal macrovessels and one of which co-exists with a cilioretinal artery. 16th Euretina Congress 8-11 September 2016 Copenhagen pp 109.
10. Pınar Ç.Özdal, K.tekin, B.Gülpamuk , MYTeke. Intravitreal aflibercept fort he treatment of chronic central serous chorioretinopathy. EURETINA 17.
11. Bayram Gulpamuk. Thiol/Disuphide homeostasis in patients with keratoconus by a novel assay. 10th International Conference on Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology November 21-23, 2016 Dubai, UAE.
12. Bayram Gülpamuk , Ufuk Elgin, Emine Şen. Glaucoma profile and clinical features in patients with diabetes mellitus.TOD 50th National Ophthalmology Congress, PS-0021.
13. Bayram Gülpamuk , Mehmet Ali Şekeroğlu, Mustafa Alpaslan Anayol, Pelin Yılmazbaş. An important parasitic infestation in the differential diagnosis of blepharitis: Pityriasis Palpebrarum.TOD 49th National Ophthalmology Congress, PS-0385.
14. Ayse Gül Koçak Altıntaş, Bayram Gülpamuk , Mehmet Çıtırık, Veysel Cankurtaran. Correlation of Central Macular Thickness and HemoglobinA1c Values in Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Cases, PS-0880.
15. Comparison of Phacoemulsification Parameters in Cases with Different Axial Lengths. Ayşe Gül Koçak Altıntaş, Bayram Gülpamuk , Veysel Cankurtaran. TOD 49th National Ophthalmology Congress, SS-KRC-03. (Oral Presentation)