Field of Speciality: Urology
Date of Birth: 1980
School of Medicine: Istanbul University School of Medicine
Graduate Medical Education: University of Health Sciences Taksim Training & Research Hospital
Fellowship: Urological Oncology and Laparoscopic Urology Department of Urology SLK Kliniken Heilbronn University of Heidelberg, Germany
Foreign Language: English
Surgeon Ekrem Keskin was born in 1986 in Istanbul. He completed his education at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 2010, and was awarded the title of Medical Doctor. During his residency training he was instructed in nose, facial and breast aesthetics under the supervision of James Zins, MD and Raffi Gurunluoglu, MD, at Cleveland Clinic Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department, Cleveland, OHIO-USA in 2016. After 5 years of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery training, he completed his specialization and became a Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist.
Part I: General Information
Date Prepared: 30/09/2016
Name: M. Remzi Erdem
Office address: Department of Urology
Haydarpaşa Numune Research and Training Hospital
Tıbbiye Cad., Selimiye, Üsküdar, Istanbul, Turkey, 34668
Home address: Fevzi Çakmak Mh. Fırıncı Sk. No: 12/4 D:6
Pendik, Istanbul / TURKEY
Telephone: Home: +90 216-396-97-90
Mobile: +90 505-798-11-99
Office: +90 216-542-32-32- 1647
Date and Birth: July 12, 1981
Languages: Turkish, English (fluent)
Doctoral and Postdoctoral Training:
2006 M.D., Marmara University, Medical School
2007- 2012 Residency in Urology, Bezmialem Vakif University, Istanbul, Turkey
16/01/2016 Urology Stuff in Haydarpasa Numune Research and Training Hospital
5/2009 Certificate of attandance of peripheral vascular surgery rotation, Dept. of
Cardiovascular Surgery, Vakif Gureba Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey.
4-7/ 2010 Endourology Observer in University of Michigan, Dept. of Urology, Ann
Arbor, Michigan, USA( Dr. Stuart Wolf).
10/2015 Educational Mentor for Urology Residents, HNH Urology Department,
Licensure and Certification:
11/2005 Certificate of Immunization services
7/2006 Medical School Diploma, Marmara University Medical School
9/2007 Specialization in Medicine Exam
10/2007 Interuniversity Language Exam (UDS) 80/100, 65 point is enough to
become a professor at any university in Turkey)
2/2009 Certificate of Practical Laboratory Animals Course
7/2010 United State Medical Licensing Examination Step 1: Passed
10/2014 EBU written exam passed
Memberships in Professional Societies:
2007 Junior ESRU member of the European Association of Urology
2009 Turkish Medical Association
2009 Clinical representative of Turkiye ESRU
2011 General Secretary of Turkiye ESRU
2012 Member of EAU
2013 Member of Urologic Surgery Association
Awards and Honors:
5/2003 MasCo: “Marmara Medical School Student Congress” (16 May 2003-İstanbul).
The relationship between CRP and blood glucose levels in Type II Diabetic
patients (The best oral presentation prize)
5/2012 Turkish National Urology Congress in Cyprus: ‘Retroperitoneal
Ureteroureterostomy in Retrocaval Ureter’ (The best video presentation
Part I : Published original articles and case reports
1. An unusual retroperitoneal sero-negative hydatid cyst presenting with lower urinary tract
symptoms. Erdem MR, Akbaş A, Onol FF, Tanidir Y, Onol SY. Turkiye Parazitol Derg.
2. Lich-Gregoir ureteral reimplantation with fixation of ureter during detrusorraphy as a
reliable outpatient anti-reflux procedure. Onol FF, Akbas A, Erdem MR, Onol SY. Eur J
Pediatr Surg. 2009 Oct;19(5):320-4. doi: 10.1055/s-0029-1233496. Epub 2009 Sep 10.
3. Female urethral malignant melanoma with vesical invasion: a case report. Akbas A,
Akman T, Erdem MR, Antar B, Kilicarslan I, Onol SY. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2010
4. Techniques and results of urethroplasty for female urethral strictures: our experience with
17 patients. Önol FF, Antar B, Köse O, Erdem MR, Önol ŞY. Urology. 2011
Jun;77(6):1318-24. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2011.01.017. Epub 2011 Apr 3.
5. Rectovesical fistula related to transurethral resection of a bladder lesion. Topaktaş R,
Tepeler A, Kurt O, Erdem MR, Armağan A, Onol SY. Case Rep Med.
2011;2011:801290. doi: 10.1155/2011/801290. Epub 2011 Sep 29.
6. A rare renal epithelial tumor: mucinous cystadenocarcinoma case report and review of the
literature. Tepeler A, Erdem MR, Kurt O, Topaktas R, Kilicaslan I, Armağan A, Onol
SY. Case Rep Med. 2011;2011:686283. doi: 10.1155/2011/686283. Epub 2011 Oct 29.
7. Impact of percutaneous renal access technique on outcomes of percutaneous
nephrolithotomy. Tepeler A, Armağan A, Akman T, Polat EC, Ersöz C, Topaktaş
R, Erdem MR, Onol SY. J Endourol. 2012 Jul;26(7):828-33. doi:
10.1089/end.2011.0563. Epub 2012 Mar 14.
8. Reconstruction of distal urethral strictures confined to the glans with circular buccal
mucosa graft. Onol SY, Onol FF, Gümüş E, Topaktaş R, Erdem MR. Urology. 2012
May;79(5):1158-62. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2012.01.046. Epub 2012 Mar 24.
9. Tubularized incised plate urethroplasty with dorsal inlay graft prevents meatal/neourethral
stenosis: a single surgeon's experience. Silay MS, Armagan A, Kilincaslan H, Erdem
MR, Akcay M. J Pediatr Surg. 2012 Jul;47(7):1480; author reply 1482. doi:
10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2012.02.026. No abstract available.
10. Is fluoroscopic imaging mandatory for endoscopic treatment of ureteral stones? Tepeler
A, Armagan A, Akman T, Sılay MS, Akçay M, Başıbüyük I, Erdem MR, Önol ŞY.
Urology. 2012 Nov;80(5):1002-6. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2012.02.082. Epub 2012 Jul 31.
11. The role of microperc in the treatment of symptomatic lower pole renal calculi. Tepeler
A, Armagan A, Sancaktutar AA, Silay MS, Penbegul N, Akman T, Hatipoglu NK, Ersoz
C,Erdem MR, Akcay M. J Endourol. 2013 Jan;27(1):13-8. doi: 10.1089/end.2012.0422.
Epub 2012 Oct 25.
12. Micropercutaneous nephrolithotomy in the treatment of moderate-size renal calculi.
Armagan A, Tepeler A, Silay MS, Ersoz C, Akcay M, Akman T, Erdem MR, Onol SY. J
Endourol. 2013 Feb;27(2):177-81. doi: 10.1089/end.2012.0517. Epub 2012 Oct 26.
13. Comparison of flexible and rigid cystoscopy-assisted ureteral catheter insertion before
percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a prospective randomized trial. Tepeler A, Silay MS,
Akman T, Akcay M, Ersoz C, Kardas S, Erdem MR, Armagan A, Onol SY. J Endourol.
2013 Jun;27(6):722-6. doi: 10.1089/end.2013.0018. Epub 2013 May 10.
14. The all-seeing needle instead of the Veress needle in pediatric urologic laparoscopy. Silay
MS, Tepeler A, Sancaktutar AA, Kilincaslan H, Altay B, Erdem MR, Hatipoglu NK,
Akcay M, Akman T, Armagan A. J Endourol. 2013 Nov;27(11):1376-80. doi:
10.1089/end.2013.0054. Epub 2013 Jun 20.
15. Henoch-Schönlein purpura without systemic involvement beginning with acute scrotum
and mimicking torsion of testis. Verim L, Cebeci F, Erdem MR, Somay A. Arch Ital
Urol Androl. 2013 Apr 19;85(1):50-2. doi: 10.4081/aiua.2013.1.50.
16. Extraordinary cause of complete colonic obstruction in children: urinary retention.
Kilincaslan H, Silay MS, Erdem MR, Donmez T, Bilici M, Erenberk U. Pediatr Int. 2014
Jun;56(3):419-22. doi: 10.1111/ped.12273.
17. Laparoscopic decortication of hilar renal cysts using LigaSure. Erdem MR, Tepeler A,
Gunes M, Sılay MS, Akman T, Akcay M, Armagan A, Onol SY. JSLS. 2014 Apr-
Jun;18(2):301-7. doi: 10.4293/108680813X13753907291558.
18. Endoscopic guided additional access for staghorn calculi. Ziypak T, Adanur S, Tepeler
A, Erdem MR, Akcay M, Armagan A, Ozbey I, Polat O. J Endourol. 2014
Oct;28(10):1192-6. doi: 10.1089/end.2014.0189. Epub 2014 Aug 13.
19. Our experience in chordee without hypospadias: results of 102 cases. Polat EC, Erdem
MR, Topaktas R, Ersoz C, Onol SY. Urol J. 2014 Sep 6;11(4):1783-7.
20. Minimum 1-year results of mesh spiral-sling procedure in managing refractory and
primary disabling stress urinary incontinence. Önol SY, Sevket O, Önol FF, Erdem MR,
Tepeler A. Int Urogynecol J. 2014 Oct;25(10):1399-404. doi: 10.1007/s00192-013-2224-
6. Epub 2014 Aug 19.
21. Stone gum: to prevent the stone migration and provide stone clearance during
percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Tepeler A , Erdem M R, Gunes M , Akman T , Akçay M .
Med Hypotheses. 2012 Dec;79(6):896-7. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2012.08.020. Epub 2012
Sep 23.
Part II: Oral and Poster Presentations
9/2006 Outcome of Unresectable Locally Advanced and/or Metastatic Colorectal
Cancer Patients Recieving Systemic Chemotherapy. F. Dane, P.F. Yumuk,
M. Gumus, M.S. Iyikesici, A. Tufan, G. Basaran, D. Cabuk, A. Ozturk,
M.R. Erdem, M. Teomete, N.S. Turhal; 6th Congress Balkan Union of
Oncology13-16 September 2006 Sofia, Bulgaria- International.
9/2008 A Minimally Invasive Pyeloplasty in Children: Dorsal Mini-Lumbotomy
Incision.Fikret Faih Önol, Şinasi Yavuz Önol, Yılören Tanıdır, Fatih Mete,
M.R. Erdem( Oral presentation- Fetal Hydronephrosis pre&postnatal
assessment &clinical approach, 2008 Annual course of European Society
for Paediatric Urology(ESPU), September 10-12, 2008, Istanbul, Turkey-
11/2008 Sixteen Dots Technique and Multiple Parallel Plication in Penil Curvature
Surgery. S.Y. Onol, Y.O. Ilbey, F.F. Onol, Yıloren Tanıdır, Baran Antar,
Emin Ozbek, Alpaslan Akbas, M.R. Erdem (Poster presentation – 20th
National Urology Conference – 1-6 November 2008 – Antalya/Turkey –
11/2008 Comparison of Transverse versus Vertical Fasciacutaneaous Island Flap in
Recurrent Strictures of Meatus and Fossa Navicularis. S.Y. Onol, F.F.
Onol, Haluk Inal, Y.O.Ilbey, Alpaslan Akbas, Osman Kose, M.R. Erdem
(Poster presentation – 20th National Urology Conference – 1-6 November
2008 – Antalya/Turkey – National)
11/2008 The Efficacy of Abdominal Sacrocolpopexy in The Treatment of Advanced
Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP). F.F. Onol, Osman Kose, Alpaslan Akbas,
Baran Antar, M.R. Erdem, S. Y. Onol. (Poster presentation – 20th
National Urology Conference – 1-6 November 2008 – Antalya/Turkey –
11/2008 A Major Complication of Ureteroscopic Surgery: Reconstructive Repair of
Ureteral Avulsions.F.F. Onol, Yiloren Tanidir, S.Y. Onol, Alpaslan Akbas,
Baran Antar, M.R. Erdem. (Poster presentation – 20th National Urology
Conference – 1-6 November 2008 – Antalya/Turkey – National)
11/2008 Severe Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans; All Anterior Urethral
Involvment.S.Y. Onol, F.F. Onol, Emin Ozbek, Y.O. Ilbey, Serhat Onur,
Alpaslan Akbas, M.R. Erdem, M.O. Ipek. (Poster presentation – 20th
National Urology Conference – 1-6 November 2008 – Antalya/Turkey –
11/2008 Comparison of Spiral and Classic Transobturator Tape (TOT) Procedures
in Male Stress Urinary Incontinance: A Multicenteric Study. S.Y. Onol,
F.F. Onol, Yiloren Tanidir, Y.O. Ilbey, Alpaslan Akbas, M.R. Erdem.
(Poster presentation – 20th National Urology Conference – 1-6 November
2008 – Antalya/Turkey – National)
3/2009 New Method for Surgical Treatment of Filarial Hydrocele: Nijer Experiences.
M.R. Erdem, Alpaslan Akbas, Turan Aslan, Serhat Onur, Haluk Inal, S.Y.
Onol. (Poster presentation – 14 th National Microbiology and Infectious
Disease Conference – 25-29 March 2009 – Antalya/Turkey – National)
3/2009 Without Surgical Approach, Unsuccesful Result of Only Antibiotherapy in The
Treatment of Fournier Disease. M.R. Erdem, Baran Antar, Osman Kose,
Alpaslan Akbas, Turan Aslan, S.Y. Onol (Poster presentation – 14 th
National Microbiology and Infectious Disease Conference – 25-29 March
2009 – Antalya/Turkey – National)
10/2009 The impact of rhabdosphincter inclusion in the vesicourethral anastomotic
sutures on continence after radical prostatectomy. Sinasi Yavuz
Onol,Fikret Fatih Onol, Ramazan Topaktas, Burak Aslan, Mehmet Remzi
Erdem. (Poster presentation – 9 th International Prostate Forum 2009 –
10/2009 Radical Prostatectomy (RP) monotherapy in cases of locally advanced non-
bone metastatic prostate cancer (LANMPC). Sinasi Yavuz Onol, Ramazan
Topaktas, Fikret Fatih Onol, Mehmet Remzi Erdem, Baran Antar. (Poster
presentation – 9 th International Prostate Forum 2009 – Izmir/Turkey-
09/2010 Update in first line treatment of female urethral stricture: Vaginal Inlay
urethroplasty, Onol SY; Onol FF; Kurt O; Erdem MR. J Sex Med; Vol 7
Supp 6; 2010, 403-64.
09/2010 Our experience in cordi without hypospadias, Onol SY; Kurt O; Polat EC;
Topaktas R; Erdem MR. J Sex Med; Vol 7 Supp 6; 2010, 403-64.
10/2010 The importance of reconstructive surgery in female urethral strcitures. FF
Onol, B Antar, EC Polat, O Kose, MR Erdem, SY Onol. 21 st National
Urology Congress, 2010.
10/2010 Our Experience with Posterior Urethroplasty in Children. SY Onol, R
Topaktas, MR Erdem, C Ersoz, O Fikri. 21 st National Urology Congress,
10/2010 Synchronized Artificial Urinary Sphincter and Penile Prosthesis
Implantation: Video Presentation. O Kurt, O Fikri, MR Erdem, B Antar,
SY Onol. 21 st National Urology Congress, 2010.
10/2010 Is Fowler- Stephens Orchiopexy Mandatory for Intraabdominal Testis? O
Kurt, EC Polat, MR Erdem, I Basibuyuk. SY Onol. 21 st National Urology
Congress, 2010.
10/2010 Extravesical Isolation of Giant Bladder Diverticulae. SY Onol, MR
Erdem, FF Onol. 21 st National Urology Congress, 2010.
03/2011 Is Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy Justified in Central Renal Masses
Herniating into the Hilum? Our technique and Results with Open Nephron-
Sparing Surgery. Onol SY, Onol FF, Erdem MR, Topaktas R. Ersoz C.
Eur Urol Supp 2011; 10 (2):355.
03/2011 Versatility of Circular Buccal Mucosa Graft Urethroplasty in Balanitis
Xerotica Obliterans Related Distal Urethral Strictures. Onol SY, Onol FF,
Simsek A, Topaktas R, Erdem MR. Eur Urol Supp 2011; 10 (2):355.
08/2011 Spiral Sling Procedure for Postoperative Incontinence. Onol SY, Onol FF,
Armagan A, Tepeler A, Antar B, Erdem MR. 41 st Annual Meeting of the
ınternational Continence Society.
10/2011 Step by step: Female Cystectomy and Extended Lymphadenectomy. Ersoz
C, Erdem MR, Topaktas R, Polat EC, Basibuyuk I, Elbir F, Armagan A,
Tepeler A, Akman T, Onol SY. 10 th Urooncology Meeting.
10/2011 Our Experience about Extended Lymphadenectomy in Prostate and
Bladder Cancer. Erdem MR, Ersoz C, Topaktas R, Polat EC, Basibuyuk I,
Elbir F, Tepeler A, Akman T, Armagan A, Onol SY. 10 th Urooncology
10/2011 Extended Lymphadenectomy in Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer. Polat
EC, Topaktas R, Erdem MR, Ersoz C, Basibuyk I, Elbir F, Tepeler A,
Akman T, Armagan A, Onol SY. 10 th Urooncology Meeting.
10/2011 Comparison of two access technique: Eye of needle and triangulation
methods; prospective randomized trial. Tepeler A, Ersoz C, Erdem MR,
Polat EC, Topaktas R, Basibuyuk I, Elbir F, Akman T, Armagan A, Onol
SY. 9 th National Endourology Congress, Ankara.
10/2011 Short term result of diode lazer prostate vaporization. Tepeler A, Erdem
MR, Topaktas R, Ersoz C, Polat EC, Basibuyuk I, Elbir F, Akman T,
Armagan A, Onol SY. 9 th National Endourology Congress, Ankara.
12/2011 Repairment of Vesicovaginal Fistula without Removal of Fistula Tract.
Onol SY, Armagan A, Tepeler A, Akman T, Polat EC, Topaktas R, Erdem
MR, Ersoz C, Basibuyuk I, Elbir F. 2 nd National Female and Functional
Urology Congress. Antalya.
12/2011 Urethroplasty should be the initial treatment for female urethral stricture.
Onol SY, Armagan A, Tepeler A, Akman T, Polat EC, Topaktas R, Erdem
MR, Ersoz C, Basibuyuk I. 2 nd National Female and Functional Urology
Congress. Antalya.
12/2011 Our mid-term results with ‘ extraperitoneal sacrocolpopexy (expert) in the
management of advanced uterine / vaginal vault prolapse. Onol SY, Onol
FF, Ersoz C, Erdem MR, Tepeler A, Armagan A. 2 nd National Female and
Functional Urology Congress. Antalya.
12/2011 Liberation of bladder neck and urethra for treatment of fixed female
urethra. Armagan A, Tepeler A, Akman T, Polat EC, Topaktas R, Erdem
MR, Ersoz C, Basibuyuk I, Elbir F. 2 nd National Female and Functional
Urology Congress. Antalya.
05/2012 Open partial nephrectomy in the central hilar renal masses: technical
refinements that facilitate the process. Onol SY, Ersoz C, Erdem MR,
Tepeler A, Topaktas R, Polat EC, Basibuyuk I, Elbir F, Armagan A,
Akman T. 2012 AUA Annual Meeting, Atlanta USA.
05/2012 Radical nephrectomy and vena cava thrombectomy: thoracoabdominal
extraperitoneal extrapleural method. Onol SY, Ersoz C, Erdem MR,
Tepeler A, Polat EC, Topaktas R, Basibuyuk I, Elbir F, Armagan A,
Akman T. 2012 AUA Annual Meeting, Atlanta USA.
05/2012 Impact of percutaneous renal access technique on outcomes of
percutaneous nephrolitotomy. Tepeler A, Armagan A, Polat EC, Ersoz C,
Erdem MR, Topaktas R, Onol SY. 2012 AUA Annual Meeting, Atlanta
05/2012 Double Buccal Mucosa Greft- Augmented Urethroplasty in Tight Bulbar
Urethral Stricture. Onol SY, Onol FF, Erdem MR, Ersoz C, Akman T.
Armagan A. 2012 AUA Annual Meeting, Atlanta USA.
05/2012 Timely management of severe urethral injuries with ureteral by-pass
surgery. Onol SY, Onol FF, Erdem MR, Topkatas R, Akman T, Armagan
A. AUA-Eurasian Urology Platform Joint Meeting Program 2012 Atlanta
Book Chapter: Malign Melanoma in genitor-Urinary Tract, Abdulkadir Tepeler, Mehmet
Remzi Erdem, Sinasi Yavuz Onol, Abdullah Armagan, Alpaslan Akbas.
Nationally Publised Articles
6/2011 F. Fatih Onol, Hasan Sağlam, M. Remzi Erdem, Osman Kose, S. Yavuz
Onol, Diagnostic and theuropetic problems of patients with testicular
torsion: Importance of preoperative intermittent testicular pain.
9/2011 Abdulkadir Tepeler, Cevper Ersoz, Mehmet Remzi Erdem, Tolga
Akman, Abdullah Armagan, Sinasi Yavuz Onol, Evaluation of information
about urologic disorders on the Internet: a pilot study of varicocele,
Turkish Journal of Urology 2011; 37(4):321-5.
03/2012 Ramazan Topaktas, Cevper Ersoz, Mehmet Remzi Erdem, Abdulkadir
Tepeler, Abdullah Armagan, Sinasi Yavuz Onol, Brucellar
Epididymoorchitis: A case report, Journal of Clinical and Experimental
Attendant Conferences
2/2008 3 rd ZTB-ETLIK Urogynocology / Pelvic Floor Reconstructive Surgery
Days (Ankara/Turkey – National)
7/2008 Eurasian Andrology Summit ( Istanbul/Turkey – International )
12/2008 13 th Hypospadias day (Istanbul/Turkey – National)
09/2008 Fetal Hydronephrosis pre&postnatal assessment &clinical approach, 2008
Annual course of European Society for Paediatric Urology(ESPU),
September 10-12, 2008, Istanbul, Turkey-International)
04/2009 Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association (Chicago/USA)
10/2009 9 th International Prostate Forum October 2009 – Izmir/Turkey - International)
11/2009 8 th National Endourology Congress and European Urotechnology Association
2009 Meeting, Antalya, Turkey
11/ 2009 Minimally invasive treatment in early stage renal tumors: ESUT Course,
Antalya, Turkey
01/2010 International Summit: Residency and Young Specialist in Urology,
Istanbul, Turkey
05/2010 1 st World Congress of Pediatric Urology, San Francisco, Califronia, USA
05/2010 AUA 2010 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA
09/2010 Laparoscopy Days in Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
03/2011 26 th Annual EAU Congress, Vienna, Austria
03/2011 1 st National Robotic Surgery Congress, Istanbul, Turkey
10/2011 21 st Turkish National Urology Congress, Istanbul, Turkey
10/2011 9 th National Endourology Congress, Ankara, Turkey
03/2012 Pediatric Urolithiasis Course, Diyarbakır, Turkey
05/2012 22 nd National Urology Congress, Girne/ North Cyprus
05/2012 AUA 2012 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
05/2015 AUA Annual Meeting 2015, New Orleans, USA
He was born in 1985 in Antalya. He completed his primary and secondary education in Antalya. Between 2003 and 2009, he studied at the Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty of Istanbul University. In 2009, he started his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Istanbul Suleymaniye Obstetrics and Pediatrics Education and Research Hospital. During his residency, he worked in obstetrics, Gynecology, Oncology, Endoscopic Surgery, Perinatology (high-risk pregnancy), Infertility and Menopause units.
In 2011, he spent two months in India studying actively on laparoscopy at World Laparoscopy Hospital. In 2014, he received the title of Obstetrician and Gynecologist. In the same year, he came 2nd in Turkey in the examination for Minor Specialty in Medicine and started his minor residency in Gynecological Oncology Surgery at Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
In 2017, he worked for three months at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, United States. In 2018, he became a minor specialist in Gynecological Oncology Surgery. In the same year, the European Society of Gynecological Oncology awarded him the personally accredited European Gynecologist Oncologist certificate (3rd person in Turkey). For about 1.5 years, he served at Gazi Yaşargil Training and Research Hospital under the Obligation of Civil Service. In 2019, he participated in active surgery and cadaver work together with Michael Höckel, one of the pioneers of Gynecological Oncology at the University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany. That same year, he was a “visiting fellow” at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome, Italy.
He was awarded the title of Associate Professor in August 2019. He participated in numerous national and international congresses, symposiums and workshops and served as guest speaker. His surgery videos have been selected as training videos by the European Society of Gynecological Oncology and are published on their site for doctors.
He has 56 international and 10 national publications. He was the editor of the Turkish translation of the book, which is considered the main international source in Gynecological Oncology. He is the author of 7 chapters of international and national books. He has over 100 works in Turkey and abroad as oral presentations, poster presentations and panel presentations. He is refereeing for internationally respected journals. He has a good command of English. He follows up and implements all developments in his field.
Este Home Health Tourism is a prestigious organization at the forefront of Turkey’s health tourism sector, offering internationally recognized, high-standard services. The company specializes in health tourism and is managed by a team of experienced professionals, each highly regarded in their respective fields. Este Home is led by two prominent experts specializing in critical areas such as aesthetic surgery and hair transplantation: Dr. Murat İmalı and Hair Transplant Specialist Fatih Taşalan.
Dr. Murat İmalı
Dr. Murat İmalı is a distinguished expert in the field of aesthetics, renowned for his extensive knowledge and numerous successful procedures. He completed his medical education at one of Turkey’s leading universities and specializes in aesthetic surgery, particularly facial aesthetics, medical device applications, fillers, and botox. Dr. İmalı’s vision is to provide the best outcomes tailored to each patient’s unique needs.
Hair Transplant Specialist Fatih Taşalan
Fatih Taşalan is a globally recognized expert in hair transplantation and restoration. He has significantly contributed to Turkey becoming a global hub for hair transplantation. Using innovative techniques such as FUE, DHI, and Sapphire FUE, Taşalan delivers natural and long-lasting results. Under his leadership, Este Home provides reliable and professional hair transplant services to hundreds of patients from around the world each year.
A+ Treatments and Services
Este Home offers a wide range of A+ treatments and services, extending beyond aesthetic surgery and hair transplantation, including:
Why Choose Este Home?
Under the leadership of Dr. Murat İmalı and Fatih Taşalan, Este Home continues to be a symbol of quality and trust in health tourism, both in Turkey and on the global stage. Entrust your health to the expert care of Este Home!
Chief of Cardiac Surgery
Highly regarded medical professional with extensive experience in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, performing groundbreaking procedures, and leading highly successful departments to advance healthcare treatments worldwide. Accomplished professional that has pioneered surgeries, published over 100 papers in international journals, and presented over 2K lectures worldwide. Expert surgeon with strong record of founding and leading associations, creating departments to support cardiovascular treatments, and facilitating comprehensive instruction to bolster student knowledge and practice of advanced medical procedures/treatments.
Professional Expertise Fields
Minimally Invasive Coronary Bypass Surgery Heart TX and Ventricular Assist Device Implantation | Minimally Invasive Heart Valve Surgery Total Arterial Coronary Bypass Surgery
| Minimally Invasive Congenital Cardiac Surgery Congenital Heart Surgery
| Coronary Artery Bypass Operations Adult Congenital Heart Surgery |
Pioneering Accomplishments in Surgery
First Heart-Lung Transplantation (1998) First Heart Transplantation in Child (1998) First Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (1999) First PDA Closure by VATS (1999) | First Domino Procedure (1999) Thoracoscopic Excision of Hydatic Cyst in Lung (2000) Minimal Invasive Excision of Hydatic Cyst in Lung (2000)
Professional Experience
1989-2023 (Present) – Professor of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
2004-2023 (Present) – President, Heart and Health Foundation of Turkey
2014-2016 – President, European Society of Cardiovascular Surgery
2009 – Heart Transplantation Center License Renewal, Dokuz Eylül University
2000 – Launched Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery Program for Adult Patients, Dokuz Eylul University
1996 – Assigned as Professor at the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Dokuz Eylül University
1996 – Launched Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery Program for Child Patients, Dokuz Eylul University
1990 – Founded Pediatric and Newborn Heart Surgery Program, Dokuz Eylul University
1989-2001 – Founding Chairman of Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Dokuz Eylul University
1989 – House Surgeon, Cardiothoracic Surgery Unit, Royal Infirmary Hospital, Edinburgh
2011 – Received Ministry of Health of Turkey Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Certificate
1996 – Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery, Dokuz Eylul University
1990 – Associate Professor of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Dokuz Eylul University
1986-1989 – Military Service at Gülhane Military Academy Hospital and Compulsory Service at Higher Specialization Hospital of Turkey
1980-1986 – Specialization Training in Cardiovascular Surgery (Clinical Directors: Prof. Dr. Aydın Aytac and Prof. Dr. Yüksel Bozer), Hacettepe University
1974-1980 – School of Medicine, Hacettepe University
Professional Affiliations
2004 – Fellow, American College of Cardiology (FACC)
2002 – Member, European Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (ESCVS)
2001 – Fellow, European Society of Cardiology (FESC)
2000 – Member, The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS)
1996 – Member, Turkish Association of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery
1995 – Member, Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery
1993 – Member, National Society of Vascular and Cardiovascular Surgery
1992 – Member, European Organ Transplant Association
1992 – Member, European Society of Vascular Surgery
1992 – Member, European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery (EACTS)
1987 – Member, Turkish Society of Vascular Surgery
1987 – Board Member, Mediterranean Society of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery
International and National Duties and Professional Activities
2023 – Chairman, Asian Heart Society Council on Cardiovascular Surgery
2005-2024 – President, International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (UCCVS) (Annual congress organization of Heart and Heart Foundation of Turkey)
2012-2014 – President, of European Society for Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery
2011 – Director of Transplantation Institute, Dokuz Eylul University
2010 – Treasurer, European Society for Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery
2010 – President, 59th Congress of the European Society for Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery in conjunction with 6th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery
2009 – Board Member, European Society of Cardiovascular Surgery Cardiac
2008-2009 – 1st and 2nd Training Courses of GUCH Working Group in European Society of Cardiology in conjunction with 4th and 5th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery
2007 – ISMICS Winter Workshop Presidency 3th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery
2007 – Treasurer, Working Group of GUCH in European Society of Cardiology
2005 – Cardiovascular Advisory to the Board of the European Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, European Society of Cardiology Adult Congenital Heart Disease Working Group Treasurer, Founder President
2004-2023 (Present) – Founder of Heart and Health Foundation of Turkey
2004 – Founder President, Turkish Society of Cardiology, Adult Congenital Heart Disease Working Group
2002-2004 – Chairman, Working Group of Cardiovascular Surgery in European Society of Cardiology
2002 – Chair of the European Society of Cardiology Adult Congenital Heart Disease Working Group
2000 – 2002 Vice Chairman, Working Group of Cardiovascular Surgery in European Society of Cardiology,
1998 – Vice President, Cardiovascular Working Group of the European Society of Cardiology
1998 – Vice President, European Society of Cardiology Adult Congenital Heart Disease Working Group
1996-1998 – President, Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Symposiums in Izmir
1996 – President, 8th National Vascular Surgery Congress
1996 – Board Member, National Society of Pediatric Cardiology
1995-1999 – President, Local Monthly Cardiovascular Surgery Meetings in Izmir
1995 – Establishment and Presidency, National Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Association Izmir Branch
1993 – President, European Society of Cardiology Cardiovascular Surgery Working Group
1987 – Board Member, Mediterranean Society of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery
International Editorial Duties
Heart Surgery Forum
E-Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine (Editor-in-Chief)
Congress Scientific Programme Committee Membership
European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC)
International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery Congress (ISMICS)
World Congress of Cardiology (WCC)
The European Society of Cardiovascular Surgery Congress (ESCVS)
International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (UCCVS)
Scholarships – Certificates – Awards
2011 – Best Innovative Surgeon Award, Euro – Asian Bridge Meeting
1974 – Cumhuriyet High School, Ankara “First Degree Graduation”
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Prof. Kıvanç Derya Peker completed his medical education and general surgery specialization at Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine (Çapa). After his major specialization, he got his Gastroenterology Surgery Specialization from the Gastroenterology Surgery Clinic of Kartal Koşuyolu Yüksek İhtisas Training and Research Hospital by entering the top 3 in the minor examination.
During his sub-branch assistantship, he received a scholarship from the Turkish Surgery Association and worked at Mayo Clinic (Rochester, USA) Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery Clinic and Obesity-Metabolic Surgery Clinic. After returning to Turkey, He was one of the founders of the Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery unit at Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital. Peker provided Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery training to general surgery residents and gastroenterology surgery residents in this hospital, which is accepted as a training unit by the Turkish HPB Association.
On the other hand; In order to learn stem cells, cancer biology, cellular properties of obesity and aging, he did his doctorate and thesis on aging at Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine (Çapa), Department of Medical Biology. Then, he moved to Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital to establish the Gastroenterology Surgery Clinic.
Especially in his career; He is interested in Pancreatic Diseases and Surgery, Gallbladder and Bile Duct Diseases Surgery, Liver Cancer Surgery, Stomach Cancer Surgery and Obesity-Metabolic Surgery. Peker has carried out many successful operations. He has performed over 400 pancreatic and gastric cancer surgeries, over 200 liver surgeries, many surgeries related to gallbladder and biliary tract diseases, obesity – metabolic surgery and endoscopic treatments, and kidney transplants so far. He is also interested in aging and stem cell treatments.