Best Deviated septum doctors in Istanbul: TOP 27 doctors

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Fahad Mawlood
Turgay Topcuoglu
  • 4.7 Excellent 6 reviews
  • 16 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Asyaesthetic Clinic
  • Dr. Turgay Toğçuoğlu, with 20 years of experience, has performed many successful surgeries in the field of otolaryngology. He has performed many surgeries on Rhinoplasty

    EAR– Serous otitis and ear tube– Ear calcification, otosclerosis and spadetomy and teflon piston application– Chronic middle ear infections and various tympanoplasty surgeries-Perforated eardrum and surgery-Cochlear implant


    -Bone curvature or septoplasty surgery


    -Sinusitis and surgeries

    -Nasal polyps and surgery


    -Endoscopic operation of tear duct obstruction


    – Tonsils and adenoids

    -Snoring examination and various snoring and apnea removal surgeries


    – Polyps and nodules and their surgeries

    Saliva Gland

    – Submandibular salivary gland stone and surgery

    – Mass and surgeries in salivary glands


    -Lung cancers

    -Oral, tongue, pharyngeal cancers

    -Saliva gland cancers

    - Thyroidectomy surgeries


    -Neck dissection


    Dıagnosis and prognosis

    • Surgical treatment procedures
    • Surgical best practices
    • Organization and Time management
    • Solution-driven approach
    • Patient chart management
    • Clinical research
    • Adaptability
    • Cultural awareness
    • Teamwork





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Op Dr Mehmet Palali
  • 4.5 Good 4 reviews
  • 12 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Istanbul EsteCapelli Clinic Medical Solutions
  • Name: Mehmet Palali


    Place and year of birth:

    Manisa, 11.01.1984


    Istanbul university Cerrahpasa Medicine Faculty 2001-2007 

    Specialization: Ankara Numene Science and Research Hospital – ENT clinic – 2008-2013



    Yozgat State Hospital: 2013-2016

    Canakkale Biga Devlet Hospital : 2016-2017

    Medlife Bagcilar Hospital -2017-2018

    Erdem Hospital- 2018- present



    Professional Interests


    Revision rhinoplasty


    Clinic Attended as a Researcher 

     1) Investigation of SCGB3A1 (UGRP2) gene arrays in patients with nasal polyposis. 

    Palalı M, Murat Özcan K, Ozdaş S, Köseoğlu S, Ozdaş T, Erbek SS, Yıldırım E, Ensari S, Dere H. 

    Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Dec;271(12):3209-14. 

    2) Prognostic effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy starting time for sudden sensorineural hearing loss. 

    Yıldırım E, Murat Özcan K, Palalı M, Cetin MA, Ensari S, Dere H. 

    Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Jan;272(1):23-8. 

    3) Endoskopik Dakriyosistorinostomide Başarısızlık Nedenleri 

    Mehmet Ali ÇETİN, Kürşat Murat ÖZCAN, Aykut İKİNCİOĞULLARI, Sabri KÖSEOĞLU, Mehmet PALALI, Serdar ENSARİ, Hüseyin DERE 

    Ortadoğu Tıp Dergisi 5 (1): 29-32 2013 

    4) Cervical lymphadenopathy: progressive transformation of germinal centers 

    İkincioğulları A, Köseoğlu S, Çetin MA, Palalı M, Ensari S, Kayaçetin S, Kulaçoğlu S, Dere H. 

    Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. 2013 Sep-Oct;23(5):307-11. 

    5) Papiller Onkositik Kistadenom: Olgu Sunumu Mehmet Palalı, Aykut İkincioğulları, Sabri Köseoğlu, Doğan Atan, Erol Yıldırım, Hüseyin Dere 

    34. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi P-377 

    6) Temporal Kemik Karsinomu İle Birlikte İnverted Papillom Zemininde Gelişen İntranazal Karsinom: Olgu Sunumu 

    35. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi PS3-073 

    Hüseyin Dere, Mehmet Ali Çetin, Emre Apaydın, Erol Yıldırım, Mehmet Palalı, Aykut İkincioğulları 

    7) Burun Tıkanıklığının Nadir Bir Nedeni: Alt Konka Bülloza 

    Hakan Dağıstan, Mehmet Palalı 

    37. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi EP-124





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Arzu Oz
  • 4.7 Excellent 6 reviews
  • 22 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Asyaesthetic Clinic
  •  ARZU ÖZ 


    Highly effective management of all facets of the medical and surgical care of the ear, nose and throat region. Energetic and result-focused with success in developing and leading diverse teams to achieve significant results. Diligent professional with 10 years of experience in medical industries at different sociocultural level. Warm, caring approach to patients and persistent in finding best treatment options available. 


    2015.11 – CURRENT 


    Met  with patients to discuss medical histories and current complaints. 

    Management of ENT emergencies cases, early detection and institution of appropriate and adequate treatment, minimizing permanent damage and even reverse unwanted complications. 

    Admitted and treated patients as part of hospital’s24-hour on –call services. 

    Ensuring that patients understand the rigors of the treatment, and making sure that they have realistic expectations about the surgery, especially for cosmetic nasal surgery. 

    Integration with most advanced Audiology and speech therapy units to enable dealing with hearing loss and tinnitus conditions following the latest international guidelines. 


    2017.04 – CURRENT 


    Management of patients with the latest technologies including digital microscope, endoscopes and many more to diagnose and treat various disorders of ear, nose and throat. 

    Assessment of snoring conditions and stop its progression to sleep apnea, and to treat the sleep apnea effectively in a multidisciplinary approach for better results. 

    Admitted and treated patients as part of hospital’s 24-hour on –call services. 

    Provide highly effective and customized surgical and non-surgical treatment plans. Get experience in Otolaryngology, treating both children and adults. 


    2017.11 – 2019.11 



    Management of patients who require a multidisciplinary approach. 

    Treatment and surgery for ENT diseases and head and neck masses. 

    Equipped with rigid and flexible endoscopes to enable performing all out patient procedures using minimally invasive techniques and the latest Radio frequency technologies. 


     2017.08 – 2019.11 



    2017.09 – 2018.04 




    2017.11 – 2019.11 



    2017.11 – 2019.11 




    2017.11 – 2019.11 




    2017.11 – 2019.11 





    2006.05 – 2012.05 



     Pediatric, adults and geriatrics patients 

    İnpatient and outpatient settings 

    Provide highly effective and customized surgical and non-surgical treatment plans 




    • Tympanoplasty and ossiculoplasty 
    • Mastoidectomy 
    • Septoplasty and septorhinoplasty 
    • Turbunate reduction surgery 
    • Endoscopic sınus surgeries 
    • Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy 
    • Mıcrolaryngoscopy, mıcrolaryngeal surgery 
    • Neck dissection and tumor surgery of ENT and Head and neck region 
    • Emergency ENT case management 


    Thesis : The hearing outcomes in patients undergoing prelingual cochlear implantation. 

    2006.05 – 2012.05 




    • Patient chart management 
    • Clinical research 
    • Adaptability  
    • Cultural awareness 
    • Teamwork 
    • Dıagnosis and prognosis 
    • Surgical treatment procedures 
    • Surgical best practices 
    • Organization and Time management 
    • Solution-driven approach 



    • Complication and treatment of chronic otitis media. Baysal E, Erkutlu I, Mete A, Alptekin M, Oz A, Karatas ZA, Celenk F, Mumbuc S, Kanlikama M. J Craniofac Surg. 2013 Mar;24(2):464-7. 
    • Systemic steroid versus combined systemic and intratympanic steoid treatment for sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Baysal E, Tunc O, Baglam T, Durucu C, Oz A, Karatas ZA, Polat M, Celenk F, Mumbuc S, Kanlikama M. J Craniofac Surg. 2013 Mar;24(2):432-4. 
    • Giant pleomorphic adenoma of the nasal septum. Baglam T, Durucu C, Cevik C, Bakir K, Oz A, Kanlikama M. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011 Oct;63(4):393-5. 
    • Durucu C, Baglam T, Karatas E, Oz A, Bakir K, Kanlikama M. Simultaneous mycobacterial infection of tonsil and cervical lymph node: Evidence to peortal of entry. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol Extra. 2009 doi:10.1016/j.pedex.2009.04.002 
    • Travmatik kafa tabanı defekti olan bir çocukta tekrarlayan menenjit. Işıkay S, Yılmaz K, Yılmaz M, Mumbuç S, Aksoy M. Türkiye Klinikleri J Pediatr 2012;21(1):45-52. 
    • Tiroidektomi Sonrası İnfeksiyon. Balam T, Oz A. Türkiye Klinikleri J E.N.T.-Special Topics 2009;2(1):51-3 
    • Bağlam T, Öz A, Durucu C, Baysal E, Karataş ZE, Polat M, Tunç O, Mumbuç S, Kanlıkama M. Nörobruselloza Bağlı Total İşitme Kaybında Koklear İmplantasyonun yeri. 33. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi, 2011. 
    • Baysal E, Polat M, Bağlam T, Durucu T, Öz A, Karataş ZE, Mumbuç S, Kanlıkama M. Karotis Cisim Tümörlerinde Deneyimlerimiz. 33. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi, 2011. 
    • Bağlam T, Güngör N, Baysal E, Durucu C, Öz A, Karataş ZE, Mumbuç S, Kanlıkama M. Mandibula Odontojenik veya Non-Odontojenik Kaynaklı Kitlelerine Yaklaşımımız. 33. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi, 2011. 
    • Durucu C, Aytaç A, Bağlam T, Baysal E, Öz A, Karataş ZE, Tunç O, Mumbuç S, Kanlikama M. Miringoplasti Sonuçlarımız. 33. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi, 2011. 
    • Baysal E, Tunç O, Bağlam T, Durucu C, Öz A, Karataş ZE, polat M, Mumbuç S, Kanlıkama M. Ani İşitme Kayıplı Hastalarda Intratimpanik Deksametazon Uygulaması. 33. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresinde Sözlü Sunum, 2011. 
    • Baysal E, Şengül E, Bağlam T, Durucu C, Kanlıkama M, Mumbuç S, Kara F, Öz A, Karotid Cisim Tümörlü Hastalarda Klinik Deneyimlerimiz. 31. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi, 2009. 
    • Bağlam T, Öz A, Durucu C, Baysal E, Çevik C, Kanlıkama M, Mumbuç S. Primeri Bilinmeyen 

    Metastik Boyun Kitleleri. 31. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi, 2009. 

    • Karataş E, Öz A, Bağlam T, Durucu C, Kanlıkama M, Mumbuç S, Lakrimal gland kaynaklı adenoid kistik karsinom: Yanlış tanısı konulmuş ve yetersiz tedavi edilmiş bir olgu sunumu. 

    30. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi, 2008. 


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Ibrahim Altoparlak
  • New
  • 19 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Op.Dr.İbrahim Altoparlak Clinic
  • Op.Dr. İbrahim Altoparlak was born in 1977 in Erzurum.

    He started his medical education at Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1995 and completed it in 2001. In 2001, he started his specialization training at Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Ear Nose and Throat Clinic, and completed his specialization in 2006. Between 2006 and 2009, he improved himself in Head and Neck Tumor Surgery and Aesthetic Nose Operations in Ankara Oncology Hospital, Ear Nose and Throat Training Clinic. He has awarded papers at scientific meetings and articles published in scientific journals. Between 2010 and 2018, he worked as a physician at Istanbul Private Doğan Hospital and Private Service Hospital. He has been working in his own practice as of October 2018. In addition, since 2021, 

    Dr.Altoparlak continues his operations with the Aesthepan clinic. Dr.Altoparlak performs at least 2 or 3 aesthetic operations a day, and he has hundreds of successful surgeries.

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Pasa Dagistanli
  • 4.7 Excellent 6 reviews
  • 12 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Asyaesthetic Clinic
  • OP.DR.Paşa Dağıstanlı


    Dr. Paşa Dağıstanlı was born in BURSA in 1982. Having completed his primary and high school 

    education in Mersin, Pasa Dağıstanlı graduated from İstanbul University Faculty of Medicine (in 

    English) in 2015 and started his ENT Surgery specialization at 

    Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in 2011 and became a specialist in 2021. 


    Dr. During his residency, Paşa Dağıstanlı increased his experience in E.N.T surgery by working 

    with the most valuable professors of Turkey, who are among the best in his field. He was mainly 

    involved in surgeries including maxillofacial surgery, septum deviasyon, septoplasy,ear reduction , othoplasty,adenoid,tonsilectomy


     Believing in the power of empathy and communication, Dr. Paşa Dağıstanlı believes that in order 

    to be a good physician, it is necessary to be a good and honest person first. The warmth of being a 

    typical Mediterranean person creates a strong relationship of trust with his patients.


    2022.05 – Current

    E.N.T.Doctor ; , ıstanbul/turkey



    Educatıon and Traınıng


    • Patient chart management
    • Clinical research
    • Adaptability
    • Cultural awareness
    • Teamwork
    • Dıagnosis and prognosis
    • Surgical treatment procedures
    • Surgical best practices
    • Organization and Time management
    • Solution-driven approach


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Ekrem Keskin
  • New
  • 12 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Ekrem Keskin
  • Surgeon Ekrem Keskin was born in 1986 in Istanbul. He completed his education at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 2010, and was awarded the title of Medical Doctor. During his residency training he was instructed in nose, facial and breast aesthetics under the supervision of James Zins, MD and Raffi Gurunluoglu, MD, at Cleveland Clinic Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department, Cleveland, OHIO-USA in 2016. After 5 years of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery training, he completed his specialization and became a Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist.

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Find out about the best doctors here

20 top ranked Deviated septum doctors in the world are represented on this page. The list includes only verified specialists known for their experience and high success rates.

The ranking is composed according to the Bookimed patient reviews and considers the rating of hospitals where doctors practice.

Top 5 Deviated septum doctors on

How to choose the best Deviated septum doctors in the world?

The specialist’s CV contains details about the doctor’s expertise and work experience, education, scientific research, and languages spoken. Compare information on several specialists, read carefully about their experience, success rates, and methods they apply. Make sure the chosen doctor has relevant experience in the treatment of a medical issue you are looking for. Read reviews of patients who had a consultation with the chosen specialist.

Famous Deviated septum doctors have vast experience, continue education constantly, participate in professional associations and have positive feedback from patients treated.

What is the cost of a doctor's consultation?

The price for the consultation on Deviated septum varies between experts and depends on certain factors, such as:

  • the country of practicing
  • the clinical experience and reputation
  • the medical degree and educational background
  • the doctor’s workload
  • medical developments, proprietary techniques used, and awards, if any.

How to make an appointment with a chosen doctor?

To schedule your visit, just submit a request on Our coordinator will contact you to discuss the time and details of the appointment, so everything will go smoothly.

We can help to find the right doctors for Deviated septum if you have any difficulties with a choice. Bookimed services are free for patients ♥

Where you go for medical treatment

Akin Zengin
  • New
  • 28 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Zengin Medical Center
  • Dr. Akın Zengin is a highly experienced Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) surgeon with over 27 years in the field and a remarkable 99% success rate in surgeries. His advanced training, including specialized education in facial aesthetics at Oregon Health & Science University in the United States, has positioned him as a leader in ENT and facial aesthetic surgery.

    Education and Specialization

    Dr. Zengin earned his medical degree from Gülhane Military Medical Academy (GATA) and completed his ENT specialization at GATA in 1997. He later completed a prestigious fellowship in facial aesthetics at Oregon Health & Science University (2003-2004), where he gained cutting-edge skills in both ENT and facial cosmetic procedures.

    Professional Experience

    Throughout his career, Dr. Zengin has worked at prominent military and private hospitals, including GATA, Kütahya Military Hospital, Malatya Military Hospital, and Özel Via Hospital. His extensive experience covers a wide range of ENT surgeries and facial aesthetic treatments, earning him widespread recognition in his field.

    Professional Memberships

    Dr. Zengin is an active member of the Turkish Otorhinolaryngology Association, staying current with the latest advancements in ENT and facial aesthetics.

    With his vast experience, advanced training, and commitment to excellence, Dr. Akın Zengin is a trusted expert in ENT and facial aesthetics, providing exceptional care and outstanding results.

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Choosing Right Doctor and Clinic: Insider Tips
When selecting a doctor or clinic, keep these key points in mind:
Check credentials
Verify certifications from bodies like ISAPS, JCI, etc.
Review success rates
Choose doctors with solid experience in your specific treatment.
Read patient reviews
Browse Bookimed reviews from real patients to learn about their experiences.
Ensure effective communication
Pick clinics that offer language support for a smooth treatment process.
Ask about services
Confirm if they provide accommodation and transfers, and check the costs.
Choosing a clinic abroad can be stressful. At Bookimed, with over 800K patients helped, we understand your concerns. We know how to find trusted doctors, the best price-quality options, and solutions for even complex cases. We’re here to guide you every step of the way.
Yan Matsiivskiy
Head of Medical Coordinator Team