Medical Interests and Activities
Gastrointestinal diseases
Oncologic laparoscopic surgery
Anorectal area diseases
Urgent surgical cases (acute cholecystitis, divertikülit, ileus, pankreatit, appendicitis)
Colon and rectum cancer
Treatment of oncologic surgical cases with further laparoscopic and robotic surgery.
Laparoscopic hernia surgery
Esophagus and stomach cancer
Selim anorectal diseases (hemorrhoidal disease, anal fissure), perianal fistula, pilonoidal sinus (hairless- non-surgical treatment)
Education and Experience
İstanbul University Medical Faculty 1988
University of Colorado Health Science Center – Intern Surgeon
Isparta, Dedeçam Şehit Ramazan Karaca Health Center (1995-1996)
İstanbul Surgery Hospital – American Hospital (2000-2001)
Chief assistant Istanbul Medical Faculty, Department of General Surgery (2001-2008)
World Congress on Peritonel Surface Malignancies (HIPEC course) Berlin, Germany (2012)
USC Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA (2006-2007)
Assoc. Prof. M.D. , İstanbul Medical Faculty General Surgery (2008-2014)
Da Vinci Robotic Intensive Course at IRCAD, Strasbourg, France (2011)
Stony Brook Medicine Cadaver Training Event in Colon and Rectal Surgery, New York, USA (2016) (Instructor)
Fellow of the European Board of Surgery- Emergency Surgery (FEBS EmSurg) Honorary Diploma (2017)
Prof. M.D. , İstanbul Medical Faculty General Surgery (2014 -2017)
İstanbul University Medical Faculty – General Surgery Master of Science 1996
University of Southern California Medical Center, Department of General Surgery, Los Angeles, USA – February 2006 – February 2007
Liv Hospital
Turkish Society of Surgery
National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Association
Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Association
National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Association
Hepato-Pancreato-Bilier Surgery Association
Istanbul Surgical Association
Flebology Association
ESTES (European Society of Trauma and Emergency Surgery)
International Society of Surgery (ISS)