Best Orthopedic rehabilitation (per 1 day) doctors in Turkey: TOP 26 doctors

Content meets the Bookimed Editorial Policy and is medically reviewed by
Fahad Mawlood
Erman Cekic
  • New
  • 14 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, OrtoCare Clinic
  • Work Experience:

    • 2011-2014 (Haziran) Kütahya Tavşanlı Doç. Dr. Mustafa Kalemli Hospital

    • 2014(Haziran)-2019 ( Haziran) Kütahya Özel Anadolu Hospital

    • 2019- 2020 İstanbul Arnavutköy Hosptial

    • 2020- 2023 Özel İstanbul Şafak Hospital

    • 2024 -halen OrtoCare Clinic



    ▪ 1989-1993 Erzurum High School

    ▪ 1993-1994 İzmir 60. Yıl High School

    ▪ 1994-1997 İzmir 60. Yıl High School

    ▪ 1997-2004 Dokuz Eylül University Medicine Faculty

    ▪ 2005-2011 Dokuz Eylül Universtiy Orthopaedics and Traumatology Department


    Profesional Experience:

    • Joint and Cartilage Surgery and Stem Cell treatment

    • Sports Medicine and Joint Arthroscopy

    • Joint Arhtroplasty (knee- hip-shoulder prothesis)

    • Hand Surgery and Microsurgery

    • Spinal Surgery

    • Traumatolgy


    Postgraduate Education:

    • 2006 Orthopaedic Trauma Course

    • 2008 Monolateral Eksternal Fixator Course

    • 2009 Prof. Dr. Rıdvan Ege Han Surgery Course

    • 2009 Advanced Orthoapedic Trauma Course

    • 2009 Based Arthroscopy Course

    • 2010 AO Trauma Course ( Principles in Operative Fracture Treatment)

    • 2010 3.Based İntrameduller Nailing Course

    • 2011 AO Trauma Course (Advances in Operative Fracture Treatment)

    • 2011 2. Advanced İntrameduller Nailing Course

    • 2011 XII. Advanced Artrhroscopy Course

    • 2012 Ankle Arthroscopy Course

    • 2012 Shoulder Artrhroscopy Course

    • 2013 AO Trauma Masters Course

    • 2013 Knee Arthroplasty and Revision Arthroplasty Course ( Viyana/ Avusturya)

    • 2015 Primer and Revision Knee Artrhroplasty Course( Arthroschool Courses)

    • 2016 Master Knee Arthroscopy Course ( Acıbadem Univ./ İstanbul )

    • 2020 Live lig spinall instrumentation kursu (Medtronic İstanbul)


    Congress and Symposiums

    • 2002 Eğitim Programı Geliştirme Sempozyumu

    • 2004 III. National Medicine Education Congress

    • 2017 National Medicine Student Congress

    • 2008 8th İnternational Turkish Spine Congress

    • 2009 XXI. National Orthopaedy and Traumatology Congress

    • 2010 12. National Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress

    • 2001 II. National Medicine Education Congress

    • 2011 XXII. National Orthopaedy and Traumatology Congress

    • 2012 10. ArthroplastyWinter Congress

    • 2012 13th European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Congress

    • 2012 13. National Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress

    • 2013 Osteosynthese İnternational 2013

    • 2013 14th European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Congress

    • 2014 10th Central European Orthopaedic Congress

    • 2014 24. National Orthopaedy and Traumatology Congress

    • 2015 25, National Orthopaedy and Traumatology Congress

    • 2016 26. National Orthopaedy and Traumatology Congress

    • 2017 Eurospine 2017 Congress Ireland



    • 2011 XXII. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi Poster Bildirisi (İNTRAMEDULLER




    • 2013 Osteosynthese İnternational 2013 and İntramedullary Nailing Courses Oral Presentation

    (F1.4 Verification of the reliability of the radiographic union score for tibial fractures in

    the follow-up of patients with tibia corpus fractures operated via the intramedullary

    nailing technique using the patients’ clinical condition. E. Cekic1, E. Alici2,)

    • 2014 10th Central European Orthopaedic Congress Oral Presentation ( The Reliability of

    Radiographic Union Score).

    • Reliability of the Radiographic Union Score for Tibial Fractures Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc

    2014;48(5):533-540 doi: 10.3944/AOTT.2014.14.002

    • Prediction of tibial nonunion at the 6-week time point Keir A. Ross, Kevin O’Halloran, Renan C.

    Castillo, Max Coale, Justin Fowler, Jason W. Nascone, Marcus F. Sciadini, Christopher T. LeBrun,

    Theodore T. Manson, Anthony R. Carlini, Josef E. Jolissaint, Robert V. O’Toole*

    • Reprodutibilidade do escore radiográfico de consolidac¸ão das fraturas da tíbia (RUST) Fernando

    Antonio Silva de Azevedo Filhoa,b,∗, Ricardo Britto Cotiasa, Matheus Lemos Azib e Armando Augusto

    de Almeida Teixeiraa

    • Does weight-bearing assignment after intramedullary nail placement alter healing of tibial shaft

    fractures? D.A. Greenhilla,∗, M. Poormanb, C. Pinkowskib, F.V. Ramseyb, C. Haydela

    • Will My Tibial Fracture Heal? Predicting Nonunion at the Time of Definitive Fixation Based on

    Commonly Available Variables

    Kevin O’Halloran MD, Max Coale BA, Timothy Costales BS,Timothy Zerhusen Jr BS, Renan C. Castillo PhD,

    Jason W. Nascone MD,Robert V. O’Toole MD

    • Feasibility and Value of Radiographic Union Score Hip Fracture after Treatment with Intramedullary

    Nail of Stable Hip Fractures

    • Image quality of cone beam computed tomography for evaluation of extremity fractures in the presence

    of metalhardware: visual grading characteristics analysis




    • Correlation Between RUST Assessments of Fracture Healing to Structural

    and Biomechanical Properties

    Margaret E. Cooke,1 Amira I. Hussein,1 Kyle E. Lybrand,1 Alexander Wulff,1 Erin Simmons,1

    Jeffrey H. Choi,1 Jody Litrenta,1William M. Ricci,2 Jason W. Nascone,3 Robert V. O’Toole,3 Elise F.

    Morgan,4 Louis C. Gerstenfeld,1 Paul Tornetta III1





    A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the

    Requirements for the Degree Master of Science

    McMaster University

    • Value of a radiographic score for the assessment of healing of nailed femoral

    and tibial shaft fractures: A retrospective preliminary study

    Vasiliki Perlepea,⁎, Andrea Ceratoa, Dan Putineanua, Celine Buglib, Guy Heynend,

    Patrick Omoumia,c, Bruno Vande Berga


    About me

    I graduated from Izmir Dokuz Eylul University with the orthopedics branch. After I graduated, I carried out some

    studies focusing on especially on

    joint and cartilage surgery and stem cells. In this, I worked with many professional and amateur sport clubs. Also,

    I worked on joint replacement surgery

    for further aged people. Approximately, I achieved 10 thousand people who took knee and hip replacement

    surgery from me. I attended to many international conferences about joint and cartilage surgery. Now I start

    Ortocare Clinic for orthopedics and health center. In here, I treat my patients using the most advanced

    technologies in the world, such as foot health centers, electromagnetic therapy, cryocabin therapy, backup

    therapy and stem cell therapy. In our clinic, I continue to my work on non-surgical treatments, especially antiaging

    treatment, and to eliminate pain problems in patients. On top of that, I also carry out some post-operative

    rehabilitation and medical plates exercises.

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Bahtiyar Demiralp
  • 3 Good 1 review
  • 34 years of experience
  • Turkey, Antalya , Medical Park Antalya Hospital Complex

    1974/1979 Elementary School 

    1979/1982 Secondary School 

    1982/1985 High School 

    1985/1991 GATA Military Medical Faculty 

    1995/1999 GATA Resident in Orthopaedics. 

    1999/2002 Specialist in Orthopaedics. 

    2002/2008 GATA Assistant Prof in Orthopaedics 

    2008/2009 MAYO Orthopedic Departments (with Franklin Sim, MD), Pathology Department ( with Carrie INWARDS, MD) and Orthopaedic Research Laboratory (with Michael YASZEMSKI) 

    2009/2012 GATA Associate Prof in Orthopaedics 

    2012/ 2016 İstanbul Medipol University Orthopaedics and Traumatology Dep 

    2016/ 2019 Ankara Güven Hospital Orthopaedics and Traumatology Department 

    Oct 2019 Marmaris 



    The treatment of intraarticular fractures of lower extremity with Ilizarov sirculer external fixator. 


    Orthopedic Oncology 

    Trauma Surgery (war injury, politrauma surgery) 

    External Fixation (war injury, open fractures, deformity, limb lengthening) 


    Foot and ankle surgery 

    AWARDS 2006 Best research presentation. Comparison between the distraction and grafting methods in the treatment of peripheral neural defects: an experimental study in rabbits. Acta Orthop. Traumatol. Turc; 39 (2) 163/171, 2005. 

    2005 Best oral presentation. High dose neoadjuvan chemotherapy combined with autologous stem cell transplantation and limb sparing surgery in patients with nonmetastatic osteosarcoma Acta Orthop. Traumatol. Turc; Supp II. 39 (2) 79/80, 2005. 

    2005 Best poster presentation. Vascular and nonvascular fibular reconstruction results of benign aggressive and malign bone tumors. Acta Orthop. Traumatol. Turc; Supp II. 39 (2) 171, 2005 









    Associate Professor in Orthopaedic Oncology and Trauma Graduate Program. 



    1. 4th Congress of The EFORT. 3/8 June, 1999. Brusells. 

    2. 3rd Meeting of the ASAMI International 27/29 May 2004 İstanbul / Turkey. 

    3. Asia pasific Musculoskeletal Tumor Society 5th meeting. 23/25 April 2004 İzmir / Turkey 

    4. 18th Annual meeting European Musculoskeletal Oncology Society. 25/27 May 2005. Italy. 

    5. 7th International Congress on Spine. 14/17 April 2005. Antalya / Turkey 

    6. 19th Annual meeting of European Musculo-Skeletal Oncology Society. 24/25 May 2006. Russia. 

    7. 4th meeting of ASAMI International. 2006 Japan. 

    8. 14th ISOLS 11/14 2007 Germany 

    9. 5th meeting of ASAMI International. Russia 2008 

    10.MAYO Clinic Department of Orthopedic Surgery, A celebration of musculoskeletal tumor surgery meeting. Sep 23/25 2010 Rochester, MN, USA 

    11.XXXIII Course on Musculoskeletal Pathology. 8/12 Feb. 2010. Bologna ITALY 

    12. 16th ISOLS 2011 China 

    13.7th meeting of ASAMI International. Greece 2012

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Prof Ibrahim Azboy
  • 5 Excellent 2 reviews
  • 24 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Medipol Acibadem District Hospital
  • Faculty of Medicine Hacettepe School of Medicine (1994-2001)

    Specialty training: Istanbul Training and Research Hospital (2002-2008)

    In 2015, he was awarded the title of Associate Professor.

    On February 01, 2021, he was promoted to Professor.

    Professional Positions:

    Consultant MD, Balıkesir Military Hospital (2008-2009)

    Consultant MD, Şanlıurfa Training and Research Hospital (2009-2011)

    Assistant Professor MD, Dicle University, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology (2011-2017)

    Associate Professor MD, Istanbul Medipol University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology (2017-2020)

    Professor MD, Istanbul Medipol University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology (2021 – Ongoing)

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Nihal Ozaras
  • 4.2 Good 52 reviews
  • 27 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, NP Istanbul Brain Hospital
  • Nihal Özaras graduated from IU Cerrahpaşa English Faculty of Medicine in 1998 and completed her specialty training at Vakıf Gureba Training and Research Hospital (now Bezmialem University). She completed her master's degree in Neuroscience between 2006 and 2009 because she thought it would contribute to her professional practice. She traveled to the USA in 2008 to improve her clinical skills and worked as an observer physician at Harvard University Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston for 3 months. Although she is mostly interested in neurological and pediatric rehabilitation, she is experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of all musculoskeletal disorders, botulinum toxin applications for spasticity and other local injections.

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Abdurrahim Gozen
  • New
  • 7 years of experience
  • Turkey, Ankara, Lokman Hekim Van Hospital
  • Dr. Abdurrahim Gözen, born in 1982 in Gercüş, Batman, is a specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology with a focus on pediatric orthopedics, trauma, arthroscopy, and arthroplasty. After graduating from Istanbul University Medical Faculty, he completed his residency at Yüzüncü Yıl University. With over six years of professional experience in both state and private hospitals, Dr. Gözen is an active member of associations like TOTBİD and TUSYAD. He has participated in numerous national and international conferences, consistently enhancing his expertise in orthopedic surgery and advancing patient care practices.

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Turgut Akgul
  • New
  • 20 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Biruni University Hospital
  • Awards

    1. Best Oral Presentation, AO Spine AWARD 10th Hellenic spine congress and joint meeting with french and turkish spine society and 40th symposium'' Giannestras- symrnis Thessaloniki, 26-29 october 2016 Spinal Tuberculosis inPatients With Growing Spine Akgül T., Korkmaz M., Benli T., Talu U., Şar C.

    2. Best Poster, 23rd Efort (European Federation Of National Associations Of Orthopaedics And Traumatology) congress, 22-24 june 2022 Correlations between radiographic spinopelvic parameters and health-related quality of life: A prospective evaluation of 37 patients with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. Bayram S., Kendirci A. Ş. , Karalar Ş., Durmuş Tekçe H., Parman F. Y. , Akgül T, Durmaz H.

    3. TOTDER XXI.Akif Şakar Science Award

    4. Best poster, TOTBID- 24th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 2014

    5. Best poster, Totder 6th Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting May 12-15, 2016

    6. Best poster, Comparison of Selective and Non-Selective Fusion Results in the Treatment of Lenke Type 1B Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis, 27th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 2017.



    Halide Edip Adıvar High School (English High School) (1999)
    Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine (1999-2005)
    Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology (2005-2011)
    Şanlıurfa Training and Research Hospital (2011-2012)


    Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology Associate Professor (2017-2023)
    Koç University Hospital Spine Center - Part-time (2018-2023)
    Istanbul Universityniversitesi Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology Associate Professor (2023-present)
    National Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery-Turkish Journal Of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, Advisory Board Member, 2020
    Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery, Associate Editor, 2019 - Ongoing
    Acta Orthopaedica Et Traumatologica Turcica, Associate Editorr, 2019 - Ongoing
    Turkish Spine Society (TOD)-board member-Treasurer
    TOTDER (Turkish Orthopedic Association)-board member.


    Medical Interests

    • Spine Surgery
    • Scoliosis
    • Kyphosis
    • Spine Fractures
    • Vertebra Body Tethering (VBT)(Scoliosis with tether)
    • Narrow Canal Surgery
    • Spine Revision Surgery
    • Pelvic Surgery
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Find out about the best doctors here

20 top ranked Orthopedic rehabilitation (per 1 day) doctors in the world are represented on this page. The list includes only verified specialists known for their experience and high success rates.

The ranking is composed according to the Bookimed patient reviews and considers the rating of hospitals where doctors practice.

Top 5 Orthopedic rehabilitation (per 1 day) doctors on

How to choose the best Orthopedic rehabilitation (per 1 day) doctors in the world?

The specialist’s CV contains details about the doctor’s expertise and work experience, education, scientific research, and languages spoken. Compare information on several specialists, read carefully about their experience, success rates, and methods they apply. Make sure the chosen doctor has relevant experience in the treatment of a medical issue you are looking for. Read reviews of patients who had a consultation with the chosen specialist.

Famous Orthopedic rehabilitation (per 1 day) doctors have vast experience, continue education constantly, participate in professional associations and have positive feedback from patients treated.

What is the cost of a doctor's consultation?

The price for the consultation on Orthopedic rehabilitation (per 1 day) varies between experts and depends on certain factors, such as:

  • the country of practicing
  • the clinical experience and reputation
  • the medical degree and educational background
  • the doctor’s workload
  • medical developments, proprietary techniques used, and awards, if any.

How to make an appointment with a chosen doctor?

To schedule your visit, just submit a request on Our coordinator will contact you to discuss the time and details of the appointment, so everything will go smoothly.

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Where you go for medical treatment

Choosing Right Doctor and Clinic: Insider Tips
When selecting a doctor or clinic, keep these key points in mind:
Check credentials
Verify certifications from bodies like ISAPS, JCI, etc.
Review success rates
Choose doctors with solid experience in your specific treatment.
Read patient reviews
Browse Bookimed reviews from real patients to learn about their experiences.
Ensure effective communication
Pick clinics that offer language support for a smooth treatment process.
Ask about services
Confirm if they provide accommodation and transfers, and check the costs.
Choosing a clinic abroad can be stressful. At Bookimed, with over 800K patients helped, we understand your concerns. We know how to find trusted doctors, the best price-quality options, and solutions for even complex cases. We’re here to guide you every step of the way.
Yan Matsiivskiy
Head of Medical Coordinator Team