Best Dental Implant with Abutment doctors in Turkey: TOP 105 doctors

Content meets the Bookimed Editorial Policy and is medically reviewed by
Fahad Mawlood
Ismail Eser Bolat
  • 5 Excellent 5 reviews
  • 12 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Hospitadent Dental Group - Mecidiyeköy Clinic
Dental Implant with Abutment
$3,492 - $3,492
Jumana Baryhe
  • New
  • 11 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Aesthetical Clinic
  • Dr. Jumana Baryhe is a highly regarded medical professional with wide-ranging expertise in various procedures such as Botox injections, Non-Surgical nose correction, Hair transplant, Beard transplant, FUE hair transplant, Brow lift, Lip Implant, Eyebrow transplantation, Laser vaginal rejuvenation, Hair mesotherapy, DHI hair transplantation, among others. She is recognized for her commitment and personalized approach to patient care.
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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Serdar Yilmaz
  • New
  • 18 years of experience
  • accreditation:
  • Turkey, Istanbul, DentSpa Oral & Dental Health Clinic
  • Experience

    DentSpa Oral and Dental Health Clinic

    Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
    December 2020 – Present, İstanbul/Turkey

    Dentsitanbul Hospital

    GOral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
    May 2016 – July 2021, İstanbul/Turkey

    Medipol Uni. Dept of OMFS

    Ast. Prof. Dr. Member of Faculty
    May 2012 – December 2015, İstanbul/Turkey

    Kocaeli Uni. Dept. of OMFS

    Ast. Prof. Member of Faculty
    May 2009 – April 2012, Kocaeli/Turkey

    Marmara Uni. Dept of OMFS

    Chief Asistant
    September 2007 – November 2008, İstanbul/Turkey


    Marmara University Dept. of OMFS

    Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
    September 2002 -November 2008, İstanbul/Turkey

    Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry

    September 1995 – June 2001, İstanbul/Turkey



    • Gökhan Gürler, Serdar Yılmaz, Çağrı Delilbaşı, Emrah Dilaver, A. Patır Münevveroğlu. Conservative surgical treatment of the jaw cysts in children: case study of five patients. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 2017, 20(9):1216-1220
    • Gökhan Gürler, Serdar Yılmaz, Çağrı Delilbaşı, Merva Soluk Tekkeşin. A large mass in the mandible of an eight year old child. Selcuk Dent J. 2017, 4:101-105
    • Önjen Tak, Serdar Yılmaz, Emre Özel, Meral Kavak. Five-year clinical follow-up of a patient with radicular cyst in the maxillary anterior region. European Journal of Prosthodontics. 2016, 4(1):17
    • Özer N, Üçem F, Saruhanoğlu A, Yilmaz S, Tanyeri H. Removal of a maxıllary third molar dısplaced ınto pterygopalatıne fossa vıa ıntraoral approach. Balk J Stom 2012; 16:179-180
    • Cilasun Ü, Sinanoğlu E.A, Yılmaz S, Güzeldemir E, Alnıaçık. An Unusual Laryngeal Complication Following Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block. G. Balk J Stom, 2012; 16:179-180
    • Özkan Y, Liaje A, Şahin C, Akalın F, Yılmaz S. Subperiostal tünel tekniği ile otojen blok greft uygulamaları. Türk Dişhekimleri Dergisi, 2008, 73:134-141
    • Selçuk Basa, Serdar Yılmaz, Altan Varol. Treatment of midface retrusion by maxillary distraction: comparison of rigid intraoral and extraoral distraction systems. Int. J. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2007, 36(11):1001
    • Basa S, Varol A, Yılmaz S. Transport distraction osteogenesis of a dentoalveolar segment in the posterior mandible: a technical note. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007, 65(9): 1862-1864
    • Altan Varol, Serdar Yılmaz, Selçuk Basa. Alveolar Distraction Osteogenesis in posterior mandibular ridges. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. 2006, 34(1):22-23
    • Serdar Yılmaz, Selçuk Basa. The case dependant alveolar reconstruction in oral implantology: Criterias for preferring between alveolar distraction osteogenesis and autogenous bone grafting. Int. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2005, 34(1):40
    • Yılmaz S, Garip H, Akyüz S, Göker K. Süt dişi çekimi sırasında çocuk davranışlarının Frankl endeksine göre değerlendirilmesi ve bazı fiziksel bulguların saptanması. Akademik Dental, 2003, 5(4):38-44


    Oral Presentations and Papers in the Congress

    • Ayça Yılmaz, Serdar Yılmaz, Önjen Tak, Işıl Karagöz-Küçükay. Immediate self-replantation of an avulsed tooth and multidiciplinary management after 10-years. IADT 18th World Congress of Dental Traumatology. İstanbul, Turkey, June 2014.
    • Serdar Yılmaz, Nedim Özer, Gökhan Gürler, Şükran Tüfekçioğlu, Emrah Dilaver. ‘Total Maxilary Reconstruction Using Anterior Iliac Bone Graft in Atrophic Maxilla: Two Different Techniques.’ ACBID 2014 8th International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 28 May-1 June 2014.
    • Serdar Yılmaz, Nedim Özer, Gökhan Gürler, Emrah Dilaver, Şükran Tüfekçioğlu. ‘Craniofacial Fibrous Dysplasia Threatening Airway: Case Report.’ ACBID 2014 8th International Congress, Antalya, Turkey. 28 May-1 Jube 2014.
    • Serdar Yılmaz, Nazlı Altın, Emrah Dilaver, Nedim Özer. ‘Assesment of Accuracy of Preoperative Cephalometric Surgical Planning in Orthognathic Surgery.’ 21st International Conference on Oral and Maxillofaical Surgery, Barcelona, Spain, 21-24 October 2013.
    • Serdar Yılmaz, Ülkem Cilasun, Ali İjya Karaman. ‘An unexpected problem during bimaxillary orthognathic surgery.’ 2nd BAMFS and 5th ACBID International Conference, Antalya, Turkey, 25-29 May 2011.
    • Serdar Yılmaz, E. Alper Sinanoğlu, Ülkem Cilasun, Yeşim S Gürbüz. ‘Metastatic carcinoma of thyroid gland in inferior alveolar canal: Case Report’. 2nd BAMFS and 5th ACBID International Conference, Antalya, Turkey, 25-29 May 2011.
    • Ülkem Cilasun, E. Alper Sinanoğlu, Esra Güzelpınar, Serdar Yılmaz. ‘An unusual laryngeal complication following inferior alveolar nerve block’. 2nd BAMFS and 5th ACBID International Conference, Antalya, Turkey, 25-29 May 2011.
    • Ayşe Koçak Büyükdere, Esra Güzeldemir, Serdar Yılmaz. ‘Alternative Therapy for orthodontic treatment: Case Reports’. 16th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, Bucherest, Romenia, 28 April- 1 May 2011.
    • Ayşegül Sipahi, Altan Varol, Onur Atalı, Serdar Yılmaz, Selçuk Basa. ‘Reconstruction of the atrophic Maxilla with Interpositional Bone Grafting/Le Fort I Osteotomy and Endosteal Implants.’ 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, TÜRKİYE, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
    • Onur Atalı, Altan Varol, Ayşegül Sipahi, Serdar Yılmaz, Selçuk Basa. ‘Treatment options for skeletal anterior open bite.’ 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
    • Serdar Yılmaz, Nedim Özer. ‘Treatment options in dentofacial deformities.’ 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
    • Serdar Yılmaz, Selçuk Basa. ‘Postoperative analgesic effect of intraarticular ketamine administration after TMJ arthroscopy.’ 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
    • Serdar Yılmaz, Nedim Özer. ‘Surgical management of benign tumors in young children.’ 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
    • Altan Varol, Serdar Yılmaz, Selçuk Basa. ‘Secondary correction of posttraumatic dentofacial deformaties.’ 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
    • Altan Varol, Ayşegül Sipahi, Onur Atalı, Serdar Yılmaz, Selçuk Basa. ‘Actinomycotic osteomyelitis of the mandible’. 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
    • Ayşegül Sipahi, Altan Varol, Onur Atalı, Sedar Yılmaz, Selçuk Basa. ‘Nerve transposition and implant placement in the atrophic posterior mandibular alveolar ridge’. 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
    • Serdar Yılmaz, Nedim Özer. ‘Reconstruction of atrophic maxilla using onlay bone graft harvested from iliac crest: Report of two cases’. 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
    • Altan Varol, Serdar Yılmaz, Neslihan Türker, Selçuk Basa. ‘Endoscopically assisted transoral open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) for subcondylar fractures of the mandible’. 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
    • Ayşegül Sipahi, Onur Atalı, Serdar Yılmaz, Altan Varol, Selçuk Basa. ‘Correction of mandibular asymmetry in a patient with owren disease: Case report’. 1st ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 16-20 May 2007,
    • Serdar Yılmaz, Altan Varol, Ayşegül Sipahi, Onur Atalı, Selçuk Basa. ‘Tooth Injuries due to lag screw fixation in saggital split osteotomy: Case report’. 1st ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 16-20 May 2007,
    • Serdar Yılmaz, Altan Varol, Ayşegül Sipahi, Onur Atalı, Selçuk Basa. ‘Extraoral versus intraoral maxillary distraction osteogenesis: Advantages and disadvantages.’ 1st ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 16-20 May 2007,
    • Onur Atalı, Ayşegül Sipahi, Serdar Yılmaz, Altan Varol, Selçuk Basa. ‘Blood Transfusion assesstment in orthognathic surgery: A retrospective study.’ 1st ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 16-20 May 2007,
    • Esra Arpacı, Altan Varol, Serdar Yılmaz, İmad Salih, Selçuk Basa. ‘Temporalis muscle-fascia flap in temporomandibular joint ankylosis.’ 1st ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 16-20 May 2007,
    • Basa S, Yilmaz S ,Varol A. Treatment of midface retrusion by maxillary distraction: comparison of rigid intraoral and extraoral distraction systems.
      18th International Conference on Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Bangalore, India, 14-18 November 2007.
    • Varol A, Yilmaz S, Basa S. Alveolar distraction osteogenesis in posterior mandibular ridges. XVIII European Congress for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Barselona, İspanya, 11-16 Eylül 2006 (Journal of CranioMaxillofacial Surgery 34(2006) Suppl. S1 Abstracts, EACMFS XVIII Congress (O.080)
    • Serdar Yılmaz, Selçuk Basa. ‘The case dependant alveolar reconstruction in oral implantology: Criterias for preferring between alveolar distraciton osteogenesis and autogenous bone grafting.’ 17th International Conference on Oral and Maxiloofacial Surgery, Vienna, Austria 28 Agust-4 Sept. 2005.
    • Muharrem Güvercin, Onur Gönül, Serdar Yılmaz, Bahar Gürsoy. ‘Reconstruction of large maxillary cyst with demineralized bone graft and membranes: A case report’. 5th International Danubius Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Budapest, Hungary, 29 April – 1 May 2004.
    • Serdar Yılmaz, Muharrem Güvercin, Gühan Dergin, İmad Salih. Reconstruction of a localized maxillary anterior bone defect using autogenous bone graft harvested from mandibular symphisis region: Case report’. 5th International Danubius Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Budapest, Hungary, 29 April– 1 May 2004.
    • B.Cem Şener, Serdar Yılmaz, Ayşe Koçak, Atilla Sertgöz. ‘Segmental osteotomy of the maxillary sinus flor to preserve the alveolar bone height: Case report’. Turkish Dental Association 11th International Congress, Lütfü Kırdar Congress Center, İstanbul, Turkey, 17-22 May. 2004.
    • Onur Gönül, Serdar Yılmaz, Hasan Garip, B. Cem Şener, Kamil Göker. ‘Extraoral Fistula Due to Root Angulation: Case Report’. Turkish Dental Association 11th International Congress, Lütfü Kırdar Congress Center, İstanbul, Turkey, 17-22 May. 2004.
    • Serdar Yılmaz, Hasan Garip, Serap Akyüz, Kamil Göker. ‘Süt dişi çekimi sırasında çocuk davranışlarının frankl endeksine göre değerlendirilmesi ve bazı fiziksel bulguların saptanması.’ 11th International Congress of the Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofaicial Surgeons, Antalya, Turkey, 4-8 June 2003.



    • Turkish Dental Association
    • İstanbul Dental Chamber
    • Association of Turk Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
    • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Society
    • International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
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Doctor's visit
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Eren Ozil
  • New
  • 9 years of experience
  • Turkey, Antalya , Vip Dental Clinic
  • Dr. Eren Ozil is a skilled oral and maxillofacial surgeon, with a focus on implantology, embedded teeth, bone augmentation, and jaw cysts. With over a decade of experience, Dr. Ozil has performed over 6,000 treatments and is proficient in conducting various dental implant operations. He has also contributed to the field through his thesis on the comparison of all-on-four and all-on-six systems.
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Doctor's visit
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Dr Mehmet Anil
  • New
  • 9 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Natural Clinic
Dental Implant with Abutment
$328 - $1,017
Omer Bayar
  • New
  • 9 years of experience
  • Turkey, Ankara, Doctor Bayar Dental Clinics
  • Dr. Ömer Bayar was born on October 3, 1992, in Eskişehir, Turkey. After completing his primary and secondary education at Atayurt College between 1998 and 2006, he attended Eskişehir Anadolu High School from 2006 to 2010.


    He graduated from Başkent University’s Faculty of Dentistry in 2015 and has been working at his clinic since 2017. In addition, he pursued a PhD in Prosthodontics at Başkent University’s Faculty of Dentistry, graduating as a prosthodontist in 2023.


    Dr. Bayar specializes in aesthetic dentistry, smile design, implantology, and oral and maxillofacial surgery. He stays current in his field by attending various international congresses and seminars. His expertise includes full-mouth rehabilitation and smile makeovers for complex dental misalignments and jaw malpositions; implant surgeries for patients with severe bone deficiencies, bone grafting, and the "immediate implant" technique, which involves placing an implant at the time of tooth extraction. His PhD thesis, titled "Surface Roughness of Polished and Glazed 5Y-TZP Monolithic Zirconia Blocks After Brushing Simulation," has been published in both local and international academic journals.

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Dental Implant with Abutment
$339 - $1,130

Find out about the best doctors here

20 top ranked Dental Implant with Abutment doctors in the world are represented on this page. The list includes only verified specialists known for their experience and high success rates.

The ranking is composed according to the Bookimed patient reviews and considers the rating of hospitals where doctors practice.

Top 5 Dental Implant with Abutment doctors on

How to choose the best Dental Implant with Abutment doctors in the world?

The specialist’s CV contains details about the doctor’s expertise and work experience, education, scientific research, and languages spoken. Compare information on several specialists, read carefully about their experience, success rates, and methods they apply. Make sure the chosen doctor has relevant experience in the treatment of a medical issue you are looking for. Read reviews of patients who had a consultation with the chosen specialist.

Famous Dental Implant with Abutment doctors have vast experience, continue education constantly, participate in professional associations and have positive feedback from patients treated.

What is the cost of a doctor's consultation?

The price for the consultation on Dental Implant with Abutment varies between experts and depends on certain factors, such as:

  • the country of practicing
  • the clinical experience and reputation
  • the medical degree and educational background
  • the doctor’s workload
  • medical developments, proprietary techniques used, and awards, if any.

How to make an appointment with a chosen doctor?

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Where you go for medical treatment

Ozge Akay
  • 4 Good 3 reviews
  • 11 years of experience
  • Turkey, Marmaris, Dent48 Oral and Dental Health Polyclinics
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Burak Metin
  • 5 Excellent 1 review
  • 20 years of experience
  • Turkey, İzmir, ClinicHair
  • Dt. Burak Metin graduated from Ege University Faculty of Dentistry and serves his patients at Dentomega Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic.

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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Feyza Nur
  • New
  • 9 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, AURORA TURKEY CLINIC
  • Dr. Feyza Nur is a highly qualified dentist who specializes in a wide range of dental procedures, such as tooth extraction, root canal treatment, dental implants, and many more. She graduated with a high honor certificate from Bezmialem Foundation University Faculty of Dentistry and actively participates in international dental congresses and workshops.
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Ebru Cakir
  • New
  • 7 years of experience
  • Turkey, Antalya , Vip Dental Clinic
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Dr Ahmet Bakir
  • New
  • 8 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, AURORA TURKEY CLINIC
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Reha Gur
  • New
  • 11 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Natural Clinic
  • Graduated from the Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry in 2015, which he entered in 2010 after his education at Ülkü Primary School and Istanbul American Robert High School.

    He started his doctorate education at Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in 2015 and completed it in 2020. Then he has continued to work as a professional dentist in the fields of Oral, Dental, and Maxillofacial Diseases and Surgery since 2015 when he started his doctorate education.

    Dr. Reha Gür, who has expertise in Dental Implant Surgery, Surgery of Impacted Teeth, Jaw Cysts, and Jaw Joint Disorders, has been working at Natural Clinic now.

    • English at an Advanced Level
    • Academic Competence
    • Operative Surgeon
    • Dental Prosthesis
    • Various medical memberships, achievements, and awards
    • Attendance at several congresses and workshops
    • Dental Implant Surgery
    • Surgery of Impacted Teeth
    • Jaw Cysts
    • Jaw Joint Disorders
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Dental Implant with Abutment
$328 - $1,017
Tugce Geyikli
  • New
  • 5 years of experience
  • Turkey, İzmir, White Dental Turkey
  • Education

    -Fırat University, faculty of dentistry

    -Dalhousie University, oral and maxillofacial surgery, master degree

    -Aesthetic Dentistry. King's College London,master degree

    -Rauf Denktaş University botox ed.

    -Istanbul Esenyurt University, dermal filler ed.

    Congress and Symposium Participation and Certificates

    -38th Annual Conference of the European Prosthodontic Association and the 21st Scientific Congress of the Turkish Prosthodontic and Implantology Association, oral presantation

    -International Association for Dental Research General Session & Exhibition in Seattle, Washington, USA, oral presantation,

    -Meffert Implant Instıtute, Full Arch Immediate Implant Reconstruction Symposium

    -TRI Dental Implants, Controversies in Esthetic Implant Dentistry

    -FDI 101st Annual World Dental Congress

    -Bicon Dental Implants Surgical and Prosthetic Principles Course

    -Management of a central giant cell granuloma of the anterior mandible in an adult patient: A case report. Turkish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 23rd International Congress

    -V. Immediate Placement Of Implant In Fresh Extraction Socket With Early Loading By Provisional Restoration in the Maxillary Central Tooth Region, Clinical and Aesthetic Results: A Case Report . Turkish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 23rd International Congress

    - Management of an Osteointegrated Standard Diameter Dental Implant Fractured From Neck,; A Case Report. Turkish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 25rd International Congress

    -Fracture of a Narrow-Diameter Roxolid Implant: A Case Report; European Federation of Periodontology EuroPerio 9 st Congress, Amsterdam.

    -Retrospective evaluation of the relationship between demographic, clinical data and radiological findings in patients using bisphosphonate group drugs. / Oral Presentation. Turkish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 24th International Congress

    -ITI Antalya  Scientific Meeting

    -Factors Affecting Long-Term Success in OSSEDER Implants

    -The American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (ACOMS)

    -Ivoclar Vivadent, Dental Aesthetics Spring Symposium

    -Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery CranioMaxilloFacial surgery study group observer participation

    -Turkish Dental Association 22nd Internatıonal Dental Congress

    -EDAD Aesthetic Dentistry Smile Design Training

    -Istanbul Dental Academy Lamina Veneer Applications 

    -Edad Aesthetic Restoration of Anterior Diastema Cases Course 

    -Dent Education Digital Photography Training 

    -Dentsply Root Canal Treatment and Root Canal Restoration Seminar 

    -Dent education Anterior Composite Aesthetic Testing and Insulation Seminar 

    -Osstem Advanced Implant Surgery Training  

    -Aim Academy Implant Prosthesis Seminar 

    -Bego Implant Anterior Region Implant Surgery and Implant Top Prosthesis Seminar

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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Adnan Aric
  • New
  • 33 years of experience
  • Turkey, İzmir, White Dental Turkey
  • Adnan Aric graduated from the relevant faculty of Ege University in 1992. With more than 30 years of experience, he specializes in smile design and dental examination for our patients. Our doctor, who is knowledgeable in all treatments, constantly receives praising feedback from our patients about his oratory and treatment.

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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Sevgi Budancamanak Unsal
  • New
  • 12 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, GAIA DENTAL CLINIC
  • Dr. Sevgi has more than 10 years of experience. After graduating from Cyprus Near East University in 2013, she worked in oral surgery and general dentistry treatments at a state hospital for 7 years. Later, she served her patients in some private clinics and later opened her own clinic. She currently serves her patients at the Gaia Dental Clinic, which she founded.She has treated more than 10000 patients so far in her professional life.She does her job with passion and her biggest priority is that her patients are satisfied with their treatment.

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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Hakan Alpay Karasu
  • New
  • 34 years of experience
  • Turkey, Ankara, Medipol University Ankara Dental Hospital

    Prof.Dr. Hakan Alpay Karasu, D.D.S. 

    Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

    Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry

    Fields of Study and Interests


    • Orthognathic Surgery
    • Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Surgery
    • Maxillofacial Cyst, Tumor Surgery
    • Advanced Surgical Bone Healing Techniques
    • Impacted Tooth Surgery
    • Dental Implants
    • TME surgery
    • Jaw-Face Traumas
    • Jaw joint disorders



    1998 - University of London, Department of Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery

    • 1991- Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry


    Ankara Medipol University Faculty of Dentistry

    University of London, Faculty of Dentistry

    • Ankara University, Department of Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery
    • Gülhane Military Medicine Academy, Faculty of Dentistry


    Publications and Congress Statements

    1.Karasu HA., Okçu KM., Ortakoğlu K., Bayar GR., Aydıntuğ Y., "Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis with Temporalis Superficial Fascia Flap" Mil Med,2005;170(2):167
    2. Özer L., Karasu HA., Aras K., Tokman B., Ersoy E., "Dentin Dysplasia Type 1: Report of Atypical Cases in The Permanent and Mixt Dentitions" Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radio/ Endod, 2004;98:85-90
    3. Sayan NB., Üçok C., Karasu HA., Günhan Ö., "Peripheral Osteoma of The Oral and Maxillofacial Region: A Study of 35 New Cases" J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2002;60:1299-1301
    4. Doğan N., Üçok C., Korkmaz C., Üçok Ö., Karasu HA., "The Effects of Articaine Hydrochloride on Wound Healing: An Experimental Study" J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2003;61:1467-1470
    5. Karasu HA., Ortakoğlu K., Okçu M., Günhan Ö., "Osteochondroma of the Mandibular Condyle: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature" Mil Med, 2005;170(9):79

    6. Altug Ataç AT., Karasu HA., Aytaç D., "Surgically Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion Compared with Orthopedic Rapid Maxillar Expansion" Angle Orthodontist, 2006;76(3):353-359
    7. Sayan NB., Karasu HA., Uyanik LO., Aytaç D., "Two- stage Treatment of TMJ Ankylosis by Early Surgical Approach and Distraction Osteogenesis" J Craniofac Surg,2007;18(1):212-217
    8. Üçok C., Karasu HA., Orhan K., Üçok Ö., Tuncer N., "Intravascular Papillary Endothelial Hyperplasia and Osteoma: A Case Report of an Individual with 2 Different Pathologies" Quintessence Int, 2007;38, (2):88-91
    9. Kurt G. Altuğ-Atac AT., Ataç MS., Karasu HA., “Stability of SARME and OME after 3 years Follow-up.” The Angle Orthodontist. 2010;80(4):613-619
    10. Kurt G., Altuğ-Atac AT., Ataç MS., Karasu HA., “Changes in Nasopharyngeal Airway Following Orthopedic and Surgically Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion” J Craniofac Surg 2010;21:312-317
    11. Altuğ-Ataç AT., Ataç MS., Kurt G., Karasu HA., “Comparison of Surgically Assisted RME and Orthopedic RME: Changes in Nasal Structure” Int J Oral and Maxillofac Surg 2010;39:129-135.
    12. Aydemir H, Memikoğlu U, Karasu H. Pharyngeal airway space, hyoid bone position and head posture after orthognathic surgery in Class III patients.” Angle Orthod. 2012 Nov;82(6):993-1000. doi: 10.2319/091911-597.1. Epub 2012 Apr 11. PMID:22500578
    13. Efendiyeva R1, Aydemir H, Karasu H, Toygar-Memikoğlu U. “Pharyngeal airway space, hyoid bone position, and head posture after bimaxillary orthognathic surgery in Class III patients: Long-term evaluation.” Angle Orthod. 2014 Mar 7. [Epub ahead of print]
    14. SUNAL AKTÜRK EZGİ, EREN HAKAN, GÖRÜRGÖZ CANSU, ORHAN KAAN, KARASU HAKAN ALPAY, AKAT BORA, TOYGAR MEMİKOĞLU TÜLİN UFUK (2020). Electromyographic, Ultrasonographic, and Ultrasound Elastographic Evaluation of the Masseter Muscle in Class III Patients Before and After Orthognathic Surgery. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery (Yayın No: 6276746)
    15. Sahbaz Emir Bahman,CESUR EMRE,ALTUĞ DEMİRALP AYŞE TUBA,Ergül Kutay Can,KARASU HAKAN ALPAY,TOYGAR MEMİKOĞLU TÜLİN UFUK (2019). Is It Possible to Protract the Maxilla by Surgically Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion and Intermaxillary Class III Elastics? Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 32(02), 96-104., Doi: 10.5152/Turkjorthod.2019.18060 (Yayın No: 5697928)
    16. Aydemir H, Efendiyeva R, Karasu H, Toygar M, Tülin U (2015). Evaluation of Long-Term Soft Tissue Changes After Bimaxillary Orthognathic Surgery in Class III Patients. The Angle Orthodontist, 85(4), 631-637., Doi: 10.2319/062214-449.1

    17. Karasu HA., Uyanık LO., Üçok C., Sayan NB., "The Use of Iliac Bone Greft on Maxillomandibular Defects" IntJ Oral Maxillofac Surg. 32(Supplement I) S39 (2003), 16 th International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Athens, Greece.

    18. Üçok C., Karasu HA., Akçam O., Uyanık LO., Üçok Ö., Sayan NB., "The Use Rapid External Distraction on Cleft Patient" IntJ Oral Maxillofac Surg. 32(Supplement I) S18 (2003), 16th International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Athens, Greece.

    19. Uyanık LO., Karasu HA., Aytaç D., "The use of Rigid External Distraction for Midface Hypoplasia" J Cranio-Maxillofac Surg. 34(Supplement 1) 155-156 (2006), Abstracts from the 18th Congress of The European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Barcelona, Spain.

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Price on request
Caner Ozturk
  • New
  • 15 years of experience
  • Turkey, Ankara, Medipol University Ankara Dental Hospital
  • Gulsevim Oda, D.M.D

    Fields of Study and Interests

    • Anterior and posterior region restorations
    • Milk tooth amputation and root canal treatment 
    • Tooth extraction and space maintainers
    • Dental Treatments Under General Anesthesia
    • Protective dental treatments


    2015- İstanbul University Faculty of Dentistry 

    2020- İstanbul University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Pedodontics


    2022- continuing Ankara Medipol University Dental Hospital

    2015 - 2020 Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry


    Oda G, Karayagmurlu A, Dagli I, Aren G, Soylu N. Oral Health Status in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Cross Sectional Study from Turkey. Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2021;11(3):186-192. Doi: 10.5455/PBS.20210321075312

    Birant S, Koruyucu M, Ozcan H, Ilisulu C, Kasimoglu Y, Avcu N, Kocaaydin S, Bektas D, Usta G, Akay C, Bekiroglu N, Seymen F. Investigating the Level of Knowledge of the Community about Oral and Dental Health [published online ahead of print, 2020 Sep 15]. Eur J Dent. 2020;10.1055/s-0040-1716583.

    Usta G., Çağlar E., Aren G., “Diş Hekimlerinin Enfektif Endokarditi Önleme Konusundaki Bilgilerinin Değerlendirilmesi.”, Turkish Dental Association 25. International Dental Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 4-7 September 2019, pp.373. (Sözlü Sunum, Özet Bildiri)

    Can K., Usta G., Aren G., “Apexification of Immature Fractured Teeth with MTA: Case
    Series.”, 11th Interim Seminar & Guidelines Workshop of the European Academy of
    Paediatric Dentistry, Crete, Greece, 2-4 May 2019, pp.52. (Poster Sunumu, Özet Bildiri)

    Usta G., Güven Y., Sarp P., Aren G., “Radicular cyst associated with a primary second molar: a case report.”, International Association of Paediatric Dentistry Regional Meeting and 25th Congress of Turkish Society of Paediatric Dentistry, İstanbul, Turkey, 12-14 October 2018, pp180. (Poster Sunumu, Özet Bildiri)

    Usta G., Kasımoğlu Y., Aren G., “Replante Edilen Bir Dişte İnflamatuar Rezorpsiyonun Tedavisi.” Turkish Dental Association 24. International Dental Congress, Ankara, Turkey, 27-30 September 2018, pp.648-649. (Poster Sunumu, Özet Bildiri)

    Koruyucu M., Birant S., Özcan H., İlisulu C., Kasımoğlu Y., Üstün N., Kocaaydın S., Dinç D., Usta G., Akay C., Bekiroğlu N., Seymen F., “Investigation the level of knowledge of the community about oral and dental health.”, International Congress On Preventive Dentistry, Erzurum, Turkey, 5-8 March 2018. (Sözlü Sunum, Özet Bildiri).

    Aren G., Usta G., Çayırcı M., Acar B., “Assessment of parents' knowledge and attitudes about artificial additives in toothpaste and brushing / Survey Study.”, International Congress On Preventive Dentistry, Erzurum, Turkey, 5-8 March 2018. (Sözlü Sunum, Özet Bildiri)

    Aksakal D., Usta G., Aren G., “Conservative management of an ectopıically erupting permanent maxillar molar: a case report.”, International Congress On Preventive Dentistry, Erzurum, Turkey, 5-8 March 2018. (Poster Sunumu, Özet Bildiri)

    Usta G., Kasımoğlu Y., Aren G., “Treatment of Anterior Crossbite in Mixed Dentition: Case Series.” Turkish Dental Association 23. International Dental Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 21- 24 September 2017, Turkiye Klinikleri J Dental Sci 2017;23(Suppl) pp.421. (Poster Sunumu, Özet Bildiri)

    Usta G., Aren G., Çayırcı M., “Management of Enamel Hypoplasia With Direct Composite Restorations: Two Case Reports.” AIC 19th International Congress and CONSEURO, Bologna, Italy, 11-13 May 2017, Clin Oral Invest (2017)21:pp1392. (Poster Sunumu, Özet Bildiri)

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Price on request
Arif Yigit Guler
  • New
  • 10 years of experience
  • Turkey, Ankara, Medipol University Ankara Dental Hospital
  • Dt. Arif Yiğit Güler, D.D.S.

    Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery

    Fields of Study and Interests

    • Orthognathic Surgery
    • Maxillofacial Trauma
    • Dental Implant
    • Impacted Teeth
    • Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Diseases
    • Hard Tissue and Soft Tissue Grafts
    • Education

    2020- Necmettin Erbakan University, Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery. 

    2015- Gazi University, Dentistry.

    Work Experience

    2022 Ankara Medipol University Dental Hospital

    2020 - 2021 Söke Dental Polyclinic

    2016 - 2020 Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Dentistry


    KÖSEOĞLU SEÇGİN CANSU, GÖKSEL SEVDE, GÜLER ARİF YİĞİT (2023). Evaluation of the Relationship Between Infraorbital Canal Protrusion and Alveolar Process Pneumatization of the Maxillary Sinus: A Cross-Sectional Cone Beam Computed Tomography Study. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Dental Sciences, 29(4), Doi: 10.5336/dentalsci.2023-99252 (Yayın No: 8599568)

    GÖKSEL SEVDE, GÜLER ARİF YİĞİT (2023). Is There a Relationship Between Maxillary Sinus’s Inferior Pneumatisation and Sinonasal Variations? A Retrospective CBCT Study. Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Research, 14(3), Doi: 10.5037/jomr.2023.14303 (Yayın No: 8530470)

    MÜFTÜOĞLU ÖZGE, GÜLER ARİF YİĞİT, KARASU HAKAN ALPAY (2023). The impact of orthognathic surgery on quality of life for class III dentofacial deformities. BRITISH JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, 61(4), 274-277., Doi: 10.1016/j.bjoms.2023.03.001 (Yayın No: 8530341)

    ESEN ÇAĞRI, ESEN ALPARSLAN, GÜLER ARİF YİĞİT, MENZİLETOĞLU DİLEK, SOĞANCI AHMET ERTAN (2022). Assessment of Alveolar Bone Loss and Buccal Bone Thickness After Surgically Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion. MEANDROS MEDICAL AND DENTAL JOURNAL, 23(2), 141-147., Doi: 10.4274/meandros.galenos.2020.97752 (Yayın No: 8530451)

    GÜLER ARİF YİĞİT (2022). The effect of Instagram posts related to #Wisdomteeth on patients. JOURNAL OF STOMATOLOGY ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, 123(2), 155-157., Doi: 10.1016/j.jormas.2021.05.007 (Yayın No: 8530323)

    NAİBOĞLU PINAR, GÜLER ARİF YİĞİT, GÖKSEL SEVDE (2022). State-Trait Anxiety Levels, Dental Anxiety Levels and Vaccine Hesitancy in a Group of Turkish Dental Patients During COVID-19 Pandemic in Söke Region: Analytical Survey. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Dental Sciences, 28(3), Doi: 10.5336/dentalsci.2021-86686 (Yayın No: 8530486)

    GÜLER ARİF YİĞİT, IŞIK BOZKURT KUBİLAY, ESEN ALPARSLAN, MENZİLETOĞLU DİLEK (2021). Assessment of pulp volume changes after surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion. JOURNAL OF STOMATOLOGY ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, 122(3), 263-266., Doi: 10.1016/j.jormas.2020.06.014 (Yayın No: 8530255)

    MENZİLETOĞLU DİLEK, GÜLER ARİF YİĞİT, ÇAYIR TOLGAHAN, IŞIK BOZKURT KUBİLAY (2021). Binaural beats or 432 Hz music? which method is more effective for reducing preoperative dental anxiety?. MEDICINA ORAL PATOLOGIA ORAL Y CIRUGIA BUCAL, 26(1), 97-101., Doi: 10.4317/medoral.24051 (Yayın No: 8530275)

    MENZİLETOĞLU DİLEK, GÜLER ARİF YİĞİT, IŞIK BOZKURT KUBİLAY (2020). Are YouTube videos related to dental implant useful for patient education?. JOURNAL OF STOMATOLOGY ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, 121(6), 661-664., Doi: 10.1016/j.jormas.2019.12.022 (Yayın No: 8530218)

    MENZİLETOĞLU DİLEK, GÜLER ARİF YİĞİT, BAŞTÜRK FUNDA, IŞIK BOZKURT KUBİLAY (2020). Comparison of Surgical Drain Placement With Use of Kinesiologic Tape on Postoperative Pain, Swelling, and Trismus in Impacted Mandibular Third Molar Surgery. JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, 78(11), 1-7., Doi: 10.1016/j.joms.2020.06.023 (Yayın No: 8530298)

    MENZİLETOĞLU DİLEK, GÜLER ARİF YİĞİT, BAŞTÜRK FUNDA, IŞIK BOZKURT KUBİLAY, ERDUR EMİRE AYBÜKE (2020). Comparison of two different flap designs for bilateral impacted mandibular third molar surgery. JOURNAL OF STOMATOLOGY ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, 121(4), 368- 372., Doi: 10.1016/j.jormas.2019.08.006 (Yayın No: 8530317)

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Price on request
Selim Ozturk
  • New
  • 20 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Dentasya Dental Clinic
  • Dr. Selim Öztürk was born in Kocaeli in 1981. He graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry in 2005. In 2008, he completed his specialization in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry. His areas of expertise include oral surgery and implantology. Dr. Selim Öztürk is also a member of the Turkish Dental Association and the Istanbul Chamber of Dentists. He has been working at Dentasya Dental Clinic since 2009.                       

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