Dr. Sazhienko is a leading plastic surgeon in the field of regenerative plastic surgery in Ukraine. For many years he has been engaged in scientific experimental and clinical research in this field.
He is the author of scientific and practical publications devoted to:
Dr. Sazhienko is a co-author of monographs and a chapter in a manual for plastic surgeons. Since 2001, the doctor has been a regular lecturer at conferences and master classes both in Ukraine and abroad.
Expert in the field:
list iconSurgery of facial pain syndromes (trigeminal, lingual nerve neuralgia) and other cranial nerve pathology
list iconStreotaxic and functional neurosurgery (surgery of tremors, dyskinesias, rigidity)
list iconBiopsy of brain tumors
list iconEpilepsy surgery
list iconRemoval of brain tumors of various localization
list iconSurgery of pathology of the main vessels of the head and neck (endarterectomy, elimination of deformities and stenoses of carotid and vertebral arteries)
list iconExtra-intracranial microanastomosis
list iconRemoval of Arnold-Chiari malformation
list iconSpinal pain syndromes (minimally invasive facet ablation, percutaneous nucleoplasty)
list iconMicrodiscectomies with interbody corporectomy with cages
list iconSurgery of peripheral nerves and plexuses with the installation of neurostimulation systems
list iconSurgery of the carpal tunnel