Date of Birth: 18.08.1984
Birthplace: Afyonkarahisar, TURKEY
Nationality:Cyprus (EuropeanCitizen), Turkish
Profession: MedicalDoctor
Field of Specialty: Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgery
SpokenLanguages: Turkish (mother-tongue)
English ( advanced)
2009- 2010 GeneralPractitioner; AnıtkayaHealth Center, Afyonkarahisar, TURKEY
2017-2018 Plastic Surgeon; Kastamonu State Hospital, Kastamonu, TURKEY
2018-2019 Plastic Surgeon; Gulhane Education and Research Hospital, TURKEY
2011 – 2017 Residency in Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgery , GaziUniversityMedical
School Hospital, Ankara | TURKEY
2010 – 2011Residency in Anestesia andReanimation, Ankara UniversityMedical School Hospital;
Ankara | TURKEY
2003 - 2009 SelçukUniversityShool of Medicine, Konya | TURKEY
1999 - 2002 Süleyman Demirel Science High School, Afyonkarahisar | TURKEY
1995 - 1999 KocatepeAnatolian High School, Middle School, Afyonkarahisar | TURKEY
1. 21th Basic MicrosurgeyEducation, Hacettepe University, Ankara | TURKEY
1.Bulam H, Findikcioglu K, Ozmen S, Sanlier N, SEZGİN B, Hurkal O, Gulsen A. Theeffect of
individualizeddietaryprograms on postoperative body compositionandnutritionalstatus of
theorthognaticsurgerypatients. Gazi Med J. 2014; 25: 103-106.
2. Hurkal O, Sibar S, Cenetoglu S, Tuncer S, Elmas C, Seymen C M. Arterial Occlusion After
Hyaluronic Acid Injection: Treatment With Hyaluronidase and Streptokinase. Annals of Plastic
Surgery PMID: 34334667
1. 13th EuropeanMicrosurgeryCongress (EFSM) 21-24 April, Antalya | TURKEY
1. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31
October-4 November 2012, Antalya | TURKEY
2. 5th Rhinoplasty Course 10-12 May 2012, Ankara | TURKEY
3. 8th Prof. Dr Rıdvan Ege HandSurgey Course 27-28 September 2013, Ankara | TURKEY
4. 21th Microsurgery Course 16-20 September 2014 Hacettepe University, Ankara | TURKEY
5. 36th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 29
October-1 November 2014, Istanbul | TURKEY
6. 37th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 04
November -07 November 2015, Ankara | TURKEY
7. 9th PlasticSurgeryResident School 15-19 April 2016, Antalya | TURKEY
8. 2th FacialAesthetic Course 5-7 May 2016 Hacettepe University, Ankara | TURKEY
9. 38th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons,
27-31 October 2016, Antalya| TURKEY
10. 39 th Congress of the Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, 11-14
October 2017
11. Eurasian 2019. 20-23 June Istanbul
12. 24 th Congress of the Turkish Society Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons 10-11 January 2022
13. All in One Rhinoplasty Congress 14-15 May 2022 Istanbul
1. 13th EuropeanMicrosurgeryCongress (EFSM) 21-24 April, Antalya | TURKEY (oral presentation)
‘’Defectbased algorithm in lowerextremityreconstruction.Hurkal O.*,Tuncer S.,Şibar S., Manav
2. 13th EuropeanMicrosurgeryCongress (EFSM) 21-24 April, Antalya | TURKEY ;
(oral presentation)MR Angiographicperforator topography of DIEP flaps: a retrospectivereview of 130
cases. Manav S., Tuncer S., Ayhan S., Hurkal O.
3. 13th EuropeanMicrosurgeryCongress (EFSM) 21-24 April, Antalya | TURKEY;(poster
presentation)‘’ArteryonlyEarReplantation’’Sibar S, Hurkal O, Polat O, Manav S
4. 48th Congress of theEuropeanSocietyforSurgicalResearch, 29 May-1 June 2013, Istanbul,
TURKEY (Oral presentation: OP-121 Changes
in society'sperspectivetowardsfacetransplantationaftertheproceduresthatwerecarriedout in
ourcountry.Guney K, SEZGIN B, Barut I, Hurkal O, Findicioglu K, Ozmen S)
1. 38th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons 27-31 October
2016, Antalya | TURKEY (oral presentation)Flapchoise in lowerextremityreconstruction
Hurkal O., Tekin A., Tuncer S., Sibar S.
2. 37th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons 4-7 November
2015, Ankara | TURKEY (oral presentation)Liposuctionassistedbrachioplasty in teimourianstage 2B-
3 cases. Hurkal O.,Sibar Ş., Tuncer S., Erdal A., Sadioglu A.
3. 37th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons 4-7 November
2015, Ankara | TURKEY (oral presentation) . A
rareandfrighteningcomplicationafterdiagnosticandreconstructivebreastsurgery: pyodermagangrenosum
.Polat O, Hurkal O, Sibar S, Tuncer S, Ayhan S
4. 36th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 29 October-1
November 2014, Istanbul | TURKEY (oral presentation) . Maxillofacialfractureexperience: 265 case,
447 fracture. Tatar S, Hurkal O, Erdal A, Findikcioglu K
5. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (poster presentation). Application of groinflap in tissuedefects of
handandforearm. Polat O, Ozel B, Hurkal O, Tatar S, Tuncer S
6. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey(poster presentation). Importance of polar
renalarteryencounteredduringkidneytransplantation: Case Report . Ozel B, Hurkal O, Tuncer S,
Findikcioglu K
7. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey(poster presentaion ). Repair of omfaloseldefects in
newbornwithalloplasticmaterialorrotationflaps. Sibar S, Sezgin B, Hurkal O, Tatar S, Tuncer S
8. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey(poster presentation) .
injection. Bulam H, Hürkal O, Polat O, Findikcioglu K, Ozmen S
9.34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (Oral presentation: Changes in
society'sperspectivetowardsfacetransplantationaftertheproceduresthatwerecarriedout in
ourcountry.Guney K, SEZGIN B, Barut I, Hurkal O, Findicioglu K, Ozmen S)
10. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (Oral presentation: Theprefferedappearanceof
theplasticsurgeon.Hurkal O.,Bulam H, Tatar S, SEZGIN B, Fındıkçıoğlu K)
11. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (Poster presentation: Nonadhesivedressingtechniques in
EpidermolizisBullosapatients. SEZGIN B, Barut I, Hurkal O, Sarybaeva A, Tuncer S, Latifoglu O)
12. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4
November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (Poster presentation: Renaltoxicityduetocolistinadministration in
plasticsurgerypatients.Hurkal O, Bulam H, SEZGIN B, Polat O, Ozmen S)
1. Second prize award in experimental research in 39 th Congress of the Turkish Society of Plastic,
Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons.
PROFESSIONAL: Rhinoplasty, breast reconstruction and breast aesthetic surgery, body countouring.
Yoga instructor in Hatha and Vinyasa yoga (200 hoursInternational Yoga Alliance certified Yoga
At the moment:
Formative teaching background:
Professional experience:
Patents and Utility Models:
Continuing Education Bachelor's Degree:
Diplomas, Masters and Doctorates:
Continuing Education Specialty:
American Society Of Plastic Surgeons ® Courses :
Free papers at Congresses:
Scientific Writing Courses:
Member of Editorial Committees and Peer Reviews:
Certification Courses:
Free Surgery Campaigns:
Microsurgery Courses:
Published research: h -index = 4 calculated with Google Scholar.
DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1759724
MA Rendón-Medina, E Hanson-Viana… - Surgery and Surgeons, 2022
MA Rendón-Medina, A Galeana-Pavón… - Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open, 2021
J Palacios-Juárez, J Morales-Maza… - Surgery and surgeons, 2020
French I
For those battling with insecurities about their appearance, cosmetic surgery offers a transformative solution. Dr. Preeti Yadav at Konarc Aesthetics, a seasoned plastic surgeon with over a decade of experience in aesthetics, leads a renowned clinic in Gurgaon, India. Her approach is holistic, catering to each patient's unique needs and desires.
As a female plastic surgeon, Dr. Preeti Yadav understands the specific concerns that women face regarding their bodies. From mothers seeking post-childbirth recovery to teenagers grappling with body image issues, Dr. Yadav empathetically listens to her patients' worries and provides sustainable solutions.
The clinic specializes in a range of procedures tailored to enhance beauty and confidence. Popular treatments include rhinoplasty, jawline shaping, chin enhancement, cheek augmentation, lip fillers, arm and back liposuction, bust surgeries (reduction/enlargement/lift), tummy and waist sculpting, buttock lifts, vaginal rejuvenation, and thigh lifts.
More Information you can contact to us.
Position Title
| Place of Work | Year |
General Practitioner | Kahramanmaraş Elbistan Karamağra Health Center Kahramanmaraş Elbistan 112 Emergency Station Mardin Midyat 2nd Tank Battalion 30-bed Mobile Surgical Hospital Clinic | 2002-2006 |
Research Assistant, MD | Gaziantep University School of Medicine, Plastic Surgery Department
| 2006-2011 |
Specialist, MD | Ministry of Health - Hitit University Çorum Training and Research Hospital, Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic | 2011-2013 |
Assistant Professor | Mustafa Kemal University Tayfur Atasökmen School of Medicine, Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery Department. | 2013-2016 |
Plastic Surgeon | Yaşam Surgical Medical Center, Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic | 2016-2020 |
Plastic Surgeon | Op. Dr. Metin Temel Private Clinic, Hatay | 2020-2023 |
Plastic Surgeon | Medical Palace Hospital | 2023-2023 |
Plastic Surgeon | Op. Dr. Metin Temel Private Clinic, Istanbul | 2023- |
Atlas of Hand Surgery, Tendon Transfers Section
Born in Samsun, Turkey in June 1992, Op.Dr. Uğurcan ŞENER started his education life in Samsun and successfully graduated from Ordu High School in 2010. He graduated from Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine in 2016 with the honors degree.
After graduation, he worked as a general practitioner at Çarşamba Community Health Center which was his first place of duty. Between 2017-2022, he completed his specialization in the Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery clinic of Ankara Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Training and Research Hospital, where various operations on aesthetic and reconstructive surgery were performed.
He completed his compulsory service by performing numerous different operations in Tunceli State Hospital Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery clinic between 2022-2024.
Having started to serve in his own clinic in Antalya in 2024, Op. Dr. Uğurcan Şener performs many medical operations and non-surgical interventions for you in his field of training.
Dr. Uğurcan Şener is a member of Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association (TPRECD), Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association (EPCD).
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2017-2022: Research Assistant in the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery at Bursa Uludağ University Medical Faculty Hospital
Advanced Level of English
Academic Competence
Operative Surgeon
Various medical memberships, achievements, and awards
Attendance at several congresses and workshops
Plastic Surgery
Reconstructive Surgery
Aesthetic Surgery
2016-2017: General Practitioner at Düzce Atatürk State Hospital Emergency Service
2017-2022: Research Assistant in the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery at Bursa Uludağ University Medical Faculty Hospital
2022-2023: Specialist Physician at Şanlıurfa Siverek State Hospital
2023-present: Specialist Physician at Natural Clinic
Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association
2019: European Course in Plastic Surgery
2021: TPRECD Rhinoplasty and Facial Aesthetics Course
2021: Structure-Preservation Rhinoplasty Conference
2022: EPCD National Congress
2022: TPRECD Winter Symposium
2022: TPRECD 14th Advanced Assistant School
2022: Temporal Lift Live Surgery Course
2022: 9th National Reconstructive Surgery Congress
2022: 2nd National Emergency Hand Surgery and Microsurgery Congress
Blepharoplasty (Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery)
Canthoplasty (Almond Eye Surgery)
Temporal Lift (Eyebrow and Temple Lift)
Facelift (Face and Neck Lift)
Buccal Fat Removal (Bichectomy)
Lip Lift
Otoplasty (Ear Pinning Surgery)
Lipofilling (Facial Fat Injection)
Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)
Chin Liposuction and Chin Augmentation
Brachioplasty (Arm Lift and Arm Liposuction)
Back Lift
Breast Reduction and Lifting
Mastopexy (Breast Lift with or without Implants)
Breast Augmentation (Breast Implants)
Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck and Liposuction)
Liposuction (Abdomen, Waist, Back)
Thigh Lift and Liposuction
Gluteal Augmentation (Brazilian Butt Lift, Buttock Lift, Buttock Implants, and Fat Injection)
Post-Bariatric Body Contouring
Labiaplasty (Genital Aesthetic Surgery)
Scar Revision
Non-Surgical Medical Aesthetic Procedures (Botox, Fillers, PRP)
Face lift
Body shaping
Brazilian butt aesthetics
Breast aesthetics
Breast reconstruction
Reconstructive and microsurgical operations
Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine - 2015
Necmettin Erbakan University Meram Faculty of Medicine - 2021
Health Sciences University, Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 2021- 2023
Haliç University Medical Faculty, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery2022
Necmettin Erbakan University, Meram Faculty of Medicine, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 2016-2021
Kars Digor State Hospital 2015-2016
Liv Hospital Ulus
Breast Aesthetics
Tummy Tuck
Genital Aesthetics
Eyelid aesthetic
Gynecomastia Correction
Prominent Ear Aesthetics
Botox Applications
Filling Applications
Postbariatric Surgeon
What the doctor is doing: aesthetic and reconstructive procedures, breast augmentation, reduction sutures, asymmetry, nipple training, abdominoplasty and weight loss corrective surgery, breast and abdominoplasty in one, arm-comb plastic surgery, buttocks plastic surgery, liposuction, autologous fat grafting, scar corrections, lower upper eyelid, otoplasty, earlobe correction, excision of skin tumors with or without loboplasty, HAND surgeries: popping new, ganglion, Dupuytren's contracture, Carpal tunnel.
Dr. Sazhienko is a leading plastic surgeon in the field of regenerative plastic surgery in Ukraine. For many years he has been engaged in scientific experimental and clinical research in this field.
He is the author of scientific and practical publications devoted to:
Dr. Sazhienko is a co-author of monographs and a chapter in a manual for plastic surgeons. Since 2001, the doctor has been a regular lecturer at conferences and master classes both in Ukraine and abroad.
Dr. Akkrasash Vongjirad is a renowned plastic surgeon based in Bangkok, Thailand. With years of experience in the field, Dr. Vongjirad has gained a reputation for his exceptional skills and dedication to providing top-quality care to his patients.
Dr. Akkrasash Vongjirad specializes in plastic surgery, with a focus on cosmetic procedures to enhance the appearance of his patients. He is known for his expertise in performing a wide range of surgical and non-surgical treatments to help individuals achieve their desired aesthetic goals.
Dr. Akkrasash Vongjirad received his medical degree from a prestigious medical school in Thailand. He then completed his residency training in plastic surgery at a renowned hospital, where he honed his surgical skills and knowledge in the field.
With over a decade of experience in plastic surgery, Dr. Akkrasash Vongjirad has successfully performed numerous procedures, ranging from facelifts and breast augmentation to liposuction and rhinoplasty. His attention to detail and commitment to patient safety have earned him the trust and loyalty of his patients.
Dr. Akkrasash Vongjirad is affiliated with Asia Cosmetic Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, where he provides his services to local and international patients seeking expert plastic surgery care. The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced medical professionals to ensure the highest standards of care.
Dr. Akkrasash Vongjirad offers a wide range of plastic surgery services, including but not limited to:
Dr. Jakrapong Detsomboonrat, a skilled Plastic Surgeon based at Asia Cosmetic Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, specializes in Liposuction and Body Contouring. His expertise lies in sculpting bodies with precision, offering patients transformative experiences through targeted procedures.
Dr. Jakrapong's academic journey began with a solid foundation, earning a Bachelor of Medical Technology from Mahidol University. This diverse educational background sets the stage for his unique approach to plastic surgery, incorporating a thorough understanding of medical technology into his practice.
Renowned as a Liposuction Maestro, Dr. Jakrapong Detsomboonrat has perfected the art of removing excess fat and reshaping the body. Patients seeking a refined and sculpted silhouette entrust their aspirations to his skilled hands, confident in the expertise he brings to this specialized procedure.
In the realm of Body Contouring, Dr. Jakrapong excels in crafting harmonious proportions. Whether it's enhancing natural curves or addressing areas of concern, his artistry in body sculpting reflects a commitment to helping individuals achieve their desired aesthetic outcomes.
Dr. Jakrapong's professional journey includes hands-on experience at Asia Cosmetic Hospital, where he has become a go-to specialist for Liposuction and Body Contouring. His dedication to staying current with advancements in the field ensures that patients receive cutting-edge care tailored to their unique needs.
Understanding that every patient is unique, Dr. Jakrapong Detsomboonrat adopts a patient-centric approach. His consultations are thorough, ensuring a clear understanding of each individual's goals, allowing him to tailor Liposuction and Body Contouring procedures for optimal and personalized results.
As a Plastic Surgeon at Asia Cosmetic Hospital, Dr. Jakrapong Detsomboonrat is dedicated to shaping confidence and empowering lives through his expertise in Liposuction and Body Contouring. His commitment to precision and patient satisfaction solidifies his role as a trusted authority in the art of body sculpting in the vibrant landscape of Bangkok, Thailand.
Plastic Surgery: We offer plastic surgery services with our experienced surgeons using up-to-date techniques. We aim to achieve natural and aesthetic results by producing solutions specific to each individual's needs.
Hair, Beard and Eyebrow Transplantation: We offer special solutions to those struggling with hair loss, sparse beard or eyebrow problems. Our expert team aims to achieve natural results that suit the person's facial features.
Filling Applications: We safely perform filling applications used for facial rejuvenation and contouring with our expert aesthetic surgeons. With our approach that prioritizes naturalness, we help our customers achieve the look they want.
Medical Education
2002-2008 Gülhane Military Medical Academy
2011-2016 Ankara Kecioren Training and Research Hospital Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Resident
Places of Work
Istanbul Umraniye Training and Research Hospital
Yozgat City Hospital
Breast Plastic Surgery (Breast augmentation, lifting, reduction)
Nose Plastic Surgery
Body Contour Surgery
Eyelid Surgery
Auricle Correction
Dr.Theerapong Poonyakariyagorn, MD is the chief plastic surgeon at Interplast Clinic in Bangkok. He is certified by the Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons of Thailand and is an active member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), the leading international body of board-certified plastic surgeons. He has devoted over 20 years to plastic surgery and has operated on patients from all over the world.
Doctor of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 1992
Ege University Faculty of Medicine, 2009
Mersin University Faculty of Medicine Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 2022
Institutions He Worked For
Yozgat State Hospital Emergency Service, Yozgat Maternity and Children's Hospital Emergency Service, Yozgat,
Ataturk University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Erzurum,
Mersin University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Mersin,
Kutahya Health Sciences University Evliya Celebi Training and Research Hospital, Kutahya, 2022-2024