Turkish, English
Attending Physician
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine (Eng) 1987-1995
EXPERİENCE[1]Akdeniz University Department of Neurosurgery 1996-2002
Baskent University Department of Neurosurgery (Specialist) 2003-2007
Başkent University Department of Neurosurgery (Assistant Professor) 2007-2012
Başkent University Department of Neurosurgery (Associate Professor) 2012-2017Medical Park Antalya
Hospital Complex 2018-Present
Areas of interest;
Endoscopic Lumbar Disc Surgery
Cervical Disc (Neck Hernia) Surgery
Endoscopic Brain Surgery
Vascular (brain-vascular aneurysm and AVM) operations
Spine Tumors
Spine Fractures
Brain Tumors
Turkish Neurosurgical Society
Turkish Medical Association
2008 Turkish Neurosurgical Society Proficiency Exam 1st place
Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy Course
Minimally Invasive Surgery Course
1. Best Oral Presentation, AO Spine AWARD 10th Hellenic spine congress and joint meeting with french and turkish spine society and 40th symposium'' Giannestras- symrnis Thessaloniki, 26-29 october 2016 Spinal Tuberculosis inPatients With Growing Spine Akgül T., Korkmaz M., Benli T., Talu U., Şar C.
2. Best Poster, 23rd Efort (European Federation Of National Associations Of Orthopaedics And Traumatology) congress, 22-24 june 2022 Correlations between radiographic spinopelvic parameters and health-related quality of life: A prospective evaluation of 37 patients with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. Bayram S., Kendirci A. Ş. , Karalar Ş., Durmuş Tekçe H., Parman F. Y. , Akgül T, Durmaz H.
3. TOTDER XXI.Akif Şakar Science Award
4. Best poster, TOTBID- 24th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 2014
5. Best poster, Totder 6th Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting May 12-15, 2016
6. Best poster, Comparison of Selective and Non-Selective Fusion Results in the Treatment of Lenke Type 1B Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis, 27th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 2017.
Halide Edip Adıvar High School (English High School) (1999)
Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine (1999-2005)
Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology (2005-2011)
Şanlıurfa Training and Research Hospital (2011-2012)
Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology Associate Professor (2017-2023)
Koç University Hospital Spine Center - Part-time (2018-2023)
Istanbul Universityniversitesi Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology Associate Professor (2023-present)
National Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery-Turkish Journal Of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, Advisory Board Member, 2020
Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery, Associate Editor, 2019 - Ongoing
Acta Orthopaedica Et Traumatologica Turcica, Associate Editorr, 2019 - Ongoing
Turkish Spine Society (TOD)-board member-Treasurer
TOTDER (Turkish Orthopedic Association)-board member.