Best PET-CT with Gallium 68 (DOTATATE) doctors in Turkey: TOP 43 doctors

Content meets the Bookimed Editorial Policy and is medically reviewed by
Fahad Mawlood
Mehmet Ali Gok
  • New
  • 11 years of experience
  • accreditation:
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Medipol University Pendik Hospital
  • Position:

    Associate Professor ,

    General Surgery Department



    Birth Date: 14.05.1982 

    Place of Birth      : Şanlıurfa, Türkiye

    Married, father of one.



    Republic of Turkey




    General Surgery Department

    Istanbul Kartal Dr. Lütfü Kırdar Training and Research Hospital (2009- 2014)



    Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine (20022008)

    Anadolu University Faculty of Business Administration - Administration of Health Institutions (2013-2015)

    Anadolu University Faculty of Open Education Department of Law (2016-)


    High school

    Erzincan Science High School (1998-2002)

    Working Experience:





















    National and International Articles


    1 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA (2021). Inguinal hernia repair via laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) method: Our 2 years clinical results. Annals of Medical Research, 28(4), 812-815., Doi: 10.5455/annalsmedres.2020.05.443


    2 SAĞIROĞLU ŞÜKRİYE JÜLİDE, ÖZDEMİR TUĞRUL, ATAK TUBA, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, ORHUN ERDOĞAN KIVILCIM, EREN TURGUT TUNÇ, ALİMOĞLU ORHAN (2016). Laparoscopic Total Extraperitoneal Inguinal Hernia Repair Without Mesh Fixation: Report of Early Outcomes. SouthernPrint Date :22/10/2022 17:41:41 Clinics of Istanbul Eurasia, 27(3), 215-219., Doi: 10.14744/scie.2017.64872 


    3 ÇİFTÇİ ALİ, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA (2022). Management of Acute Biliary Pancreatitis in Cholecystectomized Patients. Bezmiâlem Science, 10(4), 507-511. Doi: 10.14235/ bas galenos. 2021.6708


    4 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, YEĞEN SERKAN FATİH, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, KOCAOĞLU AYTAÇ EMRE (2022). Gastrointestinal Stromal Tümörlerde İmmünohistokimyasal Markırların ve Tümör Boyutunun Prognoz Üzerindeki Rolü. Kocaeli Tıp Dergisi, 10(2), 101-104. M-784-1650 KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, GÖK MEHMET ALİ (2022). Laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair of strangulated femoral hernia: Superiority of an unusual emergency surgical approach due to a case. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 36(1), 110-112.


    5 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KARADAYI BÜYÜKÖZSOY AYŞEGÜL, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA (2022). The sensitivity of ultrasound in the clinical diagnosis of inguinal hernias in adults: a comparative study. Journal of Ultrasound, 1-4., Doi: 10.1007/s40477-021-00641-4


    6 KARADAYI BÜYÜKÖZSOY AYŞEGÜL, KARATAY EMRAH, GÖK MEHMET ALİ (2022). Comparison of the Effectiveness of Ultrasound Imaging and Perioperative Measurement in the Diagnosis and Characterization of Incisional Hernia. Journal of Medical Ultrasound, 1-5.


    7 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, DEMİR MUSTAFA, YEĞEN SERKAN FATİH, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, ŞENOL METİN, KOCAOĞLU AYTAÇ EMRE, AKIN EMRAH (2022). Endoscopic Intra-gastric Botulinum Toxin A for Obesity Treatment: IsIt Effective?. Kocaeli Tıp Dergisi, 11(2), 149-152.


    8 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KARATAY EMRAH, ÇİFTÇİ ALİ (2022). İnguinal Hernilerde Balonsuz ve Mesh Sabitleyicisiz Laparoskopik Total Ekstraperitoneal Onarımın Cerrahi Deneyim ile Korelasyonu. Dicle Medical Journal, 49(3), 498-503., Doi: 10.5798/dicletip.1170263


    9 KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, GÖK MEHMET ALİ (2022). Effects of Carvedilol on Liver İschemiaReperfusion İnjury in Rats. Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi-Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, 28(7), 885-893.


    10 ŞENOL METİN, GÖK MEHMET ALİ (2022). Small Bowel Obstruction due to Phytobezoar. Kocaeli Tıp Dergisi, 11(2), 1-6.


    11 KARATAY EMRAH, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, JAVADOV MIRKHALIG (2021). Measurement of hiatal surface area and other hiatus oesophageal diameters at computed tomography imaging in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease and its relationship with hiatal hernia. Journal of Minimal Access Surgery, 17(4), 537-541., Doi: 10.4103/jmas.JMAS_175_20


    12 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, YEĞEN SERKAN FATİH (2021). Perforated colorectal cancers; clinical outcomes \nof 18 patients who underwent emergency surgery. Gastroenterology Review, 16(2), 161-165., Doi: 10.5114/pg.2021.106667


    13 YEĞEN SERKAN FATİH, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, GÖK MEHMET ALİ (2020). Comparison of Perioperative Standard and Immunomodulating Enteral Nutrition in Patients Received Major Abdominal Cancer Surgery: a Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial. Indian Journal of Surgery, 82, 828-834., Doi: 10.1007/s12262-020-02114-0 


    14 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, YEĞEN SERKAN FATİH (2020). Effects of Preoperative Oral Carbohydrate Loading on Preoperative and Postoperative Comfort in Patients Planned to Undergo Elective Cholecystectomy: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 22(11), 1-6., Doi: 10.32592/ircmj.2020.22.11.107


    15 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, YEĞEN SERKAN FATİH (2019). Comparison of negative-pressure incision management system in wound dehiscence: A prospective, randomized, observational study. Journal of Medicine and Life, 12(3), 276-283., Doi: 10.25122/jml-2019-0033


    16 KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, YALÇIN METİN, DADÜK YILDIRAY, SOYALP MURAT, GÖK MEHMET ALİ (2018). Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Acute Cholecystitis in Situs Inversus Totalis: An Extraordinary Approach. Eurasian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 17(2), 82-84.


    17 KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, TEKER İBRAHİM, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, UĞURLU ESAT TAYLAN, ÇETİNKAYA ISMAİL (2018). Atraumatic splenic rupture secondary to abscess in a hemodialysis patient: a rare and fatal cause of acute abdomen diagnosed late. Journal of Surgical Case Reports,5, 1-3., Doi: 10.1093/jscr/rjy103


    18 KAYA FERUDUN, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, KISMET KEMAL, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, ERTAŞ ERTUĞRUL (2018). Congenital Transmesenteric Hernia Without Bowel Strangulation in a Young Adult. The Medical Bulletin Of Haseki, 56(4), 337-340., Doi: 10.4274/haseki.galenos.2022.8361


    19 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, GÜNEŞ ABDULLAH (2018). Laparoscopic treatment of hepatic hydatid disease: Şanlıurfa-Turkey experience and early clinical outcomes. Laparoscopic Endoscopic Surgical Science, 25(3), 98-102., Doi:14744/less.2018.4353171203046744-1078.03 Basım Tarihi 22/10/2022 17:41:41 Sayfa: 2


    20 KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, YALÇIN METİN, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, AKTAŞ AYŞEGÜL, YÜREKLİ TACİTTİN SEMİH, ARSLAN AYŞEGÜL İSAL (2017). intraparenchymal Leiomyoma of the Breast: A Rare Location for an Infrequent Tumor. intraparenchymal Leiomyoma of the Breast: A Rare Location for an Infrequent Tumor, 13(3), 156-168., Doi: 10.5152/ejbh.2017.3472


     21 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, ÖTER VOLKAN (2017). Early-term elective laparoscopic resection after endoscopic detorsion in cases with sigmoid colonic volvulus. Annals of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 8(6), 492-495., Doi: 10.4328/JCAM.5231


    22 KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, ÖTER VOLKAN (2017). Late-diagnosed penetrating stab Wounds in diaphragm and herniation. Annals of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 8(4), 367-369., Doi: 10.4328/JCAM.5103


    23 ANADOLULU ALİ İHSAN, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, ANADOLULU ZEYNEP (2017). Laparoscopic spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy with splenic vessel preservation for pancreatic pseudocyst in a 10-year-old boy. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, 34(1), 10-12.




    National and International Proceedings

    İnguinal Hernilerde Total Ekstraperitoneal Onarımda Balon Disseksiyonu ile Teleskopik Disseksyonun   Kıyaslanması, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, GÖK MEHMET ALİ (2022). 22.. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi, 


    Laparaskopık total ekstraperıitoneal (TEP) onarımında redükte edilemeyen keseler enerji

    cıihazıyla lıigate edılebırlıir mı , KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, GÖK MEHMET ALİ (2019). 7..

    Ulusal Fıtık Kongresi


    Laparaskopik Sleeve Gastrektomide 3D Görüntüleme Sisteminin Etkiniliği , GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAYA FERUDUN, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, AKSOY BAŞAR (2017). 2.. Bariatrik ve Metabolik Cerrahi Kongresi

    İnsizyonel hernide laparaskopik preperitoneal onarım, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA (2017).. 9.. Cerrahi Araştırma Kongresi

    ERCP Yapılan Kist Hidatikli Hastalarda Kist Küçülür mü, YALÇIN METİN, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA (2017).. 13.. Türk Hepatopankreatobilier Cerrahi Kongresi

    İnsizyonel Hernilerde TAPP Onarım Mümkün mü, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, AKSOY BAŞAR, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, YALÇIN METİN (2017).. 6.. Ulusal Fıtık Kongresi, (Özet bildiri)



    Kolon Divertikül  Perforasyonlarında Hartmann Prosedürü veya Primer Anastomoz? , GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KEŞKÜŞ BRAHIM H. HÜDAVERDI, BÖZKURT AHMET ÇAĞLAR, YALÇIN METİN, YILMAZ TACETTİN SEMİH (2017).. 11.. Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Kongresi, (Özet bildiri)





    Written sections in international books

    1)Genel Cerrahide Nadir Görülen Acil ve Elektif Vakalar, Bölüm adı:(Akciğere Fistülize Karaciğer Kist Hidatik Vakasına Acil Laparoskopik Yaklaşım) (2020)., COŞKUN MURAT, GÖK MEHMET ALİ,

    Akademisyen Yayınevi, Editör: Ender ANILIR Mehmet BAYRAK Mehmet Tolga KAFADAR Mert TANAL Ali Emre NAYCI Hüseyin KILAVUZ Özlem Öndeş BAYAR, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 655, ISBN:978- 625-7275-23-1, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap)

    2)Gastrointestinal Sistem Kanserlerinin Cerrahisi, Bölüm adı:(Karaciğerin Primer Solid MalignNeoplazileri) (2020)., GÖK MEHMET ALİ, Akademisyen Yayınevi, Editör: Hüseyin Özgür AYTAÇ, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 404, ISBN:978-605-258-949-6, Türkçe (Bilimsel Kitap)

    3)Gastrointestinal Sistem Tümörleri-1, Bölüm adı:(ERKEN EVRE HASTALIKTA CERRAHİ TEDAVİ) (2019)., GÖK MEHMET ALİ, Akademisyen Yayınevi, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 493, ISBN:978-605-258-551-1, Türkçe (Bilimsel Kitap)



    1) Minimal İnvaziv Cerrahi, Kitap, Editör, Akademisyen Kitapevi A.Ş., 22.10.2020-15.07.2021

    2. YENİ NESİLCERRAHİ, Kitap, Editör, Akademisyen Kitapevi A.Ş., 15.06.2021-15.08.2022

    3. Onkolojik Cerrahi, Kitap, Editör, Akademisyen Kitapevi A.Ş., 05.04.2021-05.12.2021

    4.. Fıtık Cerrahisi, Kitap, Editör, Akademisyen Kitapevi A.Ş., 07.04.2020-07.11.2020



    Hernia A to Z Fundemantals Hands on Workshop, Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery Experience Certificate in Cadaver was awarded by the European Hernia Society.

    . DUBAİ/ U.A.E, 28.11.2018 

    CADAVER TRAINING EVENT IN COLON AND RECTAL SURGERY, Robotic Colorectal Surgery in Cadaver training certificate was given.  STONY BROOK UNİVERSİTY / NEWYORK/ USA,.04.2016



    Memberships in Scientific Organizations:

    1.. Turkish Society of Colon and Rectum Surgery, Member, 2020

    2.. Turkish Surgical Association, Member, 2014

  • Read more
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Melahat Bekir Kulah
  • New
  • 8 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Medipol University Pendik Hospital
  • Experience

    2017 - 2019 Okan University Hospital

    2019 - Medipol University Pendik Hospital


    2016 Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Chest Diseases

    2007 St. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Medicine


    1- Frequency of Immunodeficiency in Adult Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis Patients; Specialization Thesis

    2- Canan Cimşit, Melahat Bekir, Sait Karakurt, Emel Eryüksel, Ultrasonographic evaluation of diaphragm thickness in COPD – Marmara Medical Journal 2016; 29:8-13

    3- Emel Eryuksel, Canan Cimsit, Melahat Bekir, Çagatay Cimsit, Sait Karakurt, Diaphragmatic Thickness Fraction in Subjects at High Risk for COPD Exacerbations Respiratory Care December 2017

    4- Melahat Bekir, T. Bahadır Üskül, Pulmonary Functions in Patients With Idiopathic Scoliosis The Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery ; April 2017

    5- Emel Eryuksel, Canan Cimsit, Melahat Bekir, Cagatay Cimşit, Sait Karakurt, Is Diaphragmatic Thickness fraction valuable in Identifying High-Risk Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients, European Respiratory Journal Sep 2017

    6- Melahat Bekir Külah, Şehnaz Olgun Yıldızeli, Derya Kocakaya, Berrin Ceyhan, The Effect of Clinical Findings on One-Year Disease Course in Adult Bronchiectasis Patients Other Than Cystic Fibrosis, 21st Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society _ Belek, Turkey 2018

    7- Melahat Bekir Külah, Şehnaz Olgun Yıldızeli Derya Kocakaya, Emel Eryüksel, Elif Karakoç Aydıner, İsmail Öğülür, Berrin Bağcı Ceyhan, Quality of Life in Adult Bronchiectasis Patients Other Than Cystic Fibrosis: The Role of Psychological Status and Disease Severity 20th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society – Belek Türkiye 2017

    8- Berrin Ceyhan, Melahat Bekir, Şehnaz olgun Yıldızeli, Derya Kocakaya , Emel Eryüksel, Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the EMBARC (European Bronchiectasis Audit and Research Collaboration) quality of life scale in patients with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis. Turkish Thoracic Society 20th Annual Congress – Belek, Turkey 2017 (POSTER AWARD WINNER)

    9- Melahat Bekir, Şehnaz Olgun Yıldizeli, Derya Kocakaya, Hüseyin Arıkan, Emel Eryüksel, Berrin Bağcı Beyhan, Relationship Between Vitamin D Levels and Lung Functions, Clinical Indexes, Anxiety-Depression Symptoms in Adult Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis Patients – 19th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society - Belek, Turkey 2016

    10- Melahat Bekir, Derya Kocakaya, Şehnaz Olgun, Berrin Bağcı Ceyhan, Anticoagulant Treatment Approach in a Case of Venous Thrombosis Causing Superior Vena Cava Syndrome with Active Bleeding – 18th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society – Belek, Turkey 2015

    11- Melahat Bekir, Berrin Bağcı Ceyhan, Life-Threatening Bleeding After Anticoagulation with Rivaroxaban: Two Case Reports, 18th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society – Belek, Turkey 2015

    12- Şehnaz Olgun Yıldızeli, Çagatay Nuri Cimşit, Semiha Emel Eryüksel, Canan Cimşit, Melahat Bekir, Tuğçe Yakut, The Relationship of Pulmonary CT Angiography with Clinical Scores in Pulmonary Embolism – Turkish Thoracic Society 18th Annual Congress – Belek Turkey 2015

    13- Melahat Bekir, Canan Cimşit, Hüseyin Arıkan, Derya Kocakaya, Şehnaz,Olgun, Semiha Emel Eryüksel, Sait Karakurt, Diaphragm Thickness in COPD Patients and Its Relationship with Symptoms, Turkish Thoracic Society 17th Annual Congress – Belek, Turkey 2014

    14- Melahat Bekir Külah, Frequency of Immunodeficiency in Patients with Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis and its Relationship with Clinical Parameters, 20th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society – Belek Türkiye 2017

    15- Berrin Ceyhan, Melahat Bekir Külah, Şehnaz Olgun Yıldızeli, Derya Kocakaya, One Year Follow-Up of Respiratory Health Outcomes in Adult Patients with Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis ERS 2018

    16- Melahat Bekir, Şehnaz Olgun Yıldızeli, Derya Kocakaya, Emel Eryüksel, Elif Karakoç, İsmail Öğülür Berrin Bağcı Ceyhan Immun Deficiency in Patients with Non Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis and Relationship with Clinical Parameters ATS Conference 2017- Washington, DC 2017

    17- Melahat Bekir Külah, Sehnaz Olgun Yildizeli, Derya Kocakaya, Emel Eryuksel, Berrin Bagci Ceyhan Health Related Quality of Life Among Adult Patients With non Cf Bronchiectasis: The Role of Psychological status and disease severity ERS International Congress 2017, Milan Italy 2017

    18- Melahat Bekir, Şehnaz Olgun Yıldızeli, Derya Kocakaya, Hüseyin Arıkan, Emel Eryüksel, Berrin Bağcı Ceyhan The Relationship Between Vitamin D Level and Lung Function, Severity and Clinical Indices, Depression and Anxiety Symptoms in Adult Patients With Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis ATS Conference 2016 - San Francisco , California 2016

  • Read more
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Caglayan Altinbas
  • New
  • 14 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Medipol University Pendik Hospital
  • Experience

    2016 - 2019 Private Gebze Konak Hospital

    2014 - 2015 Private Medicana Camlica Hospital

    2013 - 2014 Private Batman Hospital

    2011 - 2013 Batman Regional State Hospital

    Uskudar University

    Gazi University Faculty of Medicine


    2011 Bezmialem Vakıf University Faculty of Medicine, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

    2005 Marmara University, Faculty of Medicine in English

  • Read more
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Bengisu Ay
  • New
  • 21 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Medipol University Pendik Hospital
  • Experience

    2017 - 2020 Acıpayam State Hospital

    2016 - 2017 Izmir Public Health Laboratory

    2013 - 2016 Bozyaka Training and Research Hospital

    2011 - 2013 Pendik State Hospital

    2011 - 2011 Midyat State Hospital

    2004 - 2010 Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine

    Acipayam State Hospital

    Izmir Public Health Laboratory

    Bozyaka Training and Research Hospital

    Pendik State Hospital

    Midyat State Hospital

    Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine


    2010 Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine, Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology

    2010 Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine, Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology

    2004 Ege University, Faculty of Medicine

    2004 Ege University, Faculty of Medicine



    Bulent Ertugrul, Çağrı Buke, Özlem Saylak Ersoy, Bengisu Ay, Dilek Senen Demirez, Öner Savk. Intralesional epidermal growth factor for diabetic foot wounds: the first cases in Turkey. Diabetic foot and ankle.6: August 2015

    Vedat Turhan, Günalp Uzun, Mustafa Hatipoglu, Mesut Mutluoglu, Erol Sevim, Hayati Demiraslan, Esma Eryılmaz, Cem Ozuguz, Ali Memis, Turk-Day Working Group (Hakan Ay, Bilgin Arda, Serhat Uysal, Vicdan Koksaldi Motor, Cigdem Kader, Ayse Erturk, Omer Coskun, Fazilet Duygu, Selma Guler F. Aybala Altay, Aziz Ogutlu, Sibel Bolukcu, Ozlem Kandemir, Halide Aslaner, Arife Polat, Mustafa Karahocagil, Kadriye Kart Yasar, Emine Sehmen, Sirri Kilic, Mustafa Sunbul, Serap Gencer, Fatma Bozkurt, Tugba Yanik, Nefise Oztoprak Cuvalci, Ayse Batirel, Hamdi Sozen, Inci Kilic, Ilhami Celik, Bengisu Ay, Selma Tosun, Ayten Kadanali, Senol Comoglu, Affan Denk, Salih Hoşoğlu, Özlem Aydın, Nazif Elaldı, Şerife Akalın, Bahar Kandemir, Ayhan Akbulut, Tuna Demirdal, Recep Balık, Emel Azak, Gönül Şengöz); Causative pathogens and antibiotic resistance in diabetic foot infections: A prospective multi-center study. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications, Volume 30, Issue 5, July 2016,910-916

    Alpay Arı, Ali Ilgın Olut, Bengisu Ay, Selma Tosun, Meltem Zencir, Mehmet Umut Çayıröz. A small outbreak of Serratia liquefaciens bacteremia due to use of contaminated saline infusion solution for myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 49, 2017, 639-40


    Vedat Turhan, Günalp Uzun, Mustafa Hatipoglu, Mesut Mutluoglu, Erol Sevim, Hayati Demiraslan, Esma Eryılmaz, Cem Ozuguz, Ali Memis, Turk-Day Working Group (Hakan Ay, Bilgin Arda, Serhat Uysal, Vicdan Koksaldi Motor, Cigdem Kader, Ayse Erturk, Omer Coskun, Fazilet Duygu, Selma Guler F. Aybala Altay, Aziz Ogutlu, Sibel Bolukcu, Ozlem Kandemir, Halide Aslaner, Arife Polat, Mustafa Karahocagil, Kadriye Kart Yasar, Emine Sehmen, Sirri Kilic, Mustafa Sunbul, Serap Gencer, Fatma Bozkurt, Tugba Yanik, Nefise Oztoprak Cuvalci, Ayse Batirel, Hamdi Sozen, Inci Kilic, Ilhami Celik, Bengisu Ay, Selma Tosun, Ayten Kadanali, Senol Comoglu, Affan Denk, Salih Hoşoğlu, Özlem Aydın, Nazif Elaldı, Şerife Akalın, Bahar Kandemir, Ayhan Akbulut, Tuna Demirdal, Recep Balık, Emel Azak, Gönül Şengöz); Current Bacterial Etiology And Antimicrobial Resistance In Dfıs; A Multicenter Prospective Trial Of “Turk-Day”. Congress of Balkan Millitary Medical Committee, 8-11 June 2015, Greece


    VildanAvkan Oğuz, Bengisu Ay, Vasfi Karatosun, Zeynep Gülay; A Case of Total Knee Arthroplasty in which Aeromonas Hydrophila Was Isolated in Perioperative Culture: Trakya Univ Medical Faculty Journal, 2009

    Şebnem Çalık, Bengisu Kara Ay, Arif Yüksel, Kamuran Çapcıoğlu, Meltem Zencir, Ümran Bingöl, Neslihan Genç, Meltem Avcı, Selma Tosun. Evaluation of the knowledge level and vaccination status of individuals in the risk group recommended for influenza vaccination. Medical Journal of İzmir Hospital 2013; 17 (4): 241-245

    B Ay, S Calik, B Karaca, S Tosun. Atypical Mediterranean spotted fever: First case from Aegean Region. Izmir Tepecik Education and Research Hospital Journal. 2016; 26(2):175-177

    B Ay, E Ozdemir, N Unel, S Calik, B Karaca. Telbivudine-Related Myopathy: A Case Report. Viral Hepat J 2016; 22: 37-38


    Şebnem Çalık, Bengisu Kara Ay, Arif Yüksel, Kamuran Çapcıoğlu, Meltem Zencir, Ümran Bingöl, Neslihan Genç, Meltem Avcı, Selma Tosun. Evaluation of the knowledge level and vaccination status of individuals in the risk group who are recommended to receive influenza vaccination. 5th National Vaccine Symposium, 25-29 September 2013, Ankara

    ''Evaluation of 4 Patients Receiving Telaprevir for Chronic Hepatitis C'' “Speech 7" Istanbul – Marriott Asia Hotel; 'Our Turkey Teleprevir Experience Symposium, 21 September 2013'

    Bengisu Ay, Alpay Arı, Nalan Ünel, Erman Özdemir, Selma Tosun; Our experience with telaprevir in two centers: 12th National Viral Hepatitis Congress, 26-29 March 2014, Belek/Antalya

    Bengisu Ay, Erman Özdemir, Nalan Ünel; Myopathy side effect of telbivudine treatment due to a case: 12th National Viral Hepatitis Congress, 26-29 March 2014, Belek/Antalya

    Gülsüm Altın, Aslı Keleş, Bengisu Ay, Ebru Dik, Meltem Zencir, Halil Erkan, Selma Tosun. Evaluation of the differences and knowledge levels of individuals in the society about the transmission routes of Hepatitis B virus. BUHASDER 6. Tepecik Infection Days Symposium. 04-08 November 2015 Muğla.

    Vedat Turhan, Günalp Uzun, Mustafa Hatipoglu, Mesut Mutluoglu, Erol Sevim, Hayati Demiraslan, Esma Eryılmaz, Cem Ozuguz, Ali Memis, Turk-Day Working Group (Hakan Ay, Bilgin Arda, Serhat Uysal, Vicdan Koksaldi Motor, Cigdem Kader, Ayse Erturk, Omer Coskun, Fazilet Duygu, Selma Guler F. Aybala Altay, Aziz Ogutlu, Sibel Bolukcu, Ozlem Kandemir, Halide Aslaner, Arife Polat, Mustafa Karahocagil, Kadriye Kart Yasar, Emine Sehmen, Sirri Kilic, Mustafa Sunbul, Serap Gencer, Fatma Bozkurt, Tugba Yanik, Nefise Oztoprak Cuvalci, Ayse Batirel, Hamdi Sozen, Inci Kilic, Ilhami Celik, Bengisu Ay, Selma Tosun, Ayten Kadanali, Senol Comoglu, Affan Denk, Salih Hoşoğlu, Özlem Aydın, Nazif Elaldı, Şerife Akalın, Bahar Kandemir, Ayhan Akbulut, Tuna Demirdal, Recep Balık, Emel Azak, Gönül Şengöz); Current Causative Microorganisms and Antimicrobial Susceptibilities in Diabetic Foot Infection; A Multicenter Study “TURK-DAY”. 5th EKMUD Scientific Platform, 01-04 April 2015, İzmir.

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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Yilmaz Yozgat
  • New
  • 26 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Medipol University Pendik Hospital
  • Pediatric Cardiology


    Pendik Medipol University Hospital





    2021 Private Nisa Hospital


    2020 – 2021 Bezmialem Foundation University Faculty of Medicine


    2015 – 2021 Bezmialem Foundation University Faculty of Medicine


    2010- 2015 Izmir Dr. Behçet Uz Pediatric Training and Research Hospital


    2008 – 2009 Gata Pediatric Cardiology 


    1999 – 2003 Merzifon Aviation Medicine Center





    2006 Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Pediatric Cardiology


    1998 Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Child Health and Diseases


    1991 Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Faculty of Medicine

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Nihat Okcu
  • New
  • 26 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Medipol University Pendik Hospital
  • Gastroenterology

    Pendik Medipol University Hospital


    1999 Karadeniz Technical University, Gastroenterology

    1997 Atatürk University, Internal Diseases Professorship

    1992 Atatürk University, Internal Diseases Associated Professorship

    1985 Atatürk University, Internal Diseases Specialist

    1981 Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine


    1- Nihat Okçu Gülçin Polat, Arif Yılmaz, Mehmet Koruk, The demographic features of gastric cancers in Erzurum(Eurasian J Med 2000; 32: 63-65)

    2- An Evaluation of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Cases. Clinical Sciences-Doctor.2000, - E.akarsu,N.Okçu,et Ark.Northeast Anatolia 6:4:435-438

    3-N.Okçu, A.yılmaz. İ.kiki,MDonuk, C.gündoğdu, H.uzunismail. Our Diagnostic Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Results. Atatürk University Medical Journal 1997,29 (2):486

    4-N. Okçu, M.gündoğdu, MD onuk, İ.kiki, l.cerrahoğlu, k.yılmaz, I. çapoğlu. The Role of Misoprostol in Preventing Gastroduodenal Lesions in Patients Using Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). Atatürk University Medical Journal 1997,29 (2):453-455.

    5-N.Okçu, A. Öz, MD Onuk, E.Akarsu, B. Tekin, Hz Tonbul, H.Kaya. Plasma Fibronectin Levels in Chronic Active Hepatitis and Decoction of Liver Parenchymal Insufficiency and Their Relationship with Liver Functional Status. Turkish J. Gastroenterol 1995;27(4): 422-426.

    6-N.Okçu, Tahir Buran, MD Onuk, A. Yılmaz, E.Akarsu, G. Akçay. Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori in Patients with Duodenal Ulcer in Erzurum and Surrounding Area. Turkish J. Gastroenterol 1995;27(4): 447-450.

    7-N.Okçu, bs awake, e. akarsu, e. bakan, z. tonbul. Importance of Carbohydrate Antigens (CA-19-9, CA-125), Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) and Alkaline Phosphatase in Gastric and Colorectal Cancers. Turkish J. Gastroenterol 1995;6:467-471.

    8-N. Okçu, MD Onuk, E. Akarsu, H. Doğan, C. Gündoğdu. Major Risk Factors in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Our Region. Gastroenterology 1994;5(2):154-157

    9-N.Okçu, md. Onuk, e. akarsu, h. doğan, c.gündoğdu, tahir buran. Frequency of gastric carcinoma in Erzurum region, endoscopic and histological features. Gastroenterology 1994;5(2):263-267.

    10-N. Okçu, MD Onuk, Tahir Buran, E. Akarsu, MA Çiftçioğlu. Frequency of Helicobacter Pylori in Nonspecific Gastritis Cases in Erzurum Province. Gastroenterology 1994;5(2):211-213.

    11-N.Okçu, MD Onuk, Ö. Ünal, E. Akarsu, L. İncesu, K. Akgöz. Diagnostic Value of Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Intra-Abdominal Mass Lesions. Gastroenterology 1993;4(1):166-68.

    12-NOkçu, md. onuk, m. polat, a. yılmaz, m. gündoğdu, m. paç. Budd-Chiari Syndrome (2 Cases). Turkish J Gastroenterhepatol 1993; 4(1):77-80.

    13-N.Okçu, H. Koçak, MD Onuk, M. Gündoğdu, E. Bakan, A. Yılmaz, A. Başoğlu, A. Ateş, F.A. Paç. The Effect of Atrial Pressure Changes and Cardiac Nerves on Plasma Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) Levels. Vascular Surgery 1993; 27(2): 128-132

    15-N.Okçu, MD Onuk, A.Yılmaz, M. Gündoğdu, T. Buran. Effects of Omeprozole and Ranitidine on Peptic Ulcer Healing. Doğa-Tr.J. of Medical Sciences 1992;16:657-658.

    16-N. Okçu, Mr. Yiğitoğlu, B. Adam, E. Bakan. The Effect of Digixin on Plasma Atrial Natriuretic Peptic Level in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure. S.Ü. Medical Faculty Journal 1991;7(2):243-247..

    17-N.Okçu, A. Yılmaz. The Effect of Histamine H2 -Receptor Antagonists in Upper Gastrointestinal System Bleeding. Endoscopy Journal 1991;2(4):17-23.

    18-N.Okçu, E. Bakan, B. Adam, A. Yılmaz, Mr. Yiğitoğlu. Sex Hormones and Sex Hormone Binding Globulin Levels in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis and Liver Cirrhosis (Letter to the Editor). Nature-Tr. J. Of Medical Sciences 1991;15:1-2.

    19-N.Okcu Ömer Yılmaz.Helıcobacter pylori and related gastrointestinal system diseases. Turkish Clinics JMed Sci. 2013;33(3):806-13

    20-Nihat Okçu, Ömer Yılmaz, Hakan Dursun, Gülçin Polat. The relationship between dyspeptic symptoms, nutritional habits, endoscopic and histological findings (Eurasian J Med 2006; 38: 13-17)

    21-Mehmet Bilici,1Nihat Okcu,1Kerim Cayir,1Ibrahim Pirim,2Salim B. Tekin,1andCemal Gundogdu3 - Distribution of HLA Tissue Groups in Patients with Gastric Cancer Eurasian J Med. 2010 Apr; 42(1): 9.11.

    22-Nihat Okcu,Abdulhalim Bak,Mehmet Sari,Mehmet Arslan,Sait Kapicioglu:The fibroblast proliferation, relationship of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and interferon-A2A Gastroenterology April 2000Volume 118,Issue 4, Part 2, PageA1404

    23-Kubra Kaynar,Sait Kapicioglu,Mehmet Sari,Nihat Okcu,Abdulhalim Baki. The effect of fish oil on stress ulcer prophylaxis GastroenterologyVolume 118, Issue 4, Part 2, PageA1255

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20 top ranked PET-CT with Gallium 68 (DOTATATE) doctors in the world are represented on this page. The list includes only verified specialists known for their experience and high success rates.

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Top 5 PET-CT with Gallium 68 (DOTATATE) doctors on

How to choose the best PET-CT with Gallium 68 (DOTATATE) doctors in the world?

The specialist’s CV contains details about the doctor’s expertise and work experience, education, scientific research, and languages spoken. Compare information on several specialists, read carefully about their experience, success rates, and methods they apply. Make sure the chosen doctor has relevant experience in the treatment of a medical issue you are looking for. Read reviews of patients who had a consultation with the chosen specialist.

Famous PET-CT with Gallium 68 (DOTATATE) doctors have vast experience, continue education constantly, participate in professional associations and have positive feedback from patients treated.

What is the cost of a doctor's consultation?

The price for the consultation on PET-CT with Gallium 68 (DOTATATE) varies between experts and depends on certain factors, such as:

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Where you go for medical treatment

Cevdet Gokcek
  • New
  • 13 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Medipol University Pendik Hospital
  • Trustworthy, attentive, successful neurosurgeon with over 34 years of experience, high rate of success and exceptional surgical skills, providing quality neurological service for patients, successfully treating over thousands of patients suffering from many severe, complex conditions of the brain, spine and the nerves. 

    Experienced in performing treatment modalities like micro neurosurgery, endoscopic skull base surgery, endoscopic third ventriculostomy, minimally invasive spine surgery and percutaneous spine surgery. Keen on performing clinical research and attending national and international medical conferences to stay abreast of new technologies in the field. Compassionate and detail-oriented with excellent communication skills. Expertise in healthcare, education and program management. Adept at developing and implementing forward-thinking strategies to enhance patient outcomes and collective knowledge in the field. Desiring to bring skills and success. Focused on working closely with other medical professionals and following up with patients. Well-versed at emergency procedures and fast and accurate sanitation.


    Work History

    2020-01 – Current - Asst. Prof. Neurosurgeon

    Istanbul Medipol University, Health Care Practice and Research Center Pendik Hospital

    • He successfully treated and followed patients with cerebral hemorrhage, brain and spinal cord tumors, and patients with hydrocephalus.

    • He performed transnasal pituitary surgeries with success.

    • Also, many cervical lumbar and thoracic disc patients were successfully treated, and disc prosthesis were applied to some of them.

    • He re-operated a degenerative spine patient who had been operated on before at another center and the patient regained his health.

    • He also successfully treated patients with premature neonatal intracerebral hemorrhage.

    2019-08 – 2020-01 - Neurosurgeon

    Freelancer, Istanbul, Turkey

    • Operated on patients' brains, spines and peripheral nerves to correct deformities, repair injuries, prevent and treat diseases and improve patients' motor functions. Performed successful operations for complex, advanced and complicated disease of the brain and spine some of which were operated unsuccessfully at other medical centers by different neurosurgeons.

    • Offered advanced knowledge, leadership abilities and technical assistance with complex surgical cases.

    • Maintained admitting privileges at local hospitals and provided quality follow-up care.

    • Educated patients on recovery methods and times.

    • Designed treatment plans for patients.

    • Thoroughly assessed patients to identify medical condition and level of surgical risk.

    • Founded a spinal surgery group with orthopedic surgeons and treated very advanced and severe vertebra deformities, spine abnormalities, scoliosis.

    2018-12 - 2019-08 - Neurosurgeon

    Alkafeel Super Speciality Hospital, Karbala, Iraq

    • Conducted up to 5 operations per month to correct deformities in neurological and spinal systems, repair traumas, and treat diseases of different areas. Performed successful operations (success rate 100 percent : 90-95) for severe, complex and advanced diseases of the brain, spine and nerves in adults and children. (Cerebral intrinsic and extrinsic tumor surgery, posterior fossa surgery, spontaneous and traumatic intracranial hematomas, Interhemispheric 3th ventricle and lateral ventricle surgery, pontocerebellar angle tumor surgery, spinal instrumentation and fusion surgery, microdiscectomy cervical, thoracic, lumbar, pediatric cranial and spine anomaly surgery). Followed the patients postoperatively.

    • Educated patients on recovery methods and times.

    • Thoroughly assessed patients to identify medical condition and level of surgical risk.

    • Performed emergency surgeries.

    • Examined 900 patients in total in the outpatient clinic and gave medical treatments to them when necessary.

    2015-10 - 2018-11 - Neurosurgeon

    Medistate Kavacık Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

    • Operated on patients' brains, spines and peripheral nerves to correct deformities, repair injuries, prevent and treat different advanced, complex severe diseases and improve patients' motor functions.

    • Conducted up to operations per month to correct deformities in neurological and spinal systems, repair traumas, restore partial or full functionality and prevent and treat diseases of different areas. 

    • Performed successful operations (success rate percent : 95) for severe, complex and advanced diseases of the brain , spine and nerves in adults and children.(Brain tumor, arachnoid cyst, intracerebral hematoma, spinal stenosis, hydrocephalus, myelomeningocele).Followed the patients postoperatively. 

    • Educated patients on recovery methods and times Thoroughly assessed patients to identify medical condition and level of surgical risk.

    • Performed emergency surgeries (intracerebral hematoma, intracerebral abscess).

    • Examined 850 patients in total in the outpatient clinic and gave medical treatment to them when necessary.

    1994-03 - 2015-09 - Neurosurgeon

    Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey

    • Supervised trainees, medical students, residents and fellows to help each achieve proficiency in field.

    • Conducted up to 20 operations per month to correct deformities in neurological and spinal systems, repair traumas, restore partial or full functionality and prevent and treat diseases of different areas. Performed successful operations (success rate: %90) for severe, complex and advanced diseases of the brain, spine and nerves in adults and children. (Skull base surgery, extended trans base approach, orbit zygomatic approach, presigmoid approach, orbital approaches, transcranial and lateral orbitotomy, Endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary surgery, CSF leakage surgery, endoscopic, microscopic and transsphenoidal, transcranial. Endoscopic third ventriculostomy and surgery of multiloculated hydrocephalus and pediatric neurosurgery. Cerebral intrinsic and extrinsic tumor surgery, posterior fossa surgery. Brain aneurysm, AVM and cavernoma surgery.

    • Spontaneous and traumatic intracranial hematomas. Hemifacial spasm and trigeminal neuralgia surgery (microsurgical decompression) Interhemispheric 3th ventricle and lateral ventricle surgery. Pineal area surgery. Pontocerebellar angle tumor surgery.

    • Foreman magnum tumors surgery. Surgery of hydrocephaly, Syringomyelia and craniovertebral animalia).Followed the patients postoperatively.

    • Educated patients on recovery methods and times Thoroughly assessed patients to identify medical condition and level of surgical risk.

    • Performed emergency surgeries (Epidural, subdural and intracerebral hematoma, vertebra fracture).

    • Examined 500-700 patients per day in the outpatient clinic and gave medical treatment to them when necessary. Examined patients in the emergency service.

    • Designed treatment plans for patients.

    • Offered advanced knowledge, leadership abilities and technical assistance with complex surgical cases.

    • Led and oversaw 15 medical personnel in operating room setting to perform surgeries.

    • Led and oversaw medical personnel in operating room setting to perform surgeries.


    1982-09 - 1988-08

    M.D.: Medicine And (Pre-Medicine)

    Ankara University Medical School - Ankara

    General Medicine Training for 6 years. Graduated with a high GPA.

    1988-11 - 1994-05

    Specialist Neurosurgery: Neuroscience

    University of Health Sciences - Ankara

    6 years of neurosurgery training.

    • My thesis was on brain abscess and their clinical and laboratory evaluations

    1995-05 - 1995-07


    The Institute of Neurological Sciences and Psychiatry.


    I attended the course for microsurgery at University of Hacettepe Institute of Neurological Sciences and Psychiatry.

    1998-04 - 2019-05

    Observer Doctor: Neuroscience

    Department of Neurosurgery, MSU - Ann Arbour, 

    Michigan USA

    2012-05 - 2012-05

    Neuro endoscopy: Neuroscience

    Ghent University - Ghent, Belgium

    International endoscopic neurosurgery workshop, 

    Ghent, Belgium

    I attended the workshop for endoscopic skull base operations the and Neuro endoscopic third ventriculostomy at University of Ghent Hospital



    Micro neurosurgery - Excellent

    Neuro endoscopy - Excellent

    Cranial base endoscopy - Excellent

    Minimal invasive surgery - Excellent

    Percutaneous spinal surgery - Excellent

    Neuronavigation – Excellent



    1995-04 Microsurgery

    2012-05 Endoscopy



    Turkish - Native

    English - Advanced

    Arabic - Novice



    Turkish Neurosurgical Society

    Turkish Medical Association



    • Trained team of staff nurses in medical office procedures to ensure consistent quality of care.

    • Published 17 articles in national and international reviews and presented papers in medical congresses.


    Interests and operations I perform

    Vascular diseases of brain

    Endoscopic hypophysis surgery

    Tumors of brain, spine and medulla spinalis surgery

    Endoscopic brain ventricle surgery

    Endoscopic third ventriculostomy 

    Traumas of brain and spine

    Cervical, thoracic and lumbar disc hernias and narrow 

    canal disease surgery

    Spine instrumentation and fusion surgery

    Baclofen pump and neurostimulators insertions

    Hydrocephalus surgery

    Congenital diseases of the brain and spine (pediatric 


    Peripheral nerve surgery

  • Read more
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Mehmet Soyarslan
  • New
  • 17 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Medipol University Pendik Hospital
  • Place and Date of Birth: 08.12.1983 / ANKARA

    Nationality: T.R.

    Marital Status: He is married and has 1 child.

    Foreign Language: English


    •Hamdullah Suphi Tanrıöver Primary School/Istanbul

    • Karşıyaka Anatolian High School/İzmir

    •Gülhane Military Medical Academy (2001 – 2007)

    •Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital Orthopedics Clinic – Specialization (2012-2018)

    Professional Experience

    •Sahra Medical School Samsun (2007-2008)

    •Ankara Gendarmerie Logistics Command Dispensary (2008-2010)

    •Üsküdar Private Yunus Emre Hospital Emergency Physician (2010-2012)

    •Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital Orthopedics Clinic (2012-2018)

    •Şanlıurfa Suruç State Hospital (2018-2019)

    •Np Istanbul Brain Hospital Orthopedic Specialist – Surgical Branch Specialist Medical

    Deputy Director (2019- December 2020)

    Medipol University Pendik Hospital (2020 -)

    Member of Scientific Organizations

    • Chamber of Physicians

    • Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association

    • Turkish Industry and Business Association

    • Robotic Knee Surgery Association

    Scientific Studies

    • Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and frequency of cardiovascular risk factors in obese children M.Emre Taşcılar , Bülent Hacıhamdioğlu , Mehmet Soyarslan, Ayhan Abacı

    (Gülhane Medical Journal 2010;52 :32-35)


    • Determination of the hip rotation centre from landmarks in pelvic radiograph Hasan Bombacı, Bestami Şimşek, Mehmet Soyarslan Murat Yıldırım (Acta orthopaedica et traumatologica turcica 51(6) October 2017)


    • Compartment syndrome secondary to Baker’s cyst rupture: A case report and up-todate review Serkan Erkuş, Mehmet Soyarslan, Özkan Köse, Önder Kalenderer

    (International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science 9(2):82 April 2019)


    • Cutibacterium Acnes (Formerly Propionibacterium Acnes) Incidence In Shoulder Arthroscopy and Correlation with the Clinical Status Mehmet Soyarslan, Mehmet Kerem Canbora, Özkan Köse (HNH Medical Journal January 202



    • 25. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress (2015)

    1) Comparison of open and closed surgery in pediatric supracondylar humerus fractures (Poster)

    2) What affects the clinical outcome most in open tibia fractures?

    Is it the type of treatment chosen or the extent of the damage? (Poster)

    3) Does lateral epicondylitis affect grasp strength? (Oral statement)

    • 26. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress (2016)

    1) Detection of hip rotation center in the pelvis X-ray of adult Turkish individuals (Poster)


    • Hasan Bombaci* , Bestami Simsek, Mehmet Soyarslan, Mustafa Murat Yildirim, Determination

    of the hip rotation centre from landmarks in pelvic radiograph, Acta Orthopaedica et

    Traumatologica Turcica, Available online 10 October 2017, doi:


    • 38. SICOT World Congress (Cape Town/South Africa 2017)

    1) P.acnes Insidence In Shoulder Arthroscopy and Correlation With The Clinical Results



    • 27. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress (2017)

    1) “Propionibacterium acnes” Incidence and Clinical Reflections in Tissue Cultures Taken in Shoulder Arthroscopy

    (Oral statement)



    • 28. SECEC-ESSE Congress (Geneva/Switzerland 2018)

    1) P.acnes Insidence In Shoulder Arthroscopy and Correlation With The Clinical Results

    (Oral statement)


    • 28. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress (2018)

    1) Is hip flexion effective on respiratory and hemodynamic parameters of patients who underwent shoulder arthroscopy in the sitting position? (Oral statement)

    2) Our Conventional Titanium Plate and PEEK Plate Applications in Multipartite Upper End of Humerus Fractures in Patients aged 55-70 years who were treated with Surgery: Is There a Radiological and Clinical Difference? (Oral statement)

    • 10. Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Congress (2018)

    1) “P.acnes” Incidence and Clinical Results in Shoulder Arthroscopy: Our Conventional Titanium Plate and PEEK Plate Applications in Multipartite Upper End of Humerus Fractures in Patients aged 55-70 years who were treated with Glenohumeral Joint and Surgery: Is There a Radiological and Clinical Difference? (Oral statement)

    2) Evaluation of the Diagnostic Value of the Pain Chart in the Pathologies of the Shoulder in Patients Undergoing Arthroscopic Surgery (Poster)

    • 1. Digital Shoulder Elbow Surgery Association Congress (2020)

    1) Are the Size of Bone Loss and Number of Anchors Effective in Clinical Results and Failure after Arthroscopic Bankart Repair of Recurrent Shoulder Dislocations?

    (Oral statement)

    2) K-wire migration into the spinal canal after acromioclavicular dislocation surgery: Case

    Presentation (Poster)

    VI- Courses

    • Training Course of Emergency Medicine Trainer (2007)

    • PEV DDH (Developmental Hip Dysplasia and Pes Echinovarus) Course (2016)

    • Basic Arthroscopy Course (2016)

    • Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Education Council Basic Sciences School (2016)

    • Acıbadem University Tibia Fractures Cadaver Course (2017)

    • Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Basic Course (2017)

    • Knee Joint Arthroscopy and Foot - Ankle Surgical Interventions Applications Cadaver Courses (2017)

    • Acıbadem University Advanced Knee Peripheral Sports Injuries Cadaver Course(2018)

    • LIMA Corporate Shoulder Surgery Cadaver Course Verona/Italy (2018)

    • Gazi University Ankle Arthroscopy Cadaver Course(2019)

    • Antalya University Knee Arthroscopy Cadaver Course (2019)

    • Antalya University Ankle Arthroscopy Cadaver Course (2019)

    • Basic Microsurgery Course – Ankara (2019)

    • Antalya University Wrist Arthroscopy Cadaver Course (2019)

  • Read more
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Hamza Ugur Bozbey
  • New
  • 11 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Uniqacare Clinic
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Saadet Unsal
  • New
  • 16 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Medipol University Pendik Hospital


    Ankara Etlik Maternity Hospital and Gynecology Education and Research Hospital, Gynecology and Obstetrics


    Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine



    2019 - to present

    Medipol University Pendik Hospital


    2009 - 2019

    Yakacık Maternity and Child Diseases Hospital



    Articles Published in Journals Indexed in SCI, SSCI and AHCI

    Isoflavones obtained from red clover improve both dyslipidemia and menopausal symptoms in menopausal women: a prospective randomized placebo-controlled trial


    Climacteric , 2024 (SCI-Expanded)

  • Read more
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Mesut Okur
  • New
  • 16 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Medipol University Pendik Hospital


    Medical Specialization YÜZÜNCÜ YIL UNIVERSITY



    Name of Thesis: Screening for hematuria and proteinuria in school age children (2008) Supervisor:(ŞÜKRÜ ARSLAN)


    Undergraduate Education   SELÇUK UNIVERSITY


    30/June/ 2003

    Academic Duties



















    Supervised Theses 
    Medical Specialization 




    1. ATABAY CEM, (2022).  Determination of the frequency of adenotonsillar hypertrophy and serous otitis and their surgical prognosis in pediatric allergic rhinitis cases, Istanbul Medipol University->Faculty of Medicine->Department of Pediatric Health and Diseases (Completed)


    Cemalettin Güne , (2013). Investigation of Bone Metabolism Changes in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, 



    Administrative Duties:





    Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals:

    • - CÖMERT   MURAT,Akgun  Cihangir,AKGÜN   AY  E  SERAP,OKUR   MESUT,GÜNDÜZ   MEHMET,TEMEL HAYRETT N  (2020).  Demographic  Characteristics   of   the  School-age   Children   With  Voiding Dysfunction,  and  Diagnostic Role  of  Ultrasound per  se..    Asian Pacific  Journal  of Health  Sciences,   6(1), 1-9. 
    • - OKUR MESUT,Erbey  Fatih,Kaya  Avni,Güven Ay  e  (2020). Van  Gölü  havzas nda 0–18  ya   grubu çocuklarda  Sitomegalovirus,  Rubella ve  Toksoplazma  seroprevalans .   Konuralp   T p   Dergisi,   4(1), 13-16. 
    1. GÜNDÜZ  MEHMET,OKAN  MEL HA   AKSOY,  ENG L  AHMET   ZEK ,TEMEL   HAYRETT N,CÖMERT MURAT,OKUR  MESUT (2019).  The  relationship of  argyrophilic   proteins  of   the   nuclear?organized regions  and atopic  dermatitis   in  children.   Experimental   Dermatology,   28(11),  1309-1312.   
    2. OKUR   MESUT,ERÖZ  RECEP,Bekta    Mehmet   Selçuk,Gül en   Süleyman,BAHADIR   ANZEL,Türker Yasin,GÜNE   CEMALETT N   (2016).   THE  RELATIONSHIP   BETWEEN   CONGENITAL  HEART   DEFECTS AND  e-NOS GENE  IN  DOWN SYNDROME..    Genetic  counseling (Geneva,  Switzerland),  27(3), 285-    293. 
    3. Okan Meliha Aksoy, GÜNDÜZ MEHMET,  OKUR  MESUT, Akgun  Cihangir,  ES N  KÜBRA  (2016). Does maternal diet affect infantile colic?.  JOURNAL OF MATERNAL-FETAL & NEONATAL MEDICINE, 29(19)-3141., Doi: 10.3109/14767058.2015.1115011 
    4. Aksoy  Okan  Meliha,Gunduz   Mehmet,OKUR   MESUT,Akgun  Cihangir,ES  N   KÜBRA  (2015).   Does maternal  diet affect  infantile  colic?. The  Journal  of Maternal-Fetal   Neonatal  Medicine, 29(19), 3139-3141. 
    5. Kaya Avni,OKUR  MESUT,Sal  Ertan,Peker Erdal,Köstü  Murat,TUNCER  O  UZ,K r mi  Ercan  (2014). Comparison of Cerebral Oximeter  and  Pulse Oximeter  Values  in the  first  72 hours  in  Premature, Asphyctic and Healthy Newborns. West Indian Medical Journal 
    6. Uzun     Hakan,Gözkaya     Serçin,Ye  ildal     Nuray,OKUR     MESUT,ARSLANO   LU    LKNUR,KOCABAY KENAN,  enses  Dursun Ali  (2014).   The Prevalence  of  Goiter and  Hypothyroidism  among School   Children 6 Years after  Introduction of  a  Mandatory Salt  Iodination  Program in  a  Severely Iodine- Deficient  Area  of the  West  Black Sea  Region  of Turkey.   Journal  of Tropical  Pediatrics,  60(4), 318- 321. 
    7. Özkan   Aybars,OKUR  MESUT,KAYA   MURAT,Kaya   Ertu rul,Küçük   Adem,Erba     Mesut,Kutlucan Leyla,Sahan   Leyla  (2013).   Sedoanalgesia   in  pediatric   daily   surgery..   International   journal   of clinical and experimental medicine, 6(7), 576-82. 
    8. OKUR   MESUT,Erbey    Fatih,Yazicio  lu   Özlem,Çelik    Ali,Tükenmez    Bar  ,SÜNNETÇ O  LU MAHMUT,Gassalo   lu Mithat,Acar  Mehmet  Nuri (2013).   H1N1  influenza A  virus  Related Pneumonia     and Respiratory Failure. Indian Journal of Virology, 24(1), 85-89. 
    9. OKUR    MESUT,ARSLAN    ÜKRÜ,GÜVEN    AHMET   SAM ,TEMEL    HAYRETT N,Bekta    Mehmet Selçuk,ÜSTYOL  LOKMAN (2013).  Determination  of  underlying   causes   in  asymptomatic,   early-stage renal  diseases  by dipstick  test..   Medicinski glasnik  :  official publication  of  the Medical  Association        of Zenica-Doboj Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 10(1), 55-8. 
    10. ERÖZ   RECEP,OKUR  MESUT,Özkan   Aybars,Berik   Özgür,GÜNE  CEMALETT  N   (2012).   Does   higher NORs expression affect  the developmental  stages  of Down  syndrome  infants?. Genetic  counseling (Geneva, Switzerland), 23(2), 249-53. )
    11. OKUR MESUT,Özen   Semiha   Fatma,KOCABAY   KENAN,Çam  Kamil,Özkan   Aybars,Uzun   Hakan  (2012). The  effect  of maximum  voided  volume on  response  to desmopressin  therapy  in children  with   enuresis.. Journal of Nippon Medical School = Nippon Ika  Daigaku  zasshi, 79(4),  255-8.  
    12. Uzun   Hakan,Alagöz    Demet,OKUR    MESUT,Dikici    Bünyamin,KOCABAY    KENAN,  enses    Dursun Ali,Özkan  Aybars,KAYA MURAT  (2012).   Do gastrointestinal  and  respiratory signs  and  symptoms  correlate with the  severity  of gastroesophageal  reflux?.  BMC Gastroenterology,  12(1)  (

    Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals:

    1. OKUR MESUT,Rüzgar Hacer,Erbey Fatih,Kaya  Avni  (2012). The  evaluation  of children  with monosymptomatic  nocturnal  enuresis for  attention  deficit and  hyperactivity  disorder.  International  Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 16(3), 229-232. 
    2. OKUR MESUT,Erbey  Fatih,Bekta   Mehmet  Selçuk,Kaya   Avni,Do   an  Murat,Acar   Mehmet   Nuri,Uzun Hakan  (2012).  Retrospective   clinical   and  laboratory   evaluation   of  children   with   brucellosis. Pediatrics International, 54(2), 215-218. 

    B Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals:

    1. Kaya Avni,Erbey Fatih,OKUR  MESUT,Sal Ertan,ÜSTYOL  LOKMAN,Bekta  Mehmet Selçuk  (2020).  Van Yöresinde 0-18  Ya  lar  Aras  ndaki  ÇocuklardaHepatit  B Virusu  Seropozitifli   i ve  A   lanma Durumu. Çocuk Enfeksiyon Dergisi, 5(4), 132-135. 


    Technical Note, Case Presentation, Research Note, etc.

    1. Vaka   Takdimi,  Do   an   Murat,Bekta    Mehmet  Selçuk,OKUR   MESUT,DO   AN    EK  BE   ZEHRA,CESUR YA  AR,ÇAKSEN  HÜSEY N,ÇA  AN   EREN  (2020).   Glutarik   Asidüri  Tip   2.   Arama  Sonuçlar  Web sonuçlar Türkiye Çocuk Hastal klar Dergisi, 6(3), 171-175. 
    2. Vaka Takdimi, Kaya Avni,OKUR MESUT,AKBAYRAM S  NAN,AVCU  SERHAT,AÇIKGÖZ  MEHMET,Do an Murat,AKIL  MUHAMMET   (2020).  Acute   respiratory   distress  syndromerelated   to   near  hanging:   a case report. Turkish Archives of Pediatrics, 47(4), 302-304. 
    3. Vaka Takdimi,  OKUR  MESUT,KÜÇÜK ADEM,ÖZKAN  AYBARS,KAYA  MURAT,TA KIN  AL  KEMAL (2020). Rectal Foreign-Body Retained by Self-Sexual Stimulation: A Case  of a  12  Year-Old Boy.  Journal(Yay n No: 6374953)
    4. Vaka Takdimi, OKUR MESUT,Bekta  Mehmet Selçuk,TEMEL HAYRETT N,ÇAKSEN HÜSEY N,AÇIKGÖZ MEHMET,SAL  ERTAN  (2020). Biotidinase  Deficiency  Accompanied  by   Diffuse   Demyelination   and Cerebral Atrophy. European Journal of General Medicine, 9(3), 197-200. 
    5. Vaka   Takdimi,  OKUR   MESUT,GÜNE   CEMALETT N,Özkan    Aybars,KAYA    MURAT,OKTAY    MURAT (2020).    Tekrarlayan akci   er  enfeksiyonu nedeniyle  ba   vuran bir  bronkojenik  kist olgusu.    Abant        T p Dergisi, 2, 43-45. 
    6. Vaka Takdimi, Özkan Aybars,OKUR  MESUT,KAYA MURAT,KÜÇÜK  ADEM,SARI  LYAS (2020).  Necrotic Appendix  in Amyand’s  Hernia:  A  Case  Report.  International  Journal  of Clinical  Medicine,  4, 1-3.       
    7. Vaka   Takdimi,  GÜN   EMRAH,AYAZ   NUSRET,UZUN  HAKAN,OKUR   MESUT,GÖNEN                                                                                                BAK,GÜNE CEMALETT N,SOYSAL ZEYNEB,KOCABAY KENAN (2020). Nefrolitiazisin E  lik Etti  i Nadir Bir Hastane Enfeksiyonu   EtkeniSphingomonas   Paucimobilis.    Cocuk  Enfeksiyon   Dergisi,   8(3),  125-127.   
    8. Editöre  Mektup, Özkan   Aybars,KATRANCI   AL  OSMAN,OKUR   MESUT,KAYA   MURAT,KÜÇÜK  ADEM (2020).   Jel yak t na ba  l derin yüz yan     geli  en bir çocuk olgu.   Turk Pediatri Arsivi, 48(4), 350-            352. 
    9. Vaka Takdimi, Akgun Cihangir,Kaya  Avni,AKBAYRAM  S NAN,TUNCER O  UZ,OKUR  MESUT,ARSLAN ÜKRÜ,ÖZEN SÜLEYMAN (2020). Lökositoklastik Vaskulit ve Membrano-proliferatif Glomerulonefrit

    Birlikteli i: A case study Konuralp Tip Dergisi, 5(3), 58-61. 

    1. Vaka Takdimi,  ÖZKAN  AYBARS,OKUR MESUT,KAYA  MURAT,KÜÇÜK   ADEM,UZUN  HAKAN   (2020). Apandisiti  taklit eden   intestinal  non-Hodgkin lenfoma.   Ça   da  T  p  Dergisi,  4(2),   100-110.   
    2. Vaka Takdimi, Kaya Avni,AKIL MUHAMMET,TEMEL  HAYRETT N,OKUR  MESUT,Do an  Murat,PEKER ERDAL,ÜNER ABDURRAHMAN,B L C SAL M (2020). Akut  Bat  n Klini  i  ile Seyreden  Brusella:  ki Olgu Sunumu. Van T p Dergisi, 20(2), 81-83. 
    3. Vaka   Takdimi,  Özkan   Aybars,KAYA   MURAT,OKUR  MESUT,KOCABAY   GÖNENÇ,KOCABAY   KENAN (2020).  Ventrikülo-Peritoneal    ant  Sonrasi Masif  Asiti  Taklit Eden  DevAbdominal  Psödokist.  DÜZCE     TIP DERG S , 15(2), 52-54. 
    4. Vaka Takdimi,  Kaya   Avni,OKUR  MESUT,ÜSTYOL   LOKMAN,TEMEL   HAYRETT N,ÇAKSEN   HÜSEY  N (2020).  Acute  cyanide  poisoning after  eating  apricot pits:  a case report.    Turkish Archives  of Pediatrics, 47(2), 141-142. 
    5. Editöre  Mektup, Erbey  Fatih,Rüzgar  Hacer,OKUR MESUT  (2020).    Risperidona ba  l   lökopeni ve  nötropeni  geli en  7  ya  nda  bir  olgu.   Anadolu  Psikiyatri  Dergisi, 12(3),  244-244.  
    6. Vaka Takdimi,  Soysal  Zeyneb,OKUR  MESUT,ERÖZ   RECEP,Gün   Emrah,KOCABAY   KENAN,Be  ir   Fahri Halit (2015). MEGALENCEPHALIC LEUKOENCEPHALOPATHY WITH  SUBCORTICAL  CYSTS WITH HOMOZYGOUS MUTATION (C.448DELC, P.LEU150 SER FSX11) ON EXON 6 OF MLC1 GENE..  Genetic   counseling (Geneva, Switzerland), 26(2), 233-6. 

    Technical Note, Case Presentation, Research Note, etc.

    1. Vaka Takdimi,  Özkan  Aybars,Bozkurter  Çil Asudan  Tu   çe,KAYA MURAT,Etçio   lu   nci,OKUR MESUT (2015).  Late   Presenting  Bochdalek   Hernia   With  Gastric   Perforation.   Pediatric  Emergency   Care, 31(1), 47-49. 
    2. Vaka   Takdimi,  Özkan   Aybars,OKUR   MESUT,KAYA  MURAT,Büyükkaya  Ramazan,Katranc   Ali Osman,Küçük Adem (2013). An easy technique for removal  of  knotted catheter  in  the bladder: percutaneous  suprapubic   cystoscopic   intervention..     International   journal  of   clinical   and experimental medicine, 6(7), 603-5. 
    3. Vaka Takdimi,  Özkan  Aybars,OKUR MESUT,KAYA   MURAT,Küçük   Adem  (2013).   A   Case  of Bronchogenic  Cyst  Mimicking Foreign  Body   Aspiration.  Pediatric   Emergency   Care,  29(7),   833-835. 
    4. Vaka   Takdimi,  OKUR   MESUT,ERÖZ    RECEP,Mundlos    Stefan,  enses    Dursun    Ali,ÜLGEN   TEMEL ESRA, smailler  Zeynep  Bengül,ÖZÇEL K  DERYA (2012).   EEC  syndrome with  a  de novo  mutation    (c.953g gt  a)  on exon  7  of P63  gene:  a case report.    Genetic counseling  (Geneva,  Switzerland), 23(4), 483-5. 
    5. Vaka Takdimi, Uslu Mustafa,OKUR MESUT,Gönen bak  (2012).  Low-grade Osteomyelitis  of  the Fifth Metatarsal  with  Possible Concomitant  Freiberg’s  Disease of  the  Metatarsal Head.    The  Journal of      Foot and Ankle Surgery, 51(6), 798-800. 
    6. Vaka Takdimi,  Turan  Hakan,OKUR MESUT,Kaya  Ertu  rul,Gün  Emrah,Alia   ao   lu  Cihangir   (2012). Allergic  contact dermatitis  to  para-phenylenediamine  in a  tattoo:   a case report.   Cutaneous  and Ocular Toxicology, 32(2), 185-187. 
    7. Vaka   Takdimi,   OKUR    MESUT,Turan    Hakan,Özkan    Aybars,Güne    Cemalettin,KOCABAY    KENAN (2012).    An extremely  rare  cause of  bruising  in children:  Autoerithrocyte  Sensitization Syndrome.  Turkish Journal of Hematology, 29(2), 201-203. 
    8. Vaka Takdimi,  Öz  ahin  Mustafa,Uslu   Mustafa,  nanmaz  Erkan,OKUR   MESUT   (2012).  Bilateral Congenital Undescended Scapula (Sprengel  Deformity). American  Journal  of Physical  Medicine Rehabilitation, 91(4), 374 
    9. Editöre  Mektup, Kaya  Avni,Ta   k  n  Gökmen Alpaslan,OKUR  MESUT,Bekta    Mehmet Selçuk,ÇAKSEN  HÜSEY  N (2012).  Infantile  Masturbation in   Monozygotic   Twins.  The   Journal   of  Sexual   Medicine, 9(1), 331-332. 
    10. Editöre  Mektup, Kaya  Avni,OKUR  MESUT (2012).   Bee  sting in  mother  and urticarial  rash  in her    baby.. Indian pediatrics, 49(6), 499 
    11. Vaka Takdimi, OKUR MESUT,Erbey Fatih,Bulut Gülay  (2011).  Phyllodes Tumor  in  a 16-Year-Old  Girl. Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, 28(5), 444-446. 
    12. Vaka   Takdimi,  OKUR   MESUT,Özkan   Aybars,GÜNE  CEMALETT  N,KAYA   MURAT,KOCABAY   KENAN (2011).   Case of isolated thrombocytopenia due to cobalamin deficiency..   International journal of   hematology, 94(5), 488-90., 
    13. Vaka Takdimi,  Kaya   Avni,Aç kgöz   Mehmet,ÜSTYOL   LOKMAN,Avcu  Serhat,Sal   Ertan,OKUR MESUT,ÇAKSEN HÜSEY N (2010). A case of  acute  disseminated encephalomyelitis  mimicking leukodystrophy.. The Kurume medical journal, 
    14. Vaka Takdimi,  Y  lmaz Cahide,OKUR   MESUT,Geylani   Hadi,ÇAKSEN  HÜSEY  N,TUNCER  O   UZ,ATA BÜLENT  (2010).  Chronic  mercury  poisoning: Report  of  two siblings.   Indian  Journal of  Occupational  and Environmental Medicine, 14(1), 17 
    15. Vaka    Takdimi,   ÇAKSEN    HÜSEY N,Bartsch    Oliver,OKUR    MESUT,TEMEL    HAYRETT N,Aç kgöz  Mehmet,Y lmaz   Cahide   (2009).  Rubinstein-Taybi   syndrome   and  CREBBP   c.201   202delTA  mutation: a  case  presenting with   varicella   meningoencephalitis..   Genetic  counseling   (Geneva,   Switzerland), 


    Non-Academic Experience

    2009-2010        Specialist Doctor          VAN GYNAECOLOGY AND PEDIATRIC HOSPITAL (State)

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Nail Paksoy
  • 5 Excellent 2 reviews
  • 14 years of experience
  • accreditation:
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital


    Erzurum Koprukoyu State Hospital
    Department: General Medicine

    Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty
    Department: Internal Medicine

    Istanbul Gaziosmanpasa Taksim Training and Research Hospital
    Department: Internal Medicine

    Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty
    Department: Allergy and Immunology Fellowship

    Istanbul University Oncology Institute
    Department: Medical Oncology Fellowship

    Tekirdag City Hospital
    Department: Medical Oncology Specialist

    Istanbul Medipol University Medipol Bahcelievler Private Hospital
    Department: Medical Oncology Assoc. Prof.



    Medical Education
    Sivas Cumhuriyet University Medical Faculty, Sivas, Turkey

    Internal Medicine
    Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Department of Internal Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey

    Allergy-Immunology Fellowship
    Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty
    Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Allergy and Immunology, Istanbul, Turkey

    Medical Oncology Fellowship
    Istanbul University Oncology Institute, Department of Medical Oncology, Istanbul, Turkey

    ESMO Board Certification in Medical Oncology
    10th September 2022 in Paris, France.

    Medical Oncology Assoc. Prof.
    Istanbul Medipol University Department of Medical Oncology, Istanbul, Turkey



    1. Astefania - ROCHE

    • Title: A Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Adjuvant Atezolizumab or Placebo and Trastuzumab Emtansine for Participants With HER2-Positive Breast Cancer at High Risk of Recurrence Following Preoperative Therapy
    • Role: Subinvestigator

    2. PFİZER

    • Title: A Study Of Lorlatinib Versus Crizotinib In First-Line Treatment Of Patients With ALK-Positive NSCLC
    • Role: Subinvestigator


    • Title: Study of Romiplostim for Chemotherapy-induced Thrombocytopenia in Adult Subjects With Gastrointestinal, Pancreatic, or Colorectal Cancer
    • Role: Subinvestigator


    • Title: A Study to Test the Effect of the Drug Larotrectinib in Adults and Children With NTRK-fusion Positive Solid Tumors
    • Role: Subinvestigator

    5. RUBY - Tesaro (PRA)

    • Title: A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Multicenter Study of Dostarlimab (TSR-042) Plus Carboplatin-paclitaxel Versus Placebo Plus Carboplatin-paclitaxel in Patients With Recurrent or Primary Advanced Endometrial Cancer
    • Role: Subinvestigator

    6. ENGOT-ov43/GOG-3036 - MSD

    • Title: Study of Chemotherapy With Pembrolizumab (MK-3475) Followed by Maintenance With Olaparib (MK-7339) for the First-Line Treatment of Women With BRCA Non-mutated Advanced Epithelial Ovarian Cancer (EOC) (MK-7339-001/KEYLYNK001/ENGOT-ov43/GOG-3036)
    • Role: Subinvestigator


    • Title: To Study Clinical Effectiveness and Safety of Olaparib Monotherapy in Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients.
    • Role: Subinvestigator


    • Title: Roll Over StudY for Patients Who Have Completed a Previous Oncology Study With Olaparib
    • Role: Subinvestigator


    I. Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI

    Weekly Paclitaxel in Classic Kaposi Sarcoma

    • Authors: Paksoy, N., Khanmammadov, N., Doğan, İ., Ferhatoğlu, F., Ahmed, M. A., Karaman, S., & Aydiner, A.
    • Journal: Medicine, 102(5)

    Carboplatin Desensitization in Ovarian Carcinoma

    • Authors: Paksoy, N., Khanmammadov, N., Doğan, İ., Ferhatoğlu, F., Yildiz, A., Ak, N., & Aydiner, A.
    • Journal: Medicine, 101(45), e31726

    High-Dose Chemotherapy for Ewing’s Sarcoma

    • Authors: Paksoy, N., Ferhatoglu, F., Dogan, İ., Khanmammadov, N., Celik, A. I., Gulbas, Z., & Başaran, M.
    • Journal: Medicine, 101(49), e32213

    Multidrug Refractory TFE3(+) Renal Cell Carcinoma

    • Authors: Paksoy, Nail, et al.
    • Journal: Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, 2022, 28.1: 215-221

    Crizotinib Efficacy in NSCLC with MET Alterations

    • Authors: Gürbüz, M., Kiliçkap, S., Bilici, A., Karadurmuş, N., Sezer, A., Şendur, M. A. N., ... & Demirkazik, A.
    • Journal: Medicine, 101(50), e32368

    Clinicopathological Features in ALK Mutant NSCLC

    • Authors: Dogan, I., Gurbuz, M., Paksoy, N., Ferhatoglu, F., Vatansever, S., Saip, P., ... & Aydiner, A.
    • Journal: Medicine, 101(34)

    PSMA-Based Tumor Burden in Prostate Cancer

    • Authors: HAS SIMSEK, Duygu, et al.
    • Journal: Annals of Nuclear Medicine, 2021, 35.6: 680-690

    Atezolizumab in Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma

    • Authors: TURAL, Deniz, et al.
    • Journal: European Urology Focus, 2021, 7.5: 1061-1066

    Pulmonary Sarcomatoid Carcinoma

    • Authors: FERHATOGLU, Ferhat, et al.
    • Journal: Oncology Research and Treatment, 2021, 44.11: 590-601

    Prognostic Factors in Atezolizumab-Treated Urothelial Carcinoma

    • Authors: TURAL, Deniz, et al.
    • Journal: International Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2021, 26.8: 1506-1513

    Atezolizumab with Chemotherapy in Small Cell Lung Cancer

    • Authors: GÜRBÜZ, Mustafa, et al.
    • Journal: Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 2022, 1-9

    FOLFIRINOX vs. Gemcitabine + Nab-Paclitaxel in Pancreatic Cancer

    • Authors: AY, Seval, et al.
    • Journal: Journal of Chemotherapy, 2022, 1-7

    Trastuzumab Emtansine in Older HER2-Positive Breast Cancer Patients

    • Authors: CIL, Ibrahim, et al.
    • Journal: Tumori Journal, 2022, 108.1: 19-25

    Real-Life Efficacy of Osimertinib in Advanced NSCLC

    • Authors: HIZAL, Mutlu, et al.
    • Journal: Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 2022, 148.6: 1501-1508

    ALK-Positive Cells Percentage and Alectinib Efficacy

    • Authors: Hizal, M., Bilgin, B., Paksoy, N., Atcı, M. M., Kahraman, S., Kılıçkap, S., ... & Şendur, M. A. N.
    • Journal: Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 149(8), 4141-4148

    Real-World Data on Alectinib in ALK-Positive NSCLC

    • Authors: Hizal, M., Bilgin, B., Paksoy, N., Kılıçkap, S., Atcı, M. M., Kahraman, S., ... & Şendur, M. A. N.
    • Journal: Future Oncology, 18(23), 2573-2582

    Prognostic Factors in Metastatic RCC with T790M Mutation

    • Authors: Dogan, I., Iribas, A., Paksoy, N., Vatansever, S., & Basaran, M.
    • Journal: Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics

    FLOT Regimen in Metastatic Gastric Cancer

    • Authors: Tastekin, D., Paksoy, N., Dogan, I., Ferhatoglu, F., Khanmammadov, N., Bozbey, H. U., & Karabulut, S.
    • Journal: Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics

    Desensitization Protocol in Lenalidomide Hypersensitivity Reactions

    • Authors: DEMIR, Semra, et al.
    • Journal: Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 2019, 123.4: 394-397

    Factors Associated with Diagnostic Skin Test Positivity in PPI Hypersensitivity

    • Authors: ÖZDEMIR, Seçil Kepil, et al.
    • Journal: Allergy, 2019, 74.6: 1187-1190

    Efficacy of Capecitabine and Temozolomide in Neuroendocrine Tumors

    • Authors: Ünal, Ç., Azizy, A., Karabulut, S., Taştekin, D., Akyıldız, A., Yaşar, S., ... & Sağlam, S.
    • Journal: The Oncologist, oyad257

    Subsequent Treatments in Hormone-Positive Breast Cancer Progression

    • Authors: Karacin, C., Oksuzoglu, B., Demirci, A., Keskinkılıç, M., Baytemür, N. K., Yılmaz, F., ... & Hacıbekiroğlu, İ.
    • Journal: BMC cancer, 23(1), 192

    Termination of Trastuzumab in HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer

    • Authors: Dogan, I., Aydin, E., Khanmammadov, N., Paksoy, N., Saip, P., & Aydiner, A.
    • Journal: Scientific Reports, 13(1), 8779

    Long-term Outcomes and Predictors of Recurrence in Node-Negative Early Stage Breast Cancer

    • Authors: Dogan, I., Aydin, E., Khanmammadov, N., Paksoy, N., Ferhatoğlu, F., Ak, N., ... & Aydiner, A.
    • Journal: Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 1-9

    Prognostic Factors Influencing PFS in HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer

    • Authors: Doğan, İ., Paksoy, N., Ak, N., Vatansever, S., Saip, P., & Aydıner, A.
    • Journal: European Journal of Breast Health, 19(2), 128

    Treatment Efficacy of Ribociclib or Palbociclib plus Letrozole in Metastatic Breast Cancer

    • Authors: Kahraman, S., Erul, E., Seyyar, M., Gumusay, O., Bayram, E., Demirel, B. C., ... & Nahit Sendur, M. A.
    • Journal: Future Oncology, 19(10), 727-736

    Efficacy and Safety of Sorafenib in Adult Metastatic Osteosarcoma Patients

    • Authors: Dogan, I., Paksoy, N., & Basaran, M.
    • Journal: Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics

    Single-Agent Temozolomide as Salvage Therapy in Heavily Pretreated Metastatic Sarcoma Patients

    • Authors: Dogan, I., Paksoy, N., & Basaran, M.
    • Journal: Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics

    Outcomes and Prognostic Factors in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma with Brain Metastases

    • Authors: Dogan, I., Iribas, A., Paksoy, N., Vatansever, S., & Basaran, M.
    • Journal: Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics

    FLOT Regimen in First-Line Treatment of Metastatic Gastric Cancer

    • Authors: Tastekin, D., Paksoy, N., Dogan, I., Ferhatoglu, F., Khanmammadov, N., Bozbey, H. U., & Karabulut, S.
    • Journal: Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics

    Prognostic Factors of Perioperative FLOT Regimen in Operable Gastric Cancer

    • Authors: Erol, C., Sakin, A., Basoglu, T., Ozden, E., Cabuk, D., Dogan, M., ... & Sendur, M. A. N.
    • Journal: [Not specified]

    Efficacy and Outcomes of Systemic Chemotherapy in Posttransplant Kaposi Sarcoma

    • Authors: Khanmammadov, N., Paksoy, N., Doğan, I., Ferhatoğlu, F., Saip, P., & Aydiner, A.
    • Journal: Medicine, 102(39), e35383

    Comparison of Second-Line Treatments in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma

    • Authors: Pehlivan, M., Paksoy, N., Aydin, E., Basaran, M., & Ekenel, M.
    • Journal: Medicine, 102(41), e35245

    Toxicity Management and Effectiveness of Regorafenib in Advance GIST Patients: A Real-world Study - Authors: Paksoy, N., Ferhatoğlu, F., Doğan, İ., Khanmammadov, N., Bozbey, H. U., Karabulut, S., & Taştekin, D. - Journal: TURKISH JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY, 1(1)

    Demographic and Clinical Features and Factors Associated with Survival in Patients with Primary Glomerulonephritis: Single Tertiary Center Experience - Authors: Paksoy, N., Trabulus, S., Seyahi, N., & Altiparmak, M. R. - Journal: Namik Kemal Tip Dergisi, 11(1)

    Efficacy of Sorafenib in Symptomatic Patients with Pretreated Progressive Desmoid Tumors - Authors: Paksoy, N., Ferhatoglu, F., Dogan, I., Ak, N., Pehlivan, M., Ekenel, M., & Basaran, M.

    Nodal Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy is a Better Predictive Factor of Survival Than Miller-Payne Scoring in Breast Cancer - Authors: Ak, Naziye, et al. - Journal: Journal of Oncological Sciences, 7.2: 42-49

    Evaluation of Prognostic and Predictive Values of Hemogram Parameters in Patients with Advanced Stage Ovarian Carcinoma - Authors: Ak, Naziye, et al. - Journal: Turkish Journal of Oncology/Türk Onkoloji Dergisi, 2021, 36.4

    Identifying Risk Factors Associated with Survival and Drug-Related Toxicities in Imatinib-Resistant Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST) Patients Treated with Sunitinib - Authors: Ferhatoglu, F., Karabulut, S., Paksoy, N., & Tastekin, D.

    Real-life Outcomes of ROS1 Fusion-positive Metastatic Lung Cancer Patients who were Treated with Crizotinib - Authors: Dogan, İ., Khanmammadov, N., Paksoy, N., Ferhatoglu, F., Aydın, E., Vatansever, S., & Aydine, A. - Journal: TURK ONKOLOJI DERGISI-TURKISH JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY

    Predictors of the acquisition of T790M mutation in EGFR-mutant metastatic lung cancer patients who were treated with EGFR inhibitors - Authors: Dogan, I., Khanmammadov, N., Paksoy, N., Vatansever, S., Saip, P., & Aydıner, A. - Journal: Eurasian Journal of Pulmonology

    Laterality of Adrenal Gland Metastasis in Lung Cancer: Results of a Comparative Study - Authors: Ferhatoglu, F., Gagatay, T., Okumus, G., Aydiner, A., Paksoy, N., Ak, N., ... & Saip, P. - Journal: Eurasian Journal of Medical Investigation, 7(2)

    Poor Risk Factors Affecting Cancer Patients Infected with Covid-19: A Retrospective Comparative Study from a Pandemic Hospital - Authors: Ferhatoglu, F., Kapağan, T., Paksoy, N., Ak, N., Medetalibeyoğlu, A., Şenkal, N., ... & Vatansever, S. - Journal: Turk Onkoloji Dergisi, 38(1)

    Systemic Treatment Outcomes of Progressive Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma from the Registries of a Tertiary Cancer Center - Authors: Ferhatoglu, F., Paksoy, N., & Başaran, M. - Journal: Namik Kemal Tip Dergisi, 10(4)

    Evaluation of clinical features and risk factors related to late recurrence (> 5 years) in patients with breast cancer - Authors: Ferhatoglu, F., Aydiner, A., & Paksoy, N. - Journal: Journal of Surgery & Medicine (JOSAM), 6(12)

    Assessing the Clinical Impact of Lutetium-177 DOTATATE Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT) on Metastatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Multicenter Real-World Data from Türkiye



    Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Internal Medicine Department PAKSOY, Nail. Demographical, clinical characteristics and survival factors in patients withprimary glomerulonephritis: Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Experience. (2016)

    International Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings (ASCO/ESMO Abstracts)

    Prognostic factors influencing progression-free survival in HER2 positive metastatic breast cancer patients who treated with lapatinib and capecitabine combination

    • Authors: Dogan, I., Paksoy, N., Ak, N., Vatansever, S., Saip, P., & Aydiner, A. (2022)

    Efficacy of regorafenib and 5-fluorouracil-based rechallenge treatment in the third-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer: A Turkish oncology group study

    • Authors: Şenocak Taşçi, E., Oyan, B., Sonmez, O., Mutlu, A. U., Atcı, M. M., Oner, I., ... & Gulmez, A. (2022)

    Long-term outcomes and predictors of recurrence in patients with early-stage node-negative breast cancer

    • Authors: Dogan, I., Aydin, E., Paksoy, N., Ferhatoglu, F., Ak, N., Ibis, K., ... & Aydiner, A. (2021)

    Efficacy of temozolomide in pretreated patients with metastatic sarcoma

    • Authors: Paksoy, N., Dogan, I., Ekenel, M., & Basaran, M. (2021)

    Efficacy of sorafenib in symptomatic patients with pretreated progressive desmoid tumors

    • Authors: Ferhatoglu, F., Paksoy, N., Dogan, I., Ak, N., Pehlivan, M., Ekenel, M., & Basaran, M. (2021)

    Efficacy of sorafenib in heavily pretreated adult patients with metastatic osteosarcoma

    • Authors: Paksoy, N., Dogan, I., Ekenel, M., & Basaran, M. (2021)

    Outcomes and prognostic factors in metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients with brain metastases

    • Authors: Dogan, İ., Iribas, A., Paksoy, N., Ekenel, M., Vatansever, S., & Basaran, M. (2021)

    Association of response to first-line chemotherapy with the efficacy of atezolizumab in patients with metastatic urothelial carcinoma

    • Authors: Tural, D., Olmez, O. F., Sümbül, A. T., Artac, M., Ozhan, N., Akar, E., ... & Erman, M. (2021)

    Safety and survival in adult women with platinum-sensitive relapsed BRCA mutant ovarian cancer: A study of patients in Olaparib Turkey Early Access Program—LynTurk study

    • Authors: Esin, E., Ahmed, M. A., Yıldırım, H. Ç., Mandel, N. M., Erdemoglu, E., Sari, M., ... & Paydas, S. (2023)

    Atezolizumab in patients with metastatic urothelial carcinoma who have progressed after first-line chemotherapy: Results of real-life experiences

    • Authors: Tural, D., Ölmez, Ö. F., Sümbül, A. T., Artaç, M., Özhan, N., Akar, E., ... & Kılıçkap, S. (2021)



  • Read more
Radiation therapy for colorectal cancer
$4,000 - $6,000
Mohs microsurgery
$1,500 - $1,500
Pituitary tumor surgery
$10,000 - $15,000
Elnur Sahibov
  • 4.2 Good 32 reviews
  • 9 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Emsey Hospital
  • Licensed Radiation Oncologist with 8 years of medical training, including undergraduate studies at Marmara University Faculty of Medicine (2004-2011) and Radiation Oncology specialization training at Marmara University Faculty of Medicine (2012-2016). Previous education from Sixteen Numbered Shirvan School (Azerbaijan) High School (1998-2004).

  • Read more
Colectomy (large bowel resection)
$11,000 - $16,000
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Hysterectomy (uterus removal)
$9,500 - $14,500
Gonca Civi
  • 3.5 Good 3 reviews
  • 28 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Istanbul Oncology Hospital
  • Graduated from Denizli Anatolian High School in 1991, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 1997, and Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 2002 with a specialization in Nuclear Medicine. Currently working as a Nuclear Medicine Specialist at an Oncology Hospital.
  • Read more
Radiotherapy for prostate cancer
$2,000 - $4,500
$2,000 - $4,500
Radiotherapy for lung cancer
$2,000 - $4,500
Ilker Nihat Okten
  • 3.5 Good 3 reviews
  • 19 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Istanbul Oncology Hospital
  • Dr. Ilker Nihat Okten is a medical oncologist who is board certified by the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO). He has been involved as a sub investigator in multiple phase III clinical trials for various cancers and has several publications in the field of oncology.
  • Read more
Radiotherapy for prostate cancer
$2,000 - $4,500
$2,000 - $4,500
Radiotherapy for lung cancer
$2,000 - $4,500
Isil Yurdaisik
  • New
  • 35 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Menfis Health Novimaj
  • Dr. Isil Yurdaisik is a radiology specialist with notable contributions to research on ionizing radiation exposure in covid-19 patients. She is also known for performing the gastric balloon procedure.
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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Gorkem Turkkan-
  • New
  • 9 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Hisar Hospital Intercontinental Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Assoc. Dr. Görkem TÜRKKAN started his medical education at Gülhane Military Medical Academy in 2003 and completed it in 2009 at Zonguldak Karaelmas (Bülent Ecevit) University Faculty of Medicine. He completed his residency in the Department of Radiation Oncology at Trakya University Faculty of Medicine and became a radiation oncology specialist in 2016.


    After completing his compulsory service, he served as a Doctor Lecturer and Head of Department at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology from May 2019 to February 2021. During this period, between March and June 2020, he worked as a clinical researcher in the Department of Radiation Oncology at Maastricht University Medical Center–MAASTRO Clinic (Netherlands) on studies related to stereotactic radiotherapy, thoracic radiation therapy-associated lung toxicity, and proton therapy. Between March 2021 and April 2023, he worked at the Radiation Oncology Department of Istinye University Faculty of Medicine and Liv Hospital Ulus Radiation Oncology Clinic, where he received the title of Associate Professor in February 2023. He has been providing services to his patients at Hisar Hospital Intercontinental since May 2023.

    Throughout his professional life, he has performed both traditional and advanced radiotherapy practices. Particularly, he is one of the experienced physicians in Turkey in stereotactic radiotherapy and MRI-guided radiotherapy treatments, which are gaining popularity and usage recently. So far, he has successfully completed over 2500 radiotherapy sessions using the MR-Linac device.

    Since 2013, he has been a member of the Turkish Radiation Oncology Society (TROD) and since 2015 a member of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO). He has 27 published articles in national and international journals, 31 oral-poster presentations at national and international congresses, and 5 book chapters published by national and international publishers. He has taught undergraduate courses in Period I and Period V at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Faculty of Medicine, master’s courses within the ENT Department Specialist training, and Radiation Therapy associate degree courses at Istinye University Health Services Vocational School. He is currently involved in 2 ongoing TÜBİTAK Projects. He is married and has one son.


    • MR-Linac
    • Linac
    • Stereotactic (Precision) Radiotherapy
    • Prostate Cancers
    • Breast Cancers
    • Lung Cancers
    • Rectal Cancers
    • Brain and Spinal Cord Cancers
    • Head and Neck Cancers
    • Volumetric Arc Therapy (VMAT)
    • Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)

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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Ummugul Uyeturk-
  • New
  • 31 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Hisar Hospital Intercontinental Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Prof. Dr. Ümmügül Üyetürk completed her undergraduate and graduate education at Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine between 1988-1994. She specialized in Internal Medicine at Istanbul Training and Research Hospital from 1998 to 2003. Between 2008-2011, she received her subspecialty training in Medical Oncology at Ankara Oncology Training and Research Hospital.

    After serving as the deputy chief physician at Suluova State Hospital, she established the Internal Medicine Department and Medical Oncology Science Branch at Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University between 2011-2020, where she served as the head of the science branch. During this time, she educated resident doctors and students. Üyetürk, who received the title of Associate Professor in 2014, spent 6 months in Canada/Toronto in 2019. In 2020, she was awarded the title of Professor at Abant İzzet Baysal University.

    Üyetürk has published over 60 articles in international peer-reviewed journals and has more than 20 scientific works published in national peer-reviewed journals. She also has over 100 presentations that have been delivered at international and national scientific meetings and published in proceedings books. In addition to her membership in the European Society for Medical Oncology, she has memberships in medical oncology associations within the country. She has received more than 10 awards given to her at universities and congresses.


    • Prostate Cancer and Urological Cancers
    • Lung Cancer
    • Gastrointestinal System Cancers
    • Breast Cancer
    • Ovarian, Endometrial, and Cervical Cancers (Genital Cancers)
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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Suleyman Alici-
  • New
  • 34 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Hisar Hospital Intercontinental Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Prof. Dr. Süleyman Alıcı completed his medical education at Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine. (1990) He later specialized in Internal Medicine between 1991-1995 at Selçuk University Faculty of Medicine Internal Medicine Clinic. He worked as an Assistant Professor at Yüzüncü Yıl University Faculty of Medicine Internal Medicine Clinic between 1996-1997. He obtained his subspecialty training in Medical Oncology at Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine (Çapa Medicine) between 1997-2000. After that, he worked again at Yüzüncü Yıl University Faculty of Medicine between 2000-2005 and established the Medical Oncology Department. He served as the head of the relevant department, providing training services to research assistant doctors and student education. He has supervised the theses of 2 research assistants in the internal medicine clinic. Alıcı, who received the title of Associate Professor in 2004, served as the clinical chief of the Medical Oncology Clinic at Ankara Atatürk Training and Research Hospital between 2005-2008. He was responsible for the formation and establishment of the Medical Oncology Clinic at the same hospital, providing training to Medical Oncology residents. In 2007, he received training and worked as an observer at Dana Farber Cancer Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital in the fields of gastrointestinal tumors, breast cancer, and lung cancers (Thoracic Cancers).

    Prof. Dr. Süleyman Alıcı, who took part in the opening and establishment of Medicalpark Göztepe Oncology Hospital (2008-2017), worked at Acıbadem Hospital/Altunizade Branch in the Medical Oncology Clinic between 2017-2023.

    Alıcı has over 70 published articles in international peer-reviewed journals and over 50 scientific studies published in domestic peer-reviewed journals. He has presented over 100 papers at scientific meetings both domestically and internationally. In addition to his memberships in the European Society of Medical Oncology and the American Society of Clinical Oncology, he also has memberships in oncology associations within the country. He has received more than 10 scientific publication incentive awards from TÜBİTAK and some medical oncology associations.

    His areas of interest include gastrointestinal cancers such as Stomach-Intestine, Pancreatic cancers, as well as Lung Cancers.


    Stomach Cancer
    Intestinal Cancer
    Lung Cancer
    Ovarian Cancer
    Breast Cancer
    Esophageal Cancers

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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Mustafa Solak-
  • New
  • 20 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Hisar Hospital Intercontinental Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Born in 1978, Specialist Dr. Mustafa Solak graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine. He completed his residency at Istanbul Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital and received his Sub-specialty from Hacettepe University Cancer Institute.

    He has numerous cases related to Breast Cancer, Testicular Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Lung Cancer, Head and Neck Cancers, and Gastrointestinal System Cancers.


    • Breast Cancer
    • Testicular Cancer
    • Ovarian Cancer
    • Lung Cancer
    • Head and Neck Cancers
    • Gastrointestinal System Cancers
  • Read more
Doctor's visit
Price on request
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