Best Varicosity doctors: TOP 27 doctors

Content meets the Bookimed Editorial Policy and is medically reviewed by
Fahad Mawlood
Sofia Antonova
  • New
  • 13 years of experience
  • Bulgaria, Sofia, Varix Clinic - venous laser center
  • Education and specializations

    • in 2012 he graduated as a master of medicine at the Medical University of Sofia - Sofia
    • in 2013, after passing a competitive exam, she was enrolled as a specialist in vascular surgery at UMBAL "St. Ekaterina", Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
    • in 2021 he acquired a specialty in vascular surgery
    • certified specialist in ultrasound vascular diagnostics - 2022
    • internship at Purpan University Hospital, Toulouse, France, Department of Internal medicine – 2009.
    • internship at CHU Centrale, Nancy, France, Department of Internal medicine – 2011.

    Practical experience

    • 2013-2021 - specialization in vascular surgery at UMBAL "St. Ekaterina", Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
    • 2021-2022 - vascular surgeon at UMBAL "St. Ekaterina", Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
    • From 2022, he is part of the team of the largest clinic for minimally invasive treatment of varicose veins in Bulgaria "Varix Clinic" - venous laser center

    Scientific and practical interests

    Membership in medical organizations

    • Member of the Bulgarian Medical Union (BLS)
    • Member of the Bulgarian National Society of Vascular Surgery and Angiology
    • Member of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS)
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Antoan Spasov
  • New
  • 26 years of experience
  • Bulgaria, Sofia, Varix Clinic - venous laser center
  • Education and specializations

    • In 1999, he graduated as a Master of Medicine at the Medical University of Craiova, Romania
    • He acquired a specialty in angiology in 2014 after specialization at UMBAL "St. Ekaterina" and MBAL "Tokuda"
    • He has acquired a professional qualification in ultrasound vascular diagnostics at MU-Sofia since 2014.
    • He has a professional qualification and a certificate for invasive angiology at the SU "St. Kliment Ohridski"
    • He participated in many international congresses on angiology and vascular surgery in Bulgaria and abroad

    Practical experience

    • He has 5 years of experience as a general practitioner and 7 years of experience in the field of emergency medicine.
    • He worked as an angiologist in the team of UMBAL "Ajibadem City Clinic - Cardiovascular Center" - Sofia from 2012-2021.
    • He is a member of the commission for certification in ultrasound vascular diagnostics at SU "St. Kliment Ohridski"
    • From 2021, he is part of the team of the largest clinic for minimally invasive treatment of varicose veins in Bulgaria "Varix Clinic" - venous laser center

    Scientific and practical interests

    • Ultrasound diagnostics, prevention and treatment of arterial and venous diseases
    • Screening and prevention of atherosclerosis 
    • Modern minimally invasive methods for the treatment of varicose veins

    Membership in medical organizations

    • Member of the Society of Angiology in Bulgaria
    • Member of the Bulgarian Society of Endovascular Therapy
    • Member of the Bulgarian Medical Union (BLS)
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Al-dababsekh Islam
  • New
  • 22 years of experience
  • Ukraine, Kyiv, I.D.CLINIC
    • Chief physician of the clinic, candidate of medical sciences, vascular surgeon, general surgeon, ultrasound diagnostician, corresponding member of the International Academy of Education and Science of Ukraine.
    • Graduated from the O. O. Bogomolets National Medical University with a degree in medical science.
    • He defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Chronic critical ischemia of the lower extremities. Clinical and experimental study."
    • The author of three patents for innovative inventions, has over 80 published works in Ukrainian and foreign scientific publications.
    • Awarded by the Chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration for his significant contribution to the development of medicine. Participant in international conferences.
    • Has experience working as a vascular surgeon abroad - Dubai Trauma Center, UAE (2007-2010).
    • Main areas of work:
    • diagnostics, treatment and prevention of progressive vascular diseases, treatment of thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, trophic ulcers, sclerotherapy for varicose veins, treatment of hemorrhoids, chronic ischemia of the lower extremities.
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Arzu Musayeva
  • New
  • 39 years of experience
  • Azerbaijan, Baku, Biological Medicine-Integrative Health Center Baku
  • DR. Arzu Musaeva

    Education: Azerbaijan Medical University.

    Specialization: therapist

    Working hours and days: weekdays 10:00-15:00.

    Training and membership:

    16.02-31.03.2000 thematic development of the cycle “Current issues of infectious diseases”.

    02.01-15.02.2001 thematic cycle “Clinical pharmacotherapy of internal diseases”.


    01-30.12.2005 thematic improvement in the course “Chronic renal failure”.

    22.11-27.12.2005 "Applied Homotoxicology" (56 hours) prof. Safihan Gasanov.

    26-30.01.2006 "Applied Homotoxicology" (36 hours) Dr. Klaus Kuestermann (Baden-Baden,


    12-24.11.2006 "Applied Homotoxicology" (48 hours) Doctor of Technical Sciences Elena Nekrasova

    23-28.04.2007 "Homeoisopathy" Dr. Burkhard Flechsig.

    28.05-02.06.2007 "Sanum Therapy" Dr. Anita Krake (Germany).

    13.12. 2008. “Microbiological Therapy” Doctor of Medical Sciences Michael Schreiber (Germany).

    14-18.03.2008 "Module B" Dr. Marion Krasnitzer-Geyer, Dr. med. Siddhartha Popat (Baden-

    Baden, Germany).

    20-22.06.2008. "Acupuncture and Homeosiniatry" Dr. med. Siddhartha Popat (Baden-Baden,


    27-29.11.2009. "Introduction to Homeosiniatry" Dr. med. Joachim Bandlow.

    02/16/2010. "Homotoxicology" Dr. Alta Smith.

    05-09.11.2010. Course "Applied Homotoxicology" (36 hours). Dr. med. Burkhard Flechsig, Dr. med.

    Joachim Bandlow.

    21-22. 01.2011. "Introduction to Isopathy and Sanum Therapy". Med. Thomas Rau.

    04.04.2011. "Microbiological Therapy" Dr. Kerstin Rasch, Dr. Volker Rusch.

    10.20.2013. "Traditional medicine with biological medicine in diseases of the endocrinological and lymphatic systems"

    "Sharing Methods" by Dr. Jurgen Frost.

    07.04-02.05.2014 "Azerbaijan State Medical Institute named after A.Aliyev"

    refresher course.

    11/12/2014. "Inflammation: A New Concept" by Dr. Alta Smith.

    10-11.04.2015. "Diabetes, Stress and Associated Diseases" Dr. med. Siddhartha Popat

    (Baden-Baden, Germany).

    12-16.05.2015. "Neurology, autoimmune diseases" Dr. of Medical Sciences Thomas Rau (Switzerland).

    05/28/2015. "Basics of acid-base balance" "Hormones and health" Dr. med. Burkhard

    Flechsig (Germany).

    10.21.2015. "Fundamentals of Oncology" by Dr. Gerhard Reiss (Germany).

    12/21/2015. "Mesotherapy" Dr. Alta Smith (Germany).

    01-03.04.2016. Dr. "Allergy, Inflammation, Stress". Bert Hannosset (Germany).

    05/28-29/2016 “Aesthetic Medicine” Dr. Tatiana Rivkina (Italy).

    06/13-14/2016 “Fibromyalgia, Gout, Psoriasis” Dr. med. Gerhard Reis (Germany).

    04-08.10.2016. "Mucosa Syndrome" Dr. Arturo Obirne (Colombia).

    21.10. 2016. "Microbiological Therapy" by Dr. Uwe Peters (Germany).

    31.10-01.11.2016. "Thyroid depletion syndrome" Dr. Gerhard Reiss (Germany).

    10-11.11.2017. "Microbiological therapy – the basis of regulation" Dr. Uwe Peters (Germany).

    12.2017. "Neurotherapy and Homotoxicology" Dr. med. Siddhartha Popat (Baden-Baden,


    2017. "Metabolic Syndrome" Dr. med. Annette Jaensch.

    2017. "Healthy Aging, Proven Remedies in Integrative Medicine", Dr. Ralf Ottmaier


    14-20.05.2018. "From segment to barrier, nutrition and inflammation, vitamin C and diabetes", doctor.

    honey. Arturo Obirne (Colombia).

    15-17.11.2018 "Elimination Therapy Methods, Success in Old Age" Dr. Marion Krasnitzer-Geyer

    (Baden-Baden, Germany).

    04.2018. "Bioregulatory treatment of chronic infections" Dr.rer.nat. Petra Grüning.

    21-23.09.2018. "Possibilities of treating degenerative diseases using systemic bioregulatory medicine"

    Doctor med. Siddhartha Popat (Baden-Baden, Germany).

    01/25/2019. "Basics of mistletoe therapy with Helixor and its application in practice" Doctor of Medical Sciences Christfried

    Preussler (Germany).

    05/11/2019 “Mesotherapy” Dr. Nicoletta Frasca

    05/14/2019. "Sanum Therapy for Liver Diseases" by Dr. Dieter Sonntag

    06.04.2019. "Isn't fatigue the call of the liver?" Dr. Petra Grüning.

    14-19.10.2019. "Bioregulatory treatment of dermatological diseases". med. Arturo Obirne


    Based on the results of successful treatment of trophic ulcers of various origins with biological preparations

    Received the Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg Prize for clinical cases.

    Examinations and treatment performed:

    • Bioregulatory therapy of all therapeutic diseases.

    • Atherosclerosis, stenosis, occlusion of peripheral arteries.

    • Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, lymphostasis of peripheral veins.

    • Peripheral nerve neuropathy.

    • Diabetic paw, osteoarthropathy, osteomyelitis.

    • Detoxification and bioregulation of blood glucose at the cellular level. Diabetes mellitus

    treatment and prevention of delayed complications in the lower extremities.

    • Gangrenous pyoderma.

    • Treatment of trophic ulcers.

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Director Ruslan Yurievich
  • 5 Excellent 3 reviews
  • 18 years of experience
  • Ukraine, Kyiv, Impuls Medical Center
  • Inpatient and outpatient care of surgical patients, as well as ultrasound diagnostics.

    The physician treats and diagnoses the following diseases and conditions: appendicitis, volvulus, intestinal adhesions, gastric and peptic ulcers, cholecystitis; hernias of various types, including femoral, inguinal, umbilical, and anterior abdominal wall hernias; varicose veins; injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine, and pelvis; anorectal conditions such as anorectal fistula, anal fissure, and anal polyp; diseases of the coccyx, including coccygeal cysts and pilonidal sinuses; cutaneous and subcutaneous infections such as carbuncles, abscesses, phlegmon, furuncles, and hidradenitis; as well as the treatment of atheromas, lipomas, hygromas, and ingrown nails.

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Gallardo Pedrajas
  • 4.8 Excellent 3 reviews
  • 75 years of experience
  • Spain, Marbella, Quirónsalud Marbella
  • His extensive training includes qualifications that award him the specialisation in endovascular techniques relating to angiology, such as the certification to manage vascular laboratories and X- ray facilities with medical purposes granted by the Medical Physics Spanish Association, as well as numerous training positions in national and international medical centres and hospitals in France, the UK and the USA.

    Dr Gallardo Pedrajas combines his medical practice with his teaching position as an Assistant in the Surgery Studies of the Malaga University and the European Society of Vascular Surgery (ESVS). He is also very active as a scientific researcher and proponent, with numerous research papers and projects being published in scientific journals of international reputation, and has been involved in more than 100 medical lectures and communications within his specialisation.

    Professional experience

    • Medical Residency in Angiology and Vascular Surgery, A Coruña University Hospital.( 2007-12).

    • Consultant Doctor in Medicine, Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Santiago de Compostela University Hospital and A Coruña San Rafael Hospital (2012-15).

    • Consultant Doctor in Medicine, Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Quirónsalud Marbella-Malaga Hospitals (2015-22).

    • Head of the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Unit, Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital (2022- currently).

    Member of Scientific Associations:

    He is a member of the Board of Directors of the following:

    American Cardiology JACC Journal and a revisor of the Board of Editors of JVET.

    Secretary of the Andalusian Vascular Society and a member of the Committee of Directors of the Spanish Vascular Surgery Society (SEACV, in its Spanish abbreviation).

    European Society of Vascular Surgery. A Professor of the ESVS Academy and Convenor for aorta and vascular access.


    Vascular Surgery Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital has a team of specialists in Angiology and Vascular Surgery, supported by a nursing team with large experience and knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of vascular diseases and their potential complications. This healthcare multidisciplinary approach helps us offer premium quality medical assistance to our patients.

    The Angiology and Vascular Surgery Unit stands out for the implementation and development of technologically-advanced techniques in the comprehensive treatment of artery and venous diseases, with special interest in minimally- invasive endovascular treatments, not only to solve varicose vein issues, but also aneurysm and obstructive artery disease.

    Our healthcare professionals deal with the prophylaxis, diagnosis and treatment of vascular diseases such as artery, venous and lymphatic disease. Each patient is taken through a process of individualised rapid and coordinated assessment.

    Diseases, treatments, techniques and multidisciplinary units

    Artery disease: endovascular or surgical treatment of aneurism or supra-aortic trunks occlusive disease; visceral, renal, aortic and limb arteries

    • Venous disease: haemodynamic surgery and sclerotherapy of varicose veins
    • Treatment of venous thromboembolism
    • Lymphatic disease: diagnosis and treatment
    • Artery-vein malformation: diagnosis and treatment
    • Our hospital is a reference in the salvage of limbs (diabetic foot and critical limb ischaemia).
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Find out about the best doctors here

20 top ranked Varicosity doctors in the world are represented on this page. The list includes only verified specialists known for their experience and high success rates.

The ranking is composed according to the Bookimed patient reviews and considers the rating of hospitals where doctors practice.

Top 5 Varicosity doctors on

How to choose the best Varicosity doctors in the world?

The specialist’s CV contains details about the doctor’s expertise and work experience, education, scientific research, and languages spoken. Compare information on several specialists, read carefully about their experience, success rates, and methods they apply. Make sure the chosen doctor has relevant experience in the treatment of a medical issue you are looking for. Read reviews of patients who had a consultation with the chosen specialist.

Famous Varicosity doctors have vast experience, continue education constantly, participate in professional associations and have positive feedback from patients treated.

What is the cost of a doctor's consultation?

The price for the consultation on Varicosity varies between experts and depends on certain factors, such as:

  • the country of practicing
  • the clinical experience and reputation
  • the medical degree and educational background
  • the doctor’s workload
  • medical developments, proprietary techniques used, and awards, if any.

How to make an appointment with a chosen doctor?

To schedule your visit, just submit a request on Our coordinator will contact you to discuss the time and details of the appointment, so everything will go smoothly.

We can help to find the right doctors for Varicosity if you have any difficulties with a choice. Bookimed services are free for patients ♥

Where you go for medical treatment

Byung-hee Lee
  • New
  • 41 years of experience
  • Republic of Korea, Cheonan, RE:YOUTH (YONSEI BH Arterial Stemcell Clinic)
  • Regular member of the Korean Society of Radiology

    Founding member of the Korean Society of Interventional Neurology

    Founding member of the Korean Stroke Society

    Regular member of the American Stroke Association

    Regular member of the World Stroke Society

    Regular member of the World Society of Cerebrovascular Surgery

    Regular member of the European Society of Cerebrovascular Surgery

    Regular member of the Intervention Society

    24 pieces of overseas and domestic thesis presentation (SCI)

    50 times of overseas and domestic conference lectures

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Choosing Right Doctor and Clinic: Insider Tips
When selecting a doctor or clinic, keep these key points in mind:
Check credentials
Verify certifications from bodies like ISAPS, JCI, etc.
Review success rates
Choose doctors with solid experience in your specific treatment.
Read patient reviews
Browse Bookimed reviews from real patients to learn about their experiences.
Ensure effective communication
Pick clinics that offer language support for a smooth treatment process.
Ask about services
Confirm if they provide accommodation and transfers, and check the costs.
Choosing a clinic abroad can be stressful. At Bookimed, with over 800K patients helped, we understand your concerns. We know how to find trusted doctors, the best price-quality options, and solutions for even complex cases. We’re here to guide you every step of the way.
Yan Matsiivskiy
Head of Medical Coordinator Team