TU in "Endoscopy in Surgery and Gynecology" at the DNMU.
TU in "Breast Pathology" at the DNMU.
Moscow "24th International Congress with Endoscopy Course".
Odesa Master Class "Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology".Seminar "Issues of early prevention and diagnosis of breast cancer and oncogynecological pathology".
Paris, participant of "ESGE ‒ 21 annual congress".
Scientific and practical seminar "Vaginal surgery", Vinnytsia.
TU on "Cervical diseases" of the DNMU.
Participant as a speaker at the conference "ESGE ‒ 22 annual congress", Berlin.
"Patent for a utility model "Method of bloodless hysterectomy for combined benign processes of the uterus".
Participant as a speaker at the Plenum of the NGO Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Ukraine "Women's Health - Current Issues of Today".
Master class "Typical and Special Situations in Colposcopy".
Odesa, training on "Treatment of Pathology. Hysteroscopy".
Participant of the "23rd Congress of Surgeons of Ukraine".
Participant of the "Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Achievements in the Diagnosis and Therapy of Breast Cancer".
"Scientific and Practical Forum IFRM-2015".
Teleconference "Maternal and Newborn Health in Ukraine".
Practical Master Class "Cervical Pathology".
Interdisciplinary Discussion Club "Urology, Andrology for Obstetricians and Gynecologists".
Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "New Achievements in Gynecological Surgery".
Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Healthy Family - Healthy Generation".
15th Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Clinical and Technological Challenges in Staged and Reconstructive Surgery. Gunshot and Domestic Wounds, Electric Welding and Connection of Living Tissues. Diabetic Foot Syndrome".
Scientific and practical conference with international participation "Pathology of mucous membranes in women. Immunological and age-related features."2016
School "Harmony of Hormones - the Basis of Health", Kyiv.
Practical Master Class "Diagnosis of Cervical Pathology. Colposcopy. Cytomorphology", Kyiv.
Conference "Service in a Medical Institution", Kyiv.
Awarded a diploma, with the title "The Best Obstetrician-Gynecologist for December 2015 according to the Doc.ua website".
Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Endometriosis - the Mystery of the 21st Century", Odessa.
Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Modern Aspects of Preservation and Restoration of Women's Health", Vinnytsia.
School-Seminar "Health of Women 40+".
Forum with International Participation "Cervix, Vterus".
Scientific and Practical Conference "Evolutionary Gynecology".
Scientific and practical conference "Mammary gland diseases".
Scientific and practical conference "Aspects of modern gynecological surgery"
Scientific and practical conference "Minimally invasive pelvic surgery".
Expert meeting.
Soft Fit Academy.
Seminar-discussion "Oily skin and ACNE in adolescents and women of different ages".
Seminar "Harmony of hormones - the basis of women's health".
TU "Prenatal diagnostics of congenital and hereditary fetal pathology".
VII International Medical Congress "Implementation of modern achievements of medical science into the practice of healthcare in Ukraine".
IV International Ukrainian Breast Conference.
symposium with international participation "Women's Health 40+ from Treatment Tactics to Aesthetic Outcome and Active Longevity"
seminar "Ultrasound in Pediatric Gynecology"
seminar "Partnered Childbirth"
school-seminar with international participation "Minimally Invasive Technologies in Modern Surgery"
seminar "Innovative Approaches in the Treatment of Genital Prolapse"
master class "The ABC of Menopause"
master class "Ventral Hernia and Diastasis. Where is the Place for Laparoscopy?"
master class "The main thing is hidden in the details: ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology"
master class "PAP test, pitfalls of diagnostics"
scientific and practical conference "Ukrainian gyn club gathers friends. Endoscopic gynecology. Modern experience. Development prospects"
master class "Laparoscopic hernioplasty. TAPP technique"
master class "The main thing is hidden in the details: general ultrasound"
Medical Education: Istanbul University, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine (1995)
Specialization: Anesthesia and Reanimation, S.B. Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital (2000 to 2005)
Master's Degree: İstinye University, Institute of Social Sciences, Health Management (2020 to 2022)
PhD: İstinye University, Faculty of Graduate Education, Health Management (2022 to Present)
1997 to 1999 – General Practitioner, Private Marmara Hospital (Maltepe University), Cardiology Department
2005 to Present – Anesthesiology and Reanimation Clinic, S.B. Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital
2005 to 2006 – Responsible Physician of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Grup Universal Hospital, Kadıköy
2006 to 2012 – General Intensive Care Responsible Physician, Group Florence Nightingale Hospitals, Şişli
2012 to 2017 – General Intensive Care Responsible Physician, Grup Memorial Service Hospital
2017 to 2018 – General Intensive Care Unit, VM Medical Park Hospital, Kocaeli
2018 to Present – Responsible Manager, General Intensive Care Unit, VM Medical Park Hospital, Pendik
-Turkish Medical Association
-Turkish Anesthesiology and Reanimation Association
-Turkish Intensive Care Association
-Turkish Neurology Association
-Skull Base Association