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Herniated disk

Poland Warsaw
Carolina Hospital
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90% Clients recommended this clinic
Highest-Rated Clinic for Herniated disc surgery
according to our patients
190 patients
chose this clinic for their care in the last year

What's included in this package

Medical Procedures
  • MRI of one area
  • Herniated disc surgery
  • Two-bed ward
  • Transfer is not included

Two-bed ward

  • Transfer is not included

Additional information

Уважаемый Пациент,
Спасибо за Ваш запрос. „Carolina Medical Center” - это ортопедическая больница, специализирующаяся на лечении всех заболеваний суставов с использованием нескольких методов, как традиционных, так и хирургических. Мы обладаем сертификатом контроля качества ISO 9001: 2015 в области комплексного медицинского обслуживания, мы также являемся аккредитованной ФИФА Клиникой передового опыта. Наши специалисты получили образование по всему миру, они говорят на иностранных языках, в том числе и на русском.
Мы предлагаем несколько методов лечения грыжи диска, например, имплантация DiscoGel, микродискэктомия или эндоскопическое лечение.
Имплантация DiscoGel это минимально инвазивный метод - имплантируемое медицинское устройство на основе железистого этанола, в котором непрозрачный агент в рентгеновских лучах. Существуют определенные ограничения в использовании этого метода лечения - грыжа уровня 1-4 в классификации „Pfirmann” (волокнистое кольцо не повреждено, высота дискового пространства сокращается менее чем на 50%, выступы, видимые на латеральной МРТ, не превышают 30 -40% в свете позвоночного канала - дополнительная информация: https://radiopaedia.org/articles/mri-classification-system-for-lumbar-disc-degeneration), поэтому, чтобы иметь возможность решить, подходит ли пациент для инъекции DiscoGel, врач должен проанализировать актуальные последние МРТ-изображения.
Нижеследующие предложения относятся к процедурам лечения вместе со стоимостью МРТ и другими диагностическими тестами, которые пациент может пройти здесь, в нашей больнице.
Если грыжа составляет 1-4 уровня в классификации „Pfirmann” - инъекция DiscoGel на 1 уровне - это будет около 16 200 злотых (около 3 500 евро).
Цена включает:
• все обследования перед операцией (консультации, диагностические тесты, лабораторные тесты и т. д.)
• процедура и формула DiscoGel (местная анестезия, без разреза кожи, врач вставляет иглу с формулой в область грыжи межпозвоночного диска в операционной)
• пребывание в больнице – 1 день после инъекции

Если требуется микродискэктомия, хирургическая процедура будет стоить около 25 000 злотых (около 5 500 евро).
Цена включает:
• все обследования перед операцией (консультации, диагностические тесты, лабораторные тесты и т. д.)
• процедура и медицинские материалы, анестезиология и т. д.
• пребывание в больнице - за один день до операции и один день после

Мы также можем предложить лечение с использованием эндоскопического подхода. С нашей передовой хирургической процедурой, методом joimax®, хирурги используют современные, технически сложные инструменты и устройства, работающие по принципу «замочной скважины» (https://www.joimax.com/us/products/endoscopy/). Этот хирургический метод позволяет нa:
• быстрый возврат к активности даже через 24 часа;
• не воспаление параспинальных мышц и костей;
• Короткое пребывание в больнице и короткий период реабилитации;
• Высокая безопасность - низкая кровопотеря, низкий риск заражения;
• Незаметные послеоперационные рубцы.
Цена вышеупомянутой процедуры составит около 32 000 злотых (около 7 000 евро). Цена включает в себя:
• все обследования перед операцией (консультации, диагностические тесты, лабораторные анализы и т. д. - также МРТ, если это рекомендует врач),
• сама операция с использованием медицинских материалов, анестезиология и т. д.
• пребывание в больнице - за один день до операции и через два дня после - одноместный номер, ванная, полный пансион, бесплатный доступ к Интернету и телепрограммам, круглосуточный уход

Операция будет длиться около 1,5 часов под общим наркозом, но Вы будете стоять через несколько часов после операции, и на третий день Вы будете выписаны из больницы. Если Вы хотите остаться в больнице дольше (для реабилитации), это также может быть организовано.
В случае каких-либо дополнительных вопросов, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь обращаться ко мне.
Надеюсь на скорый ответ.
С уважением,
Данута Милановска
Менеджер медицинского туризма
“Carolina Medical Center”

24/7 Bookimed assistance
  • Personal medical coordinator
  • Medical travel arrangements — booking of air tickets and hotel rooms at special partner prices
  • Patient advocacy during medical travel

Program price


What's NOT included in this package

Additional activities not included
Jurij Kseniuk
Leading doctor for Herniated disc surgery
27 years of experience
Board certified professional

Dr. Ksenyuk is an experienced specialist in spine surgery who graduated from the Medical University of Lviv and the Institute of Neurosurgery A. Romodanov in Kiev. He specializes in comprehensive diagnostics and surgical treatment of spine pathologies, including minimally invasive, classic, corrective and pain management methods.

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About the clinic

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Carolina Hospital

Carolina Hospital is a private medical center located in Warsaw, Poland. The strongest specialties are neurosurgery, orthopedics, and ENT.

The clinic has extensive experience in sports medicine as a long-term medical partner of the Polish Olympic Committee and the Polish National Ballet. The facility was also selected by the European Football Union (UEFA) to provide medical care to UEFA EURO 2012 participants. Since August 2004, the clinic has been certified by the Quality Management Certificate (ISO9001:2015) in Complex Medical Care. Carolina Hospital has been certified by the International Football Federation as a FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence.

Carolina Hospital serves both adults and children. Its doctors have developed a unique method of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in children. Patients most often visit the clinic from the CIS, Europe, and the Commonwealth.

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Pory 78, 02-757 Warszawa, Poland

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When is herniated disc surgery indicated?

Indications to hernia surgery:

  • pressure of the spinal cord by hernia
  • pain insensitive to medicines
  • development of the neurologic disorders
  • other treatments are ineffective.
How is herniated disc surgery performed?

Neurosurgeons apply such technique to remove herniated disc (discectomy, laminectomy): open interventional, endoscopic operation, microsurgery. The choice of the methods depends on the hernia location, disease stage, and symptoms.

What types of ruptured (herniated) disc surgery are performed?

The most common surgeries for hernia treatment are:

  • Laminectomy. This is a removal of a small area of bone tissue near the damaged nerve ending. This surgery allows to reduce hernia pressure of the nerve, restore normal blood supply, get rid of pain.
  • Discectomy is a partial or complete removal of the affected herniated disc. Due to this operation, a sensitivity of nerve ending restores, pain and numbness disappear.
  • Prosthesis or herniated disc replacement. This is implantation of artificial vertebra. It is performed after herniated disc removal.
  • Spinal stabilization is a fixation of herniated discs with special supporting systems (implants, plates, screws). Doctors provide stabilization if the spine does not hold a normal position after hernia removal.
What are the new options for herniated disc surgery?

Among the latest hernia treatments are:

  • Minimally invasive surgery. A doctor uses a special microscope to remove a herniated disc. It allows seeing all nerves and vessels in details. As a result, healthy tissues are not damaged. A patient can return home after slipped disc surgery the next day.
  • Robotic guidance system A doctor performs all movements through small punctures up to 1.5 cm using a special robotic device. The system analyzes doctor's manipulations and makes them smoother excluding the "trembling hand" affect. Such surgeries are very precise and effective.
Is it possible to cure herniated disc completely?

The surgery allows completely getting rid of a herniated disc. However, postoperative screening of patients shows that a possibility of relapse in the neighboring discs is preserved. It is necessary to follow medical recommendations to avoid disease recurrence.

What does herniated disc surgery cost include?

The slipped disc surgery cost usually includes:

  • the procedure itself
  • medications
  • fee for a team of doctors.
  • admission.

In most of the cases, rehabilitation, preoperative tests, charges for additional consultation with a doctor are paid additionally. However some hospital offer package herniated disc surgery cost which includes all these services.

Only a doctor can calculate how much hernia surgery costs in your case. Submit a request to get a cost estimate and know what it includes.

What affects slipped disc surgery cost?

The hernia surgery cost depends on such factors:

  • The location of the chosen hospital. The cost of ruptured disc surgery in Indian hospitals is 1.5-2 times lower than in Turkish ones, 3-4 times — than in Southern Korean, Israeli or Western European medical centers, and about 5-7 times cheaper than in the US or Canadian hospitals. Despite the difference in a price, the quality of hernia surgery remains at about the same level. Numerous certificates (such as JCI, OECI, etc.) confirm high standards of medical services.
  • Doctor's experience. A specialist, who has vast experience in herniated disc surgery, applies the latest technologies, participates in the international conferences, and has positive reviews from patients, may ask for a higher fee. In this case, the hernia surgery cost will be higher.
  • A type of herniated disc surgery. This surgery can be less or more complicated depending on the hernia location, size of an affected area. Due to this, the herniated disc surgery price changes.

Submit a request to know how much hernia surgery costs in your case.

How much does hernia surgery cost without insurance?

You can see the slipped surgery cost without insurance on Bookimed website or fill out a form on Bookimed to get a personalized quote.

How to get a personalized slipped (herniated) disc surgery cost in my case?

The herniated surgery cost in calculated individually for each case. It depends on the hospital, doctors' qualification, patient's condition. You can compare the hernia surgery cost in different hospitals and countries in the listing below. The rating represents the best hospitals to get a herniated disc surgery. You can choose the most affordable price without the quality loss (in Thailand, Turkey or India) or the medium hernia surgery cost (in Germany, Israel, Korea).

Follow these simple steps:

  1. Learn the info about each hospital for herniated disc surgery.
  2. Compare the herniated disc surgery cost in different countries and clinics. Note that the average cost of herniated disc surgery varies depending on the region. It is explained by the price policy in a particular country orientated on the general income of local citizens.
  3. Submit a request to know how much does hernia surgery cost in your case and whether your insurance covers the expenses.
  4. Bookimed manager will call you back to answer the questions, recommend the best hospital for you, and provide a personalized quote.
  5. If you approve the option, a manager arranges your medical trip to a chosen clonic within several days.

Note that Bookimed services do not affect the herniated surgery cost. Learn more about us here.

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