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Bookimed Reviews

Peter Tin Shouk Fong • Rhinoplasty (nose job) Australia Dec 1, 2024

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I'm very impressed with the outcome
I'm very impressed with the outcome. Bookimed assistant was helpful and arrange a virtual consultation with the consultant. While English was not his strong fort, his expertise made up for it. The staff, especially Margi was extremely valuable as she speaks fluently English. Her knowledge and expertise was well appreciated as well as her care and attentiveness. The staff was nice. I did rhinoplasty and liposuction and I'll very impressed with the outcome. Post op care was provided. The nose did not hurt post op in comparison with the liposuction, which was quite uncomfortable. Not painful, numb and tender I suppose. As to the cost, it's fairly competitive.
The expertise
More English speakers would have been nice.
About Bookimed service
I like how bookimed was who set me up with the clinic. Otherwise I wouldn't have know about it.

Виктория • Hair transplant United States of America Sep 4, 2024

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Bookimed made the experience just perfect

Timofej Belkin • Rhinoplasty (nose job) Germany May 27, 2024

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I highly recommend Dr

Beckie • Mommy makeover United Kingdom May 14, 2024

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Thank you so much Dr Aykut and Dr Med team for all you have done for me
I was recommended Dr Med by Bookimed, a very good, trustworthy medical platform. My accordinator could not speak highly enough of Dr Aykut and the team, and she was right. From start to finish I received the best medical and supportive care. Muhlise who was there for me to talk to 24 hours a day is one of the loveliest people I have ever come across, answering all my questions, concerns and organising everything for me. They checked my bloods and did a full health check to check that I was well enough to have all the procedures. The nurses were so lovely and there every second to look after me and make sure I had a good, quick recovery. Within 3 days I felt as if I hadn't even had an operation. I had no discomfort, no pain, was able to see a bit of Istanbul which was lovely. I was put in such a lovely hotel and luxuary transfer to and from all my appointments and airports. I am so happy with my results. Thank you so much Dr Aykut and Dr Med team for all you have done for me. I have been in the best hands.
My results

Angelica Wassen • Abdominal liposuction Netherlands Apr 26, 2024

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I had a breast augmentation and a mini tummy tuck just over a week ago and everything was top notch
I chose this clinic based on the reviews and I am writing myself. Catherine gave me all the information and helped me with all my organised questions. I had a breast augmentation and a mini tummy tuck just over a week ago and everything was top notch. The contact persons were always in touch with me, available for feedback at any time. The operation was successful , the anaesthesia was mild . Dr Hakan Teymur is empathic, pleasant person, with attention and individual attitude to the patient. Many thanks to Akylay, who supported me and was always in touch with me. Very kind person. Narmina is a very pleasant, positive girl. Now I will wait for the result.
Physician empathy and quick feedback
The staff at the clinic hardly speak English.
About Bookimed service
Catherine is attentive and creative

Аlesya • Facelift surgery Switzerland Apr 4, 2024

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I am very happy that I was operated by Dr Aykut, professional approach, very neatly done
I am very happy that I was operated by Dr Aykut, professional approach, very neatly done, not a single blue spot on the face was not observed, the stitches are very elegant, I like it very much 😊🤩 I published a photo from the day of the operation on April 3, and today is May 15, this is such an image🙏😊👌🤩
I liked all the girls who accompanied me the competence of the doctor his work and being in Istanbul naturally😀
About Bookimed service
I won't write much 😊 but thanks to booking company booki😝😝😝😝 and the girls I really got to this doctor and will continue to advise I'm very happy Thank you very much 🙏

Anonymous • DHI hair transplantation France Mar 9, 2024

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Very Professional Clinique, the DHI technique is TOP with very nice staff
Very Professional Clinique, the DHI technique is TOP with very nice staff. Its a real clinique and everything is performed in the clinique with a dedicated team. Don't hesitate get an estimate with Ali on Bookimed site
About Bookimed service
Secured to find best deal and cl8nic in Istanbul. Everything is clear on the website and when arrived in Istanbul Everything is done perfectly

Anonymous • Blepharoplasty (Eyelid correction) Australia Feb 8, 2024

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Now two months after surgery, I am quite happy with the shape of my new eyelids
The medical team members are so friendly and helpful. Although I speak zero Korean, I can sense their passion and empathy, which dramatically reduced my anxiety to go through the surgery. They are very supportive from the right beginning to the end when I left Seoul. And big thanks to the assistance from Yena, who provides detailed before and after care instructions rather than just working as an interpreter. Now two months after surgery, I am quite happy with the shape of my new eyelids. They look much younger and alert.
About Bookimed service
Very friendly and supportive medical team although I don't understand Korean at all. Two months after surgery, I am quite happy with the result.

Yuliya • Rhinoplasty (nose job) France Feb 2, 2024

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But the calmness and poise of the doctor and his team completely dispelled my doubts
I liked everything overall. Initially, I was very afraid, starting with the flight to another country, the transfer to the hotel and the operation itself. But the calmness and poise of the doctor and his team completely dispelled my doubts. 5 hours after the operation I returned to the hotel. Which is also very good because the hospital ward is the worst for me. Exactly after a week I took off the splint, my nose was still swollen. The nose is proportional to my face. When the swelling goes down it will be smaller

Emma Toman • Tummy Tuck and Liposuction United Kingdom Jan 19, 2024

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I am in love with the new me
Everything was 💯% from arrival at airport to transfer to hotel and clinic appointments. The 24 hours round the clock assistance from the beautiful ladies I couldn’t have asked for any better. And to the doctor himself all I can say is this man knows what he’s doing I put my trust in him to fly round the world for him to work on my body. I am in love with the new me Outstanding results. Dr Hakan Teymur thank you 🙏🏼 From the Belfast girls x
Seeing my results
The only thing I struggled with was the Turkish food
About Bookimed service
Highly recommend


What is the Bookimed Referral Program?
The Bookimed Referral Program allows you to earn rewards by inviting your friends to use Bookimed's services. Both you and your referred friend can benefit financially when they book and complete a medical treatment or surgery through Bookimed.
How do I participate in the referral program?
To join the referral program, you must first use the referral link your friend sent you. It will take you to an application form where you can share your medical needs. Alternatively, you can use it to browse the Bookimed website, explore the options, and then leave a request. Just be sure to access Bookimed via the referral link to get a special discount on a procedure.
What do I get if I sign up via the referral link?
If you sign up using the referral link and complete a procedure with Bookimed, you will receive a $100 cashback. The money will be credited directly to your bank account. The referral program applies to transactions where the bill exceeds $1,000.
When will I receive my $100 cashback?
Once you arrive at the clinic and pay for your procedure, Bookimed will transfer $100 to your bank account.
Can I also refer my friends to earn rewards?
Yes! After you leave a request on Bookimed, you can refer your own friends and earn more rewards. We will send you a referral link to share with them. You'll receive a monetary reward each time a new user signs up through this link and completes a procedure. Keep in mind that your referred friend must not already be registered with Bookimed.