Germany, Mainz

Pharmacological stimulation for IVF in St. Josefs Hospital Wiesbaden

About the clinic

Year of foundation

St. Josefs Hospital Wiesbaden is the medical institution, which always keeps a good level of treatment, diagnostics and rehabilitation.

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St. Josefs Hospital Wiesbaden: more details about the clinic

Germany, Mainz

Bookimed portal gathered the best German medical institutions for choosing and booking where you can be treated as an outpatient and inpatient. Germany attracts more foreign patients because has reputation of good quality health services. On Bookimed  you can choose the hospital which suits for yours the personal needs.

Berlin's largest Catholic hospital - Hospital of St. Joseph:

  •      65,000 patients per year (outpatient and hospitalized);
  •      485 beds are equipped with everything necessary for comfort;
  •      1200 professional specialists.

Directions of treatment St. Joseph hospital are focusing on identifying priorities. Each employee believes in his job and performs it with most quality. This approach of German medical clinics differs from the other countries.
Bookimed recommends this hospital for patients who need services in the following list:

Obstetrics of St. Joseph's Hospital is the best hospital of deliveries in Germany. The world's first medical institution distinguished as status of "baby-friendly" by the WHO / UNICEF. In 2013, at St. Joseph Hospital was born nearly 4,000 babies.

St. Joseph's Centre for Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine - comprehensive treatment for underage persons is provided which including pediatrics, psychiatry, psychotherapy, urology and surgery.  At the hospital team of international experts operates and treats young patients suffering from vascular malformations.

Nephrology - Berlin's largest non-university department of nephrology works at the hospital of St. Joseph.  1000 patients suffering from acute or chronic kidney diseases, who need for dialysis are accepted by hospital;

Oncology - Interdisciplinary physicians, surgeons and gynecologists solve the problems associated with malignant tumors in the hospital of St. Joseph. An expert network of professionals for individual cancer treatment of different types based on the latest scientific knowledge. Today the technology of treating pancreatic cancer are developed.

Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery – at the hospital for patients who put an artificial hip or knee implants specialized program are developed. Surgical treatment  with physical therapy  together curated by professionals, thousands of patients  are able to get independently in short time.
Leaving a request on portal after reading the basic information about the clinic and reviews of other patients you will receive qualified help of German experts and the ability to quickly return to a healthy life in a short time.