Best Thyroid biopsy doctors in Turkey: TOP 54 doctors

Content meets the Bookimed Editorial Policy and is medically reviewed by
Fahad Mawlood
Mustafa Ozturk
  • 4.5 Good 463 reviews
  • 20 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Medipol Mega University Hospital
  • Endocrinologist

  • Read more
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Hysterectomy (uterus removal)
$7,000 - $8,000
Mustafa Ondzhel
  • 4.5 Good 463 reviews
  • 23 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Medipol Mega University Hospital
  • Professor of oncosurgery and proctology

  • Read more
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Hysterectomy (uterus removal)
$7,000 - $8,000
Tahsin Ozadli
  • 4.7 Excellent 42 reviews
  • 22 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Valued Med Hub Hospitals
  • Education and Expertise

    Selcuk University Meram Faculty of Medicine - Medical Education

    Dr.Abdurrahman Yurtaslan Anakara Oncology Training and Research Hospital Medical Oncology Specialization



    Malatya State Hospital Internal Diseases Clinic

    Ankara Oncology Hospital Medical Oncology Clinic

    Erzurum Regional Training and Research Hospital Medical Oncology Clinic


    Lung cancer

    esophageal cancer

    Gastric cancer

    breast cancer

    Gastrointestinal surgery 

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Pituitary tumor surgery
$15,500 - $15,500
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Yusuf Acikgoz
  • 4.5 Good 3 reviews
  • 9 years of experience
  • Turkey, Ankara, Lokman Hekim University Ankara Hospital
  • Associate Professor Dr. Yusuf AÇIKGÖZ
    Specialization: Medical Oncology


    • 2004-2011: İnönü University Faculty of Medicine
    • 2011-2016: Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, Internal Medicine
    • 2017-2022: Health Sciences University, Medical Oncology

    Professional Experience:

    • 2016-2017: Bingöl City Hospital, Internal Medicine
    • 2021-2022: Health Sciences University, Medical Oncology
    • 2022-2023: Kastamonu Education and Research Hospital, Medical Oncology
    • 2023-2024: Ohio State University, Medical Oncology
    • 2024-Present: Lokman Hekim University, Medical Oncology, Ankara Hospital

    Clinical Trials, Courses, Certifications:

    Clinical Trials:

    • 2017-2021: Phase III, CheckMate-649 Study (Assistant Investigator)
    • 2022-Present: Phase III, Fortitude-101 Study (Assistant Investigator)


    • 2018: Medicres Basic and Advanced Biostatistics Training Program (ongoing), Istanbul-Vienna
    • 2019: Immuno-Oncology Education Course, March 1-2, 2019, Vienna, Central European Cooperative Oncology Group (CECOG)
    • 2018: Good Clinical Practice Certification, April 7-8, 2018, Ankara, Health Sciences University
    • 2017: Basic Oncology Training Program, November 25-26, 2017, Adana, Clinical Oncology Society
    • 2016: Basic Ultrasonography Course (10 hours theoretical + 10 hours practical), September 24-25, 2016, Ankara, Turkish Emergency Medicine Association


    • Ongoing: ECFMG Certification
    • 2024: CITI Responsible Conduct of Research (The Ohio State University)
    • 2024: CITI IACUC-Laboratory Animal Research (The Ohio State University)
    • 2024: CITI Human Subjects Protection (The Ohio State University)
    • 2024: CITI Good Clinical Practice (The Ohio State University)
    • 2023: Occupational English Test (OET)
    • 2019: International English Language Testing System (IELTS), Total Score: 6.5, May 26, 2019, Ankara, British Council
    • 2017: USMLE Step 2 CK Exam; Score: 244, February 7, 2017
    • 2016: USMLE Step 1 Exam; Score: 215, August 25, 2016


    • American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) - 2022
    • Turkish Society of Medical Oncology - 2020
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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Mehmet Ali Gok
  • New
  • 11 years of experience
  • accreditation:
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Medipol University Pendik Hospital
  • Position:

    Associate Professor ,

    General Surgery Department



    Birth Date: 14.05.1982 

    Place of Birth      : Şanlıurfa, Türkiye

    Married, father of one.



    Republic of Turkey




    General Surgery Department

    Istanbul Kartal Dr. Lütfü Kırdar Training and Research Hospital (2009- 2014)



    Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine (20022008)

    Anadolu University Faculty of Business Administration - Administration of Health Institutions (2013-2015)

    Anadolu University Faculty of Open Education Department of Law (2016-)


    High school

    Erzincan Science High School (1998-2002)

    Working Experience:





















    National and International Articles


    1 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA (2021). Inguinal hernia repair via laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) method: Our 2 years clinical results. Annals of Medical Research, 28(4), 812-815., Doi: 10.5455/annalsmedres.2020.05.443


    2 SAĞIROĞLU ŞÜKRİYE JÜLİDE, ÖZDEMİR TUĞRUL, ATAK TUBA, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, ORHUN ERDOĞAN KIVILCIM, EREN TURGUT TUNÇ, ALİMOĞLU ORHAN (2016). Laparoscopic Total Extraperitoneal Inguinal Hernia Repair Without Mesh Fixation: Report of Early Outcomes. SouthernPrint Date :22/10/2022 17:41:41 Clinics of Istanbul Eurasia, 27(3), 215-219., Doi: 10.14744/scie.2017.64872 


    3 ÇİFTÇİ ALİ, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA (2022). Management of Acute Biliary Pancreatitis in Cholecystectomized Patients. Bezmiâlem Science, 10(4), 507-511. Doi: 10.14235/ bas galenos. 2021.6708


    4 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, YEĞEN SERKAN FATİH, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, KOCAOĞLU AYTAÇ EMRE (2022). Gastrointestinal Stromal Tümörlerde İmmünohistokimyasal Markırların ve Tümör Boyutunun Prognoz Üzerindeki Rolü. Kocaeli Tıp Dergisi, 10(2), 101-104. M-784-1650 KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, GÖK MEHMET ALİ (2022). Laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair of strangulated femoral hernia: Superiority of an unusual emergency surgical approach due to a case. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 36(1), 110-112.


    5 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KARADAYI BÜYÜKÖZSOY AYŞEGÜL, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA (2022). The sensitivity of ultrasound in the clinical diagnosis of inguinal hernias in adults: a comparative study. Journal of Ultrasound, 1-4., Doi: 10.1007/s40477-021-00641-4


    6 KARADAYI BÜYÜKÖZSOY AYŞEGÜL, KARATAY EMRAH, GÖK MEHMET ALİ (2022). Comparison of the Effectiveness of Ultrasound Imaging and Perioperative Measurement in the Diagnosis and Characterization of Incisional Hernia. Journal of Medical Ultrasound, 1-5.


    7 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, DEMİR MUSTAFA, YEĞEN SERKAN FATİH, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, ŞENOL METİN, KOCAOĞLU AYTAÇ EMRE, AKIN EMRAH (2022). Endoscopic Intra-gastric Botulinum Toxin A for Obesity Treatment: IsIt Effective?. Kocaeli Tıp Dergisi, 11(2), 149-152.


    8 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KARATAY EMRAH, ÇİFTÇİ ALİ (2022). İnguinal Hernilerde Balonsuz ve Mesh Sabitleyicisiz Laparoskopik Total Ekstraperitoneal Onarımın Cerrahi Deneyim ile Korelasyonu. Dicle Medical Journal, 49(3), 498-503., Doi: 10.5798/dicletip.1170263


    9 KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, GÖK MEHMET ALİ (2022). Effects of Carvedilol on Liver İschemiaReperfusion İnjury in Rats. Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi-Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, 28(7), 885-893.


    10 ŞENOL METİN, GÖK MEHMET ALİ (2022). Small Bowel Obstruction due to Phytobezoar. Kocaeli Tıp Dergisi, 11(2), 1-6.


    11 KARATAY EMRAH, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, JAVADOV MIRKHALIG (2021). Measurement of hiatal surface area and other hiatus oesophageal diameters at computed tomography imaging in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease and its relationship with hiatal hernia. Journal of Minimal Access Surgery, 17(4), 537-541., Doi: 10.4103/jmas.JMAS_175_20


    12 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, YEĞEN SERKAN FATİH (2021). Perforated colorectal cancers; clinical outcomes \nof 18 patients who underwent emergency surgery. Gastroenterology Review, 16(2), 161-165., Doi: 10.5114/pg.2021.106667


    13 YEĞEN SERKAN FATİH, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, GÖK MEHMET ALİ (2020). Comparison of Perioperative Standard and Immunomodulating Enteral Nutrition in Patients Received Major Abdominal Cancer Surgery: a Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial. Indian Journal of Surgery, 82, 828-834., Doi: 10.1007/s12262-020-02114-0 


    14 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, YEĞEN SERKAN FATİH (2020). Effects of Preoperative Oral Carbohydrate Loading on Preoperative and Postoperative Comfort in Patients Planned to Undergo Elective Cholecystectomy: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 22(11), 1-6., Doi: 10.32592/ircmj.2020.22.11.107


    15 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, YEĞEN SERKAN FATİH (2019). Comparison of negative-pressure incision management system in wound dehiscence: A prospective, randomized, observational study. Journal of Medicine and Life, 12(3), 276-283., Doi: 10.25122/jml-2019-0033


    16 KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, YALÇIN METİN, DADÜK YILDIRAY, SOYALP MURAT, GÖK MEHMET ALİ (2018). Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Acute Cholecystitis in Situs Inversus Totalis: An Extraordinary Approach. Eurasian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 17(2), 82-84.


    17 KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, TEKER İBRAHİM, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, UĞURLU ESAT TAYLAN, ÇETİNKAYA ISMAİL (2018). Atraumatic splenic rupture secondary to abscess in a hemodialysis patient: a rare and fatal cause of acute abdomen diagnosed late. Journal of Surgical Case Reports,5, 1-3., Doi: 10.1093/jscr/rjy103


    18 KAYA FERUDUN, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, KISMET KEMAL, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, ERTAŞ ERTUĞRUL (2018). Congenital Transmesenteric Hernia Without Bowel Strangulation in a Young Adult. The Medical Bulletin Of Haseki, 56(4), 337-340., Doi: 10.4274/haseki.galenos.2022.8361


    19 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, GÜNEŞ ABDULLAH (2018). Laparoscopic treatment of hepatic hydatid disease: Şanlıurfa-Turkey experience and early clinical outcomes. Laparoscopic Endoscopic Surgical Science, 25(3), 98-102., Doi:14744/less.2018.4353171203046744-1078.03 Basım Tarihi 22/10/2022 17:41:41 Sayfa: 2


    20 KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, YALÇIN METİN, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, AKTAŞ AYŞEGÜL, YÜREKLİ TACİTTİN SEMİH, ARSLAN AYŞEGÜL İSAL (2017). intraparenchymal Leiomyoma of the Breast: A Rare Location for an Infrequent Tumor. intraparenchymal Leiomyoma of the Breast: A Rare Location for an Infrequent Tumor, 13(3), 156-168., Doi: 10.5152/ejbh.2017.3472


     21 GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, ÖTER VOLKAN (2017). Early-term elective laparoscopic resection after endoscopic detorsion in cases with sigmoid colonic volvulus. Annals of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 8(6), 492-495., Doi: 10.4328/JCAM.5231


    22 KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, ÖTER VOLKAN (2017). Late-diagnosed penetrating stab Wounds in diaphragm and herniation. Annals of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 8(4), 367-369., Doi: 10.4328/JCAM.5103


    23 ANADOLULU ALİ İHSAN, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, ANADOLULU ZEYNEP (2017). Laparoscopic spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy with splenic vessel preservation for pancreatic pseudocyst in a 10-year-old boy. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, 34(1), 10-12.




    National and International Proceedings

    İnguinal Hernilerde Total Ekstraperitoneal Onarımda Balon Disseksiyonu ile Teleskopik Disseksyonun   Kıyaslanması, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, GÖK MEHMET ALİ (2022). 22.. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi, 


    Laparaskopık total ekstraperıitoneal (TEP) onarımında redükte edilemeyen keseler enerji

    cıihazıyla lıigate edılebırlıir mı , KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, GÖK MEHMET ALİ (2019). 7..

    Ulusal Fıtık Kongresi


    Laparaskopik Sleeve Gastrektomide 3D Görüntüleme Sisteminin Etkiniliği , GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAYA FERUDUN, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, AKSOY BAŞAR (2017). 2.. Bariatrik ve Metabolik Cerrahi Kongresi

    İnsizyonel hernide laparaskopik preperitoneal onarım, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA (2017).. 9.. Cerrahi Araştırma Kongresi

    ERCP Yapılan Kist Hidatikli Hastalarda Kist Küçülür mü, YALÇIN METİN, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA (2017).. 13.. Türk Hepatopankreatobilier Cerrahi Kongresi

    İnsizyonel Hernilerde TAPP Onarım Mümkün mü, GÖK MEHMET ALİ, AKSOY BAŞAR, KAFADAR MEHMET TOLGA, YALÇIN METİN (2017).. 6.. Ulusal Fıtık Kongresi, (Özet bildiri)



    Kolon Divertikül  Perforasyonlarında Hartmann Prosedürü veya Primer Anastomoz? , GÖK MEHMET ALİ, KEŞKÜŞ BRAHIM H. HÜDAVERDI, BÖZKURT AHMET ÇAĞLAR, YALÇIN METİN, YILMAZ TACETTİN SEMİH (2017).. 11.. Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Kongresi, (Özet bildiri)





    Written sections in international books

    1)Genel Cerrahide Nadir Görülen Acil ve Elektif Vakalar, Bölüm adı:(Akciğere Fistülize Karaciğer Kist Hidatik Vakasına Acil Laparoskopik Yaklaşım) (2020)., COŞKUN MURAT, GÖK MEHMET ALİ,

    Akademisyen Yayınevi, Editör: Ender ANILIR Mehmet BAYRAK Mehmet Tolga KAFADAR Mert TANAL Ali Emre NAYCI Hüseyin KILAVUZ Özlem Öndeş BAYAR, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 655, ISBN:978- 625-7275-23-1, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap)

    2)Gastrointestinal Sistem Kanserlerinin Cerrahisi, Bölüm adı:(Karaciğerin Primer Solid MalignNeoplazileri) (2020)., GÖK MEHMET ALİ, Akademisyen Yayınevi, Editör: Hüseyin Özgür AYTAÇ, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 404, ISBN:978-605-258-949-6, Türkçe (Bilimsel Kitap)

    3)Gastrointestinal Sistem Tümörleri-1, Bölüm adı:(ERKEN EVRE HASTALIKTA CERRAHİ TEDAVİ) (2019)., GÖK MEHMET ALİ, Akademisyen Yayınevi, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 493, ISBN:978-605-258-551-1, Türkçe (Bilimsel Kitap)



    1) Minimal İnvaziv Cerrahi, Kitap, Editör, Akademisyen Kitapevi A.Ş., 22.10.2020-15.07.2021

    2. YENİ NESİLCERRAHİ, Kitap, Editör, Akademisyen Kitapevi A.Ş., 15.06.2021-15.08.2022

    3. Onkolojik Cerrahi, Kitap, Editör, Akademisyen Kitapevi A.Ş., 05.04.2021-05.12.2021

    4.. Fıtık Cerrahisi, Kitap, Editör, Akademisyen Kitapevi A.Ş., 07.04.2020-07.11.2020



    Hernia A to Z Fundemantals Hands on Workshop, Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery Experience Certificate in Cadaver was awarded by the European Hernia Society.

    . DUBAİ/ U.A.E, 28.11.2018 

    CADAVER TRAINING EVENT IN COLON AND RECTAL SURGERY, Robotic Colorectal Surgery in Cadaver training certificate was given.  STONY BROOK UNİVERSİTY / NEWYORK/ USA,.04.2016



    Memberships in Scientific Organizations:

    1.. Turkish Society of Colon and Rectum Surgery, Member, 2020

    2.. Turkish Surgical Association, Member, 2014

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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Hamza Ugur Bozbey
  • New
  • 11 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Uniqacare Clinic
Doctor's visit
Price on request

Find out about the best doctors here

20 top ranked Thyroid biopsy doctors in the world are represented on this page. The list includes only verified specialists known for their experience and high success rates.

The ranking is composed according to the Bookimed patient reviews and considers the rating of hospitals where doctors practice.

Top 5 Thyroid biopsy doctors on

How to choose the best Thyroid biopsy doctors in the world?

The specialist’s CV contains details about the doctor’s expertise and work experience, education, scientific research, and languages spoken. Compare information on several specialists, read carefully about their experience, success rates, and methods they apply. Make sure the chosen doctor has relevant experience in the treatment of a medical issue you are looking for. Read reviews of patients who had a consultation with the chosen specialist.

Famous Thyroid biopsy doctors have vast experience, continue education constantly, participate in professional associations and have positive feedback from patients treated.

What is the cost of a doctor's consultation?

The price for the consultation on Thyroid biopsy varies between experts and depends on certain factors, such as:

  • the country of practicing
  • the clinical experience and reputation
  • the medical degree and educational background
  • the doctor’s workload
  • medical developments, proprietary techniques used, and awards, if any.

How to make an appointment with a chosen doctor?

To schedule your visit, just submit a request on Our coordinator will contact you to discuss the time and details of the appointment, so everything will go smoothly.

We can help to find the right doctors for Thyroid biopsy if you have any difficulties with a choice. Bookimed services are free for patients ♥

Where you go for medical treatment

Sehtap Nazli Kilic Cetin
  • New
  • 75 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Uniqacare Clinic
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Turkan Ozturk Topcu
  • New
  • 15 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Biruni University Hospital
  • Education

    Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Medicine, 2004
    Istanbul Haydarpaşa Training and Research Hospital Internal Medicine Residency, 2010
    Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine Medical Oncology Residency, 2015


    MD Andeson Cancer Center, USA, 2008
    Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Center Breast Cancer Clinic, Canada, 2017
    Moffit Cancer Center , USA 2022
    Istanbul Haydarpaşa Training and Research Hospital Internal Medicine, 2010
    İdil State Hospital Internal Medicine Clinic, 2011
    Karadeniz Technical Universityniversitesi Faculty of Medicine, Medical Oncology Clinic, 2015
    Istanbul Göztepe Training and Research Hospital, Medical Oncology Clinic, 2018
    Yeniyüzyıl University Gaziosmanpaşa Hospital, Medical Oncology Clinic, 2020
    Ataşehir Medicana Hospital, Medical Oncology Clinic, 2022


    Scientific Membership

    Turkish Medical Association (TTB)
    Turkish Society of Medical Oncology (TTOD)
    European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
    American Society of Medical Oncology (ASCO)


    Medical Intrests

    • Breast Cancer
    • Lung Cancer
    • Colon Cancer
    • Stomach Cancer
    • Rectal Cancer
    • Ovarian Cancer
    • Liver Cancer
    • Oesophageal Cancer - Oesophageal Cancer
    • Kidney Cancer
    • Larynx Cancer - Cancer of the Larynx
    • Thyroid Cancer
    • Head and Neck Cancers
    • Gynaecological Cancers
    • Pancreatic Cancer
    • Oesophageal Cancer - Oesophageal Cancer
    • Uterine Cancer
    • Brain Cancers - Brain Tumours
    • Soft Tissue Cancer - Sarcomas
    • Prostate Cancer
    • Bladder Cancer
    • Bile Tract Cancer
    • Testicular Cancer
    • Cervical Cancer
    • Mouth, Tongue, Lip Cancers
    • Gastrointestinal System Cancers
    • Bone Tumours
    • Trachea and Bronchial Cancers
    • Skin Cancers - Skin Cancers
    • Skeletal System Tumours
    • Gallbladder Cancer
    • Mesothelioma
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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Hulya Gurel Savas
  • 4.5 Good 3 reviews
  • 15 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Büyük Anadolu Hospitals (BAH)
  • Specializations

    Abdomen Radiology

    Doppler Radiology

    Obstetric Radiology

    Breast Radiology

    Musculoskeletal Radiology

    Pediatric Radiology


    Nonvascular Interventional Procedures





























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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Hamit Okur
  • 4 Good 2 reviews
  • 30 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Istinye University Medical Park Gaziosmanpasa Hospital
  • Education and Specialization:

    Medical Degree: Istanbul University, Faculty of Medicine (1985)

    PhD in Pediatric Surgery: Erciyes University (1992)

    European Diploma in Pediatric Surgery: UEMS (2000)

    M.Sc. in Health Management: Beykent University (2009)

    Minor Specialization in Pediatric Urology: Ministry of Health, Turkey (2011)



    Professional Experience:

    2014-2016: Professor at Istanbul Medeniyet University, Faculty of Medicine




    Areas of Interest:

    Pediatric Urology

    Gastrointestinal Surgery

    Neonatal Surgery

    Head and Neck Surgery in Children

    Abdominal Laparoscopy

    Liver Cyst

    Inguinal Hernia Surgery

    Treatment of conditions such as undescended testicles, varicoceles, Wilms tumor, and other pediatric urological disorders.




    Courses and Certifications:

    ECFMG Certificate: American Medical Doctor Equivalence Certificate

    Additional Training: Various specialized courses and fellowships in pediatric surgery and urology




    Professional Memberships:

    European Society of Pediatric Urology

    Turkish Society of Pediatric Surgery

    Turkish Medical Association

    National Pediatric Association

    Turkish Society of Pediatric Urology

    Laboratory Animal Science Association

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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Volkan Kinas
  • 4.5 Good 3 reviews
  • 10 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Büyük Anadolu Hospitals (BAH)
  • Specializations


    Cancer Surgery

    Pancreatic Surgery

    Bile Duct Surgery

    Bariatric Metabolic Surgery

    Oncological Surgery

    Breast Surgery

    Gastric cancer

    Colon cancer

    Thyroid Cancer

    Obesity Surgery

    Diabetes Surgeries


































  • Read more
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Serkan Deveci
  • 4.2 Good 24 reviews
  • 75 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Medical Park Göztepe Hospital Complex
  • Urologist, Oncosurgeon

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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Chemotherapy for lung cancer
$1,000 - $2,500
Elnur Sahibov
  • 4.2 Good 32 reviews
  • 9 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Emsey Hospital
  • Licensed Radiation Oncologist with 8 years of medical training, including undergraduate studies at Marmara University Faculty of Medicine (2004-2011) and Radiation Oncology specialization training at Marmara University Faculty of Medicine (2012-2016). Previous education from Sixteen Numbered Shirvan School (Azerbaijan) High School (1998-2004).

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Colectomy (large bowel resection)
$11,000 - $16,000
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Hysterectomy (uterus removal)
$9,500 - $14,500
Ilker Tosun
  • 4.2 Good 5 reviews
  • 17 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, ISU Gaziosmanpasa
  • Dr. Özer Akgül is an experienced Turkish Radiation Oncologist, with an MD from Uludag University Medicine School (Bursa) and residency from Ege University Hospital. He has proficiency in overseeing oncology trends, achieving set goals, understanding marketplace needs, and developing strategies. His areas of interest include breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, rectal cancer, head and neck cancers, cervical cancer, gastric cancer, and brain tumors. He has attended courses and conducted research in Nanobiotechnology, Genetics, Medical Oncology, Gynecologic Cancers, Bioinformatics, Bionanotechnological Methods, Clinical Radiobiology, Medical Radio Physics, Evidence-Based Radiation Oncology, Image-Guided Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy, Varian Advanced Techniques Clinical School, Stereotactic Radiotherapy, and Varian Advanced Imaging (IGRT). He is a member of TROD, Turkish Medical Association, MOKAD, and ESTRO.

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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Ilker Nihat Okten
  • 3.5 Good 3 reviews
  • 19 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Istanbul Oncology Hospital
  • Dr. Ilker Nihat Okten is a medical oncologist who is board certified by the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO). He has been involved as a sub investigator in multiple phase III clinical trials for various cancers and has several publications in the field of oncology.
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Radiotherapy for prostate cancer
$2,000 - $4,500
$2,000 - $4,500
Radiotherapy for lung cancer
$2,000 - $4,500
Isil Yurdaisik
  • New
  • 35 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Menfis Health Novimaj
  • Dr. Isil Yurdaisik is a radiology specialist with notable contributions to research on ionizing radiation exposure in covid-19 patients. She is also known for performing the gastric balloon procedure.
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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Hakan Camuzcuoglu
  • New
  • 26 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Adatip Hospital
  • Specialization : Gynecological Oncology Surgery

    Foreign Language : English

    Education :

    University of Insubria, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Varese/Italy, Laparoscopic Oncologic Surgery, 2015
    Acıbadem University CASE, da Vinci Robotic Surgery Training Program, Istanbul, 2015 
    Free University Charite Faculty of Medicine- Berlin/Germany, Laparoscopic Oncologic Surgery, 2013
    Gynecologic Oncology Surgery , 2011
    İzmir Ege Maternity Hospital and Gynecology Training and Research Hospital, 2003  
    Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, 1999 



    İzmir Ege Maternity Hospital and Gynecology Training and Research Hospital, 1999-2003
    İzmir Ege Maternity Hospital and Gynecology Training and Research Hospital, 2003-2004   
    İzmir Bornova Emergency and Traumatology Hospital, 2004
    İzmir Mevki Military Hospital, İzmir/Hatay, 2004-2005
    İzmir Ege Maternity Hospital and Gynecology Training and Research Hospital, 2005-2007   
    Harran University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Assist. Assoc. Dr. 2007-2011
    Harran University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Assoc. Dr. 2011-2015
    Muğla S Koçman University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Assoc. Dr. 2015-2016
    Muğla S Koçman University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Prof. Dr. 2016-2018
    Private Practice, Sakarya 2018-2020
    Sakarya Private Adatıp Hospital, 2020



    Turkish Medical Association
    Turkish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics
    Gynecological Endoscopy Association

    Article, Presentation, Publication, Congress, Course, Award:

    A1. Full articles published in journals scanned by SCI or SCI-Expanded:

    A1.1 Inal MM, Incebiyik A, Sanci M, Yildirim Y, Polat M, Pilanci B, Nayki C, Camuzcuoğlu H. Ovarian cysts in tamoxifen-treated women with breast cancer. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2005;120:104-106.

    A1.2 Camuzcuoglu H, Arioz DT, Toy H, Kurt S, Celik H, Erel O. Serum paraoxonase and arylesterase activities in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer. Gynecol Oncol 2009;112:481-485.

    A1.3 Toy H, Camuzcuoglu H, Celik H, Erel O, Aksoy N. Assessment of serum paraoxonase and arylesterase activities in early pregnancy failure. Swiss Med Wkly 2009;139:76-81.

    A1.4 Camuzcuoglu H, Toy H, Cakir H, Celik H, Erel O. Decreased paraoxonase and arylesterase activities in the pathogenesis of future atherosclerotic heart disease in women with gestational diabetes mellitus. J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2009;18:1435-1439.

    A1.5 Arioz DT, Camuzcuoglu H, Toy H, Kurt S, Celik H, Aksoy N. Serum prolidase activity and oxidative status in patients with stage I endometrial cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2009;19:1244-1247.

    A1.6 Camuzcuoglu H, Arioz DT, Toy H, Kurt S, Celik H, Aksoy N. Assessment of preoperative serum prolidase activity in epithelial ovarian cancer. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2009;147:97-100.

    A1.7 Toy H, Camuzcuoglu H, Arioz DT, Kurt S, Celik H, Aksoy N. Serum prolidase activity and oxidative stress markers in pregnancies with intrauterine growth restricted infants. J Obstet Gynecol Research 2009;35:1047-1053.   

    A1.8 Arioz DT, Camuzcuoglu H, Toy H, Kurt S, Celik H, Erel O. Assessment of serum paraoxonase and arylesterase activities in patients with endometrial cancer. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol 2009;30:679-682.

    A1.9 Camuzcuoglu H, Toy H, Vural M, Yildiz F, Aydın H. Internal iliac artery ligation for severe postpartum hemorrhage and severe hemorrhage after postpartum hysterectomy. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2009;36:538-543.

    A1.10 Toy H, Camuzcuoglu H, Camuzcuoglu A, Celik H, Aksoy N. Decreased serum prolidase activity and increased oxidative stress in early pregnancy loss. Gynecol Obstet Invest 2010;69:122-127.

    A1.11 Vural M, Camuzcuoglu H, Toy H, Aksoy N. Amniotic Fluid Prolidase Activity and Oxidative Status in Neural Tube Defects. Fetal Diagn Ther 2010;28:34-39.

    A1.12 Vural M, Toy H, Camuzcuoglu H, Aksoy N. Comparison of prolidase enzyme activities of maternal serum and placental tissue in patients with early pregnancy failure. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2011;283:953-958.

    A1.13 Torun AN, Vural M, Cece H, Camuzcuoglu H, Toy H, Aksoy N. Paraoxonase-1 is not affected in polycystic ovary syndrome without metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance, but oxidative stress is altered. Gynecol Endocrinol 2011;27:988-992.

    A1.14 Camuzcuoğlu H, Toy H, Vural M, Camuzcuoğlu A, Taşkın A, Çelik H. Serum paraoxonase and arylesterase activities in iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy. Turk J Med Sci 2011;241:185-191.

    A1.15 Vural M, Camuzcuoglu H, Toy H, Camuzcuoglu A, Aksoy N. Oxidative stress and prolidase activity in women with uterine fibroids. J Obstet Gynaecol 2012;32:68-72.

    A1.16 Vural M, Camuzucoglu H, Toy H, Eren MA, Cece H, Aydın H, Kocyigit A, Aksoy N. Evaluation of the future atherosclerotic heart disease with oxidative stress and carotid artery intima media thickness in gestational diabetes mellitus. Endocrine Research 2012;37:145-153.

    A1.17 Eren MA, Vural M, Cece H, Camuzcuoglu H, Yildiz S, Toy H, Aksoy N. Association of serum amyloid A with subclinical atherosclerosis in women with gestational diabetes. Gynecol Endocrinol 2012;28:1010-1013.

    A1.18 Oztekin D, Kurt S, Camuzcuoglu H, Balsak D, Dicle N, Tınar S. Granulosa cell tumors of the ovary: review of 43 cases. J BUON 2012;17:461-464.

    A1.19 Hilali N, Vural M, Camuzcuoglu H, Camuzcuoglu A, Aksoy N. Increased prolidase activity and oxidative stress in PCOS. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2013;79:105-110.

    A1.20 Eren MA, Vural M, Yildiz S, Cece H, Camuzcuoglu H, Toy H, Kocyigit A. Association of parity with osteoprotegerin levels and atherosclerosis. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2013;287:1081-1086.

    A1.21 Hilali N, Aksoy N, Vural M, Camuzcuoglu H, Taskin A. Oxidative status and serum prolidase activity in tubal ectopic pregnancy. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association 2013;63:169-172.

    A1.22 Hilali N, Kocyigit A, Demir M, Camuzcuoglu A, Incebiyik A, Camuzcuoglu H, Vural M, Taskin A. DNA damage and oxidative stress in patients with mild preeclampsia and offspring. EJOGRB 2013;170:377-380.    

    A1.23 Incebiyik A, Hilali NG, Camuzcuoglu A, Vural M, Camuzcuoglu H. Myomectomy during caesarean: a retrospective evaluation of 16 cases. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2014;289:569-573.

    A1.24 Aksin M, Incebiyik A, Vural M, Gul Hilali N, Camuzcuoglu A, Camuzcuoglu H, Aksoy N. Does a risky outcome of antenatal screening test indicate oxidative stress? J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2014;27:1033-1037.

    A1.25 Incebiyik A, Camuzcuoglu A, Hilali NG, Vural M, Camuzcuoglu H. Plasma D-dimer level in the diagnosis of adnexal torsion

    J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2014;28:1-4.

    A1.26 Incebiyik A, Seker A, Vural M, Gul Hilali N, Camuzcuoglu A, Camuzcuoglu H. May mean platelet volume levels be a predictor in the diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease? Wien Klin Wochenschr 2014;126:422-426.

    A1.27 Ozalp SS, Telli E, Oge T, Tulunay G, Boran N, Turan T, et al. Multicenter analysis of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia in Turkey. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2014;15:3625-3628.

    A1.28 Incebiyik A, Camuzcuoglu A, Hilali NG, Ulas T, Vural M, Camuzcuoglu H, Aksoy N. Serum oxidative stress, visfatin and apelin in healthy women and those with premenstrual syndrome. J Obstet Gynaecol 2014;11:1-5.

    A1.29 Incebiyik A, Genc A, Hilali NG, Camuzcuoglu A, Camuzcuoglu H, Kilic A, Vural M. Prevalence of β-Thalassemia Trait and Abnormal Hemoglobins in Sanliurfa Province in Southeast Turkey. Hemoglobin 2014;38:402-404.

    A1.30 Incebiyik A, Vural M, Camuzcuoglu A, Camuzcuoglu H, Hilali NG, Taskin A, Aydin H, Aksoy N. Comparison of tissue prolidase enzyme activity and serum oxidative stress level between pregnant women with placental abruption and those with a healthy pregnancy . Arch Gynecol Obstet 2015;291:805-809.

    A1.31 Hilali N, Kocarslan S, Vural M, Incebiyik A, Camuzcuoglu A, Camuzcuoglu H. Ki-67 proliferation index in patients with placenta previa percreta in the third trimester. Wien Klin Wochenschr 2015;127:98-102.

    A1.32 Incebiyik A, Ahmet Seker, Camuzcuoglu H, Kocarslan S, Camuzcuoglu A, Hilali N, Vural M, Taskin A, Aksoy N. Does sildenafil have protective effects against ovarian

    ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats? Arch Gynecol Obstet 2015;291:1283-1288. 

    A1.33 Karakas O, Karakas E, Dogan F, Kilicaslan N, Camuzcuoglu A, Incebiyik A, Camuzcuoglu H. Diffusion-weighted MRI in the differential diagnosis of uterine endometrial cavity tumors. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2015;127:266-273.

    A1.34 Incebiyik A, Vural M, Camuzcuoglu H, Taskin A, Camuzcuoglu A, Hilali NG, Aksoy N. Can circulating M30 and M65 levels be beneficial markers in the diagnosis and management of patients with complete hydatidiform mole? Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2015 Apr 14. [Epub ahead of print] DOI 10.1007/s00508-015-0735-5.

    A1.35 Incebiyik A, Kocarslan S, Camuzcuoglu A, Hilali N, Incebiyik H, Camuzcuoglu H. Trophoblastic E-cadherin and TGF-beta expression in placenta percreta and normal pregnancies. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2016;29:126-129.

    A1.36 Incebiyik A, Camuzcuoglu H, Vural M, Hilali NG, Camuzcuoglu A, Seker A, Taskin A, Aksoy N. Assessment of Apoptotic Activity Dysregulation and Oxidative Stress in the Development of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: A Case-Controlled Descriptive Analysis. Gynecol Obstet Invest. 2016;81:71-77.

    A1.37 Camuzcuoglu A, Vural M, Hilali NG, Incebiyik A, Yuce HH, Kucuk A, Camuzcuoglu H. Surgical management of 58 patients with placenta praevia percreta. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2016;128:360-366.

    A1.38 Camuzcuoğlu A, Sezgin B, Çelik H, Camuzcuoğlu H. Evaluation of serum M30 and M65 activity in patients with stage-I endometrial cancer. J Obstet Gynaecol 2019;39:1112-1116. 


    A1.39 Sezgin B, Camuzcuoğlu A, Küçük M, Camuzcuoğlu H. Bilateral uterine artery coagulation in laparoscopic hysterectomy for benign disease in uteri more than 1000 g. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2020;46:133-139. 

    A1.40 Sezgin B, Pirinççi F, Camuzcuoğlu A, Erel Ö, Neşelioğlu S, Camuzcuoğlu H. Assessment of thiol disulfide balance in early-stage endometrial cancer J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2020;46:1140-1147.

    A1.41 Sezgin B, Kinci MF, Pirinççi F, Camuzcuoğlu A, Erel Ö, Neşelioğlu S, Camuzcuoğlu H. Thiol-disulfide status of patients with cervical cancer. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2020;46:2423-2429. 



     A2. Publications such as technical notes, letters to the editor, case reports and abstracts published in journals scanned by SCI or SCI-Expanded:


    A2.1 Camuzcuoglu H, Toy H, Camuzcuoglu A, Ozalp SS. Complete mole hydatidiform in a postmenopausal woman. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2009;142:85-86.

    A2.2 Kurt S, Camuzcuoglu H, Camuzcuoglu A, Dicle N, Tinar S. Umbilical metastasis of serous component as a first sign of mixed type epithelial ovarian cancer. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol 2009;30:455-457.

    A2.3 Yildiz F, Camuzcuoglu H, Toy H, Terzi A, Guldur ME. A Rare Cause of Difficulty with Sexual Intercourse: Large Retroperitoneal Leiomyoma. J Sex Med 2009;6:3221-3223.

    A2.4 Camuzcuoglu H, Toy H, Vural M, Cece H, Aydin H. Prenatal diagnosis of dicephalic parapagus conjoined twins. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2010;281:565-567.

    A2.5 Vural M, Toy H, Camuzcuoglu H, Sezgin B. Lost intrauterine device penetrating bladder Wall. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2010;36:182.

    A2.6 Vural M, Toy H, Camuzcuoglu H, Cece H. Primary hydatid disease presenting as a pelvic mass. J Obstet Gynaecol 2010;30:637-639.

    A2.7 Vural M, Yildiz S, Cece H, Camuzcuoglu H. Favorable pregnancy outcome after endometriectomy for a Robert's uterus. J Obstet Gynaecol 2011;31:668-669.

    A2.8 Incebiyik A, Hilali NG, Camuzcuoglu A, Karakas E, Aydın H, Vural M, Camuzcuoglu H, Kilic A. A conservative approach to uterine dehiscence cases without bleeding after cesarean: A review of 3 cases. Acta Medica Mediterranea 2013;29:403-405.

    A2.9 Sezgin B, Camuzcuoğlu A, Camuzcuoğlu H. Laparoscopic Resection of An Extragastrointestinal Stromal Tumor in the Presacral Area. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2019;26:812-813. 




    A3. Full article published in journals scanned by international indexes other than SCI or SCI-Expanded, SSCI and AHCI: 



    A3.1 Camuzcuoglu H, Yildirim Y, Sadik S, Kurt S, Tinar S. Comparison of the accuracy of hysteroscopy and hysterosalpingography in evaluation of the uterine cavity in patients with recurrent pregnancy loss. Gynecol Surg 2005;2:159–163.

    A3.2 Deveci EO, Incebiyik A, Selek S, Camuzcuoglu A, Hilali NG, Camuzcuoglu H, Erdal ME, Vural M. Is catechol-o-methyltransferase gene polymorphism a risk factor in the development of premenstrual syndrome?Clin Exp Reprod Med 2014 ;41:62-67.

    A3.3 Incebiyik A, Hilali NG, Camuzcuoglu A, Camuzcuoglu H, Akbas H, Kilic A, Vural M. Prevalence of thromogenic gene mutations in women with recurrent miscarriage: A retrospective study of 1,507 patients. Obstetrics and Gynecolology Science 2014;57:1-5.

    A3.4 Sezgin B, Pirinççi F, Akbaba E, Camuzcuoğlu A, Şahin EA, Sivaslıoğlu A, Camuzcuoğlu H. Anatomical outcomes of laparoscopic high uterosacral ligament suspension for primary apical prolapse. Pelviperineology 2020;39(3):77-84





    A4. Technical notes, letters to the editor, discussions, case reports, and abstracts published in journals indexed by SCI or SCI-Expanded, SSCI and AHCI:



    A4.1 Toy H, Camuzcuoğlu H, Aydın H. Uterine prolapse in a 19 year old pregnant woman: a case report. J Turkish-German Gynecol Assoc 2009;10:184-185.

    A4.2 Vural M, Yalcin S, Yildiz S, Camuzcuoglu H. Isolated type I pelvic cystic echinococcosis mimicking ovarian tumor. North Am J Med Sci 2011;3:289-291.

    A4.3 Incebiyik A, Camuzcuoglu A, Hilali NG, Camuzcuoglu H, Seker A, Vural M. Endometriectomy in the surgical treatment of a patient with a non-communicating functional rudimentary horn. Research, (2014).

    A4.4 Incebiyik A, Hilali NG, Camuzcuoglu A, Camuzcuoglu H, Seker A, Vural M. A rare cause of acute abdomen: spontaneous uterine rupture due to gestational choriocarcinoma. Research, DOI (2014).

    A4.5 Koseoglu SB, Deveer R, Camuzcuoglu A, Kasap B, Camuzcuoglu H. Massive ascites and pleural effusion in preeclampsia. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2016, DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2016/22849.0000

    A4.5 Koseoglu SB, Deveer R, Camuzcuoglu A, Kasap B, Camuzcuoglu H. Massive Ascites and Pleural Effusion in Preeclampsia. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017;11(2):QD08-QD09. 

    A4.6 Sezgin B, Camuzcuoğlu A, Camuzcuoğlu H. Complete duplication of left and right external iliac vein: two case reports and review of the literatureJ Surg Case Rep. 2019;9;2019(1):rjy343. 





    A5. Full articles published in national peer-reviewed journals: 


    A5.1 Kurt S, Camuzcuoğlu H, Pilancı B, Seyhan S, Hanhan M. Adolescent Age Malignant Ovarian Tumors (Clinical and Histopathological Evaluation of 27 Cases). Turkish Journal of Ecopathology 2002;8:16-20.

    A5.2 Kurt S, Hanhan M, Camuzcuoğlu H, İncebıyık A, Pilancı B, Öztekin D. Cancers of the Vulva: Retrospective Evaluation of 74 Cases. Turkish J of Gynecol Oncol 2003;6:41-44.

    A5.3 İncebıyık A, Sancı M, Camuzcuoğlu H, Pilancı B, Özgüder T, İspahi Ç. The Effect of Intra Venous Fluid Administration on Labor in Nulliparous Pregnants. MN-Clinical Sciences & Doctor 2003;9:481-484.

    A5.4 Kurt S, Başoğul N, Alihanoğlu M, Camuzcuoğlu H, Pilancı B, Tınar S, Seyhan S, Hanhan M, Çolak E. Germ Cell Ovarian Tumors: Our 10-Year Experience. MN- Clinical Sciences & Doctor 2003;9:499-502.

    A5.5 Öztekin D, Kurt S, Tinar S, Karalti O, Camuzcuoğlu H, Sayhan S, Öztekin Ö. Ovarian endometriosis accompanying epithelial ovarian cancers. Aegean Medical Journal 2006;45:131-134.

    A5.6 Toy H, Vural M, Camuzcuoglu H, Aydın H. Management and complications of lost intrauterine devices. Journal of Düzce University Faculty of Medicine 2010;12:15-18.

    A5.7 İncebıyık A, Camuzcuoğlu A, Hilali NG, Vural M, Camuzcuoğlu H, Güldür ME. Is intrauterine fluid accumulation in postmenopausal women a sign of malignancy? Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty 2012;9:9-14.

    A5.8 Mit T, Uysal A, Camuzcuoglu H, Tınar S, Koyuncu T, Sonmez S. Comparison of TOT and TVT in the Surgical Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine 2015;6:21-24.

    A5.9 İncebıyık A, Camuzcuoğlu A, Hilali NG, Küçük A, Yüce HH, Aydoğan H, Camuzcuoğlu H, Vural M. Approach to cases of postpartum hemorrhage: Retrospective analysis of 41 cases. J Clin Exp Invest 2014;5:18-23.

    A5.10 Uyanıkoğlu H, Hilali NG, İncebıyık A, Camuzcuoğlu A, Camuzcuoğlu H. Management of cesarean scar pregnancies at Harran University Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic in the last year. Turkey Clinics J Gynecol Obst 2015;25:245-249.

    A5.11 Timur ES, İncebıyık A, Camuzcuoğlu A, Hilali NG, Camuzcuoglu H, Vural M. Adnexal Mass Requiring Surgical Intervention in Adolescent Girls: Retrospective Analysis of 41 Cases. Eur J Gen Med 2015;12:239-243.

    A5.12 Köseoğlu SB, Sezgin B, Camuzcuoğlu A, Camuzcuoğlu H. New predictive parameters in abnormal cervical cytology: neutrophil lymphocyte ratio and platelet lymphocyte ratio. Aegean Clinics Medical Journal, 2016;54:86-90



    A6. Publications such as technical notes, letters to the editor, discussions, case reports and abstracts published in national peer-reviewed journals:


    A6.1 Pilancı B, İncebıyık A, Camuzcuoğlu H, Özgüder T, Kurt S, Seyhan S, Tınar Ş. Mullerian Agenesis Coexisting with Serous Borderline Tumor of Ovary: A Case Report. MN-GORM, 2003;9:145-147.

    A6.2 Pilancı B, İncebıyık A, Camuzcuoğlu H, İnal MM, Tınar Ş, İspahi Ç. Mullerian Agenesis: 8 Case Reports, Classification and Approach. MN-Clinical Sciences & Doctor, 2004;10: 600-604.

    A6.3 Camuzcuoglu H, Toy H, Vural M, Cece H, Ozardali I. Ovarian hemangioma: A rare cause of hirsutism in postmenopausal woman. Journal of Harran University Faculty of Medicine 2009;6:15-16.

    A6.4 Vural M, Sezen Y, Camuzcuoglu H, Toy H, Yıldız A, Aydın H. Vaginal delivery after acute myocardial infarction in 46 years old patient. Anatol J Obstet Gynecol 2009;4:3.

    A6.5 Yıldız F, Toy H, Camuzcuoglu H, Terzi A, Vural M, Uzunköy A. A rare but fatal condition: postpartum intestinal necrosis. A case report. Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty 2009;6:46-47.

    A6.6 Toy H, Camuzcuoglu H, Vural M. Surgical management of prolapsed pedunculated submucous leiomyoma in a virgin woman. Journal of Düzce University Faculty of Medicine 2011;13:63-65. 

    D6.7 Gültekin E, Yıldırım Y, Camuzcuoğlu H, Tiğlı A, Gökçü M, İnan N, Tınar Ş. Spontaneous Uterine Rupture in Pregnancy After Hysteroscopic Metroplasty: Two Cases. J Turk Soc Obstet Gynecol 2011;9:229-232.

    A6.8 İncebıyık A, Vural M, Camuzcuoğlu A, Hilali NG, Kurnaz F, Camuzcuoğlu H. A successful method for severe gestational thrombocytopenia: an unusual case report. Dicle Medical Journal 2013;40:297-300.

    A6.9 İncebıyık A, Camuzcuoğlu A, Hilali NG, Camuzcuoğlu H, Pirinççi F, Vural M. A Rare Cause of Acute Abdomen During Early Pregnancy: Spontaneous Uterine Rupture. Journal of Medical Research 2013;11:41-43.

    A6.10 Hilali NG, İncebıyık A, Camuzcuoğlu A, Vural M, Kocarslan S, Karakas E, Yuce HH, Camuzcuoğlu H. Conservative treatment in two cases with morbidly adherent placenta. Journal of Harran University Faculty of Medicine 2014; 3:304-308.

    A6.11 İncebıyık A, Camuzcuoğlu A, Hilali NG, Camuzcuoğlu H, Pirinççi F, Vural M. Treatment Approaches in Heterotopic Pregnancy Cases: A Retrospective Analysis of Six Patients. JCAM 2015;6:335-337. 

    A6.12 Incebiyik A, Yalcin F, Hilali NG, Camuzcuoglu A, Camuzcuoglu H, Vural M. Non- Surgical Approach in a Case of Placenta Accreta Complicated by a Pulmonary Embolus European Journal of General Medicine 2015;12:70-73.

    A6.13 Yalçın Ş, Toy H, Camuzcuoğlu H, Yıldırım S, Karahan MA. Organophosphate Poisoning in Pregnant Patient: A Case Report. Journal of Harran University Faculty of Medicine 2015;12:141-145.





    B3. Papers exhibited as posters in scientific and artistic meetings such as international congresses, symposiums, panels, workshops:



    B3.1 Incebiyik A, Inal M, Sanci M, Camuzcuoğlu H, Pilanci B. Comparison of Transvaginal Sonohysterography and Office Hysterocopy in Evalution of Uterine Cavities' of Tamoxifen Administered Postmenapausal Cases with Breast Cancer. 5. Congress of the European Society of Gynecoloy, October 9-11, 2003, Rhodes, Greece.

    B3.2 Kurt S, Pilanci B, Tinar S, Camuzcuoglu H, Dicle N. Myxopapillary ependymoma presenting as a pelvic mass. 6th International Congress of the Turkish German Gynecological Association, May 19-22, 2005, Antalya, Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 271, 54, P GO-007 (2005).

    B3.3 Dicle N, Sayhan S, Ayaz D, Kececi S, Camuzcuoglu H. Utilizing of Ki 67 Expression and Estrogen and Progesterone Receptores in Differential Diagnosis Of Smooth Muscle Tumors of the Uterus. Virchows Archiv, Official Journal of the European Society of Pathology, August 2007, 451, 404, PP3-331, (2007).       

    B3.4 Camuzcuoglu H, Toy H, Ozardalı I. Cervico-istmic pregnancy with placenta percreata in the first trimester. 8th Turkish-German Gynecology Congress, April 29-May 03, 2009, Antalya, Abstract Book, P-0122, (2009).

    B3.5 Camuzcuoglu H, Toy H, Vural M, Cece H, Aydın H. Diagnosis of dicephalic parapagus conjoined twin. 8th Turkish-German Gynecology Congress, April 29-May 03, 2009, Antalya, Abstract Book, P-0131, (2009).

    B3.6 Camuzcuoglu H, Arioz DT, Toy H, Kurt S, Celik H, Aksoy N. Assessment of Preoperative serum prolidase activity in epithelial ovarian cancer. 8th Turkish-German Gynecology Congress, April 29-May 03, 2009, Antalya, Abstract Book, S-0036, (2009).

    B3.7 Toy H, Camuzcuoglu H, Camuzcuoglu A, Celik H, Aksoy N. The relationship between decreased serum prolidase activity and increased oxidative stress in early pregnancy loss. 8th Turkish-German Gynecology Congress, April 29-May 03, 2009, Antalya, Abstract Book, S-0039, (2009).

    B3.8 Toy H, Camuzcuoğlu H, Aydın H. Uterine prolapse in a 19 year old pregnant woman: a case report. 8th Turkish-German Gynecology Congress, April 29-May 03, 2009, Antalya, Abstract Book, P-0126, (2009).

    B3.9 Toy H, Camuzcuoğlu H, Vural M. Virgin women with prolapsed pedunculated submucosal leiomyoma of mimicing cervical leiomyoma. 8th Turkish-German Gynecology Congress, April 29-May 03, 2009, Antalya, Abstract Book, P-0132, (2009).

    B3.10 Mordeniz C, Verit F, Sezen Y, Camuzcuoglu H, Simsek Z. Does type of anesthesia alter QT interval in cesarean operations. XXVIII. Annual ESRA Congress, September 9-12, 2009, Austria, Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 34, 114-115, P-213 (2009). 

    B3.11 Incebiyik A, Vural M, Camuzcuoglu A, Camuzcuoglu H, Hilali NG, Taskin A, Aydin H, Aksoy N. Serum prolidase enzyme activity and oxidative stress markers in pregnancies with placental abruption. XXIV European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, ID 563, Florence, Italy (2014).

    B3.12 Incebiyik A, Vural M, Camuzcuoglu A, Taskin A, Camuzcuoglu H, Hilali NG, Aksoy N. May circulating m30–65 levels be a useful marker in diagnosis and follow up of patients with complete hydatiform mole? XXIV European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, ID 542, Florence, Italy (2014).

    B3.13 Incebiyik A, Camuzcuoglu H, Vural M, Hilali NG, Camuzcuoglu A, Seker A, Taskin A, Aksoy N. Oxidative stress level and antigen m30-m65 as circulating biomarkers of cell death in with epithelial ovarian cancer patients. XXIV European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, ID 312, Florence, Italy (2014).

    B3.14 Incebiyik A, Camuzcuoglu A, Hilali NG, Seker A, Camuzcuoglu H, Vural M. Endometriectomy for treatment of the non-communicating rudimentary horn. XXIV European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, ID 310, Florence, Italy (2014).

    B3.15 Incebiyik A, Akbas H, Camuzcuoglu A, Hilali NG, Camuzcuoglu H, Vural M. Is cytogenetic screening mandatory in couples with a history of recurrent pregnancy loss? XXIV European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, ID 159, Florence, Italy (2014).

    B3.16 Incebiyik A, Hilali NG, Camuzcuoglu A, Camuzcuoglu H, Seker A, Vural M. A rare cause of acute abdomen: spontaneous uterine rupture due to gestational choriocarcinoma. XXIV European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, ID 312, Florence, Italy (2014).

    B3.17 Sezgin B, Koseoglu S, Camuzcuoglu A, Camuzcuoglu H. Laparoscopic surgery of a case with deep pelvic endometriosis. XI. Turkish German Gynecology Congress, VP-005, Antalya, Türkiye (2016)

    B3.18 Koseoglu S, Sezgin B, Camuzcuoglu A, Camuzcuoglu H. Laparoscopic management of cesarean scar pregnancy. XI. Turkish German Gynecology Congress, VP-004, Antalya, Türkiye (2016)

    B3.19 Koseoglu SB, Deveer R, Camuzcuoglu A, Kasap B, Camuzcuoglu H. Isolated fallopian tube torsion. XI. Turkish German Gynecology Congress, PP-044, Antalya (2016)

    B3.20 Koseoglu SB, Deveer R, Camuzcuoglu A, Kasap B, Camuzcuoglu H. A rare postpartum complication of severe preeclampsia: massive ascites and pleural effusion. XI. Turkish German Gynecology Congress, PP-045, Antalya (2016)

    B6. Papers exhibited as posters in scientific and artistic meetings such as national congresses, symposiums, panels, workshops:


    B6.1 Kurt S, Camuzcuoğlu H, Pilancı B, İncebıyık A, Tınar S, Hanhan M, Çolak E. Endometrial Cancers: 10 Years of Experience. 8th National Gynecological Oncology Congress, P-31, Antalya, 1-5 May 2002.

    B6.2 Kurt S, Başoğul N, Alihanoğlu M, Camuzcuoğlu H, Pilancı B, Tınar S, Seyhan S, Hanhan M, Çolak E. Germ Cell Ovarian Tumors: Our 10-Year Experience. 8. National Gynecological Oncology Congress, P-77, Antalya, 1-5 May 2002.                  

    B6.3 Kurt S, Camuzcuoğlu H, Pilancı B, İncebıyık A, Karaltı O, Atlı Ö, Tınar S, Alihanoğlu M. Extra Genital Metastatic Ovarian Tumors. 8. National Gynecological Oncology Congress, P-92, Antalya, 1-5 May 2002.                                                               

    B6.4 Önoğlu A, Sadık S, Güler A, Uysal A, Camuzcuoğlu H, Mızrak T, Sancı M, Taner C. The Role of Laparoscopy in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Endometriosis-Related Infertility. Current Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Techniques Symposium (with international participation), P-012, İzmir, 24-27 April 2003.

    B6.5 Camuzcuoğlu A, Taner CE, Güzel A, Şenyuva İ, Camuzcuoğlu H. 10-14. Fetal Anomalies in Ultrasonography in Weeks. 5th Obstetric and Gynecological Ultrasonography Congress, P-28, Antalya, 25-29 October 2006.

    B6.6 Gültekin E, Yıldırım Y, Camuzcuoğlu H, Tiğlı A, Gökçü M, İnan N, Tınar Ş. Spontaneous Uterine Rupture in Pregnancy After Hysteroscopic Metroplasty. 2nd Gynecological Endoscopy Congress, P-39, İzmir, 4-7 April 2007.

    B6.7 Sadık S, Kurt S, Camuzcuoğlu H, Ata N, Önoğlu AS, Güler A. Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy and Lymphadenectomy in Endometrial Cancer. 2. Gynecological Endoscopy Congress, V1-02, İzmir, 4-7 April 2007.

    B6.8 Aslan D, Sadık S, Balsak D, Önoğlu AS, Güler A, Camuzcuoğlu H. The Use of Transvaginal Hydrolaparoscopy in the Management of Patients with Unexplained Infertility. 2. Gynecological Endoscopy Congress, V2-06, İzmir, 4-7 April 2007.

    B6.9 Altuntaş M, Sert C, Camuzcuoğlu H. Body composition measurement with BIA method and its relationship with hormonal parameters in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. XX. National Biophysics Congress, P-51, Mersin, 22-25 October 2008. 

    B6.10 Arıöz DT, Camuzcuoglu H, Toy H, Kurt S, Çelik H, Aksoy N. Serum prolidase activity and oxidative status in patients with stage I endometrial cancer. 7th National Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, PB. 106, Girne, 2009, Journal of the Turkish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Special Issue of the Congress, 6, 48 (2009).

    B6.11 Vural M, Toy H, Camuzcuoğlu H, Sezgin B. Lost intrauterine device penetrating bladder Wall. II. Reproductive Medicine Association Congress, Ref No: 59, Antalya, 1-4 October 2009.

    B6.12 Vural M, Sezen Y, Camuzcuoğlu H, Toy H, Yıldız A, Aydın H. Normal delivery after acute myocardial infarction in the third trimester. II. Reproductive Medicine Association Congress, Ref No: 60, Antalya, 1-4 October 2009.

    B6.13 Vural M, Camuzcuoğlu H, Toy H. Conservative surgery for placenta previa percreata. II. Reproductive Medicine Association Congress, Ref No: 89, Antalya, 1-4 October 2009.

    B6.14 Vural M, Camuzcuoğlu H, Toy H. First trimester diagnosis of partial mole with normal appearing fetus. II. Reproductive Medicine Association Congress, Ref No:92, Antalya, 1-4 October 2009.

    B6.15 Yalçın S, Vural M, Camuzcuoğlu H, Toy H, Erol K. Acetaminophen toxicity and N acetyl cysteine ​​in pregnancy. Turkish Society of Anesthesiology and Reanimation 43rd National Congress, P-441, Antalya, 28 October - 01 November 2009.

    B6.16 Yalçın Ş, Toy H, Camuzcuoğlu H, Yıldırım S, Karahan M. Organophosphate poisoning in pregnancy: a case report. Turkish Society of Anesthesiology and Reanimation 43rd National Congress, P-391, Antalya, 28 October - 01 November 2009.

    B6.17 Karakaş E, Kılıçaslan N, Doğan F, Camuzcuoglu H. MRI Findings of Serous Adenocarcinoma of Tuba Uterina. 34. National Radiology Congress, PS-1026, Antalya, 6-10 November 2013.

    B6.18 İncebıyık A, Camuzcuoğlu A, Hilali NG, Küçük A, Yüce HH, Aydoğan H, Camuzcuoğlu H, Vural M. Management of postpartum hemorrhage: Retrospective analysis of 41 cases. XIV. National Perinatology Congress, Sarıgerme/Muğla 2013. 

    B6.19 İncebıyık A, Hilali NG, Camuzcuoğlu A, Küçük A, Yüce HH, Aydoğan H, Karakaş E, Camuzcuoğlu H, Kılıç A, riceci F, Kirazoğlu E, Vural M. Myomectomy with a volume of 3300 cm3 during cesarean section: A case report. XIV. National Perinatology Congress, Sarıgerme/Muğla 2013. 

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