Attracting and retaining patients is a crucial aspect of a successful healthcare practice, and it's important to stay ahead of the curve in today's competitive healthcare market. 

Did you know that over 3.96 billion people worldwide use social media monthly? And patients are 4 times more likely to choose a healthcare provider that a friend recommends. 

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In this article, we showcase seven creative strategies that have been proven to increase patient volume in the modern healthcare landscape effectively. If you're ready to boost your patient volume, get prepared to be inspired by these creative ways to increase patient flow.

Table of Contents

Referral Program

A referral program rewards current customers for bringing new customers to a clinic. It helps the medical centers get more patients and make more money. The rewards can be things like discounts, free stuff, or other bonuses. Building a referral program is a creative marketing way to make your clinic successful. Here are some facts and statistics to support this statement:

1. Increased patient volume. A referral program has the potential to dramatically increase the number of patients your clinic sees. On average, businesses see a 16% increase in new customer acquisition through referral programs.

2. Cost-effective marketing. Referral programs are an affordable way to attract new patients compared to traditional advertising methods. On average, businesses see a 37% decrease in customer acquisition costs through referral programs.

3. Improved patient satisfaction. Patients are more likely to trust a healthcare provider recommended by someone they know. This increased level of trust leads to improved patient satisfaction and, in turn, increased patient loyalty.

4. Positive reputation. A successful referral program can help establish a positive reputation for your clinic. Satisfied patients are more likely to recommend your clinic to others, leading to a positive cycle of word-of-mouth marketing.

5. Increased patient retention. Patients who participate in a referral program are more likely to remain loyal to your clinic. This is because they feel valued and appreciated, leading to increased patient retention rates.

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Mobile App

A mobile app for your clinic can boost patient attraction and retention in several ways. Here's why:

1. Convenient for patients.: People use their smartphones a lot, so having a clinic app makes it easy for patients to find information, schedule appointments, and connect with the clinic on the go.

2. Better engagement. A mobile app allows clinics to engage with patients beyond visits. For example, sending reminders, health tips, and updates through push notifications. This helps keep patients informed and interested in the clinic.

3. Increased loyalty. Patients who use the app are more likely to stick with the clinic and recommend it to others, creating a positive cycle of word-of-mouth marketing.

4. Competitive edge. Most clinics don't have a mobile app, so having one gives the clinic a competitive advantage and makes it stand out in attracting and retaining patients. A study by Accenture found that 71% of patients would switch to a provider with a mobile app if given a chance.

A mobile app for a clinic is a creative marketing way to convince patients, improve engagement, and increase loyalty. These benefits make a mobile app a smart investment for the clinic's future.

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Social Media

1. Patients increasingly turning to social media to research healthcare options, including clinics. With a solid social media presence, clinics can showcase their services and expertise to potential patients.

2. Social media can help clinics build trust and establish their brand as a reliable and authoritative source of health information. By regularly sharing educational content, clinics can position themselves as experts in their field and establish a positive reputation.

3. A well-executed social media strategy can also increase patient engagement and satisfaction by providing a convenient channel to connect with the clinic and receive updates and information about their care.

4. Advertisements through social media can also help clinics reach targeted audiences with precision, including specific demographics and geographic locations, allowing for more efficient use of advertising budget.

5. A recent study found that patients are more likely to book appointments with clinics that have a strong social media presence, with over 70% of respondents stating they prefer clinics with an active and informative social media presence

By leveraging the power of social media, clinics can effectively reach and engage with potential patients, establish their brand, and drive growth.

Video Marketing

Video marketing is a must-have in today's healthcare industry. It's a highly effective way to engage with potential patients, build trust, and differentiate your clinic from the competition. By incorporating video into your marketing strategy, you'll be positioning your clinic for success and attracting more patients.

1. Video content is highly engaging, capturing the attention of your target audience and holding it for longer than other forms of content. According to Wyzowl, 79% of consumers would rather watch a video to learn about a product or service, compared to reading about it.

2. Patients are seeking more information about their health and potential treatments, and videos are a great way to provide them with the information they need. In fact, according to Hubspot, 70% of consumers say that they have shared a brand's video, and 72% of businesses say video has improved their conversion rate.

3. Video content can humanize your clinic and build trust with potential patients, allowing them to get to know your team and see your facilities before they even step through the door. A study by Vidyard found that companies using video have reported an increase in trust, engagement, and leads.

4. Video is highly shareable, which means that happy patients can easily share your videos with their friends and family, increasing your reach and attracting new patients. A study by Animoto found that video content is shared 1,200% more times than text and image content combined.


Telemedicine, which refers to the provision of medical care and advice through digital communication technologies, can be an effective way to attract new patients for several reasons:

  1. Convenience. According to a survey by the American Telemedicine Association, over 60% of patients are interested in telemedicine as a way to avoid in-person visits to the doctor's office.
  2. Cost-effective. Telemedicine has been shown to reduce healthcare costs for both patients and providers. According to a study by the University of Rochester Medical Center, telemedicine visits cost an average of $79, compared to an average of $146 for in-person visits.
  3. Improved access. Telemedicine can improve access to medical care, especially for patients in rural areas. According to a study by the National Rural Health Association, telemedicine can reduce the need for patient travel by up to 80%.
  4. Time savings. Telemedicine can save patients time by eliminating the need for travel and reducing wait times. According to a study by the American Medical Association, telemedicine visits have an average wait time of 2 minutes, compared to an average wait time of 18 minutes for in-person visits.
  5. Flexibility. Telemedicine can offer more flexible appointment scheduling. According to a study by the Mayo Clinic, telemedicine can reduce patient wait times for appointments by up to 90%.

“Before-after” patient photo base

Collecting a base of patient “before-after” photos is an effective way to attract new patients for plastic surgery clinics. Here are benefits of having image results of your customers:

1. Build trust and credibility. The ASPS found that over 80% of patients reported that "before-and-After" photos were very important in their decision-making process for a cosmetic procedure.

2. Increase conversions. The American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reports that clinics using "before-and-after" photos show a 20% increase in patient consultations.

3. Visual Impact. People are more likely to remember information presented visually, so this creative marketing method is an effective option to be ahead of your competitors.

4. Attract high-value patients. A study by the Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery found that patients who used visual aids in their decision-making were more likely to book treatments and were more satisfied with the results.

5. Set your clinic apart. By showcasing real, visual evidence of your treatments' effectiveness, you can differentiate your clinic from others and show why your clinic is the best choice for potential patients.

However, before publishing or collecting “before-after” photos, obtain the necessary consent and comply with any relevant regulations to ensure it is ethical and legal to use "before-and-after".

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Collect reviews

Collecting reviews is crucial for attracting new patients and building a positive online reputation. Not only do online reviews influence patient decisions, but they also provide valuable feedback that can be used to enhance the patient experience and overall quality of care.

1. People trust other people more than advertisements. 92% of patients use online reviews to choose a doctor or clinic, according to Software Advice.

2. A few positive reviews can go a long way. They can increase the likelihood of a patient choosing your clinic by up to 270%, as Search Engine Land reports.

3. One negative review can hurt your reputation. It can cost you up to 22 patients. 

4. Reviews give you valuable insights. By collecting reviews, you can discover what your patients like and don't like about your clinic. Use this information to improve their experience and the care you provide.

Final Take

To increase patient volume, clinics need to be creative. Strategies like having a strong online presence, offering promotions and discounts, and focusing on patient satisfaction can help attract and keep patients. Find what works best for your clinic and adapt to meet patient needs. With hard work and dedication, clinics can grow and be successful.

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What are creative ways to increase patient satisfaction?

Improving patient satisfaction is essential to healthcare organizations as it significantly impacts patient outcomes and their reputation. Here are some proven and creative ways to increase patient satisfaction:

  1. Personalize the patient experience. Studies have shown that patients who receive personalized care have higher satisfaction scores. Healthcare providers can achieve this by addressing patients by their names, providing customized treatment plans, and involving them in decision-making.
  2. Enhance communication. Clear communication is crucial to patient satisfaction. Research shows that patients who receive regular updates about their condition and treatment plan report higher satisfaction scores. Healthcare providers can improve communication by using plain language, avoiding medical jargon, and providing written materials.
  3. Utilize technology. Technology can streamline processes and improve patient satisfaction. Research suggests that patients who use patient portals to communicate with their healthcare providers have higher satisfaction scores. Healthcare organizations can also use telemedicine to provide more convenient care.
  4. Improve amenities. Patients are more likely to be satisfied with their healthcare experience if the amenities are comfortable and convenient. Research has found that offering amenities like free Wi-Fi, comfortable seating, and refreshments can increase patient satisfaction.
  5. Implement patient feedback systems. Patients want to feel that their feedback is valued. Healthcare organizations can implement patient feedback systems, such as surveys or suggestion boxes, to gather input and improve the patient experience.

In conclusion, healthcare providers can increase patient satisfaction by personalizing the patient experience, enhancing communication, utilizing technology, improving amenities, and implementing patient feedback systems.

What does volume mean in healthcare?

Regarding healthcare, "volume" can refer to some different things. The number of patients that a hospital or clinic sees in a given period, the number of medical procedures performed by a particular doctor, or the total amount of healthcare spending in a given region.

One way that volume can be important in healthcare is when it comes to understanding healthcare costs. According to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, the US spends more on healthcare than any other country globally, with total spending reaching $3.8 trillion in 2019. This massive volume of spending has significant implications for everything from healthcare policy to individual patients' out-of-pocket expenses.

Volume can also play a role in the quality of care. Some studies suggest that higher-volume hospitals and healthcare providers have better outcomes than those with lower volumes. For example, a 2017 study found that patients who underwent surgery at hospitals with high volumes of procedures had lower mortality rates than those who received care at lower-volume facilities.

However, it's important to note that volume is not the only factor that affects healthcare quality. Other factors, such as the skill and experience of individual providers, evidence-based practices, and patient engagement, can all play a significant role in ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.

In short, while "volume" can mean different things in healthcare, it's clear that it can have important implications for everything from healthcare spending to patient outcomes.

What factors affect patient volume in healthcare?

When it comes to patient volume in healthcare, a variety of factors can play a role in determining how many patients a hospital, clinic, or individual provider sees. Here are a few key factors that can affect patient volume:

  1. Location. One of the most significant factors affecting patient volume is location. A study by the National Institutes of Health found that hospitals located in urban areas tend to have higher patient volumes than those in rural areas due in part to differences in population density and healthcare access.
  2. Reputation. The reputation of a healthcare provider or facility can also play a significant role in patient volume. According to a study by Healthgrades, patients are more likely to choose a hospital with a good reputation than one with a poor reputation, even if the two facilities are located in the same area.
  3. Quality of care. The quality of care provided by a hospital or provider can also affect patient volume. A study by Press Ganey Associates found that hospitals with higher patient satisfaction scores tended to have higher patient volumes, suggesting that patients are more likely to return to facilities where they feel they have received high-quality care.
  4. Referral patterns. Finally, referral patterns can play a role in determining patient volume for individual providers. A study by the American Medical Association found that providears who receive more referrals from other healthcare professionals tend to have higher patient volumes than those who do not.

How is patient volume calculated in healthcare?

  1. Patient volume is the total number of patient visits within a specific period, such as a day, week, month, or year.
  2. Healthcare providers count both new and returning patients to calculate patient volume.
  3. Patient volume helps healthcare providers understand the demand for their services and allocate resources accordingly.
  4. According to a 2020 Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) survey, the average number of patient visits per physician per week was 75.
  5. The average number of patient visits per physician per week varied by specialty, with primary care physicians seeing an average of 78 patients per week, while specialists saw an average of 62 patients per week.
  6. Various factors can affect patient volume, including seasonality, location, and patient demographics.
  7. Healthcare providers may need to hire additional staff, invest in new equipment, or expand their facilities to meet the growing demand for their services if they notice increased patient volume.

How do you manage patient flow and its volume?

Managing patient flow and volume is critical to the success of healthcare operations. At HubSpot, we use a data-driven approach to help healthcare providers optimize their patient flow.

There are several ways to manage patient flow:

  1. Predictive analytics. Healthcare providers can predict patient volumes and adjust staffing levels by analyzing patient data such as appointment history and wait times. This helps ensure patients are seen promptly and receive the care they need.
  2. Queue management. Implementing queue management systems helps reduce wait times, minimize patient frustration, and improve overall patient satisfaction. Patients who experience long wait times are more likely to report a negative experience and may be less likely to return for future appointments.
  3. Technology. Leveraging technology to streamline check-in and reduce wait times can greatly improve patient flow. Self-check-in kiosks can reduce wait times, and telehealth technology can reduce in-person visits, thus reducing patient volume and wait times.

In conclusion, a comprehensive, data-driven approach is required to manage patient flow and volume effectively. By analyzing patient data, implementing queue management systems, and leveraging technology, healthcare providers can optimize patient flow, improve patient satisfaction, and provide better care.

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