Dmitry Latyshev
years of experience

Dmitry Latyshev

  • Specialization: Neurosurgeon
  • 28 years of experience
  • Speaks:
  • Specialization: Head of department, Neurosurgeon, Oncologist Work experience: 27 years Qualification category: higher Academic title: Candidate of Sciences Education: 1991-1997 Dnipropetrovs'k State Medical Academy (DSMA), specialty “General Medicine”. 1997-1999 internship in neurosurgery, DGMA 2002-2006 postgraduate studies at the Romodanov Research Institute of Neurosurgery, NAMS of Ukraine. Romodanov Research Institute of Neurosurgery of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv 2006 PhD thesis: “Neurosurgical treatment of patients with apallic syndrome”, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

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Expert in the field:

list iconSurgery of facial pain syndromes (trigeminal, lingual nerve neuralgia) and other cranial nerve pathology

list iconStreotaxic and functional neurosurgery (surgery of tremors, dyskinesias, rigidity)

list iconBiopsy of brain tumors

list iconEpilepsy surgery

list iconRemoval of brain tumors of various localization

list iconSurgery of pathology of the main vessels of the head and neck (endarterectomy, elimination of deformities and stenoses of carotid and vertebral arteries)

list iconExtra-intracranial microanastomosis

list iconRemoval of Arnold-Chiari malformation

list iconSpinal pain syndromes (minimally invasive facet ablation, percutaneous nucleoplasty)

list iconMicrodiscectomies with interbody corporectomy with cages

list iconSurgery of peripheral nerves and plexuses with the installation of neurostimulation systems

list iconSurgery of the carpal tunnel

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