The #1 Medical Tourism Platform since 2014

Dymko Tatiana Olegovna


14 years of experience


CONTACTS 095 462 2657. 099 036 49 78. 095 462 2656


International Scientific and Technical University named after Academician Yuri Bugay, teacher-rehabilitation specialist (2016)


Family Therapist, Institute of Group and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy

Training program “Cognitive behavioral therapy”

"Certificate for the right to conduct trainings", Interregional Center for Social and Psychological Adaptation "Genesis"

"Family Constellation Method, Understanding Hidden Powers in Partnerships", practical seminar by Bert Hellinger, Germany


Procedures performed

Group therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Working with codependents and various types of addictions (author's program "Personality Development")

Psychological counseling (psychotherapy) for anxiety, depression, various phobias, panic attacks, psychosomatic disorders

Inferiority complex

Life's problems and shocks (divorce, death of a loved one)

Conflicts with family and friends, misunderstanding

Lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem

Loss of meaning in life

Problems in communication (including with the opposite sex)

Psychological trauma

Emotional problems