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Hasan Çelik

Plastic surgeon

7 years of experience



I have completed medical faculty and plastic reconstructive surgery residency in Istanbul. I work at my private clinic in Istanbul.

I am interested and experienced in breast surgery (breast lift, augmentation and reduction),body conturing (abdominoplasty, classic and vaser liposuction) and rhinoplasty.

I am "Double board certified plastic surgeon" and I got "Young Plastic Surgeon award" 4 years ago in American Society of Plastic Surgeons congress.


2023-2024 Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

H Clinic-Private Clinic

Istanbul, Turkey


2012 2018 Residency / Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Istanbul Medipol University

Istanbul, Turkey


2005 2011 Medicine / Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty

Istanbul University

Istanbul, Turkey


2000 2004 High School

Savastepe Anatolian Teacher High School

Savastepe / Balikesir, Turkey


2022-2023 Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

TURKEYANA Aesthetic Clinic

Istanbul, Turkey


2021 2022 Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

Estetik International Aesthetic Center

Istanbul, Turkey

2018-2021 Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon

Artvin State Hospital (Government Mandatory Duty)

Artvin, Turkey


2018 2018 Specialist / Medipol Mega Hospitals Complex

Istanbul Medipol University, School of Medicine Department of Plastic

Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Istanbul, Turkey

2011 2011 Medical Doctor



Comparing Effects of; Blastema of Axolotl, Prp of Axolotl and Prp of Rat on Scalded Injury


Assistant Professor Mustafa SUTCU


Council of Higher Education English Exam (YOKDIL) : 70 points ( all 100 points ) March 05 2017


1. The European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (EBOPRAS)

Part 1: PASS ( February 2020 / Brussels Belgium )

Part 2: PASS ( August 2021 / Izmir Turkey )

2. The National Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (Turkish)

Part 1: PASS ( August 2021 / Izmir Turkey )

Part 2: PASS ( August 2021 / Izmir Turkey )


American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)

International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)


Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic

Surgeons (TPRECD)

Emergency Hand Care and Microsurgery Society of Turkey



1. 45th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress Nov


1. 3rd Annual ISPRES / ICOPLAST Young Plastic Surgeon Award - Third Place Comparing

Effects of; Blastema of Axolotl, Prp of Axolotl and Prp of Rat on Scalded Injury, 88th Annual

Meeting, American Society of Plastic Surgeons Congress, September 20-23 2019, San Diego,


2. Certificate of Appreciation - Subject: "Rational Drug Use and Rational Antibiotics Use"

Ministry of Health - Artvin Provincial Health Directorate, July 2019, Artvin, Turkey

3. Resident Oral Presentation Contest in Experimental Study - Second Place

Comparing Effects of; Blastema of Axolotl, Prp of Axolotl and Prp of Rat on Scalded

Injury, 40th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress,

October 17-21 2018, Antalya, Turkey


1. Hasan Celik, Mustafa Hanci, Naci Karacaoglan. Facial Herpes Zoster Following Rhinoplasty: A

Rare Complication. Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 2017 DOI: 10.1093/asj/sjx225


2. IIknur Keskin, Bircan Kolbasi, Asli Akhan, Hasan Celik, Mustafa Keskin. Hipermastinin Eslik

Ettigi Bilateral Elastofibroma Dorsi Olgusu: Olası Bir İlişkinin Sorgulanması

. Turk J Plast Surg

2017; 25(3):154-158 DOI: 10.5152/TurkJPlastSurg.2017.2131

Possible Relationship Between Bilateral Elastofibroma Dorsi and Hypermastia

3. Naci Karacaoglan, Bulent Cigsar, Hasan Celik. Lipoabdominoplasti ve Kombine Işlemler.

Turkiye Klinikleri, J Plast Surg-Special Topics 2017; 6(3):216-24

Lipoabdominoplasty and Combined Procedures

4. Mustafa Hanci, Mustafa Sutcu, Hasan Celik. Vücut Şekillendirmesinde ve Liposaksında

Hastanın Degerlendirilmesi ve Hasta Güvenligi. Turkiye Klinikleri, J Plast Surg-Special Topics

2017; 6(3):218-15

Patient Evaluation and Safety for Body Contouring and Liposuction


1. Teorhinoplasty Live Surgery Course, 17-19 June 2022, Istanbul, Turkey

2. XIV. Rhinoplasty and VII. Face Aesthetics, Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and

Aesthetic Surgeons Course, September 30-October 3 2021, Istanbul, Turkey

3. Non-surgical Face lift with French, PDO Threads and Spider Web Techniques, B Academy,

June 19-20 2021, Istanbul, Turkey

4. Teorhinoplasty Rhinoplasty Cadaver Course, Koc University Hospital, May 8-10 2021,

Istanbul, Turkey

5. Bloodborne Pathogens Certification, National Healthcare Providers Solutions, May 13, 2020,

Las Vegas, USA

6. Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Certification, National Healthcare Providers

Solutions, May 9, 2020, Las Vegas, USA

7. Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Certification, National Healthcare Providers Solutions,

May 3, 2020, Las Vegas, USA

8. Basic Life Support (BLC) Certification, National Healthcare Providers Solutions, May 1, 2020,

Las Vegas, USA9. CPR, AED and First Aid in Infant, Child and Adult Certification, National Healthcare

Providers Solutions, April 29, 2020, Las Vegas, USA

10. 2nd Preservation Rhinoplasty Course, Four Seasons Hotel Bosphorus, November 29-

December 1 2018, Istanbul, Turkey

11. X. Plastic Surgery Resident School, Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic

Surgery, April 1-5 2017, Antalya, Turkey

12. X. Professor Dr. Ridvan Ege Basic Hand Surgery Course, Turkish Hand Society, Baltalimani

Bone Diseases Training and Research Hospital, February12-13 2016, Istanbul, Turkey

13. CPR and Basic Life Support Theoretical and Practical Training, Istanbul Medipol University

Hospitals Complex, October 19 2016, Istanbul, Turkey

14. Certification of Animal use in Experimental Research. Istanbul Medipol University,

Regenerative and Restorative Medicine Research Center, January 26–February 5 2015,

Istanbul, Turkey


1. 3rd Aesthetic Istanbul 2021, International Aesthetics Surgery Symposium, September 24-

26 2021, Istanbul, Turkey

2. Mesoestetic Dermal Fillers Course, September 22 2021, Bursa, Turkey

3. National Wound Symposium, Online Cours on Corona Days, December 23-25 2020

4. Beyond Frontiesr Microsurgery Symposium II, Online Course on Corona Days, November

28 2020

5. Master Series: Microsurgery for Residents, 2-day Online Course on Corona Days, May 15-16


6. 15th Cerrahpasa Plastic Surgery Days, Body Shaping after Excessive Weight Loss, June 1-2

2018, Istanbul, Turkey

7. TED1 TURKEY, Teoxan 1st Expert Day, September 29 2017, Istanbul, Turkey

8. Postgraduate Education Workshop in the Branches of Medicine, Council of Higher

Education, May 16 2017, Istanbul, Turkey

9. 13th Cerrahpasa Plastic Surgery Days, Non-Surgical Aesthetic Initiatives, June 3-4 2016,

Istanbul, Turkey

10. IV. Burn Symposium, Guhane Military Medicine Academy Burn Center, May 27-28 2016,

Istanbul, Turkey

11. Current Approach to Intraoral Tumors, Bezmialem University, May 25 2016, Istanbul, Turkey

12. Lymphedema Diagnosis and Treatment Symposium, Bezmialem University, April 2 2016,

Istanbul, Turkey

13. Aesthetic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery, Ondokuz Mayis University, May 15-16 2015,

Samsun, Turkey

14. Cellular Therapy and Practice and Practice Boundaries at Plastic Surgery, Bagcilar Training

and Research Hospital, May 8 2015, Istanbul, Turkey

15. New Horizons in Pancreatic Cancer, Istanbul Medipol University, School of Medicine,

February 8 2015, Istanbul, Turkey

16. Breast Symposium, Ondokuz Mayis University, May 30-31 2014, Samsun, Turkey

17. Ethical Principles Meeting in Transgenic Animal Models and Animal Experiments, Deham

Days I, Ondokuz Mayis University, November 16 2012, Samsun, Turkey


1. 9th EURAPS Research Council Meeting - Virtual edition, May 27-29 2021

2. 31st EURAPS Annual Meeting - Virtual edition, May 27-29 2021

3. The Plastic Surgery Meeting 2019 in San Diego, 88th Annual Meeting, American Society of

Plastic Surgeons, September 20-23 2019, San Diego, USA

4. 30th EURAPS Annual Meeting, May 23-25 2019, Helsinki, Finland

5. International Occupational Accidents, Hand Injuries and Limb Amputations Congress, April

26-27 2019, Istanbul, Turkey

6. 24th International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery-ISAPS South Beach Miami, October

31- November 4 2018, Miami, USA

7. 10th Eurasian International Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Meeting & ISAPS Course, June 20-24

2018, Istanbul, Turkey

8. The Aesthetic Meeting 2018 in New York, The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic

Surgery, April 26- May 1 2018, New York, USA


1. 43th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, November

10-14 2021, Antalya, Turkey

2. 42th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, October

22-25 2020, Corona Days, Turkey

3. 41th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, October

26-30 2019, Samsun, Turkey

4. 40th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, October

17-21 2018, Antalya, Turkey

5. 3rd International Congress of the Turkish Cleft Lip and Palate Society, December 1-4 2016,

Konya, Turkey

6. 38th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, October

27-30 2016, Antalya, Turkey

7. 35th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, October

28-31 2013, Istanbul, Turkey

8. 17th National Congress of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Society, January 12-13 2013, Istanbul,



1. Hasan Celik, Mustafa Sutcu, Mustafa Hanci et all. Comparing Effects of; Blastema of Axolotl,

Prp of Axolotl and Prp of Rat on Scalded Injury, 30th EURAPS Annual Meeting, May 23-

25 2019, Helsinki, Finland

2. Hasan Celik, Mustafa Hanci, Naci Karacaoglan. Aesthetic Rhinoplasty Techniques for a

Frontonasal Dysplasia Deformity, 24th International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery-ISAPS

South Beach Miami, October 31- November 4 2018, Miami, USA

3. Mustafa Hanci, Mustafa Sutcu, Mithat Akan, Bulent Cigsar, Hasan Celik. A New Umbilical

Transposition Technique without Scar. 23rd International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery-

ISAPS , October 23-27 2016, Tokyo, Japan

4. Mustafa Sutcu, Hasan Celik, Mustafa Oncel, Mithat Akan, Naci Karacaoglan. Perianal Paget’s

Disease. 8th Congress of the Balkan Association for Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic

Surgery, September 5-8 2013, Budva, Montenegro

5. Mustafa Sutcu, Bulent Cigsar, Mustafa Keskin, Mithat Akan, Hasan Celik, Naci Karacaoglan.

Merkel Cell Carcinoma of the Finger. 8th Congress of the Balkan Association for Plastic,

Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. September 5-8 2013, Budva, Montenegro


1. Hasan Celik, Mustafa Sutcu, Mustafa Hanci, Mustafa Keskin. Mandibula Sol Angulusta Kitle:

Basit Kemik Kisti. 38th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons

Congress, October 27-30 2016, Antalya, Turkey

Mandibular Left Angulus's Mass: Simple Bone Cyst

2. Hasan Celik, Mustafa Hanci, Mustafa Sutcu, Mustafa Keskin. Maksillada Nadir bir Kitle: Dev

Hücreli Reperatif Granülom. 38th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic

Surgeons Congress, October 27-30 2016, Antalya, Turkey

A Rare Mass in Maxilla: Giant Cell Reparative Granuloma

3. Ilknur Keskin, Bircan Kolbasi, Asli Akhan, Hasan Celik, Mustafa Keskin. Hipermastinin Eşlik

Ettiği Bilateral Elastofibroma Dorsi Olgusu: Olası Bir İlişkinin Sorgulanması

. 38th Turkish

Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, October 27-30 2016,

Antalya, Turkey

A Case of Bilateral Elastofibroma Dorsi with Hypermastia: Interrogate of a Possible Relationship

4. Mustafa Sutcu, Ilknur Keskin, Hilal Eren, Hasan Celik, Mustafa Keskin. Tümesan Solüsyonuna

Maruziyet Adipositlerdeki Perilipin Fosforilasyonunu Artırır mı? 38th Turkish Society of Plastic

Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, October 27-30 2016, Antalya, Turkey

Does Exposure to Tumesan Solution Increase Perilipin Phosphorylation in Adipocytes?

5. Hasan Celik, Mustafa Sutcu, Mustafa Hanci, Nilufer Cetinkaya, Mithat Akan. Serbest Flep

Uygulamarında “Flow Through” Tecrübelerimiz. 37th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive

and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, November 4-7 2015, Ankara, Turkey

Our "Flow Through" Experiences at Free Flap Applications

6. Hasan Celik, Mustafa Sutcu, Mustafa Hanci, Nilufer Cetinkaya, Naci Karacaoglan, Mithat Akan.

Doku Genişletici Uygulamalarında Aşırı Şişirme Tecrübelerimiz. 37th Turkish Society of Plastic

Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, November 4-7 2015, Ankara, Turkey

Our Extreme Inflating Experiences at Tissue Expander Applications

7. Hasan Celik, Mustafa Sutcu, Mustafa Hanci, Nilufer Cetinkaya, Naci Karacaoglan, Mithat Akan.

Gövdede Aplazi Kutis Konjenita; Nadir Bir Olgu & Konservatif Tedavi. 37th Turkish Society of

Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, November 4-7 2015, Ankara, Turkey

Aplasia Cutis Congenita in Trunk; A Rare Disorder & Conservative Treatment

8. Hasan Celik, Mustafa Hancı

, Mustafa Sütçü, Nilufer Cetinkaya, Naci Karacaoğlan, Mithat Akan.

Malar Bölge Yerleşimli Lipom Görünümlü Kitle: Schwannom. 37th Turkish Society of Plastic

Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, November 4-7 2015, Ankara, Turkey

Lipomatous Mass at the Malar Region: Schwannoma

9. Hasan Celik, Mustafa Sutcu, Mustafa Hanci, Bulent Cigsar, Nilufer Cetinkaya, Mithat Akan.

Bonzai Kullanımına Bağlı Self Mutilasyon Olgusu. 37th Turkish Society of Plastic

Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, November 4-7 2015, Ankara, Turkey

A rare case: After Smoking Bonsai, Lip Defect with Self Mutilation

10. Hasan Celik, Mustafa Sutcu, Mustafa Hanci, Bulent Cigsar, Nilufer Cetinkaya, Naci

Karacaoglan. Ataksi Telenjiektazili Pediatrik bir Olgu: Yüz Bölgesinde Mukokutanöz

Leşmanyazis. 37th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress,

November 4-7 2015, Ankara, Turkey

A Pediatric Case with Ataxia Telangiectasia; Muco-Cutaneous Leischmaniasis on Face

11. Nilufer Cetinkaya, Mustafa Sutcu, Mustafa Hanci, Hasan Celik, Mithat Akan. Savaş

Yaralanmalarındaki Deneyimlerimiz. 37th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and

Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, November 4-7 2015, Ankara, Turkey

Our Experiences in War Injuries

12. Nilufer Cetinkaya, Mustafa Sutcu, Mustafa Hanci, Hasan Celik, Mithat Akan. İkincil Meme

Küçültmenin Nadir Bir Sebebi: Psödoanjiyomatöz Stromal Hiperplazi. 37th Turkish Society of

Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, November 4-7 2015, Ankara, Turkey

A Rare Cause of Secondary Breast Reduction: Pseudoangiomatous Stromal Hyperplasia

13. Mustafa Sutcu, Mustafa Hanci, Hasan Celik, Nilufer Cetinkaya, Mithat Akan. PDS Plak

Kullanılarak Ekstrakorporeal Septal Rekonstrüksiyon. 37th Turkish Society of Plastic

Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, November 4-7 2015, Ankara, Turkey

Extracorporeal Septal Reconstruction with Using PDS Plate

14. Ismail Kucuker, Engin Yosma, Asef Abdullayev, Hasan Celik, Ahmet Demir. Nadir Görülen bir

Olgu Sunumu: Konjenital Hipohidrotik Ektodermal Displazi (Christ Siemens Touraine

sendromu ). 36th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress,

October 29 -1 November 2014, Istanbul, Türkiye

A Rare Case Report: Congenital Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia (Christ Siemens Touraine


15. Mustafa Sutcu, Mithat Akan, Hasan Celik, Bulent Cigsar, Mustafa Keskin, Naci Karacaoglan.

Yanık Sekelli Hastalarda Abartılı Aşırı Şişirilmiş Çoklu Doku Genişletici Uygulamaları 36th

Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, October 29 -1

November 2014, Istanbul, Turkey

Applications of Exaggerated Extreme Inflated Multiple Tissue Expander

16. Mustafa Sutcu, Hasan Celik, Mithat Akan, Mustafa Oncel. Perianal Paget’s Hastalığı: Olgu

Sunumu. 35th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress,

October 28-31 2013, Istanbul, Turkey

Perianal Paget's Disease: Case Report

17. Mustafa Sutcu, Mithat Akan, Bulent Cigsar, Mustafa Keskin, Hasan Celik, Naci Karacaoglan.

Trakeostomili Pierre Robin’de Distraksiyonun Önemi: Olgu Sunumu. 35th Turkish Society of

Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, October, 28-31 2013, Istanbul,


The Importance of Distraction at Pierre Robin who has Tracheostomy: Case Report

18. Hasan Celik, Mustafa Sutcu, Mithat Akan, Bulent Cigsar, Mustafa Keskin, Naci Karacaoglan.

Mandibulada Nadir Yerleşimli Soliter Plazmositom Öntanılı Multiple Myelom: Olgu Sunumu.

35th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, October 28-

31 2013, Istanbul, Turkey

Multiple Myeloma which Pre-diagnosed Rare Located Solitary Plasmocytoma at Mandible: Case


19. Hasan Celik, Mustafa Sutcu, Bulent Cigsar, Mustafa Keskin, Mithat Akan, Naci Karacaoglan.

Baş Boyun Bölgesi Dev Konjenital Nevüslerinde Deri Grefti ile Aşamalı Rekonstrüksiyon: Vaka

Serisi. 35th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress,

October 28-31 2013, Istanbul, Turkey

Skin Graft and Stepwise Reconstruction at Giant Congenital Nevus of Head Neck Region: Case


20. Mustafa Sutcu, Mithat Akan, Hasan Celik, Bulent Cigsar. Abdominoplasti Operasyonlarında

Skarsız Umbilikal Onarım. 35th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic

Surgeons Congress, October 28-31 2013, İstanbul, Turkey

Scarless Umbilical Repair in Abdominoplasty Operations

21. Mustafa Sutcu, Bülent Cigsar, Mustafa Keskin, Mithat Akan, Hasan Celik, Naci Karacaoglan.

Derinin Nadir Bir Nöroendokrin Tümörü: Merkel Hücreli Kanser. 35th Turkish Society of

Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, October 28-31 2013, Istanbul, Turkey

A Rare Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Skin: Merkel Cell Carcinoma

22. Mustafa Sutcu, Mithat Akan, Mustafa Keskin, Bulent Cigsar, Hasan Celik, Naci Karacaoglan.

Açık ve Kapalı Rinoplastide Ekstrakorporeal Septoplasti Deneyimleri. 35th Turkish Society of

Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress, October 28-31 2013, Istanbul, Turkey

Extracorporeal Septoplasty Experiences at Open and Closed Rhinoplasty


1. Face Lift Techniques and Complications, February 2017 Istanbul, Turkey

2. Otoplasty, July 2017, Istanbul, Turkey

3. Open Bone Fracture and Reconstruction, February 2016 Istanbul, Turkey

4. Open and Closed Rhinoplasty Techniques, July 2016, Istanbul, Turkey


Video presentation