Melahat Bekir Kulah
years of experience

Melahat Bekir Kulah

  • Specialization: Pulmonologist
  • 8 years of experience
  • Speaks:
  • Online consultations: available
  • Workplace: Turkey, Istanbul, Medipol University Pendik Hospital

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2017 - 2019 Okan University Hospital

2019 - Medipol University Pendik Hospital


2016 Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Chest Diseases

2007 St. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Medicine


1- Frequency of Immunodeficiency in Adult Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis Patients; Specialization Thesis

2- Canan Cimşit, Melahat Bekir, Sait Karakurt, Emel Eryüksel, Ultrasonographic evaluation of diaphragm thickness in COPD – Marmara Medical Journal 2016; 29:8-13

3- Emel Eryuksel, Canan Cimsit, Melahat Bekir, Çagatay Cimsit, Sait Karakurt, Diaphragmatic Thickness Fraction in Subjects at High Risk for COPD Exacerbations Respiratory Care December 2017

4- Melahat Bekir, T. Bahadır Üskül, Pulmonary Functions in Patients With Idiopathic Scoliosis The Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery ; April 2017

5- Emel Eryuksel, Canan Cimsit, Melahat Bekir, Cagatay Cimşit, Sait Karakurt, Is Diaphragmatic Thickness fraction valuable in Identifying High-Risk Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients, European Respiratory Journal Sep 2017

6- Melahat Bekir Külah, Şehnaz Olgun Yıldızeli, Derya Kocakaya, Berrin Ceyhan, The Effect of Clinical Findings on One-Year Disease Course in Adult Bronchiectasis Patients Other Than Cystic Fibrosis, 21st Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society _ Belek, Turkey 2018

7- Melahat Bekir Külah, Şehnaz Olgun Yıldızeli Derya Kocakaya, Emel Eryüksel, Elif Karakoç Aydıner, İsmail Öğülür, Berrin Bağcı Ceyhan, Quality of Life in Adult Bronchiectasis Patients Other Than Cystic Fibrosis: The Role of Psychological Status and Disease Severity 20th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society – Belek Türkiye 2017

8- Berrin Ceyhan, Melahat Bekir, Şehnaz olgun Yıldızeli, Derya Kocakaya , Emel Eryüksel, Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the EMBARC (European Bronchiectasis Audit and Research Collaboration) quality of life scale in patients with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis. Turkish Thoracic Society 20th Annual Congress – Belek, Turkey 2017 (POSTER AWARD WINNER)

9- Melahat Bekir, Şehnaz Olgun Yıldizeli, Derya Kocakaya, Hüseyin Arıkan, Emel Eryüksel, Berrin Bağcı Beyhan, Relationship Between Vitamin D Levels and Lung Functions, Clinical Indexes, Anxiety-Depression Symptoms in Adult Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis Patients – 19th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society - Belek, Turkey 2016

10- Melahat Bekir, Derya Kocakaya, Şehnaz Olgun, Berrin Bağcı Ceyhan, Anticoagulant Treatment Approach in a Case of Venous Thrombosis Causing Superior Vena Cava Syndrome with Active Bleeding – 18th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society – Belek, Turkey 2015

11- Melahat Bekir, Berrin Bağcı Ceyhan, Life-Threatening Bleeding After Anticoagulation with Rivaroxaban: Two Case Reports, 18th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society – Belek, Turkey 2015

12- Şehnaz Olgun Yıldızeli, Çagatay Nuri Cimşit, Semiha Emel Eryüksel, Canan Cimşit, Melahat Bekir, Tuğçe Yakut, The Relationship of Pulmonary CT Angiography with Clinical Scores in Pulmonary Embolism – Turkish Thoracic Society 18th Annual Congress – Belek Turkey 2015

13- Melahat Bekir, Canan Cimşit, Hüseyin Arıkan, Derya Kocakaya, Şehnaz,Olgun, Semiha Emel Eryüksel, Sait Karakurt, Diaphragm Thickness in COPD Patients and Its Relationship with Symptoms, Turkish Thoracic Society 17th Annual Congress – Belek, Turkey 2014

14- Melahat Bekir Külah, Frequency of Immunodeficiency in Patients with Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis and its Relationship with Clinical Parameters, 20th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society – Belek Türkiye 2017

15- Berrin Ceyhan, Melahat Bekir Külah, Şehnaz Olgun Yıldızeli, Derya Kocakaya, One Year Follow-Up of Respiratory Health Outcomes in Adult Patients with Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis ERS 2018

16- Melahat Bekir, Şehnaz Olgun Yıldızeli, Derya Kocakaya, Emel Eryüksel, Elif Karakoç, İsmail Öğülür Berrin Bağcı Ceyhan Immun Deficiency in Patients with Non Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis and Relationship with Clinical Parameters ATS Conference 2017- Washington, DC 2017

17- Melahat Bekir Külah, Sehnaz Olgun Yildizeli, Derya Kocakaya, Emel Eryuksel, Berrin Bagci Ceyhan Health Related Quality of Life Among Adult Patients With non Cf Bronchiectasis: The Role of Psychological status and disease severity ERS International Congress 2017, Milan Italy 2017

18- Melahat Bekir, Şehnaz Olgun Yıldızeli, Derya Kocakaya, Hüseyin Arıkan, Emel Eryüksel, Berrin Bağcı Ceyhan The Relationship Between Vitamin D Level and Lung Function, Severity and Clinical Indices, Depression and Anxiety Symptoms in Adult Patients With Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis ATS Conference 2016 - San Francisco , California 2016

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