el count and C-reactive protein levels. Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi. 2011;11(2):105-111. 24. Aytekin M., Tonelli A., Farver C., Dweik R.: Leptin deficiency promotes pulmonary arterial hypertension in mice. American Thoracic Society International Conference. 2011. 25. Kalay N., Aytekin M., Kaya MG., Ozbek K., Karayakali M., Sogut E., Altunkas F., Ozturk A., Koc F.: Plasma trace element levels and slow coronary flow in acute coronary syndrome. American Thoracic Society International Conference. 2011. 26. Kalay N., Aytekin M., Kaya MG., Ozbek K., Karayakali M., Sogut E., Altunkas F., Ozturk A., Koc F.: Slow coronary flow and hyperhomocysteinemia. American Journal of Cardiology. 2011;107(9):1443-1448. 27. Aytekin M., Mashir A., Farver C., Paschke K., Storer M., Dweik RA.: Exhaled breath analysis: from sensors to devices and applications. American Thoracic Society International Conference. 2010. 28. Aytekin M., Tonelli A., Farver C., Dweik RA.: Leptin deficiency promotes pulmonary arterial hypertension in mice. American Thoracic Society International Conference. 2010. 29. Aytekin M., Farver C., Comhair SA., Paschke KM., Storer M., Dweik RA.: Exhaled breath analysis in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension. American Thoracic Society International Conference. 2009. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin Aytekin is a Clinical Biochemist and Molecular Medicine specialist with Adjunct position in the Department of Pathobiology of Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland/USA. He is an Associate Prof. at Erciyes University, Kayseri/Turkey and Vice President of Genome and Stem Cell Center (GENKÖK). He has been honored numerous times for his research and publications, and has published many peer-reviewed articles related to lung diseases, pulmonary hypertension, coronary atherosclerosis, and anthracycline-related cardiotoxicity.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin Aytekin POSITIONS AND EMPLOYMENT 1996-1999 Studying Clinical Biochemistry at the Medical Faculty in Celal Bayar University Manisa/Turkey 2000-2005 Graduated from Vienna Medical University, Vienna/Austria https://www.meduniwien.ac.at/web/ 2005-2010 Specialized on Molecular Medicine in Department of pathobiology of Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland/USA 2012-2016 Became Associate Prof. Dr. in Faculty of Medicine at Erciyes University, Kayseri/Turkey 2012-2013 Vice President of Genome and Stem Cell Center (GENKÖK) Kayseri/Turkey. Established one of the largest Stem Cell Center in Turkey. 2005-present Still working in Cleveland Clinic as a Staff with Adjunct position in Department of pathobiology of Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland/US HONORS 1- American Heart Association Postdoctoral training award: PHA/AHA 0826095H 2- Pulmonary Hypertension Submit 2011, Cleveland/Ohio/USA. Best Oral Poster Presentation. 3- Honorarium: Pulmonary Hypertension Submit 2009, Cleveland/Ohio/USA 4- Honorarium: Exhaled Breath Analysis: From Sensors to Devices and Applications. Barga/Italy. 5- Honorarium: Pulmonary Hypertension Submit 2011, Cleveland/Ohio/USA 6- Two Incentive awards for quality of publication at Erciyes University in 2013 7- Two Incentive awards for Research Grants quality at Erciyes University in 2013 8- Incentive award for quality of publication at Erciyes University in 2015 9- Incentive award for Research Grants quality at Erciyes University in 2015 A. SELECTED PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (PUBLISHED AND SUBMITTED IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER). 1. Yay, Arzu Hanım, Gozde Ozge Onder, Saim Ozdamar, Anzel Bahadir, Metin Aytekin and Munevver Baran. “The Effects of Leptin on Rat Brain Development; An Experimental Study.” International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2019): 1-12. DOI: 10.1007/s10989-018-09803-1 2. Savas G, Kalay N, Altin P, Dursun GK, Cetin M, Aytekin M. Hyaluronan as a Promising Biomarker for Myocardial Damage. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2019 Jun;248(2):99-106. DOI: 10.1620/tjem.248.99. 3. Klinke A, Berghausen E, Friedrichs K, Molz S, Lau D, Remane L, Berlin M, Kaltwasser C, Adam M, Mehrkens D, Mollenhauer M, Manchanda K, Ravekes T, Heresi GA, Aytekin M, Dweik RA, Hennigs JK, Kubala L, Michaëlsson E, Rosenkranz S, Rudolph TK, Hazen SL, Klose H, Schermuly RT, Rudolph V, Baldus S. Myeloperoxidase aggravates pulmonary arterial hypertension by activation of vascular Rho-kinase. JCI Insight. 2018 Jun 7;3(11). pii: 97530. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.97530. 4. Barnes JW, Kucera ET, Tian L, Mellor NE, Dvorina N, Baldwin Iii WW, Aldred MA, Farver CF, Comhair SA, Aytekin M, Dweik RA. BMPR2 Mutationindependent Mechanisms of Disrupted BMP Signaling in IPAH. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2016 May 17. DOI: 10.1165/rcmb.2015- 0402 5. Inanc MT, Karadavut S, Aytekin M, Duran AO, Derya M, Akpek M, Sahin O, Kalay N, Karaca H, Ozkan M, Inanc M. The relationship between plasma hyaluronan levels and anthracycline-related cardiotoxicity in breast cancer patients. Int J Cardiol. 2016 May 13;218:246-251. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.05.054 6. Pınar Altın, Jarrod Barnes Metin Aytekin*: Biomarkers in Pulmonary Hypertension. J. Harmoniz. Res. Med. And Hlth. Sci. 2016, 3(1) accepted 7. Nihat Kalay, Mehmet T. İnanç, Deniz Elçik, Fatma Kılıç,Göktuğ Savaş, Kenan İzgi and Metin Aytekin*: Diagnostic Role of Plasma and Hair Trace Elements in Coronary Atherosclerosis. Trace Elements And Electrolytes. Accepted April 2015. 8. Aytekin M, Tonelli AR, Farver CF, Feldstein AE, Dweik RA: Leptin deficiency recapitulates the histological features of pulmonary arterial hypertension in mice. The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology. April 15;7(5):1935-46, 2014. 9. Derya M, Yilmaz I, Aytekin M*: The Role of Extracellular Matrix in Lung Diseases. Biology and Medicine. Accepted April 2014. *Correspond author 10. Kalay N, Elcik D, Savaş G, Altın P, Şakalar Ç, Kaya Ö, Aytekin M*: Elevated Hyaluronan Levels in Patients with Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis and Pulmonary Arterial Thromboembolism. Heart, Lung and Circulation. 2014 Jul;23(7):649-54. *Correspond author 11. Aytekin M, Lauer ME, Comhair SA, Loftis J, Tian L, Farver CF, Hascall VC and Dweik RA: Modification of Hyaluronan by Heavy Chains of Inter-Alpha-Inhibitor in Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. J. Biol. Chem. 2014 Mar 7;289(10):6791. 12. Heresi GA, Aytekin M, Hammel JP, Wang S, Chatterjee S, Dweik RA: Plasma interleukin-6 adds prognostic information in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Eur Respir J. 2014 Mar;43(3):912-4. 13. Şakalar Ç., Yörük M., Kaya T., Aytekin M., Kuk S., Canatan H., "Pronounced Transcriptional Regulation Of Apoptotic And Tnf-Nf-Kappa-B Signaling Genes During The Course Of Thymoquinone Mediated Apoptosis In Hela Cells." Mol Cell Biochem, 2013 Nov;383(1- 2):243-51 14. Adriano R. Tornelli, Sarah Haserodt, Metin Aytekin, and Raed A. Dweik: Nitric oxide deficiency in pulmonary hypertension: Pathobiology and implication for therapy. Pulmonary Circulation. 2013;4(1):20-30. 15. Kalay N, Elcik D, Canatan H, Kaya MG, Yarlioglues M, Ohuzhan A, Dweik RA, and Aytekin M*: Elevated plasma hyaluronan levels in pulmonary hypertension. Tohoku J. Exp. Med. 2013;230,7-11. *Correspond author. 16. Ersin Demirer, Metin Aytekin, Atilla Uysal, Dilaver Taş, Oğuzhan Okutan, Turgut Öztutgan, Zafer Kartaloğlu, Niyazi Ümit Çitici: The “When and Why” Behind Failure of a Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy. The Annals of Eurasian Medicine. 2013;1(2): 31-4. 17. Aytekin M, Dweik RA.: Nitric oxide and asthma severity: towards a better understanding of asthma phenotypes. Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 2012; 12(42): 614-16. 18. Ayten O, Tas D, Demirer E, Okutan O, Ciftci F, Aytekin M, Uysal A, Kartaloglu Z.: Angiopoietin 2 Levels In Serum And Bronchial Lavage Fluids And Relation With Cancer Stage In The Patients With Lung Cancer. Thoracic Cancer. 2012;4: 20-26. 19. Tonelli RA, Aytekin M, Feldstein A, Dweik RA: Leptin Levels Predict Survival in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Pulmonary Circulation. 2012; 2(2):188-93. 20. Aytekin M, Singh AK, Haserodt S, Chakravarti R, Cody J, Minai OA, Dweik RA: Abnormal platelet aggregation in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension: role of nitric oxide. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2012; 302(6): L512-20 21. Heresi GA, Tang WWH, Aytekin M, Hammel J, Hazen SL and Dweik RA: Sensitive cardiac troponin I predicts poor outcomes in pulmonary arterial hypertension. European Respiratory Society. 2012;39:939-944. 22. Mashir A, Paschke KM, van Duin D, Shrestha NK, Laskowski D, Storer MK, Yen-Liberman B, Gordon SM, Aytekin M and Dweik RA.: Effect of the influenza A (H1N1) live attenuated intranasal vaccine on nitric oxide (FENO) and other volatiles in exhaled breath. J. Breath Res. 2011; 5, p1-6. 23. Kalay N., Aytekin M., Kaya MG., Ozbek K., Karayakali M., Sogut E., Altunkas F., Ozturk A., Koc F.: The relationship between inflammation and slow coronary flow: red cell distribution and serum uric acid levels. Turk Kardiyoloji Dernegi Arsivi. 2011. Sep;39(6):463-8. 24. Koc S, Aytekin M, Kalay N, Ozcetin M, Burucu T, Ozbek K, Celik A, Kadi H, Gulturk S, Koc F.: The effect of adenotonsillectomy on right ventricle function and pulmonary artery pressure in children with adenotonsillar hypertrophy. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2011, Jan;76(1):45-8. 25. Aytekin M, Dweik RA. Low molecular mass of hyaluronan was detected in PASMCs from the patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2011; 300: L148. 26. Haserodt S., Aytekin M., Dweik RA. A Comparison of the Sensitivity, Specificity, and Molecular Weight Accuracy of Three Different Commercially Available Hyaluronan ELISA like Assays. Glycobiology. 2011; Feb; 21 (2):175-83. 27. Heresi GA, Aytekin M, Newman J, DiDonato J, and Dweik RA: “Plasma levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and outcomes in pulmonary arterial hypertension” Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2010; Sep 1; 182 (5):661-8. 28. Çaylak E., Aytekin M*.: An industrial risk: Beryllium. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations. 2012;3(1):141-148. *Correspond author. 29. Aytekin M, Çaylak E. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Past, Present and Future. J Tub Thorax 2010; 58(1): 100-107. 30. Heresi GA, Aytekin M, Newman J and Dweik RA: “CXCchemokine ligand 10 in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension: marker of improved survival” Lung. 2010; 188: 191- 197. 31. Aytekin M, Çaylak E. Hyaluranon and the importance of Hyaluronan in diagnosis and treatment. J Tub Thorax 2009; 57(3): 356-364. 32. Aytekin M, Comhair SA, de la Motte C, Bandyopadhyay SK, Farver CF, Hascall VC, Erzurum SC, Dweik RA. High levels of hyaluronan in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2008; 295 (5): p. L789-99. 33. Grob NM, Aytekin M, and Dweik R A. Biomarkers in exhaled breath condensate: a review of collection, processing and analysis. J. Breath Res. 2008; Sep 8, 1-18. 34. Caylak E, Aytekin M*, Halifeoglu I. Antioxidant effects of methionine alpha-lipoic acid, N acetylcysteine and homocysteine on lead-induced oxidative stress to erythrocytes in rats. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology. 2008; Nov 20; 60-289- 294. *Correspond author 35. Aytekin M, Vinatzer U, Musteanu M, Raynaud S, Wieser R. Regulation of the expression of the oncogene EVI1 through the use of alternative mRNA 5′-ends. Gene. 2005; Aug 15; 356:160- 8. 36. Ari Z, Aytekin M, Yigitoglu MR, Uyanik BS, Yar B.: Total CK ve CK-MB olcumlerinde kullanilan farkli yontemlerin analitik performanslarinin karsilastirilmasi. Ibni sina tip dergisi 7, 171-176 (2002). 37. Wieser, R., Schreiner, U., Pirc-Danoewinata, H., Aytekin, M., Schmidt, H.H., Rieder, H., and Fonatsch, C.: Interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization assay for the detection of 3q21 rearrangements in myeloid malignancies. Genes, Chromosomes, Cancer. 2001; 32, 373-380. 38. Aytekin M., Ari Z, Yigitoglu MR, Uyanik BS, Yar B: Elecktrophoretic analysis of total creatine kinase and creatine kinase isoenzymes in hemodialysis patients. The Journal of Clinical Laboratory Research. 2001 5, 23-27. 39. Yigitoglu MR, Uyanik BS, Ari Z, Akyildiz M, Aytekin M, Yar B: The relationship between serum sex hormones and bone nonbone alkaline phosphatase in healthy adults. The Journal of Clinical Laboratory Research. 1998 2, 87-94
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