Minko Tamara Andreevna
years of experience

Minko Tamara Andreevna

  • Specialization: Psychologist
  • 16 years of experience
  • Online consultations: available
  • CONTACTS 095 462 2657. 099 036 49 78. 095 462 2656 Tamara Andreevna professionally treats psychological problems and illnesses: various fears, anxiety, obsessive actions and thoughts, behavioral disorders, aggression, conflict, antisocial behavior, headaches, migraines, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, neurosis, psychosis, alcoholism, persecution mania, mental disorders, sleep terrors, chronic fatigue, personality and behavior disorders, schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, acute psychotic states, depressive disorder, depressive reaction, postpartum depression, drug addiction, bipolar disorder, insomnia.

Online consultation with Minko Tamara Andreevna

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CONTACTS 095 462 2657. 099 036 49 78. 095 462 2656


Specialty: Clinical Psychology.


TU "Communication skills of a doctor"


"Psychotherapy of psychosomatic disorders"

Modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment of ADHD (2020)

Advanced training: "Art therapy: theory and practice"

Advanced training: "Modern counseling and psychotherapeutic technologies for working with trauma and post-traumatic stress disorders"

Advanced training: "Neuropsychological diagnostics and correction"

Advanced training: "Ericksonian approach to consulting"

Methodological training seminar for a practical psychologist on the topic: "Art-therapeutic work on a screen with backlighting using the basics of Jungian sand therapy"

Advanced training: "Coaching for professional growth"

Seminar-training: “Serial killer: behavioral pathology or heredity?”

Participation in associations

USP – Ukrainian Union of Psychotherapists

Procedures performed

diagnostics and differential diagnostics of mental disorders;

psychotherapy of mental disorders;

advisory reception;

cognitive behavioral therapy;

provocative therapy;

rational therapy;

psychodiagnostics and neurodiagnostics;

family and individual psychotherapy;

art therapy.

Treatment of diseases

alcohol problems;

various fears, anxiety, obsessive actions and thoughts;

behavioral disorders;

aggression, conflict, antisocial behavior;

headaches of various origins;


sleep disturbance;

chronic fatigue syndrome;

persecution mania;

mental disorders;


chronic fatigue;

personality and behavioral disorders;

schizoaffective disorder;


acute psychotic states;

depressive episode;

depressive disorder;

depressive reaction;

postpartum depression;'

drug addiction.

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