Muhammed Zubeyr Üçüncü
years of experience

Muhammed Zubeyr Üçüncü

  • Specialization: Gastrointestinal surgeon
  • 17 years of experience
  • accreditations:
  • Speaks:
  • Online consultations: available
  • Workplace: Turkey, Istanbul, IC ESTHETIC Clinic
  • Academic Appointments: 2008- 2013 Istanbul University Istanbul Medicine FacultyDeparment Of general Sugery 2015-Present Istanbul Gelisim University  Associate Proffessor Of surgery Hospital Appointments: 2013-2016 General Surgery SpecialistGovernment Hospital 2017-2019İstanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital 2019-2021  Derindere Hospital 2021- Present  İstanbul Cerrahi Hospital Certitication: Advanced Trauma Life Support Advanced Endoscopy Certificate Professional Organizations: Turkish Surgery Association Turkish Trauma and Emergency Surgery International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders(IFSO) Turkish Obesity Surgery Society(TOSS)

    Dr. İlknur,Karakuş Şeyma,Gültekin Serap,Özçınar Beyza,Özmen Vahit,İğci Abdullah,Müslümanoğlu Mahmut Ebudeccane,Dinçcag Sait Ahmet The 18th SIS World Congress on Breast Healthcare September 16-19,2014 Orlando,USA 3- Axillary Lymph Node Ratio Is An Independent Prognostic Factor In Breast Cancer Üçüncü Muhammed Zübeyr,Karakuş Şeyma,Tükenmez Mustafa,Kaya Serdar,Yüksel Sercan,Özmen Vahit,Müslümanoğlu Mahmut Ebudeccane,Dinççag Ahmet Sait,İğci Abdullah,Özçınar Beyza,Cabıoğlu Neslihan The 18th SIS World Congress on Breast Healthcare September 16-19,2014 Orlando,USA Dr. Muhammed ZübeyrThird is a specialist in General Surgery and Associate Professor of Surgery, with a degree from Istanbul University Istanbul Medicine Faculty. Dr. Third has extensive experience in the treatment of acute biliary pancreatitis, endoscopy, trauma and emergency surgery, obesity, and breast health. He has published several articles in medical journals and has presented at international conferences.

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Certifications & accreditations

International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders
Advanced Trauma Life Support


Date of birth: 13.08.1984 Education: Degree Department University Yıl Graduate Education Medicine Istanbul University Istanbul Medicine Faculty 2002-2008 Post-graduate traınıng General Surgery Istanbul University Istanbul Medicine Faculty 2008- 2013 Doctorate Thesis: Can diffusion sequence magnetic resonance imaging be used instead of contrast-enhanced computed tomography in the follow-up of patients with acute biliary pancreatitis? Academic Appointments: 2008- 2013 Istanbul University Istanbul Medicine FacultyDeparment Of general Sugery 2015-Present Istanbul Gelisim University  Associate Proffessor Of surgery Hospital Appointments: 2013-2016 General Surgery SpecialistGovernment Hospital 2017-2019İstanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital 2019-2021  Derindere Hospital 2021- Present  İstanbul Cerrahi Hospital Certitication: Advanced Trauma Life Support Advanced Endoscopy Certificate Certificate of Experimental Animals Professional Organizations: Turkish Breast Health Federation Turkish Surgery Association Turkish Trauma and Emergency Surgery International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders(IFSO) Turkish Obesity Surgery Society(TOSS) Publications: 1- Relationship between atrophic gastritis, gastric intestinal metaplasia and Helicobacter pylori on endoscopic screening of upper gastrointestinal tract and a brief review of the literature ÜÇÜNCÜ MUHAMMED ZÜBEYR, KABUL GÜRBULAK ESİN,GÜRBULAK BÜNYAMİN,SAVAŞ OSMAN ANIL,ÖZÜTÜRK BENGÜ,DURAL AHMET CEM ,HAŞLAK ADNAN Eur Surg 2016 · 48:99–104 DOI 10.1007/s10353-015-0378-9 2- What is the clinical yield of capsule endoscopy in the management of obscure bleeding in emergency service? ÜÇÜNCÜ MUHAMMED ZÜBEYR 1 , Süleyman Bademler2 , Mehmet İlhan2 , Ali Fuat Kaan Gök2 , Filiz Akyüz3 , Recep Güloğlu2 Turkısh journal of Trauma and emergency surgery 2017 Jan;23(1):46-50. doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.79360. DOI: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.79360 3: Impact of anxiety on sedative medication dosage in patients undergoing esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Gürbulak B1 , ÜÇÜNCÜ MUHAMMED ZÜBEYR 2 , Yardımcı E3 , Kırlı E4 , Tüzüner F5 . Wideochir Inne Tech Maloinwazyjne. 2018 Jun;13(2):192-198. doi: 10.5114/wiitm.2018.73594. Epub 2018 Feb 15 4: Risk factors for complications in cancer patients with totally implantable access ports: A retrospective study and review of the literature. Bademler S1 , ÜÇÜNCÜ MUHAMMED ZÜBEYR 2 , Yıldırım İ3 , Karanlık H4 . J Int Med Res. 2019 Feb;47(2):702-709. doi: 10.1177/0300060518808167. Epub 2018 Nov 15. 5: Evaluation Knowledge, Attitude, and Behaviour for Breast Cancer among Young Women Living in Two Different Habitats of Turkey ÜÇÜNCÜ MUHAMMED ZÜBEYR 1 , Üçüncü MM, Toprak D. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2018 Nov 29;19(11):3179-3185 6: Clinical Significance of Serum Membrane-Bound Mucin-2 Levels in Breast Cancer. Bademler S1 , Zirtiloglu A2 , Sari M3 , ÜÇÜNCÜ MUHAMMED ZÜBEYR, Dogru EB5 , Karabulut S6 . Biomolecules. 2019 Jan 24;9(2). pii: E40. doi: 10.3390/biom9020040. 7: Complicated or not complicated: Stoma site marking before emergency abdominal surgery. Gök AFK1 , Özgür I, Altunsoy M, ÜÇÜNCÜ MUHAMMED ZÜBEYR, Bayraktar A, Bulut MT, Keskin M. Turkısh journal of Trauma and emergency surgery 2019 Jan;25(1):60-65. doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2019.48482 8: Role of ınsulın-lıke growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and ınsulın-lıke growth factor bındıng proteın-3 (IGFBP-3) ın the dıagnosıs of pancreatıc adenocarcınoma and monıtorıng treatment response SULEYMAN BADEMLER, MUHAMMED ZUBEYR UCUNCU2, MURAT SARI3 , CEREN TILGEN YASASEVER4 , CIGDEM USUL AFSAR5 , DIDEM TASTEKİN6 Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2019, 35: 71 DOI: 10.19193/0393-6384_2019_1_12 9: Clınıcal sıgnıfıcance of serum ınsulın-lıke growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and ınsulınlıke growth bındıng proteın-3 (IGFBP-3) ın patıents wıth gastrıc cancer SÜLEYMAN BADEMLER1 , MURAT SARI2 , MUHAMMET ZUBEYR ÜÇÜNCÜ3 , MURAT SERILMEZ4 , SENEM KARABULUT Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2018, 34: 2055 DOI: 10.19193/0393-6384_2018_6_320 10: The Diagnostic Significance of PDGF, EphA7, CCR5, and CCL5 Levels in Colorectal Cancer. ÜÇÜNCÜ MUHAMMED ZÜBEYR,Serilmez Murat,Sarı Murat,BADEMLER SÜLEYMAN,KARABULUT SENEM Biomolecules,2019, 9(9), 464, Doi: 10.3390/biom9090464 11: Standardized Laparoscopic Sphincter-preserving Total Mesorectal Excision For Rectal Cancer. BADEMLER SÜLEYMAN,KOZA KADIR BURAK,ÜÇÜNCÜ MUHAMMED ZÜBEYR,Tokmak Handan,BAKIR BARIS,ORAL ETHEM NEZIH,ASOGLU OKTAR Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy Percutaneous Techniques,2019, 29(5), 354-361. 12: Effect of Dexketoprofene Trometamol on Post-Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Pancreatitis. Arı Aziz,Gürbulak Bünyamin,Ökmen Hasan,Tatar Cihad,Idiz Ufuk Oguz,ÜÇÜNCÜ MUHAMMED ZÜBEYR Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan,2019, 29(6), 511-515., Doi: 10.29271/jcpsp.2019.06.511 13: Usefulness of imaging findings in predicting tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in patients with breast cancer Çelebi Filiz,Agacayak Filiz,ÖZTÜRK MEHMET ALPER,Ilgün Serkan, ÜÇÜNCÜ MUHAMMED ZÜBEYR , IYIGÜN ZEYNEP,ORDU ÇETIN,Pilancı Kezban,Alço Gül,GÜLTEKIN SERAP,CINDIL EMETULLAH,Soybir Gürsel,Aktepe Fatma,ÖZMEN VAHIT European Radiology 2020, 30 (4), 2049-2057 14: EVALUATION OF GASTRIC INFLAMMATORY PARAMETERS CAUSED BY PYLORIC RING FAILURE. ÜÇÜNCÜ MUHAMMED ZÜBEYR,Gürbulak Bünyamin,Çolak Sükrü Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2019 , 35, 1481-1485., Doi: 10.19193/0393-6384_2019_3_229, 15: Surgical Trends in Breast Cancer in Turkey: An Increase in Breast-Conserving Surgery. KARADENIZ ÇAKMAK GÜLDENIZ,EMIROGLU SELMAN,SEZER YAVUZ ATAKAN,CANTÜRK NUH ZAFER,YENIAY LEVENT,KURU BEKIR,KARANLIK HASAN,SOYDER AYKUT,GÖKGÖZ MUSTAFA SEHSUVAR,SAKMAN GÜRHAN,ÜÇÜNCÜ MUHAMMED ZÜBEYR,AKÇAY MÜFIDE NURAN,GIRGIN SADULLAH,ÖZKAN GÜRDAL SIBEL,EMIROGLU MUSTAFA TUGBAY,ÖZBAS SERDAR,ÖZ ABDULLAH BAHADIR,ARICI CUMHUR,TOKTAS OSMAN,DEMIRCAN ORHAN,ÇALIK ADNAN,KAMALI POLAT AYFER,MARALCAN ÖKTÜRK,DEMIRER SEHER,ÖZMEN VAHIT JCO Global Oncology2020 , (6), 285-292 16: Diagnostic and Prognostic Significance of Carboxypeptidase A4 (CPA4) in Breast Cancer. BADEMLER SÜLEYMAN, ÜÇÜNCÜ MUHAMMED ZÜBEYR Tilgen Vatansever Ceren,Serilmez Murat,ERTIN HAKAN,KARANLIK HASAN Biomolecules,2019, 9(3), 103 17: The early diagnosis of fibromyalgia in irritable bowel syndrome patients ÜÇÜNCÜ MUHAMMED ZÜBEYRǡò.ǡ ͳͶ͵ȋʹͲʹͲȌͳͳͲǦͳͳͻ ǣȀȀǤȀͳͲǤͳͲͳ͸ȀǤǤʹͲʹͲǤͳͳͲͳͳͻ İnternational Proceeding Abstracts: 1- Pure Tubular Carcınoma Of Breast: Clınıcopathologıcal And Bıologıcal Features Üçüncü Muhammed Zübeyr,Karakuş Şeyma,Tükenmez Mustafa,Yüksel Sercan,Özkurt Enver,Özçınar Beyza,Özmen Vahit,İğci Abdullah,Dinççağ Ahmet Sait,Müslümanoğlu Mahmut Ebudeccane,Cabıoğlu Neslihan The 18th SIS World Congress on Breast Healthcare September 16-19,2014 Orlando,USA 2- Breast Cancer Associated With Paget's Disease Has An Aggressive Tumor Biology . Aksakal Nihat,Tükenmez Mustafa,Üçüncü Muhammed Zübeyr,Baysal Abdulmuttalip,Özkurt Enver,Özmen Vahit,Müslümanoğlu Mahmut Ebudeccane,Dinççağ Ahmet Sait,İğci Abdullah,Cabıoğlu Neslihan The 18th SIS World Congress On Breast Healthcare September 16-19,2014 Orlando,USA 3-CAN WE USE CONTRAST ENHANCED CT INSTEAD OF DIFFUSION WEIGHTED MR IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE BILIER PANCREATITIS? M. Ucuncu, M. Ilhan, A.F.K. Gok, H. Yanar, R. Guloglu, K. Gunay, C. Ertekin 15th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery and 2nd World Trauma Congress May 25–27, 2014 Frankfurt, Germany 4-ROLE OF THE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION AND NEW DIAGNOSTIC METHODS IN THE PREVENTION OF UNNECESSARY LAPAROTOMY DUE TO ABDOMINAL PENETRATING OBJECT INJURIES M. Ilhan, A.F.K. Gok,M. Ucuncu, H. Yanar, R. Guloglu, K. Gunay, C. Ertekin15th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery and 2nd World Trauma Congress May 25–27, 2014 Frankfurt, Germany 5-APPENDICAL MASS: IS INTERVAL APPENDECTOMY NECESSARY? M. Ilhan, A.F.K. Gok, M. Ucuncu, H. Yanar, K. Gunay, C. Ertekin15th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery and 2nd World Trauma Congress May 25–27, 2014 Frankfurt, Germany 6- AS AN EMERGENCY SURGICAL INTERVENTION, IS HARTMANN SECURE? M. Ilhan, Y. Soytas¸, A.F.K. Gok, M. Ucuncu, H. Yanar, R. Guloglu, C. Ertekin15th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery and 2nd World Trauma Congress May 25–27, 2014 Frankfurt, Germany 7- Geriatric Trauma: A Survey of Recent 4 Years A. Gok, M. Üçüncü, E. Sivrikoz, F. Yanar, H. Yanar, K. Günay, R. Guloglu, C. Ertekin; Istanbul/TR Ertekin14th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery May 4 – 7, 2013 Lyon /France 8- Dismal prognosis in metaplastic breast cancer due to the aggressive tumour biology M Tukenmez,M. Üçüncü,H.Karanlık,N.Aksakal,N.Seyhun, B. Güzelbey, E.Yavuz, M.Muslumanoglu, A.İgci, N.Cabıoglu DOI: 34th ESSO Congress 29-31 October 2014 Liverpool-UK 9- Our institutional experience with male breast cancer M Tukenmez,M. Üçüncü, N.Aksakal, S Doğan, O. Cenk Cücük, M. Muslumanoglu, A İğci, V. Ozmen, N. Cabioğlu 34th ESSO Congress 29-31 October 2014 Liverpool-UK

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