Oleksandr Mykolayovych Lysyany
years of experience

Oleksandr Mykolayovych Lysyany

  • Specialization: Psychiatrist
  • 12 years of experience
  • Online consultations: available
  • CONTACTS 095 462 2657. 099 036 49 78. 095 462 2656 One of the most sought-after doctors in Kyiv. Treats the following illnesses: depression, anxiety, fears, panic attacks, apathy and lethargy, insomnia, neuroses, psychoses, increased irritability, life crises, alcoholism, relationship problems. Helps to get out of difficult life situations. Initial examination of the patient, establishment of a preliminary diagnosis, prescription of treatment with subsequent selection of treatment. Member of the Association of Psychotherapists and Psychoanalysts of Ukraine. Member of the Association of Psychiatrists of Ukraine Doctor of the highest category.

Online consultation with Oleksandr Mykolayovych Lysyany

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Price on request


CONTACTS 095 462 2657. 099 036 49 78. 095 462 2656


VDNU "Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy", medical practice (2012)

National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after L.P.Shupik, Psychiatry (2014)


International Scientific Symposium "Personalized Approaches to Neurological, Psychiatric and Narcological Care", Kharkov (2021)


International scientific and practical conference "Psychosomatic medicine: science and practice", Kyiv (2021)

International Conference "Between Body and Soul" (2021)

International Conference "XIII Neurosymposium", Odessa (2021)

International Conference "Psychotherapy - a Modern Science of Human", Kyiv (2020)

TU "Communication skills of a doctor", Bogomolets National Medical University (2020)

International Scientific Congress "Psychosomatic Medicine of the 21st Century: Realities and Prospects", Kyiv (2020)

TU "Current Problems of Narcology", NMAPO named after Shupik (2019)

International Scientific Congress "Cognitive decline and dementia in cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative diseases", Kyiv (2019)

TU "Mental disorders in children and adults, modern psychopharmacotherapy", NMAPO named after Shupik (2018)

TU "Current issues of narcology", NMAPO named after Shupik (2015)

Participation in associations

Member of the Association of Psychotherapists and Psychoanalysts of Ukraine

Member of the Association of Psychiatrists of Ukraine

Procedures performed

Diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders of old age; disorders due to brain damage, behavioral disorders associated with the use of alcohol and drugs; schizophrenia spectrum disorders, affective disorders, neurotic disorders, psychopathic behavior

Psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy

Development of an individual drug therapy strategy, taking into account the patient’s characteristics and the course of the disease

Withdrawal from binge drinking

Conducting detoxification therapy "at home"

Psychotherapy of mental disorders

Consultation reception

Family counseling

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