Saglaeva Tatiana Sergeevna
years of experience

Saglaeva Tatiana Sergeevna

  • Specialization: Psychologist
  • 9 years of experience
  • Online consultations: available
  • CONTACTS 095 462 2657. 099 036 49 78. 095 462 2656 Individual consultations. Consultations for married couples. Conflicts in the family or in relationships with a partner. Crises in relationships. Feelings of fear, anxiety, grief, guilt, shame, resentment, etc. Lack of goals, lack of energy (vitality). Age-related crises (questions of the meaning of life). Emotional dependence, codependent relationships. Discovery and development of sexuality, Problems in the sexual sphere with a partner in a relationship. Loneliness, Socialization, Communication problems.

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CONTACTS 095 462 2657. 099 036 49 78. 095 462 2656


National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Dragomanov, teacher of history and law, 2003-2008

Kyiv Institute of Modern Psychology and Psychotherapy (KISPP), clinical psychologist, 2014-2017


Kiev Institute of Modern Psychology and Psychotherapy (KISPP), 2018-2021, "Sexology".

Ukrainian Higher Medical School, 2022, Course PTSD: from fundamental mechanisms to treatment.

Practitioner and manager of TRIM (Trauma Risk Management) – a method of assistance after a traumatic event/incident. I teach this method to psychologists, military psychologists.

Procedures performed

Conflicts in the family or in relationships with a partner (of any sexual orientation). Crises in relationships.

Emotional dependence, codependent relationships.

Living through a breakup.

Feelings of fear, anxiety, grief, guilt, shame, resentment, etc.

Loneliness, Socialization, Communication Problems.

Lack of goals, lack of energy (vitality).

Self-esteem, Insecurity, Self-acceptance, Identity issues.

Age-related crises, existential crises (questions about the meaning of life).

Discovery and development of sexuality, Problems in the sexual sphere with a partner in a relationship.

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