Seval Pehlevan
years of experience

Seval Pehlevan

  • Specialization: Rheumatologist
  • 32 years of experience
  • Speaks:
  • Workplace: Turkey, Istanbul, Medicana Atasehir Hospital
  • çcu Z, Inanc M, Kayhan S, Kılıç M, Kocaoglu M, Masatlioglu S, Nalbantsoy A, Ozdogan H, Ozgocmen S, Poyrazoglu H, Saglam H, Torun N, Uyar M, Yalcin S, Yurdakul S, Yüksel B, Yurdakul S. "Prevalence of familial Mediterranean fever in Turkey: a nationwide multicenter study". Rheumatology, 48(5):541-3 (2009).


    Seval Pehlevan, M.D. Associate Professor of Medicine is an expert in Rheumatology with graduate education from Istanbul University School of Medicine and postgraduate education from Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital and Cerrahpaşa University School of Medicine. He has a wide range of experience and has published many scientific articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals. He is currently working at Medicana Kadıköy Hospital, Istanbul in the department of Rheumatology with a special focus on Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arthritis Psoriarik, Sjogren Syndrome and SLE.


Hospital  Medicana Kadıköy Hospital, Istanbul

Department Rheumatology

Academic Title Associate Professor of Medicine                            

Physician Name Seval Pehlevan, M.D. Associate Professor of Medicine

Graduate Education İstanbul University School of Medicine (1986-1992)

Postgraduate Education (Residency) Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine (1993-1998)


Cerrahpaşa University School of Medicine, Department of Rheumatology, Rheumatology Residency Program (1999-2003)

Area of Expertise Rheumatology


Experience Haydarpaşa Numune Education and Research Hospital (2003-2011)


Fatih University Hospital (2011-2016)


Medicalpark Hospitals Group Gebze Hospital(2016-2019)


Medicana Kadıköy Hospital, Istanbul, Department of Rheumatology, M.D. Associate Professor of Medicine (2019-present)

Medical Interests

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Arthritis Psoriarik

Sjogren Syndrome


Scientific Publications


Articles published in journals covered by SCI-Expanded, SSCI or AHCI

1.Yılmaz G, Masatlioglu S, Yetkin DO, Demirtunç R, Boysan SN, Kaplan S, Ince N. "Is there a real adrenal axis dysfunction in patients with Amyloidosis associated with Familial Meditteranean Fever?, Rheumatology İnternational,32(11):3421-4 (2012)
2.Masatlioglu S, Dulundu E, Gogus F, Hatemi G, Ozdogan H. "The frequency of familial Mediterranean fever in an emergency unit", Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 29(4 Suppl 67), 44-6 ( 2011)
3.Inan AS, Masatlıoglu S, Ozyurek SC, Engin D, Erdem I."Unusual central nervous system involvement of rheumatoid arthritis: successful treatment with steroid and azathioprine". Rheumatology International, 31(10):1383-5 (2011).
4.Masatlioglu S., Seyahi E, Tahir-Turanlı E, Fresko I, Gogus F, Senates E, Oguz-Sarvan F, Yazıcı H. "A twin study in Behçet's syndrome", Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 62-66 (2010)
5.Masatlioğlu SP, Göktay F, Mansur AT, Akkaya AD, Güneş P. "Systemic lupus erythematosus presenting as pyoderma gangrenosum in two cases". Rheumatology International, 29(7), 837-40 (2009).
6.Sahin GM, Sahin S, Kiziltas S, Masatlioglu S, Oguz F, Ergin H. "Mycophenolate mofetil versus azathioprine in the maintenance therapy of lupus nephritis", Renal Failure, 30(9), 865-9 (2008).
7.Duman D, Masatlioglu S, Demirtunc R, Karadag B. "Increased pulmonary artery stiffness and its relation to right ventricular functionin patients with systemic lupus erythematosus." Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Arşivi, 82-89 (2008).
8.Hatemi G, Melikoglu M, Fresko I, Masatlioglu S, Tascilar K, Yazici H. "Infliximab does not suppress the tuberculin skin test (purified protein derivative). Journal of Rheumatology, Mar;34(3), 474-80 (2007).
9.Yildiz M, Masatlioglu S, Seymen P, Aytac E, Sahin B, Seymen HO."The carotid-femoral (aortic) pulse wave velocity as a marker of arterial stiffness in familial Mediterranean fever". Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 22(13), 1127-31 (2006).
10.Caliskan R, Masatlioglu S, Aslan M, Altun S, Saribas S, Ergin S, Uckan E, Koksal V, Oz V, Altas K, Fresko I, Kocazeybek B."The relationship between arthritis and human parvovirus B19 infection". Rheumatology International, 26(1), 7-11 (2005).
11.Tunca M, Akar S, Önen F, Ozdoğan H, Kasapçapur Ö, Yalçınkaya F, Tutar E, Özen S, Topaloğlu R, Yılmaz E, Arıcı M, Bakkaloğlu A, Beşbaş N, Akpolat T, Dinç A, Erken E. "Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF)in Turkey: results of a nationwide multicenter study". Medicine (Baltimore), 1-11 (2005).
12.Hatemi G, Bahar H, Uysal S, Mat C, Gogus F, Masatlioglu S, Altas K, Yazici H. "The pustular skin lesions in Behcet's syndrome are not sterile" Annals of the rheumatic disease, 63(11):1450-2 (2004).
13.Hatemi G, Masatlioglu S, Gogus F, Ozdogan H. "Necrotizing vasculitis associated with familial Mediterranean fever". The American journal of medicine, 117(7):516-9 (2004)
14.Seyahi E, Ozdogan H, Masatlioglu S, Yazici H. "Successful treatment of familial Mediterranean fever attacks with thalidomide in a colchicine resistant patient". Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 20(4 Suppl 26), 43-4 (2002).
15.Karatoprak C, Uyar S, Abanonu GB, Pehlevan SM, Okuroglu N, Demirtunc R. “The levels of β-thromboglobulin in female rheumatoid arthritis patients as activation criteria”. Rheumatology international,33 (5):1229-32 (2013).
16.Şenateş E, Masatlıoğlu S, Akdoğan MF, Kurtuluş D, Atasoy MM, Övünç O.” A case of Polyarteritis Nodosa Mimicking Pyelonephritis and was Misdiagnosed as Inflammatory Bowel Disease”.Türkiye Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon dergisi, 59:79-82 (2013)
17.Pehlevan S, Yetkin DO, Bahadır C, Goktay F, Pehlevan Y, Kayatas, Ince N. "Increased prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients with psoriatic arthritis. Metabolic Syndrome Related Disorder, 12(1):43-8 (2014)
18.Direskeneli H, Akkoç N, Bes C, Cakir N, Cefle A, Cobankara V, Dalkilic E, Dinc A, Ertenli I, Gul A, Hamuryudan V, Inanc M, Kalyoncu U, Karaaslan Y, Kasifoglu T, Keser G, Keskin G, Kisacik B, Kiraz S, Masatlioglu S, Onat AM, Ozbek S, Ozturk MA, Pamuk ON, Pay S, Pirildar T, Sayarlioglu M, Senel S, Senturk T, Tasan D, Terzioglu E, Yazici A, Yucel E. Impact of rheumatoid arthritis in Turkey: a questionnaire study. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 32 (4):477-83 (2014)
19.Uğurlu S, Seyahi E, Hancı I, Pehlevan S, Ozdogan H, Yazıcı H. Effect of colchicine on serum lipid levels. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 34 (6): 136 (2016)
20.Kayatas K, Karatoprak C, cebeci F, Dayan A, Ozkan S, Pehlevan SM, Kartal İ, Demirtunc R. Prevence of low lipid levels in patients with Behcet’s disease as a protector against atheresclerosis. European Review for Medical Pharmacological Sciences 17 (17):2330-4 (2013)
21.Kalyoncu U, bayındır Ö, Ferhat Öksüz M, Doğru A, Kimyon G, Tarhan EF, Erden A, Yavuz Ş, Can M, Çetin GY, Kılıç L, Küçükşahin O, Omma A, Ozisler C, Solmaz D, Bozkirli ED; Akyol L, Pehlevan SM, Gunal EK, Arslan F, Yılmazer B, Atakan N, Aydın SZ, Psoriatic Arthritis Registry of Turkey Study Group. The Psoriatic Arthritis Registry of Turkey: results of a multicentre registry on 1081 patients. Rheumatology (Oxford) 56 (2):279-286 (2017)
22. Uyar S, Abanonu GB, Pehlevan SM, Karatoprak C, Menguc MU, Daskin A, Dolu S, Demirtunc R. Elevated beta-thromboglobulin and mean platelet volume levels may show persistent platelet activation in systemic lupus erythematosus patients. Adv Clin Exp Med. May 17 (2018)
23.Solmaz D, Bakirci S, Kimyon G, Kasapoglu Gunal E, Dogru A, Bayindir O, Dalkilic E, Ozisler C, Can M, Akar S, Cetin GY, Yavuz S, Kilic L, Tarhan EF, Kucuksahin O, Omma A, Gonullu E, Yildiz F, Ersozlu ED, Cinar M, Onazi A, Aydin Tufan M, Erden A, Yilmaz S, Pehlevan S, Kalyoncu U, Aydin SZ. The impact of having family history of psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis on psoriatic disease. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) Jan 25 (2019)

Papers presented at international scientific meetings and printed in the Book of proceedings

1.Ozdogan H, Uğurlu S, Hatemi G, Demirel Y, Çallı S, Ozgon G, Masatlıoğlu Pehlevan S, Çelik S, Kılıc H, Ozguler Y, Cengiz M, Yıldırım S, Batumlu M, Cevirgen D, Yüksel Fındıkoğlu S, Alpaslan O, Ballı M, Akyayla E, Intern study Group. "Prevalence of FMF and Chronic Renal Failure due to amyloidosis and frequency of MEFV mutations in Zara, TURKEY" (Poster).Annals of The Rheumatic disease Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR), s578, London, İngiltere, 2011
2.Yüksel G, Masatlıoglu Pehlevan S, Gencer M, Cetinkaya Y, Celik S, Kurtulus D, Tireli H. "Electrophysiological invastigation of peripheral nerves in Ankylosing spondylitis Patients". Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases kitabında . Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR), Roma, İtalya 2010.
3.Yüksel G, Masatlıoglu Pehlevan S, Varlıbas F, Celik S, Kurtulus D, Gencer M, Tireli H. "Sleep Quality and Restless Legs Syndrome in Ankylosing spondylitis".(Poster) Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases kitabında . Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR), Roma, İtalya 2010.
4.Masatlıoglu S, Gogus F, Seyahi E, Fresko I, Tahir -Turanlı E, Yazici H. "Prevalence of Monozygotic Twins with Behçet's Syndrome". Arthritis& Rheumatism kitabında, Amreican College of Rheumatology Congress, s687, Philadelphia, USA, 2009.
5.Hatemi G, Melikoglu M, Fresko I, Masatlioglu S, Yazici H. "Infliximab Threapy does not suppress the PPD reaction". Arthritis& Rheumatism kitabında, American College of Rheumatology Congress, s687, 2009.
6.Pehlevan S, Kılıcoğlu G, Arman A, Karakas M, Demirtunc R, Yehlivan Y. "Distal interphalangeal joint involvement in Rheumatoid arthritis". Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases kitabında . Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR), Amsterdam, Hollanda, 2006.
7.Ozdogan H, Masatlıoğlu S, Gogus F, Seyahi E, Hatemi G, Batumlu M, Cevirgen D, Yazıcı H. "Infliximab related side effectsin children and adults with rheumatic disease". Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases kitabında . Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR), s474, Vienna, Austria 2005
8.Gogus F, Ozdogan H, Masatlıoglu S, Dulundu E, Hatemi G. "A proposal of a short questionnaire for screening Familial Mediterranean Fever". Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases kitabında . Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR), s312, Stockholm; Sweeden, 2002
9.Hatemi G, Seyahi E, Masatlioglu S, Gogus F, Ozdogan H." Clinical and Laboratory characteristics of Familial Mediterranean Fever with Polyarteritis Nodosa". Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases kitabında .Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR), s397, Stockholm; Sweeden, 2002
10.Masatlıoglu S, Dulundu E, Hatemi G, Ozdogan H. "The frequency of Familial Mediterranean Fever in a emergency setting". Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases kitabında . Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR), s437-438, Stockholm; Sweeden, 2002
11.Alıcı Y, Masatlıoglu S, Fresko I, Habiboğlu E, Kara F, Yazıcı H. "Chest expansion in Rheumatic diseases". Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases kitabında . Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR),s322, Prague, Czech Republic 2001
12.Fresko I, Masatlıoglu S, Melikoglu M, Tunc R, Bıyıklı M, Ozdogan H, Yazıcı H. "The frequency of Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) among patients with Behçet's Syndrome"Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology kitabında, Familial Mediterranean Fever II International Conference, s301, Antalya, Turkey 2000
13.Tunc R, Ungun S, Masatlıoglu S, Kasapçapur O, Arısoy N, Ozdogan H. "The frequency of Calcaneal spurs in patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever: A blinded controlled study". Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology kitabında, Familial Mediterranean Fever II International Conference, s290, Antalya, Turkey 2000

International books written or chapters in books

Articles Published In National Peer-Reviewed Journals

1.Masatlıoğlu S, Ayaydın S, Demirtunç R, Yılmaz G, Yolcu N, Kayataş K, Duman D. "Romatoid artritli hastalarda aort sertliği", Haydarpaşa Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Dergisi, 131-137, 2011
2.Uyar S, Masatlıoğlu Pehlevan S, Babacan Abanonu G, Okuroğlu N, Demirtunç R. "Sistemik lupus eritematosus ve Romatoid artritli hastaların serum prolaktin düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi", Haydarpaşa Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Dergisi, 35-40, 2011
3.Çelik S, Özgil D, Akkan Z, Yasar B, Masatlıoğlu S, Arıkan N, Çamur NK, Tekeş A, Yıldırım Y. "Tüylü hücreli lösemili bir olgu sunumu ". Haydarpaşa Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Dergisi, 186-188, 2002.
4.Yetkin DÖ, Masatlıoğlu S, Çelik S, Akkan Z, Yaşar B, Tekeş A, Yıldırım Y. "Nonsirotik portal hipertansiyon", Haydarpaşa Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Dergisi,124-126, 20004

Papers Published In The Book Of Papers Presented At National Scientific Meetings

1.Kurtuluş D, Bahadır C, Masatlıoğlu-Pehlevan S, Swearingen C, Yazıcı Y."Ankilozan Spondilit hastalarında MDHAQ-RAPID 3'ün BASDAI ve BASFI ile karşılaştırılması". X. Romatoloji kongresi bildiri kitapçığında X. Ulusal Romatoloji kongresi, s85-86, Antalya, 2009.
2.Çelik S, Masatlıoglu-Pehlevan S, Ekin M, Sevindir İ, Kaptanoğulları Ö. "Romatoid artritte Çöliak Hastalığının sıklığı" X. Romatoloji kongresi bildiri kitapçığında X. Ulusal Romatoloji kongresi, s100, Antalya, 2009
3.Çelik S, Masatlıoglu-Pehlevan S, Yıldız H, Özgil-Yetkin D, Esen-Güllü B, Süt N, Kaptanoğulları Ö. "Romatoid artritte menapoz yaşı" X. Romatoloji kongresi bildiri kitapçığında X. Ulusal Romatoloji kongresi, s102, Antalya, 2009
4.Çelik S, Masatlıoglu-Pehlevan S, Özgil-Yetkin D, Aydın N, Pehlivan Y. "Ankilozan spondilitte metabolik sendrom ve İnsülin direnci" X. Romatoloji kongresi bildiri kitapçığında X. Ulusal Romatoloji kongresi, s92, Antalya, 2009
5.Göğüş F, Pehlivan S, Fresko İ, Yazıcı H. "Behçet sendromulu hastalarda LEEDS Behçet hastalık aktivitesi formu ile PİNCUS çok boyutlu sağlık değerlendirme anketinin birlikte uygulanması". Ulusal Romatoloji Kongresi Özet kitabı, Ulusal Romatoloji kongresi 2002, s37, Adana 2002

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