Ulises Salinas Garcia

  • Specialization: Anesthesiologist
  • 39 years of experience
  • Speaks:
    English, Spanish
  • With almost 40 years of experience as a leading anesthesiologist in public and private practice. Additionally, he has performed anesthesia on over 20 000 bariatric patients, with a high success rate in orotracheal intubation, even on complex airway patients.
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Laparoscopic or conventional inguinal hernia surgery all-inclusive
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The package includes a standard range of medical services offered by the clinic and additional benefits like accommodation, transfer, etc.

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Monterrey 1o10-B

Fracc. The Sources

Piedras Negras, Coahuila. 26aV


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Ced. Prof. rrr5855

Ced. Esp. 49S6gSs

USA Mailing Address:

2369 Loriiee Dr.

Eagle Pass, TX Z88Sz

- As an adjunct professor in the 1st Binational Course on Medical-Surgical Emergencies, September and October

1997, Monterrey, NL

- V Biannual International Anesthesiology Symposium Dr. Miguel Somera Castro, September 1998 Mty. N.L.

- XXXlll Mexican Congress of Anesthesiology, September 1999, Acapulco, Gro \

- XXXIV Mexican Congress of Anesthesiology, Congressman, September 2000, Guadalajara, Jal.

- XXXV Mexican Congress of Anesthesiology, November 2000., Cancun, QRoo

- XXXV Mexican Congress of Anesthesiology, Delegate, November 2001, Cancrin, QRoo

- III Regional Congress of Anesthesiology, November 2002, Torre6n, Coahuila

- XXXVII Mexican Congress of Anesthesiology and Refresher Course, November 2003, Zacatecas, Zac.

- XXXV|ll Mexican Congress of Anesthesiology and Update CourseZQA4, Congressman, November 2004,

Mty, NL

- XXXVlll Mexican Congress of Anesthesiology Christus Muguerza, Conchita, November 2004, Mty, NL

- XXXIX Mexican Congress of Anesthesiology and Refresher Course, Congressman, November 2005 Puerto Rico

Vallarta, Jal.

- XL Mexican Congress of Anesthesiology, Congressman, November 2006, Mr6rida Yuc.

- XXX Latin American Congress of Anesthesiology, Congressman, November ZAA7, Cancun, QRoo

- XLI Mexican Congress of Anesthesiology and Refresher Course, November 2007, Cancun, Mexico

- IV Ibero-American Congress of Anesthesiology, November 2017, Cancun, Mexico

- XLll Mexican Congress of Anesthesiology, Congressman, November 2008, Ledn Gto.

- XLll Mexican Congress of Anesthesiology, Satellite Symposium: Airway Management, November 2008,

Aguascalientes, AGS

- XLll Mexican Congress of Anesthesiology, Course: VIa A6rea Dif[cil, November 2008, Leon Gto

- Difficult Adrenoceptor Management in Bariatrics Workshop, November 2014, Monterrey, NL


- Base anesthesiologist at IMSS #LL in Piedras Negras Coah, from 1988-1997

- Anesthesiologist at the Clinical Base of the Teaching Staff Section 38 and appointed as head of the Area of

Anesthesiology Piedras Negras Coah, 1988-2017

- Private Anesthesiologist Endohospital, Specialist Clinic, Mexico Clinic, San José de Piedras Clinic

Blacks, Coah to date

- Work experience as an Anesthesiologist 34 years to date


- Mexican Federation of Anesthesiology AC

- Latin American Confederation of Anesthesiology Societies

- World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists #05D0635

- College of Anesthesiology of Coahuila, Piedras Negras chapter

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