Witchakorn Sungwalprakaisang
years of experience
Witchakorn Sungwalprakaisang
- Specialization: Urological surgeon
- 10 years of experience
- Speaks:English
- Online consultations: available
- Workplace: Thailand, Bangkok, Wansiri Hospital
- WITCHAKORN SUNGWALPRAKAISANG,MD. ㆍAdvanced laparoscopic and bariatric surgeon
Online consultation with Witchakorn Sungwalprakaisang
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Education Background
. 2015
- Permission to practice medicine since 2015 Dip., Thai board of Urology. Thammasat university
. 2016
- Bachelor of Medicine, Thammasat University
. 2019
- Residency training, Thammasat University Hospital
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