Istanbul University Institute of Cardiology, Cardiology Residency, 2010, Istanbul/Turkey
Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine, 2005, Bursa/Turkey
Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa Cardiology Institute, 2012-2021, Istanbul/Turkey
Adıyaman 82. Yıl State Hospital, 2010-2012, Adıyaman/Turkey
He graduated from Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine in 2005. In the year he graduated, he started his specialization in Istanbul University Cardiology Institute Cardiology Department and successfully completed his specialty training in 2010. After his specialty training, he completed his compulsory service in Adıyaman State Hospital for 2 years. After the compulsory service was over, he started working at the university hospital where he received his specialization. In 2017, he received the title of Associate Professor. During his specialization, he performed many operations in the field of cardiovascular diseases and peripheral arterial diseases. In 2018, he completed the Academia - peripheral arterial disease intervention training in Italy. He received the title of Professor in 2022.
He has carried out joint studies with many experts who are considered experts in their fields in Turkey, especially on heart angiography and leg angiography.
He regularly follows the congresses, seminars and courses related to the Cardiology branch organized at home and abroad every year. He has more than 100 domestic and international publications in his field.
Turkish Society of Cardiology
European Association for Percutaneous Intervention
European Society of Cardiology
SCAI Association
Turkish Society of Cardiology
European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions
European Society of Cardiology
Istanbul Bilim University Faculty of Medicine, Cardiology Residency, 2011, Istanbul/Turkey
Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine, 2006, Istanbul/Turkey
Assistant Doctor, Bilim University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology, 2006-2011
Specialist Doctor, Şanlıurfa Mehmet Akif Inan Training and Research Hospital, 2011-2013
Dr. Faculty Member, Yeni Yüzyıl University Faculty of Medicine, 2013-2019
Dr. Faculty Member, Biruni University Faculty of Medicine, 2019-
After completing his primary and high school education in Karabük, he was entitled to enter Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 2000.
After 6 years of medical education, he entered the Cardiology Department of Bilim University Faculty of Medicine in the TUS exam.
4He received his 5-year residency training at Florence Nightingale Hospital, which is considered as a reference hospital in the field of Cardiology, and in 2011 he received the title of Specialist Dr.
He specialized in the field of interventional cardiology and reached thousands of case experience, especially in radial (through the arm) angiography, challenging coronary and peripheral procedures.
2019 He has been serving his patients at Biruni University Faculty of Medicine since the year.
Turkish Medical Association
Turkish Society of Cardiology
DR. BAYRAM ERCAN Medical Director |
2021.08 – CurrentMEDİCAL DİRECTOR, ASYAESTHETİC,ıstanbul/turkey
1992.09 – 1996.06MARDİN Fen High SchoolMARDİN/TURKEY1996.08 – 2003.06Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesieskısehır/turkey
. |
Congresses Attended:
1. 2010 Turkish National Congress of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery, Antalya.
2. 2010 32nd Turkish Plastic Surgery National Congress, Trabzon.
3. 2015 37th Turkish National Congress of Plastic Surgery, Ankara.
4. 2016 Turkish Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery National Congress, Fethiye.
Gynecology and Obstetrics
Pendik Medipol University Hospital
2011 Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Medicine, Gynecology and Obstetrics
2005 İstanbul University, Faculty of Medicine
1- Tola EN, Mungan MT, Uğuz AC, Naziroğlu M. Intracellular Ca2+ and antioxidant values induced positive effect on fertilisation ratio and oocyte quality of granulosa cells in patients undergoing in vitro fertilisation. Reprod Fertil Dev. 2013;
2- Tola EN, Elezoglu B, Dellal FD. Simple vulval trichilemmal cyst. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2013 Apr;
3- Bilen E, Tola EN, Oral B, Doguç DK, Günyeli I, Köse SA, Ilhan I. Do follicular fluid gelatinase levels affect fertilization rates and oocyte quality? Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2014 Dec;
4- Tola EN, Karatopuk DU, Koroglu N, Ergin M, Oral HB. Follicular ADAMTS-1 and aggrecan levels in polycystic ovary syndrome. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2017 Jun;
5- Tola EN, Yalcin SE, Dugan N. The predictive effect of inflammatory markers and lipid accumulation product index on clinical symptoms associated with polycystic ovary syndrome in nonobese adolescents and younger aged women. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2017 Jul;
6- Tola EN, Koroglu ND, Yalcin SE, Oral HB. The role of serum ADAMTS-1 and aggrecan on polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescents and younger-aged females. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2018 Feb;
7- Koroglu N, Tola E, Temel Yuksel I, Aslan Cetin B, Turhan U, Topcu G, Dag I. Maternal serum AMP-activated protein kinase levels in mild and severe preeclampsia. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018 Mar
8- Tola EN. The association between in vitro fertilization outcome and the inflammatory markers of complete blood count among nonobese unexplained infertile couples. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2018 Apr;
9- Asci H, Erol O, Ellidag HY, Tola EN, Savran M, Ozmen O. Pathological effects of cigarettes on the reproductive system and the protective effects of alpha-lipoic acid in female rats. Toxicol Ind Health. 2018 Jun;
10- Tola EN, Köroğlu N, Ergin M, Oral HB, Turgut A, Erel Ö. The Role of Follicular Fluid Thiol/Disulphide Homeostasis in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Balkan Med J. 2018 Jul 24;
11- Tola EN, Koroglu N, Yıldırım GY, Koca HB. The role of ADAMTS-2, collagen type-1, TIMP-3 and papilin levels of uterosacral and cardinal ligaments in the etiopathogenesis of pelvic organ prolapse among women without stress urinary incontinence. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2018 Oct
12- Yildirim Bas F, Tola EN, Sak S, Cankaya BA The role of complete blood inflammation markers in the prediction of spontaneous abortion. Pak J Med Sci. 2018 Nov-Dec;
13- Tola EN, Aslan Koşar P, Ulusoy Karatopuk D, Sancer O, Oral HB. The effect of DNA damage of cumulus oophorus cells and lymphocytes analyzed by alkaline comet assay on oocyte quality and ICSI success among patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2019 Mar;
14- Koroglu N, Temel Yuksel I, Aslan Cetin B, Nur Tola E, Fitnat Topbas N, Turhan, U, Yetkin Yildirim G. Increased pancreatic-derived factor (PANDER) levels in gestational diabetes mellitus. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2019 Apr
15- Koroglu N, Tayyar A, Tola EN, Yetkin Yildirim G, Temel Yuksel I, Aslan Cetin B, Dag I, Acar DK. Increased levels of the novel hepatokine fetuin B in patients with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019 May;
16- Köroğlu N, Aydogan Mathyk B, Tola EN, Aslan Çetin B, Yüksel Temel I, Dağ I, Yildirim Yetkin G. Gremlin-1 and Gremlin-2 levels in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and their clinical correlations. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2019 Jul;
17- Tola EN, Oral HB. The role of paternal obesity on the success of intra cytoplasmic sperm injection cycle in a tertiary IVF center in Turkey. J Pak Med Assoc. 2019;
18- Tola EN. The effect of anesthetic agents for oocyte pick-up on in vitro fertilization outcome: A retrospective study in a tertiary center. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Sep;
19- Bakar Z, Koroglu N, Turkgeldi L, Tola EN, Aslan Cetin B, Gedikbasi A. Maternal serum procalcitonin levels in prediction of chorioamnionitis in women with preterm premature rupture of membranes. Archives of Medical Science (DOI: Online publish date: 2019/07/
20- Tola EN, Eris Yalcin S, Köroglu N, Oral B. The association of Type D personality and depression with infertility in women. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. 2019 Feb
21- Cebe FS, Tola EN, Koşar Aslan P, Oral B. DNA methylation profiles of genes associated with angiogenesis in the samples of placenta in pregnancies complicated by intrauterine growth restriction. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019 Oct
22- Tola EN. First trimester spontaneous uterine rupture in a young woman with uterine anomaly. Case Rep Obstet Gynecol. 2014;
Tola EN, Erdemoglu E, Erdemoglu E. Uterine sparing surgical methods in pelvic organ prolapse. Turk J Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Sep;
23- Kose SA, Akkurt MO, Yavuz A, Eris S, Tola EN, Ozkaya MO, Sezik M. Conventional 22- and 20-gauge needle for second trimester amniocentesis: A comparison of short term outcomes. Turk J Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Mar;
24- Tola EN, Erdemoglu E, Yalçın Y, Alkaya Solmaz F, Erdemoglu E. A 27-kg mucinous cystadenoma of the ovary presenting with deep vein thrombosis. Turk J Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Mar;
Aydin C, Eris Yalcin S, Yalcin Y, Uysal D, Akkurt MO, Yavuz A, Sen Selim H, Tola EN. Risk factors of placenta previa: a population based study and the review of the literature. Medicine Science 2016;
25- Koroglu N, Tayyar A, Tola EN, Aslan Cetin B, Okmen Ozkan B, Yalcın Bahat P, Yetkin Yildirim G, Bagci Cakmak K, Temel Yuksel I. Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio, mean platelet volume and plateletcrit in isolated intrauterine growth restriction and prediction of being born small for gestational age. Arch Med Sci Civil Dis 2017;
26- Yetkin Yildirim G, Koroglu N, Tayyar A, Demirezen G, Tola EN. Preliminary Results of a Controlled Randomized Study on Double-Balloon Catheter vs. Dinoprostone Vaginal Insert for Induction of Labor With an Unfavorable Cervix. Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2018 Apr;
27- Tola EN, Eris Yalcin S, Koroglu N, Oral HB. Adolesan ve genç yaş kadınlarda poliskitik over sendromu etyopatogenezinde ADAMTS-1 ve agrekanın rolu. 25th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology & 15th Congress of Turkish Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 17- 21 May 2017, Titanic Deluxe, Antalya, Türkiye.
28- Tola EN, Eris Yalcin S, Koroglu Dugan N. Nonobez adolesanlarda LAP indeks ve inflamatuar belirteclerin PCOS etyopatogenezinde ve PCOS’la ilişkili klinik durumların oluşmasındaki etkisi. 25th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology & 15th Congress of Turkish Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 17- 21 May 2017, Titanic Deluxe, Antalya, Türkiye.
29- Tola EN, Karatopuk DU, Köroğlu N, Ergin M, Oral HB. Follicular ADAMTS-1 and aggrecan levels in polycystic ovary syndrome. 33th Annual Meeting of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, 2- 5 July 2017, Geneva, Switzerland.
30- Tola EN, Bilen E, Oral HB, Doguç DK, Günyeli İ, İlhan İ. Folikuler sıvı gelatinaz düzeyinin oosit kalitesi ve fertilizasyona etkisi. 19th World Congress on IVF in Conjuction with 6th Society of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery Congress, 4- 8 October 2017, Regnum Carya, Antalya, Türkiye..
31- Tola EN, Akkuş F. Oosit toplama işlemi sırasında kullanılan anestezik ajanların in vitro fertilizasyon sonucuna etkisi. 19th World Congress on IVF in Conjuction with 6th Society of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery Congress, 4- 8 October, 2017, Regnum Carya, Antalya, Türkiye.
32- Koroglu N, Tola EN, Temel Yuksel I, Aslan Cetin B, Turhan U, Topcu G, Dag I. Maternal serum AMP-activated protein kinase levels in mild and severe preeclampsia. 26th European Board & College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 8-10 March 2018, Paris, France.
33- Cebe FS, Tola EN, Koşar Aslan P, Oral B. DNA methylation profiles of genes associated with anginonesis in pregnancies complicated by intrauterine growth restriction. 14th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine, 11-14 September 2019, Istanbul, Turkey.
34- Tola EN, Şentürk R. The role of systemic and local oxidant-antioxidant status on embryo quality and intracytoplasmic sperm injection- embryo transfer success in unexplained infertile women, 20-22 September 2019, Radisson Blu, Çeşme, İzmir, Turkey.
35- Unal S, Tola EN, Karahasanoğlu A. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycle (ICSI) outcome in patients under 35 years old with diminished ovarian reserve plus severe male factor, 20-22 September 2019, Radisson Blu, Çeşme, İzmir, Turkey.
36- Tola EN. The role of Type D personality on in vitro fertilization outcome among women with unexplained infertility. 20th World Congress of in Vitro Fertilization, 24-26 October 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
37- Köroğlu N, Akca A, Bakar Z, Topçu G, Tola EN, Yetkin Yıldırım G, Aslan Çetin B. The factors affect patient satisfaction after transobturator teyp (TOT) operation. 25. European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology&15. Congress of Turkish Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, May, 2017, Titanic Deluxe, Antalya, Türkiye.
38- Tola EN, Eris Yalçın S, Koroglu Dugan N, Oral HB. Tip D kişilik yapısının kadın fertilitesi üzerine etkisi. 19th world congress on IVF in conjuction with 6th Society of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery Congress, October 4- 8 2017, Regnum Carya, Antalya, Türkiye.
39- Tola EN. Açıklanamayan infertilitesi olan kadınlarda tam kan sayımındaki inflamatuar parametrelerin araştırılması. 19th World Congress on IVF in Conjuction with 6th Society of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery Congress, October 4- 8 2017, Regnum Carya, Antalya, Türkiye.
40- Sancer O, Aslan Kosar P, Safi Oz Z, Tola EN, Togay AV, Ciris IM. Micronucleus detection in cervical smear and comet tests in blood sample of reproductive and menopausal periods for DNA damage evaluation. 6th International Congress of Molecular Medicine, 22- 25 May 2017, Istanbul, Turkey.
41- Tola EN, Ozkaya O. Genç bir hastada total uterin prolapsus tedavisinde Carter-Thomason operasyonu: olgu sunumu. SDÜ Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2013;
42- Tola EN. Hiperemezis gravidarumda tedavi modaliteleri. SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2014;
43- Tola EN. Oksi̇dan ve anti̇oksi̇dan si̇stemleri̇n kadın ferti̇li̇tesi̇ne etki̇leri. SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2014;
44- Aynalı A, Cicioğlu B, Tola EN, Önal S, Çetin E. Isparta Yöresindeki Kadınlarda Sitomegalovirüs Seropozitiflik Oranları. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine. 2015;
45- Aynalı A, Cicioğlu B, Tola EN, Önal S, Çetin E. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi’ne başvuran doğurganlık çağındaki kadınlarda gözlenen anti-Toxoplasma IgM ve IgG seropozitifliği. Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi. 2016;
46- Bilen E, Yüksel M, Sezik M, Köse SA, Tola EN. Gebeliğin 11-14 haftasında karyotipleme amaçlı koryon villüs biyopsisi: 42 Olgunun değerlendirilmesi. SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;
47- Aynalı A, Cicioğlu B, Tola EN, Önal S, Çetin E. Doğurganlık Yaş Grubundaki Kadınlarda Rubella IgM ve IgG Seroprevalansı. SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2016;
48- Tola EN, Oral HB. Erken Erişkinlik Döneminde Serum Ferritin ve C-Reaktif Protein Düzeylerinin Polikistik Over Sendromu Etyopatogenezine ve İlişkili Klinik Durumlara Etkisi. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni. 2018;
49- Yalçın Eriş S, Yalçın Y, Tola EN, Yavuz A, Akkurt MO, Sezik M, Özkaya MO. Fetal manyetik rezonans görüntüleme endikasyonlarının incelenmesi. Perinataloji Dergisi.2018;
50- Tola EN, Güney M. Embryo ve fundal endometrial yüzey arasındaki mesafenin intra sitoplazmik sperm injeksiyonu sikluslarında sonuçlara etkisi. Bozok Tıp Dergisi. 2018;
51- Köroğlu N, Yetkin Yıldırım G, Tola EN, Aslan Çetin B, Bağcı Çakmak K, Polat I. Açıklanamayan İnfertilitede Klomifen Sitrat ile Ovulasyon İndüksiyonunda Gebeliğe Etki Eden Faktörler. İKSSTD. 2019;
52- Tola EN, Mungan T, Bayhan G, Oral B, Güney M, Özatik O. İn vitro fertilizasyon hastalarından elde edilen granuloza hücrelerindeki intraseluler kalsiyum düzeyinin ve oksidan parametrelerin oosit kalitesine ve fertilizasyon oranlarına etkisi: Prospektif klinik çalışma. 9. Türk Jinekoloji ve Obstetri Kongresi, 17-22 Mayıs 2011, Kervansaray Otel Antalya, Türkiye.
53- Tola EN, Günyeli I, Soyupek S, Köse SA, Erdemoğlu E. Pelvik organ prolapsusunda lapaparaskopik sakrohisteropeksi. 5. Uludağ Minimal İnvaziv Jinekoloji Sempozyumu ve akademisi, 23-26 Ocak 2014, Crown Plaza Hotel, Bursa, Türkiye.
54- Tola EN, Köroğlu N, Ergin M, Oral HB, Erel Ö. Polikistik Over Sendromunda Folikuler Sıvı Tiol/Disulfid Homeostazı. 13. Ulusal Uludağ Kış Kongresi, 2-5 Mart 2017, Grand Yazıcı, Uludağ, Bursa, Türkiye.
55- Tola EN. Pelvik organ prolapsusunda kollajen tip-1 ve kollajen metabolizması düzenleyicilerinin araştırılması. For the 2nd Minimal invaziv jinekolojik cerrahi kongresi. 21-25 Şubat 2018, Wyndham Grand Levent, İstanbul, Türkiye.
56- Tola EN. Embryo fundus mesafesinin ICSI sonuçlarına etkisi. 7. Jinekolojik Endoskopi Sempozyum ve Çalıştayı & 2. Üreme endokrinolojisi ve infertilite akademisi, 8-11 Mart 2018, Grand Yazıcı, Uludağ, Bursa, Türkiye.
57- Tola EN. Paternal obezitenin ICSI başarısına etkisi. 7. Jinekolojik Endoskopi Sempozyum ve Çalıştayı & 2. Üreme endokrinolojisi ve infertilite akademisi, 8-11 Mart 2018, Grand Yazıcı, Uludağ, Bursa, Türkiye.
58- Tola EN. Serum ferritin ve C-reaktif protein seviyelerinin PCOS etyopatogenezine ve ilişkili klinik durumlara etkisi. 7. Jinekolojik Endoskopi Sempozyum ve Çalıştayı & 2. Üreme endokrinolojisi ve infertilite akademisi, 8-11 Mart 2018, Grand Yazıcı, Uludağ, Bursa, Türkiye.
59- Şentürk R, Tola EN, Oral HB, Doğuç Kumbul D, Bozkurt M. Serum ve folikuler sıvı vitamin B12, folat, homosistein, seviyelerinin infertilite etyolojisine ve in vitro fertilizasyon sonuçlarına etkisi. 15. Türk Jinekoloji ve Obstetri Kongresi, 9-13 Mayıs 2018, Titanic Deluxe, Antalya, Türkiye.
60- Tola EN, Aslan Koşar P. The association between DNA damage of granulosa cells and oocyte quality. 15. Ulusal Üreme Sağlığı ve İnfertilite Kongresi, 8-11 Kasım 2018, Belek, Antalya, Türkiye.
61- Tola EN, Aslan Koşar P, Ulusoy Karatopuk D, Sancer O, Oral HB. The role of DNA integrity parameters of cumulus oophorus cells and lymphocytes on ICSI success among patients with PCOS. 15. Ulusal Üreme Sağlığı ve İnfertilite Kongresi, 8-11 Kasım 2018, Belek, Antalya, Türkiye.
62- Köroğlu N, Aydogan Mathyk B, Tola EN, Aslan Çetin B, Yüksel Temel I, Dağ I, Yıldırım Yetkin G. Polikistik over sendromu ve ilişkili klinik durumlarda gremlin-1 and gremlin-2 seviyeleri. 15. Ulusal Üreme Sağlığı ve İnfertilite Kongresi, 8-11 Kasım 2018, Belek, Antalya, Türkiye.
63- Ünal S, Tola EN, KarahasAnoğlu A. İyi overyan rezervli ileri yaş vakalarda preimplantasyonel genetik tanısız (PGT) iyi kalite blastokist transferinin gebelik sonuçlarına etkisi. 7. Üreme Tıbbı ve Cerrhisi Derneği Kongresi, 3-6 Ekim 2019, Kaya palazzo, Belek, Antalya, Türkiye.
64- Yetkin Yıldırım G, Tola EN. Serum OKL38 seviyelerinin polikistik over sendromu etyopatogenezi ve ilgili klinik durumlarla ilişkisi. 1ST Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Günleri, Ovulasyon İndüksiyonu Sempozyumu, 19-20 Ekim 2019, Shimall otel, Gaziantep, Türkiye.
65- Ünal S, Tola EN, Karahasanoğlu A. Elektif tek ve çift blastokist transferiyle klinik olarak gebe kalan 35 yaş altı kadınlarda obstetrik ve perinatal sonuçların karşılaştırılması. 1ST Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Günleri, Ovulasyon Indüksiyonu Sempozyumu, 19-20 Ekim 2019, Shimall otel, Gaziantep, Türkiye.
66- Tola EN. Foliküler ADAMTS-1 ve versikan seviyelerinin açıklanamayan infertile ve oosit kalitesiyle olan ilişkisinin araştırılması. 1ST Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Günleri, Ovulasyon Indüksiyonu Sempozyumu, 19-20 Ekim 2019, Shimall otel, Gaziantep, Türkiye.
67- Tola EN. Tam kan sayımındaki inflamatuar parametrelerin polikistik over sendromu oluşumuna ve in vitro fertilizasyon sonuçlarına etkisi, 1. Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Günleri, Ovulasyon Indüksiyonu Sempozyumu, 19-20 Ekim 2019, Shimall otel, Gaziantep, Türkiye.
68- Kılınçdemir Turgut Ü, Tola EN, Sezik M. Fetal anomalilerin ilk trimester bulgularına dair deneyimlerimiz. 1ST Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Günleri, Ovulasyon Indüksiyonu Sempozyumu, 19-20 Ekim 2019, Shimall otel, Gaziantep, Türkiye.
69- Tola EN, Özkaya O. Uterin anomalili genç bir hastada birinci trimester spontan skars›z uterin rüptürü: Olgu sunumu, 14. Ulusal Perinataloji Kongresi, 19-22 Eylül 2013, Sarıgerme, Muğla, Türkiye.
70- Tola EN, Oral B, Köse SA, Günyeli İ. Genç bir hastada uterin prolapsus tedavisinde Carter-Thomason operasyonu: vaka sunumu. 6. Ulusal Ürojinekoloji Kongresi, Kasım 2013, İstanbul, Türkiye.
71- Yüksel M, Köse SA, Akkuş F, Tola EN. Sezeryan skarında endometriozis: vaka sunumu. 12. Ulusal Türk Jinekoloji ve Obsteri Kongresi, 15-19 Mayıs 2014, Rixos Sungate, Antalya, Türkiye.
72- Köse SA, Yüksel M, Günyeli İ, Tola EN. Fetal membranların prolabe olduğu servikal yetmezlik vakalarında acil serklaj uygulamaları. 12. Ulusal Türk Jinekoloji ve Obsteri Kongresi, 15-19 Mayıs 2014, Rixos Sungate, Antalya, Türkiye.
73- Aynalı A, Arıdoğan BC, Tola EN, Önal S, Çetin ES. Isparta bölgesinde kadınlarda Toxoplazma seroprevelansı. 36. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, 12-16 Kasım 2014, Kaya Palazzo, Antalya, Türkiye.
74- Aynalı A, Arıdoğan BC, Tola EN, Önal S, Çetin ES. Isparta yöresinde kadınlarda Rubella seroprevelansı. 36. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, 12-16 Kasım 2014, Kaya Palazzo, Antalya, Türkiye.
75- Aynalı A, Arıdoğan BC, Tola EN, Önal S, Çetin ES. Isparta yöresinde kadınlarda CMV seroprevelansı. 36. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, 12-16 Kasım 2014, Kaya Palazzo, Antalya, Türkiye.
76- Önal S, Tola EN, Çiftçi E, Aynalı A, Arıdoğan BC. Servikal smearda human papilloma virusun insidansı ve genetic dağılımı. 36. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, 12-16 Kasım 2014, Kaya Palazzo, Antalya, Türkiye.
77- Yıldırım Baş F, Tola EN, Sak S, Çankaya BA. Düşüklerde hematolojik parametrelerin tanısal değeri. 10. Aile Hekimliği Araştırma Günleri, 6- 9 Nisan 2017, Erciyes Üniversitesi Sabancı Kültür Merkezi, Kayseri, Türkiye.
78- Eriş Yalçın S, Akkurt MO, Yalçın Y, Yavuz A, Tola EN, Sezik M. distal tirzomi 15q sendromunun prenatal bulguları. 16. Ulusal perinataloji kongresi, 28 Eylül-1 Ekim 2017, Titanic Deluxe, Bodrum, Türkiye.
79- Eriş Yalçın S, Yalçın Y, Tola EN, Yavuz A, Akkurt MO, Sezik M, Özkaya MO. Tersiyer bir merkezde fetal manyetik rezonan endikasyonlarının incelenmesi. 16. Ulusal perinataloji kongresi, 28 Eylül-1 Ekim 2017, Titanic Deluxe, Bodrum, Türkiye.
80- Tola EN, Şentürk R. Açıklanamayan infertilite etyopatogenezinde sistemik ve foliküler total oksidan status (TAS), total antioksidan status (TOS) ve oksidatif stres indeksinin (OSI) rolü, 7. Üreme Tıbbı ve Cerrhisi Derneği Kongresi, 3-6 Ekim 2019, Kaya palazzo, Belek, Antalya, Türkiye.
81- Tola EN. Gebelikte beslenme. SDÜ Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Şurup Dergisi Nisan 2014; 5(17): 24-27.
82- Yürütücü - Oksidatif stresle aktive edilen cho hücrelerinde resveratrolun hücre içi kalsiyum sinyali ve apoptozis üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması’, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP) 4091-TU2-14 nolu proje, 2016.
83- Yürütücü -İn vitro fertilizasyona giden hastalarin serum ve folikuler sivisinda vitamin, mikroelement, makroelement düzeylerini ve oksidatif ve antioksidan parametreleri araştırmak’, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP) 4913-TU2-17 nolu proje, 2018.
84- Asistan Doktor Aysun Alpaslan Çulha - ‘Oksidatif stresle aktive edilen cho hücrelerinde resveratrolun hücre içi kalsiyum sinyali ve apoptozis üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması’ ; Doktora Tezi
85- Asistan Doktor Raziye Şentürk - ‘İn vitro fertilizasyona giden hastalarin serum ve folikuler sıvısında vitamin, mikroelement, makroelement düzeylerini ve oksidatif ve antioksidan parametreleri araştirmak’ ; Doktora Tezi
20 top ranked Female check-up doctors in the world are represented on this page. The list includes only verified specialists known for their experience and high success rates.
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Top 5 Female check-up doctors on
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Dr. Nazli KORKMAZ, a renowned expert in the field of genital aesthetic surgery. The clinic, located in Istanbul, Turkey, is recognized for its exceptional medical standards and commitment to patient well-being. Dr. Nazli Korkmaz, who bases her treatments on the principle of "catering to all aspects of women's health," takes a comprehensive approach to women's well-being, sexuality, and aesthetics, addressing the unique needs of women throughout their lives. With a dedicated team, Surgeon Dr. Nazli KORKMAZ ensures a comfortable and professional experience, delivering optimal results when the patient enters her clinic. The clinic's medical team recognizes that each patient has individual requirements and expectations. Therefore, they customize every visit to meet patients' needs, providing personalized care at every step.
Teaching course on “Lymphatic mapping and sentinel node”
June 1998, MDA Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA
General Surgery
Feb. 1993 – Dec. 1996, Şişli Etfal Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
General Surgery
May 1990 – Jan. 1993, Lille University Hospital, Lille, France
1983 – 1990, Cerrahpasa School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey
Attending General Surgeon, Jan. 1998 – present
F.N. Metropolitan Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
American Cancer Center, Breast Surgery
Attending General Surgeon, 1996 – present
Medmar Diagnostic Center, Istanbul, Turkey
Diagnosis and monitoring with sophisticated techniques
General Surgeon, 1996 – 1998
Guzelbahce Medical Center and Yeditepe Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
Specializing in breast and thyroid surgery
Job Experience
2000 - 2006 Physician Biophysicist
Traumatology Institute, Baku, Azerbaijan
2016 Research Assistant
Gazi University, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ankara,Turkey
2016-2020 Assistant Doctor
Kocaeli Derince Training and Research Hospital,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kocaeli Turkey
2020-2022 Obstetrician-Gynecologist Specialist Doctor
Erzincan Binali Yildirim University Mengucek Gazi Training and
Research Hospital, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics,
Erzincan, Turkey
2022-2023 Obstetrician-Gynecologist Specialist Doctor
Kandıra State Hospital / Kocaeli Derince Training and Research Hospital, Turkey
2023 - present Obstetrician-Gynecologist Specialist Doctor
Florence Nightingale Hospital
2002 Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital, Internal Medicine
1990 Erciyes University, Faculty of Medicine
2019 - 2019 Okan University Hospital
2018 - 2019 Ibn Sina Hospital
2003 - 2018 Pendik State Hospital
1997 - 2003 Haydarpasa Numune Hospital
1990 - 1994 Erzincan State Hospital
Istanbul Haydarpasa Numune Hospital
Kartal Health Group Presidency
Yıldırım Beyazıt Mother and Child Health Physician
2019 - 2022
University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara City Hospital, Cardiology Clinic, Ankara
2017 - 2019
University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Turkey Higher Specialization Training and Research Hospital, Cardiology Clinic, Ankara,
2012 - 2017
Türkiye Higher Specialization Training and Research Hospital, Cardiology Clinic, Ankara,
2012 - 2017
T.R. Karabük University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology
2006 - 2006
Türkiye Higher Specialization Training and Research Hospital, Cardiology Clinic, Ankara,
2001 - 2006
Türkiye Higher Specialization Training and Research Hospital, Cardiology Clinic, Ankara,
1996 - 2001
Türkiye Higher Specialization Training and Research Hospital, Cardiology Clinic, Ankara,
2017 Karabük University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology
2006 Türkiye Higher Specialization Training and Research Hospital, Cardiology Clinic
2001 Türkiye Higher Specialization Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Cardiology
1996 Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine
2022 -
Medipol Bahçelievler
2021 - 2022
2018 - 2020
2014 - 2020
2010 - 2010
A. International Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
Title: Fatal fulminant hepatitis B after withdrawal of entecavir treatment in a patient with HBeAg seroconversion.
Title: Acute gastric obstruction resulting from gallstone-induced bezoar.
Title: Garlic-induced esophagitis.
Title: Association between Helicobacter pylori and liver-to-spleen ratio.
Title: Crohn's disease masked by median arcuate ligament syndrome.
Title: Telaprevir and anemia: What we learned from the first three patients.
Title: Magnesium and parathyroid hormone levels of patients using different proton pump inhibitors.
Title: Is topical pharyngeal anesthesia necessary in esophagogastroduodenoscopy in all unsedated patients?
Title: Inpatient Care Of Hepatitis C: Applying The Four Pillars Model To The Hospital Setting.
Title: "The "Bouveret's Syndrome" Case Resolved Without Necrotic Changes."
Title: Severe acute pancreatitis due to hypertriglyceridemia.
Title: Gallstone Ileus Caused by Cholecystoenteric Fistula Demonstrated on Computed Tomography.
Title: Intestinal Perforation Due to Ingested Chicken Bone Mimicking Crohn's Disease.
Title: Acute pancreatitis induced by hypertriglyceridemia: A case-based review.
Title: An Unusual Complication of Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography: Severe Acute Pancreatitis Leading to Death.
Title: A Rare Cause of Abdominal Pain: Mesenteric Panniculitis.
B. Contributions to Scientific Conferences:
Title: Suicidal poisonings in Turkey: demographic and clinical aspects.
Title: A Rare Cause of Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Aortoenteric Fistula.
2018 - 2022
Health Sciences University – Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital
2016 - 2018
Diyarbakır Memorial Dicle Hospital Cardiology Clinic
2010 - 2010
Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology
2010 - 2016
Private Veni Vidi Hospital, Cardiology Clinic Supervisor
2006 - 2010
Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology
2005 - 2006
Urfa State Hospital
1999 - 2005
Turkey High Specialization Training and Research Hospital
1998 - 1999
Duruca Health Center
Health Sciences University, Cardiology
Dicle University, Department of Cardiology
Cardiology Turkey High Specialization Training and Research Hospital, Medical Specialization
Ege University, Faculty of Medicine
2019 - 2022 Medipol University
2010 Private Nisa Hospital
2008 - 2010 Kaman State Hospital
Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
1989 - 1990
Diyarbakır Kulp Merkez Sağlık Ocağı
Selçuk University Faculty of Medicine
Konya State Hospital
Selçuk University Faculty of Medicine
600-Bed Golcuk Naval Hospital
Selçuk University Meram Faculty of Medicine
Selçuk University Meram Faculty of Medicine
Selçuk University Selçuklu Faculty of Medicine
Özel Bower Hospital
1994 Selçuk University, Thoracic Surgery
1989 Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine
1989 Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine
With more than 120 medical publications on stem cells in preeminent medical journals, Professor Yvan Torrente is considered one of the world’s best scientists in regenerative medicine, genetic engineering of stem cells and advanced gene therapies for degenerative diseases. Prof. Torrente is currently the director of the Neurology department of the “Policlinico” Hospital in Milan as well as the head of the cell laboratory for the advanced therapy medical products in Milan.
In addition, Yvan is a professor in neurology at the University of Milan. Prof. Torrente is assisted by a team of highly trained and well-regarded doctors, biologists and researchers in the laboratory in Milan who provide external assistance and consultancy to our medical team. Specifically, over the years, Professor Torrente has helped our team to develop GMP compliant and high-quality safety standards in complex research projects, applying the same to medicinal and clinical products catered for specific uses.
Professor Torrente is currently leading and supervising several clinical trials in Europe on stem cell use in human beings as well as other advanced therapy medical products. He also provides assistance and consultancy services to several other hospitals worldwide, especially in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. Finally, Yvan is a well-known speaker at prestigious events, seminars and symposiums worldwide.
Dr Ozates was born in 1966 in Birecik district of Sanliurfa in Turkey. He completed his primary and secondary education in my hometown, Birecik. He got into Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in 1983. After 6 years of successful education, he started Radiology education at Dicle University Faculty of Medicine by passing the Medical Specialization Examination (TUS) in the same year I graduated in 1989.
Between 1993 and 1995, he worked as a Radiology Specialist in various hospitals in Gaziantep. He passed the Assistant Professorship exam and started to work as a faculty member at Dicle University in 1995.
Post-Specialization Trainings:
2003, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, Ankara
2003, Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, Istanbul
2001-2004, ESNR European Course of Neuroradiology (3 Semesters)
1997, Johns Hopkins University, Neuroradiology, Baltimore, USA
1997, Cornell University, Neuroradiology, New York, USA
1996, Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, Istanbul
1994, Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, İzmir
1993, Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, Bursa
1993, UCLA Medical Center (as visitor), Los Angles, USA
1992-1993, Maçka EMAR, Dr. Murat Dinçer, Istanbul
His Academic Studies:
International Publications: 23
International Papers: 27
National Publications: 45
National Papers: 48
Conferences: 11
Citations: 210 Scientific Publications (Average Citations per Item: 10.50, h-index: 9), USA edition 1 Book, Various Conferences
Scientific Organizations he is a member of:
European Society of Radiology (ESR)
Turkish Radiology Association (TRD)
Magnetic Resonance Association
Istanbul Medical Chamber (ITO)
Turkish Neuroradiology Association
In 2003, he was awarded the title of Associate Professor with the examination held at Marmara University Faculty of Medicine. In 2005-2013, Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital Radiology Clinic Chief, Training and Administrative Officer.
In 2013, he started to work as a professor at Nişantaşı University. On March 15, 2013, he was appointed as the Inter-University Board Representative for 1 year. He is a Member of the Board of Trustees of Ayvansaray University. He is a sub – specialist in “Pediatric Radiology”
His articles have been published in many magazines in Turkey and abroad. He presented written and oral presentations and gave conferences at congresses in various cities and countries.
As the Radiology Clinic Chief of Bağcılar Training and Research Hospital, he is the first professor who performed Coronary CT Angiography in a state hospital in Istanbul.
He is one of Turkey’s first Children’s Radiology Specialist Minor. He did his military service between March and April 2000 at the 200-bed Malatya Military Hospital.
After his 1976 education at Kabataş Boys’ High School and 1982 undergraduate education at Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine, Sabuncu started working as a Paediatric Specialist at Zeynep Kamil Gynaecology and Paediatrics Hospital in 1995 and took part in various medical congresses in Lithuania, Spain, Portugal, and Iran in 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2010.
In 2012, after completing his duty at Zeynep Kamil Hospital Paediatrics Clinic, Sabuncu received a Neonatal Rescue Certificate in 2019 and has been working at Natural Clinic since 2021.After his 1976 education at Kabataş Boys’ High School and 1982 undergraduate education at Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine, Sabuncu started working as a Paediatric Specialist at Zeynep Kamil Gynaecology and Paediatrics Hospital in 1995 and took part in various medical congresses in Lithuania, Spain, Portugal, and Iran in 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2010.
In 2012, after completing his duty at Zeynep Kamil Hospital Paediatrics Clinic, Sabuncu received a Neonatal Rescue Certificate in 2019 and has been working at Natural Clinic since 2021.