Best MRI of one area doctors in Turkey: TOP 205 doctors

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Fahad Mawlood
Fikret Genc
  • 5 Excellent 1 review
  • 16 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Istanbul Esthetic & Implant Dentistry
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Asst Prof Gorkem Kiyak
  • New
  • 20 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Academic Hospital
Brain tumor removal
$20,000 - $40,000
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Dr Miver Erem Tokus
  • New
  • 23 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Academic Hospital
Brain tumor removal
$20,000 - $40,000
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Dr Ertan Ozen
  • New
  • 35 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Academic Hospital
Brain tumor removal
$20,000 - $40,000
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Ozgur Aksan
  • New
  • 24 years of experience
  • Turkey, İzmir, Dr Özgür Akşan - Health Türkiye
  • Op.Dr. Özgür AKŞAN 


    Dr Akşan has completed his residency on 2007 at Neurosurgery Department of 9 Eylul University Medical Faculty. Following that, he got assigned to Muş State Hospital to complete his compulsory medical service, where he served as deputy chief physician, managed intensive care units and performed a wide range of operations including microsurgical discectomy for both spinal disc herniation and cervical disc herniation as well as laser nucleoplasty discectomy for spinal disc herniation.After completing his compulsory service, he worked at Eskişehir Air Force Hospital's Neurosurgery Department for another year. Dr Özgür also worked at Izmir Tınaztepe Hospital between 2010-2016. He currently works at his own clinic in Alsancak/Izmir. 

    Articles Published at International Journals: 

    1. Postoperative lumbosacral instability: Proposal of a new classification based on etiology. Sait Naderi, Ozgür AKSAN, Süleyman Men, Levent Firat, Tansu Mertol, M. Nuri Arda. World Spine Journal 2: 16-21, 2007 

    2. Difference between generic and Multiple Sclerosis-specific quality of life instruments regarding the assessment of treatment efficacy.Ozakbas S, Akdede BB, Kösehasanogullari C, AKSAN O, Idiman E. Journal Of The Neurological Science 5/2007; 256/1 -2/30-34/2007 

    Articles Published at National Journals

    1. Odontoid fractures: Sait Naderi, Özgür AKSAN, Feridun Acar, Tansu Mertol, Nuri Arda: Turkish Neurosurgery 16: 81-84, 2006 

    2. Pediatrik Kafa Travmalan, Ozkara E, Yuceer N, AKSAN O, Arda MN, Inarucl MA., Adli Bilimler Dergisi Turkish Journal of Forensic Sciences, 9 (1): 7-12 (2010). 

    Papers Presented at International Congresses: 

    1. 1. Difference betweengeneric and MS- spesific quality of life instruments regarding the assessment of treatment efficacy. Özakba9 S, Akdede B, AKSAN Q Karahasanogullarl C, Uzunel F, idiman E. 20th Congress Of European Commitee for Treatment and Research in Multipl Sclerosis. October 6-10, 2004. Austria 2. Postlaminectomy lumbosacral instability. Sait Naderi, Özgür AKSAN, Levent Firat, Tansu Mertol, Nuri Arda.7th International Congress on Spine. April 14-17, 2005, Hotel Pine beach City, Belek, Antalya 

    3. Pediatric Cranial Traumas. Erdem Özkara, Nurullah Yüceer, Özgür AKSAN, Mehmet Nuri Arda, M Akif inanici. Fifth Congress Of The Balkan Academy Of Forensic Sciences. 3-7 June 2007, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia 

    4. A rare cause of Sl radiculopathy: perineural (Tarlov) cyst: Ozgür AKSAN, Nail Ozdemir, Hakan Sinan Yllmaz. 14th European Congress of Neurosurgery (EANS 2011) Rome, Italy. October 9 — 14, 2011. 


    Hernia Discectomy 

    Lomber Narrow Canal (Spinal Stenosis) Treatment 

    Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Treatment 

    Cerebral Hemorrhage Treatment 

    Brain Tumour Treatment 

    Cervical Stenosis Treatment 

    Chiari Malformation Treatment 

    Hydrochepalia Treatment 

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment 

    Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Treatment Spinal Fracture Treatment 

    Psuedotumour Cerebri Treatment 

    Spine and Spinal Cord Tumour Treatments 

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Onat Uzumcigil
  • 4.7 Excellent 45 reviews
  • 20 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Valued Med Hub Hospitals

    Onat ÜZÜMCÜGİL, M.D. Prof.

    Orthopedics and Traumatology 

    Fields of Interest

    Spinal Disorders

    Postural Disorders

    Spine Based Pain Syndromes

    Scoliosis/Kyphosis Surgery


    Spinal Stenosis

    Spine Trauma

    Shoulder Joint Disorders

    Arthroscopic (closed) Rotator Cuff Repair

    Arthroscopic (closed) Instability Surgery

    Arthroscopic (closed) Frozen Shoulder treatment

    Shoulder Girdle Trauma

    Shoulder Arthroplasty

    Knee Joint Disorders

    Arthroscopic (closed) Meniscus Surgery

    Arthroscopic (closed) ACL/PCL Reconstruction

    Chondral Disorders ( Osteochondral Transfers/ Cell -Based Therapies)

    Knee Arthroplasty

    Knee Trauma

    Regenerative Medicine

    BMAC (Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentration)

    SVF (Stromal Vascular Fraction)

    PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) 



    School of Medicine, Istanbul University 

    SSK Ankara Training Hospital 

    Ministry of Health Istanbul Training and Research Hospital, 

    School of Medicine, İstanbul Kemerburgaz University 

    Previous Employments 

    Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic I, SSK Ankara Training Hospital 

    Diyarbakır Military Hospital 

    Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Istanbul Training and Research Hospital, Ministry of Health 

    Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, School of Medicine, İstanbul Altınbaş University 

    Medicalpark Bahçelievler Hospital

    Kolan International Hospital 

    Medicana International Istanbul Hospital


    • Sagittal Plane Deformities of Spine, Publications of Turkish Association of Spine, 2016. 
    • Hajdu-Cheney Syndrome (Spine-involving Syndromes, Publications of Turkish Association of Spine, 2016) 
    • Morquio syndrome (Spine-involving Syndromes, Publications of Turkish Association of Spine, 2016) 
    • Scheurmann kyphosis (Sagittal Plane Deformities of Spine, Publications of Turkish Association of Spine, 2016) 
    • Posttraumatic kyphosis (Sagittal Plane Deformities of Spine, Publications of Turkish Association of Spine, 2016) 

    Scientific Publications and Articles 

    1. Articles published in international peer-review journals: 

    A1. The three portal (including transpatellar tendon portal) versus two portal technique in the arthroscopic menisectomy procedure for isolated medial bucket-handle type meniscal tears. 

    Onat Üzümcügil, Ahmet Doğan, Merter Yalçınkaya, Erhan Mumcuoğlu, Yavuz Kabukçuoğlu Joint Diseases and Related Surgery 2010; 21 (1): 38-43. 


    A2. The relationship between anterior knee pain occuring after tibial intramedullary nailing and the localization of the nail in the proximal tibia. 

    Onat Üzümcügil, Ahmet Doğan, Merter Yalçınkaya, Yavuz S. Kabukçuoğlu Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica 2009; 43(5): 386-389 


    A3. The effect of abductor hallucis tendon release on residual adductus deformity in the surgical treatment of congenital clubfoot 

    Ahmet Doğan, Onat Üzümcügil, Merter Yalçınkaya, Gazi Zorer 

    Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica 2009; 43(6): 491-496. 


    A4. The use of a cementless modular stem in the treatment of subtrochanteric femoral fractures in conjunction with ipsilateral coxarthrosis.

    Yusuf Öztürkmen, Onat Üzümcügil, Erhan Şükür, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Mustafa Caniklioğlu Orthopedics 2011 January;34(1):13 


    A5. AperFix versus transfix in reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament. Uzumcugil O, Dogan 

    A, Dalyaman E, Yalcinkaya M, Akman E, Ozturkmen Y, Caniklioglu M. J Knee Surg. 2010 Mar;23(1):2935 


    A6. Results of “two above-one below approach” with intermediate screws at the fracture site in the surgical treatment of thoracolumbar burst fractures. 

    Onat Uzumcugil, Ahmet Dogan, Mehmet Yetis, Merter Yalcinkaya, Mustafa Caniklioglu Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences, 2010; 56(2):67-78 


    A7. Asymmetric bilateral traumatic dislocation of the hip joint: a case report 

    Nikola Azar, Merter Yalçınkaya, Yunus Emre Akman, Onat Üzümcügil, Yavuz S. Kabukçuoğlu Joint Diseases and Related Surgery 2010;21(2);118-121 


    A8. Clinical results of intramedullary nailing following closed or mini-open reduction in pediatric unstable diaphyseal forearm 

    Merter Yalçınkaya, Ahmet Doğan, Ufuk Özkaya, Sami Sökücü, Onat Üzümcügil, Yavuz Kabukçuoğlu Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica, 2010 44(1):7-13 


     A9. Clinical Importance of Femoral and Tibial Tunnel Localizations in Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction 

    Onat Üzümcügil, Ahmet Doğan,Merter Yalçınkaya, Y.Emre Akman, Erhan Mumcuoğlu, Nikola Azar Joint Diseases and Related Surgery 2009; 20 (1): 25-31 


    A10. A comparison of percutaneous and mini-open techniques of Achilles tenotomy: an experimental study in rats. 

    Ahmet Dogan, Onat Uzumcugil, Bartu Sarisozen, Bulent Ozdemir, Y.Emre Akman, Ergun Bozdag, Emin Sunbuloglu, Erol Bozkurt 

    Journal of Children’s Orthopaedics 2009; 3: 485-491 


    A11. Congenital pseudoarthrosis of the clavicle in two siblings 

    Y.Emre Akman, Ahmet Doğan, Onat Üzümcügil, Nikola Azar, Erhan Dalyaman, Yavuz Kabukçuoğlu Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica 2008; 42(5): 377-381 


    A12. Results of complete hemivertebra excision followed by circumferential fusion and anterior or posterior instrumentation in patients with type-IA formation defect , 

    1. Teoman Benli , Erbil Aydın, Ahmet Alanay, Onat Uzumcugil, Osman Buyukgullu, Mahmut Kıs European Spine Journal, Volume 15, Number 8 / August, 2006:1219-1229 


    A13. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Abnormalities of Neural Axis in Lenke Type 1 Idiopathic Scoliosis, 

    Benli I. Teoman, Uzumcugil Onat, Aydın Erbil, Ates Bulent, Gurses Levent, Hekimoglu Baki Spine, 31(16):1828-1833, July 15, 2006 


    A14. Evaluation of shoulder balance through growing rod intervention for early-onset scoliosis 

    Onat Uzumcugil, Yunus Atici, Yusuf Ozturkmen, Merter Yalcınkaya, Mustafa Caniklioglu J Spinal Disorders and Techniques 2012 Oct;25(7):391-400. 


    A15. Effect of PEEK polymer on tunnel widening after hamstring ACL reconstruction.Uzumcugil O, Yalcinkaya M, Ozturkmen Y, Dikmen G, Caniklioglu M.Orthopedics. 2012 May;35(5):e654-9. Doi: 


     A16. Clinical and radiological outcome of the growing rod technique in the management of scoliosis in young children 


    Mustafa Caniklioglu, Alper Gokce, Yusuf Ozturkmen, Nevzat Selim Gokay, Yunus Atıcı, Onat Uzumcugil


    Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica 2012; 46(5): 379-384 



    A17. The results of closing wedge osteotomy with posterior instrumented fusion for the surgical treatment of congenital kyphosis. Atici Y, Sökücü S, Uzümcügil O, Albayrak A, Erdoğan S, Kaygusuz MA. Eur Spine J. 2013 Mar 28. [Epub ahead of print] 


    A18. Total knee arthroplasty for the management of joint destruction in tuberculous arthritis 

    Oztürkmen Y, Uzümcügil O, Karamehmetoğlu M, Leblebici C, Caniklioğlu M.Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2013 Mar 21. [Epub ahead of print] 


    A19. [Treatment of a pregnant patient with bilateral traumatic bimalleolar ankle fracture: a case report]. Atıcı Y, Üzümcügil O, Yalçınkaya M, Atıcı A, Kabukçuoğlu YS, Öztürkmen Y.Joint Disease Surgery. 2013 Apr;24(1):53-7. doi: 10.5606/ehc.2013.13. Turkish. 


    A20. A comparison of continuous femoral nerve block and periarticular local infiltration analgesia in the management of early period pain developing after total knee arthroplasty. 

    Kovalak E, Doğan AT, Üzümcügil O, Obut A, Yıldız AS, Kanay E, Tüzüner T, Özyuvacı E. 

    Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2015;49(3):260-6. doi: 10.3944/AOTT.2015.14.0263. 


    A21. Sciatic nerve compression by an extrapelvic cyst secondary to wear debris after a cementless total hip arthroplasty: A case report and literature review. Mert M, Oztürkmen Y, Unkar EA, Erdoğan S, Uzümcügil O. 

    Int J Surg Case Rep. 2013;4(10):805-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2013.07.008. Epub 2013 Jul 29. 


    1. Abstracts-full texts presented in local and international scientific meetings and published in proceedings 

    B1. Comparison of single and dual growing rod techniques in terms of shoulder balance in the surgical treatment of early onset scoliosis 

    Onat Üzümcügil, Yunus Atıcı, Yusuf Öztürkmen, Merter Yalçınkaya, Mustafa Caniklioğlu 

    9th International Turkish Spine Congress April 27-30 2011, OP25, abstract book page no:25, Istanbul,Turkey 


    B2. Posterior selective fusion in Lenke Type 1 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis 

    Yunus Atıcı, Onat Üzümcügil, Özgür Çetinkaya, Merter Yalçınkaya, Murat Mert, Yusuf Öztürkmen, Mustafa Caniklioğlu 

    9th International Turkish Spine Congress April 27-30 2011, OP28, abstract book page no:28, Istanbul,Turkey 


    B3. Three-rod technique (two rods on concave) in treatment of severe scoliosis 

    Yunus Atıcı, Murat Mert, Onat Üzümcügil, Sinan Erdoğan, Barış Polat, Mustafa Caniklioğlu 

    9th International Turkish Spine Congress April 27-30 2011, PP53, abstract book page no:133, Istanbul,Turkey 


    B4. Is excessive correction of Lenke Type 1 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis lead to coronal decompensation? 

    Yunus Atıcı, Sinan Erdoğan, Murat Mert, Onat Üzümcügil, Abdullah Yener İnce, Barış Polat, Mustafa Caniklioğlu 

    9th International Turkish Spine Congress April 27-30 2011, PP60, abstract book page no:140, Istanbul, Turkey 


    B5. Coronal and sagittal balance in the treatment of Lenke type 3 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with posterior fusion 

    Kaddafi Duymuş, Merter Yalçınkaya, Onat Üzümcügil, Yunus Atıcı, Özgür Çetinkaya, Hilmi Karadeniz, Mustafa Caniklioğlu 

    9th International Turkish Spine Congress April 27-30 2011, PP61, abstract book page no: 141, Istanbul, Turkey 


    B6. Pediatric triquetrum fracture: a case report 

    Merter Yalcınkaya, Ahmet Dogan, Onat Uzumcugil, Yunus Atici 

    30. Meeting of the European Pediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS), April 6-9, 2011, E37, Basel, Switzerland.(J Child Orthop(2011) 5 (Suppl 1):S37-S77) 


    B7. Long term complications of complete subtalar release technique in the treatment of clubfoot 

    Merter Yalçınkaya, Ahmet Dogan, Onat Uzumcugil, Yunus Atici, Gazi Zorer 

    30. Meeting of the European Pediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS), April 6-9, 2011, 8, Basel, Switzerland.(J Child Orthop(2011) 5 (Suppl 1):S1-S35) 


    B8. The early post-operative results in the patients with progressive early onset scoliosis that 

    underwent posterior spinal fusion folowing growing rod technique 

    Yunus Atici, Yunus Akman, Ali Ozluk, Murat Mert, Ilhan Acıkgoz, Yusuf Ozturkmen, Onat Uzumcugil

    Engin Carkci, Mustafa Caniklioglu 

    3. International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis and Growing Spine (ICEOS), November 20-21, E-poster 142, Istanbul, Turkey (J Child Orthop (2009) 3:503-533 


    B9. Do all the patients who attended to the emergency department with orthopaedic complaints really have urgent conditions? 

    Merter Yalçınkaya, Ahmet Doğan, Onat Üzümcügil, Özgür Çetinkaya, Zafer Solak 

    10th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, May 13-17, 2009, p 55, Antalya, Turkey 


    B10. Comparison of mini open and percutaneous intramedullary nailing techniques in paediatric unstable diaphyseal forearm fractures 

    Merter Yalcinkaya, Ahmet Dogan, Ufuk Ozkaya, Sami Sokucu, Onat Uzumcugil, Yavuz Kabukcuoglu 

    28. Meeting of the European Pediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS), April 1-4, 2009, p S78, Lisbon, Portugal 


    B11. Greater trochanteric transfer: does it work in all patients with coxa vara deformity? 

    Ahmet Dogan, Onat Uzumcugil, Merter Yalcınkaya, Gazi Zorer 

    28. Meeting of the European Pediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS), April 1-4, 2009, 168, Lisbon, Portugal(J Child Orthop (2009) 3(Suppl 1):S1-S90 


    B12. Morphometric characteristics of L5 vertebra in Turkish society. 

    1. Emre Akman, Nikola Azar, Merter Yalçınkaya, Onat Üzümcügil, Yavuz S. Kabukçuoğlu, Erhan Mumcuoğlu 

    The Journal Of Turkish Spinal Surgery 2008;19 (Supplement-1):89 (8th International Turkish Spine Congress, October 23-26, 2008, Çeşme, İzmir, Proceedings of Congress) 


    B13. Place of computed tomography in differentiation of critical /non-critical pedicle and corpus perforations in instrumentation of the lumbar vertebrae with funnel technique. 

    Nikola Azar, Y.Emre Akman, Erhan Dalyaman, Onat Üzümcügil, Yavuz Kabukçuoğlu, Ahmet Doğan 

    The Journal Of Turkish Spinal Surgery 2008;19 (Supplement-1):72 (8th International Turkish Spine Congress, October 23-26, 2008, Çeşme, İzmir, Proceedings of Congress) 


    B14. Outcomes of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction 

    Hakan Aslan, Tibet Altuğ, Onat Üzümcügil, Çağlar Koçer 

    7th Congress of Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Combined with the 3rd Congress of Asia Pacific Knee Society, November 01-04, 2004, free paper 20, abstract book, page number: 30, Ankara, Turkey 


    1. Articles published in local peer-review journals:

    D1. Unusual clinical picture of superior gluteal artery injury: Case report 

    Yusuf Öztürkmen, Merter Yalçınkaya, Onat Üzümcügil, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu Journal of TSOT 2011;10(4);331-334 


    D2. Posterior selective fusion in Lenke Type 1 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis 

    Yunus Atıcı, Onat Üzümcügil, Özgür Çetinkaya, Merter Yalçınkaya, Murat Mert, Yusuf Öztürkmen, Mustafa Caniklioğlu 

    Turkish Journal of Spinal Surgery, 2011;22(2):87-98 


    D3. Outcomes of implantation of posterior pedicle screw alone in surgical treatment of Scheuermannʼs kyphosis. 

    Onat Üzümcügil, Yunus Atıcı, Kaddafi Duymuş, Ali V. Özlük, Erhan Şükür, Mustafa Caniklioğlu Turkish Journal of Spinal Surgery 2010; 21(2): 137-146 


    D4. Comparison of posterior spinal correction and fusion with hybrid-system instrumentation and pedicle screw in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. 

    Onat Üzümcügil, Yunus Atıcı, Kaddafi Duymuş, Erhan Şükür, Merter yalçınkaya, Murat Mert, Mustafa Caniklioğlu

    Turkish Journal of Spinal Surgery 2010; 21(1): 29-38   

    D5. Our mid-term outcomes in surgical treatment of pediatric supracondylar humeral fractures with medial approach 

    Onat Üzümcügil, Ahmet Doğan, Mehmet Yetiş, Nikola Azar, Merter Yalçınkaya, Yavuz Kabukçuoğlu Medical Bulletin, Şişli Etfal Hospital, 2009; 43 (3): 126-130 


    D6. Our mid-term outcomes in treatment of tibial diaphyseal fractures with locked intramedullary nailing. 

    Onat Üzümcügil, Ahmet Doğan, Merter Yalçınkaya, M.Zafer Dağtaş, Erhan Mumcuoğlu, Yavuz Kabukçuoğlu 

    Medical Bulletin, Şişli Etfal Hospital, 2009; 43 (2): 82-88 


    D7. Place of computed tomography in differentiation of critical /non-critical pedicle and corpus perforations in instrumentation of the lumbar vertebrae with funnel technique. 

    Nikola Azar, Y.Emre Akman, Erhan Dalyaman, Onat Üzümcügil, Yavuz Kabukçuoğlu, Ahmet Doğan 

    Turkish Journal of Spinal Surgery 2009; 20(1): 11-16 

    D8. Evaluating the relationship between radiological parameters and clinical findings in surgically treated thoracolumbar burst fracture 

    Onat Üzümcügil, Y.Emre Akman, Nikola Azar, Mehmet Yetiş, Ahmet Doğan Turkish Journal of Spinal Surgery 2009; 20(2): 63-68 


    D9. Long-segment posterior instrumentation following close posterior wedge osteotomy for the treatment of kyphotic deformity in patients with ankylosing spondylitis 

    Onat Üzümcügil, Ali Volkan Özlük, Murat Mert, Yunus Atıcı, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, İ. Teoman Benli, Alper Kaya 

    Turkish Journal of Spinal Surgery 2009; 20(3): 54-58 


    D10. Morphometric characteristics of L5 vertebra in Turkish society. 

    1. Emre Akman, Nikola Azar, Merter Yalçınkaya, Onat Üzümcügil, Yavuz S. Kabukçuoğlu, Erhan Mumcuoğlu 

    Turkish Journal of Spinal Surgery, 2008;19(4):373-380 


    D11. Hajdu-Cheney Syndrome associated with kyphoscoliosis and bilateral toxic synovitis. (Case report) 

    İ. Teoman Benli, Onat Üzümcügil, Alper Kaya, Teoman Dönmez 

    Turkish Journal of Spinal Surgery, 2006;17(1):25-39 


    D12. Outcomes in treatment of Scheurmann Kyphosis with Milwaukee Corset. 

    Kerem Kurt, İ. Teoman Benli, Çağlar Koçer, Onat Üzümcügil, Bülent Ateş, Erbil Aydın Joint Diseases and Related Surgery 2005;16(1):20-30 


    D13. Treatment of severe scoliosis and kyphoscoliosis with 3-rod technique 

    Yunus Atıcı , Onat Üzümcügil , Murat Mert , Sinan Erdoğan , Engin Çarkçı , Barış Polat , Mustafa Caniklioğlu 

     Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery 2012;23(3):197-204 

    D14. Scheurmann Kyphosis 

    Onat Üzümcügil , Ethem Ayhan Ünkar , Yunus Atıcı , Ali Volkan Özlük , Murat Mert , Emrah Kovalak , Yusuf Öztürkmen , Mustafa Caniklioğlu 

    D15. Clinical outcomes of aseptic thoracolumbar pseudoarthrosis occurred after posterior spinal instrumentation 

     Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery 2012;23(3):241-252 


    Hilmi KARADENİZ , Sinan ERDOĞAN , Yunus ATICI , Onat ÜZÜMCÜGİL , Murat MERT , Engin ÇARKÇI , Gürdal NUSRAN , Erhan ŞÜKÜR 

     Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery 2013;24(1):47-60 

    1. Abstracts-full texts presented in national scientific meetings and published in proceedings 

    E1. Relation of aseptic pseudoarthrosis occurred after posterior thoracolumbar instrumentation with number of fused vertebra in scoliosis. 

    Hilmi Karadeniz, Onat Üzümcügil, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Tahir Mutlu Duymuş, Yunus Atıcı, Abdullah Yener İnce 

    Orthopedics and Traumatology İstanbul Meeting, May 4-7, 2011, SS33, Proceedings, page no: 57, İstanbul, Turkey 


    E2. Our outcomes of internal fixation in treatment of fractures following splitting of humeral head in adolescents. 

    Yusuf Öztürkmen, Onat Üzümcügil, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Engin Çarkçı, Mustafa Caniklioğlu 

    Orthopedics and Traumatology İstanbul Meeting, May 4-7, 2011, PS33, Proceedings book, page no: 133, İstanbul, Turkey 


    E3. Open reduction with anterior approach and internal fixation method with Herbert screws in fractures of capitellum 

    Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Yusuf Öztürkmen, Onat Üzümcügil, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Sinan Erdoğan 

    Orthopedics and Traumatology İstanbul Meeting, May 4-7, 2011, PS31, Proceedings book, page no: 135, İstanbul, Turkey 


    E4. Does aperture graft fixation using AperFix device effect tunnel widening after hamstring anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction?: A radiographic comparison of three different fixation devices 





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Where you go for medical treatment

Muhammed Gomec
  • 5 Excellent 1 review
  • 16 years of experience
  • Turkey, Sivas, Medicana Sivas Hospital
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Fatih Arslanohlu
  • 4.7 Excellent 45 reviews
  • 15 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Valued Med Hub Hospitals
  • Education and Expertise


    Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine - 2010


    İstanbul Metin Sabancı Baltalimanı Bone Diseases Training and Research Hospital – Orthopedics and Traumatology – 2016



    Work experiences


    Private Family Hospital

    Private Atakoy Hospital

    Sancaktepe Health Center

    Baltalimanı Bone Diseases Training and Research Hospital


    Diyarbakir Selahaddin Eyyubi State Hospital



    Subjects He Is Competent And Interested In:

    Knee Calcification

    Knee pain

    Meniscus Tear

    Knee Ligament Injuries

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Neck pain

    Orthopedic Diseases

    Shoulder Instability

    Shoulder Dislocation

    Shoulder pain


    Recurrent Shoulder Dislocations

    Hip and Knee Prosthesis

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Melih Ucer
  • New
  • 18 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Biruni University Hospital
  • Education

    University of Wisconsin Clinic of Neurosurgery (2017, Madison/USA)
    Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital (2014, Istanbul/Turkey)
    Mersin University Faculty of Medicine (2007, Mersin/Turkey)



    Istanbul Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Training and Research Hospital (2014-2021, Istanbul/Turkey)
    Istanbul Bakırköy Mental and Neurological Diseases Hospital (2008-2014, Istanbul/Turkey)
    Çorlu State Hospital (2007-2008, Çorlu/Turkey)

    • In 2014, I completed my specialty training in the Department of Neurosurgery at Istanbul Bakırköy Prof. Dr. Mazhar Osman Mental Health and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital and started to work as a specialist in Neurosurgery at Istanbul Health Sciences University Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Training and Research Hospital,
    • In 2017, I was a visiting scholar at the University of Wisconsin Department of Neurosurgery/ Madison USA.
    • In 2021, I received the title of associate professor.
    • In December 2021, I left Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Training and Research Hospital, where I worked for 7.5 years, and started working at Biruni University Hospital.

    Scientific Memeberships

    Turkish Neurosurgical Society
    Turkish Spine Society
    Turkish Medical Association


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Complex treatment of thyroid cancer
$200 - $200
Necdet Demir
  • New
  • 15 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Biruni University Hospital
  • Education

    Undergraduate: Medicine, Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 2004-2010
    Ph: Orthopedics and Traumatology, Bezmialem Vakif University Faculty of Medicine, 2011-2016

    Hakkari Yüksekova State Hospital (2016 - 2017, State Service Yüas Deputy Chief Physician)
    Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Biruni University Faculty of Medicine (2017 - present)
    Head of Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Biruni University Faculty of Medicine (2018 - present)


    General Practitioner, Muş Merkez Azize Hersat Health Center (DHY), 2010-2010
    General Practitioner, Muş Varto State Hospital Emergency Department (DHY), 2010-2010
    General Practitioner, Muş State Hospital Emergency Department (DHY), 2010-2011
    Assistant Physician, Bezmialem Vakıf University Faculty of Medicine, 2011-2016
    Specialist Physician (Op. Dr.), Hakkari Yüksekova State Hospital (DHY), 2016-2017
    Dr. Assoc. Member, Biruni University Faculty of Medicine Hospital, 2017 (currently)


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Complex treatment of thyroid cancer
$200 - $200
Abdullah Ozkardes
  • New
  • 33 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Biruni University Hospital
  • Education

    GATA Faculty of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine Education, 1984, Ankara/Istanbul
    GATA Faculty of Medicine, Neurology Residency, 1992, Ankara/Istanbul


    GATA Neurology Department Specialization Student (1987-1992, Ankara/Turkey)
    GATA Neurology Department Assistant Professor (1992-1995, Ankara/Turkey)
    KüTahya Air Hospital Neurology Specialist and Chief Physician (1995-2003, Kütahya/Turkey)
    Şişli Memorial Hospital Neurology Specialist (2004-2021, Istanbul/Turkey)

    I completed my primary, secondary and high school education in Konya, my hometown, and my medical school and medical specialty education in Ankara GATA. I received flight medicine training and worked as a flight physician in the military and civilian sectors. I received beginner and advanced photography training and opened 4 photography exhibitions. I have made photography studies in 56 countries in Turkey and in 56 countries that I had the opportunity to visit.


    Scientific Memberships

    Turkish Medical Association
    DGCA Health Board Membership

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Complex treatment of thyroid cancer
$200 - $200
Omur Gunaldi
  • 4.7 Excellent 45 reviews
  • 24 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Valued Med Hub Hospitals
  • Dr Önul is FROM THE BEST DOCTORS in the field of Endoscopic skull base surgery and pituitary surgery Brain tumor surgery (Neuro Oncological surgery)

    I was born in Artvin in 1977. He became a doctor from KTU Faculty of Medicine in 2001, and Bakırköy Prof. Dr. I became a Neurosurgery Specialist by getting the title of specialist from Mazhar Osman Mental Health and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital. Again, in the same hospital, I was entitled to the title of associate professor in 2016. I continue to work at Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital, where I voluntarily joined with the task of establishing the Neurosurgery Clinic with my teammates. I am married and have 2 children. I love painting. I am very interested in children's literature. I have 10 printed children's tales

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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Ismail Yildiz
  • New
  • 14 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Biruni University Hospital
  • Education

    Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Anesthesiology and Reanimation Residency, 2011, Eskişehir/Turkey
    Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine Residency, 2000, Eskişehir/Turkey.



    Biruni University Hospital, 2021, Istanbul/Turkey
    Kilis State Hospital, 2017-2019, Kilis/Turkey
    Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine Hospital (Intensive Care Subspecialty Training), 2014-2017, Antalya/Turkey
    Afyon State Hospital, 2013-2014, Afyon/Turkey
    Ağrı State Hospital, 2011-2013, Ağrı/Turkey

    Scientific Memberships 

    Istanbul Medical Chamber
    Turkish Intensive Care Association
    TARD (Turkish Society of Anesthesiology and Reanimation)
    ESICM (European Society of Intensive Care Medicine)
    SCCM (Society of Critical Care Medicine)

    Anesthesia and Reanimation

    • -ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation)
    • -Sepsis
    • -Renal Replacement Therapy
    • -Echocardiography, Ultrasonography
    • -Brain Death, Organ Donation
    • -ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome)
    • -Organ Transplant
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Complex treatment of thyroid cancer
$200 - $200
Abdulkerim Yilmaz
  • 5 Excellent 1 review
  • 34 years of experience
  • Turkey, Sivas, Medicana Sivas Hospital
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Nail Ozdemir
  • New
  • 31 years of experience
  • Turkey, İzmir, Dr Özgür Akşan - Health Türkiye
  • Dr. Nail Özdemir was born in Akhisar/Manisa on March 6, 1971. He graduated from Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine in 1994. He received his specialization in Neurosurgery from the Neurosurgery Department of Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine in 2002. From 2003 to 2010, he worked as a specialist at the Neurosurgery Clinic of Izmir Atatürk Education and Research Hospital, and from 2010 to 2019, he worked as a chief resident, associate professor, and lecturer at the Neurosurgery Clinic of Izmir Tepecik Education and Research Hospital. In 2013, while working at the Neurosurgery Clinic of Izmir Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, he became an associate professor. Since March 2019, he has been working as a freelance physician at his own private practice.

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Doctor's visit
Price on request
Adem Yilmaz
  • 5 Excellent 1 review
  • 32 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Medistate Hospital Istanbul
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Dr Sidar Ozturk
  • 4.4 Good 14 reviews
  • 21 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Hermes Clinics
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Dr Kutsi Tuncer
  • 4.4 Good 14 reviews
  • 18 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Hermes Clinics
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Hamza Ugur Bozbey
  • New
  • 11 years of experience
  • Turkey, Istanbul, Uniqacare Clinic
Doctor's visit
Price on request
Choosing Right Doctor and Clinic: Insider Tips
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Review success rates
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Read patient reviews
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Ensure effective communication
Pick clinics that offer language support for a smooth treatment process.
Ask about services
Confirm if they provide accommodation and transfers, and check the costs.
Choosing a clinic abroad can be stressful. At Bookimed, with over 800K patients helped, we understand your concerns. We know how to find trusted doctors, the best price-quality options, and solutions for even complex cases. We’re here to guide you every step of the way.
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