Medical Center in Solingen
Ralf Buhl
At Solingen Medical Center physicians address larynx (throat) cancer in the Oncology Department. Treatment success rates in the Hospital are up to 88% for 1-2 stages and up to 77% for 3rd stage. Beside tumor removal operation, surgeons of Throat Сancer Hospital carry out replacement of vocal cards. To diagnose throat cancer, MRI is carried out by for patients, as well as biopsy, PET-CT, X-ray, and fibro laryngoscopy.
Oncologists manage the disease by applying radiation and chemo for throat cancer treatment. These methods are utilized for 1st stages of cancer as the main treatment option. Radio- and chemo therapies are used before or after the surgery to effectively treat late stages of cancer.
Recovery period and hospital stay depend on patient condition and stage of the disease.